Holy crap! 100 reviews? I never imagined any of my stories, especially this story, would ever get that many reviews! I want to thank all of you wonderful peoples! You're all awesome!

Why haven't I updated in forever? School. That is all.


Dear Remus,
So... I TOLD HER! XD And she likes me back! :D
I'm So happy...
Um... well the Sorting Hat had trouble sorting me... It was between Ravenclaw and *whispers* Slytherin... DON'T JUDGE ME. Some of my best friends are muggle born. And Just because I was Sorted into this house doesn't mean I'm evil... I'm just overly ambitious...
Don't Judge me Please...

Dear imSiriuslyLupin4you,
Congratulations! I'm extremely happy for you.
Well I'm not.
Why is that?
Because she's a Slytherin.
Do you really have to be such a dick?
You want me to su-
I won't judge you, but apparently that doesn't mean certain mutts won't.
Once again, congrats.


Dear Marauders (I have no clue who will answer anymore),
Sirius, let's just leave it at Bellatrix is insane. And I can't exactly tell you why you would go to the Ministry. Let's just say it's to save someone you care about.
Peter, I feel bad for you. May I suggest ear plugs or maybe you should put a silencing charm on the both of them while they're asleep? It might help. Or maybe you two can somehow get Sirius and Remus in the same bed somehow, and you and James can go sleep in the Room of Requirement that night. Then they could finally hook up. But since there's Sirius, they might end up going St it like rabbits. If that happens, then I suggest that you and James take permanent residence in the Room of Requirement or make sure they use a silencing charm. Or make them stay in the Room of Requirement.
Since this was originally Remus' advice colemn, I should put something in here for him. Well, this next part can go for Sirius too. Did you do it? Did you? And did you two finally get together? If you two didn't, then I must say that you two are then stupid and blind.
Since 3/4 of the Marsuders are already here, might as well leave something for James. STOP BEING A PRAT! LEAVE SNAPE ALONE! DON'T ASK LILY OUT ALL THE TIME! She needs her space.
Question: If you could relive any moment in your life, which moment would it be?
~that one person

Dear that one person,
No shit, Sherlock. I already knew Bellatrix was insane. She was born upside-down.
Yeah. No joke.
Why the hell do you feel bad for Wormtail? And why does he need earplugs?
Woah... why would you want Peter to put Sirius and I in the same bed? I end up in certain... situations at night that do not need to become known to some people.
Do they happen to be 'sticky' situations? Haha, I made a pun!
Not necessarily... and your puns are horrible!
Why are you blushing?
Shut up.
We are not together, and we are not blind. I'm not stupid, but I don't know about the git over there.
Why do you feel the need to insult me?
I'm the top in most classes. Besides History of Magic, but who gives a damn about that?
We'll be sure to tell James to leave Lily alone. Not like he ever listens to us, but we can always try.
I would relive last-
Whoops! Damn, the eraser isn't working.
I would relive the first time I ate honey.
Huh? Why that?
I won't question your oddities.
I would relive the first time I met Sirius and James. It was one of the best times of my life.


What do you like BEST about being a Marauder?

Dear andvellapaz,
The thing he likes best is the fact that he can hang out with me all the time and think about what it would feel like to have my-
You are vile, Sirius. (Besides, I would top in any relationship.)
The thing I like best about being a Maruader is that I have friends.
With benefits.
...you are starting to get on my nerves.
Just now?


Like the new opening? And I heard you two snogged! *runs and tells the RLSB fan club* Okay, I am back. Sirius, a happy dance is any kind of dance. Mine is known to be like the macarana amd bring on rain. Yours could be a dirty dance if you wish. Remus, no, James did not answery letter, and aliens are real! If you dont come to believe than they will get you! Sirius! We must convince him before its too late!
Chocolate Covered Stalker
P.S. I heard something about a chocolate eating contest? Please, tell me its true! I beg of you!

Dear Chocolate Covered Stalker,
Aliens are not real, for the last time. They will not get me, as it would be impossible for something that doesn't exist to capture me.
Remyyyyy, they 'are' real.
No, they are not.


Dear Remus,
It's nice to see that you and Sirius are having fun answering these letters. You don't want to even know how much I had to go through to send you this letter, but I won't go in to it now. Anyway I need some advice on something... My boyfried has siriusly pissed off a certain Moldy-shorts that we all know and hate. Now he's on the run and because he doesn't want Moldy-shorts after me he's broken up with me. I told him that he shouldn't be a stupid hero or anything, but he just won't listen! Anyway do you think that there's anything I can do about this situation?

Dear G.M.W.,
Does your boyfriend's name happen to be Alfred, with him wanting to be a hero and all?
Where the hell do you get this stuff?
My suggestion is that you make the choice to either wait for him to come back or move on. It's your decision.


Dear The Marauders,
I'm not sure who will eventually end up answering this, so I'm just adressing it to all of you. First off, YOU TWO SNOGGED? I thought you had trouble admitting your feelings for each other, and now you're snogging? I do admit that I could be wrong that it was Peter that started the rumor, but I heard several girls in my dorm say that they heard him say that. As well as something about animaguses that I didn't catch. He was probably just trying to seem brilliant or something. Allright question time! When did James first figure out that he liked Lily? What is arithmancy even about? (I'm thinking about taking the class) Also why did you two snog?
Yours Awesomely (Me not you Siriusly-big-head)

Dear RandomRavenclaw,
Sirius and I do 'not' have feelings for each other. We snogged on a dare.
James started fancying Lily in third year.
And it's been hell ever since.
Arithmancy is the wizarding equivalent of muggle math, but a tad different, as it has to do with magic and such.
For the second time, we snogged on a dare.
Since you think you're so awesome, does your name happen to be Gilbert, and do you happen to be an albino?
Again, where the hell are you getting this stuff?


hi remusssss!
do u like justen beebir?

Dear child,
What the 'fuck' is wrong with your brain?
Woah... did Remus Lupin just drop an F-bomb when he wouldn't let me last chapter?
What the fucking hell is wrong with your fucking grammar? Have you ever spent a fucking day at a fucking school that teaches fucking idiots such as your fucking self how to fucking spell?
Remus, calm down!
Shut the fuck up!
O.O He finally cracked.
I did not fucking crack, Sirius! Fuck you!
O.O I hope McGonagall doesn't get a hold of this letter. (and I might take him up on that offer later)
Always sexy,
Sirius (I had to take the letter away from Remus. He's mad!)


Dear Remus,
What is your favourite type of chocolate?
Also, what is your favourite muggle song at the moment?
Mini Luna

Dear Mini Luna,
I am having to answer this letter at the moment. Remus is having a swearing fit.
I will tell this one thing, but you have to promise to keep it a secret, 'kay?
Remus' favorite kind of chocolate is the kind that he licked off me last night.
I dunno what his favorite muggle song is.
I just asked him. He said it was "Fuck Idiots of the World Who Don't Know Grammar". I don't know what kind of song that is.
Always sexy,


Dear Remus and Sirius
First, let me thank you for... yeah, something.. oh, yeah, this open space for the readers! Sorry, lack of sex and all that comes with it (it is up to you to decide if I'm being Serious or... Sirius).
Now, on to other things, that I forgot again. Giant Squid should bugger Severus for that. *sigh*
Looks like this letter will be cut short, but I still have time for some advice.
Sirius: Regarding your drapery problem, get some red and black armour with wheels on the feet and a cape, another wand and call yourself Trombe! (yes, that exclamation mark is part of the name). You'll have a theme song that overrides anything and you cannot be killed because you reached the Critical Mass for Awesomeness.
There are conditions, though. You have to get some sunglasses, an aviator jacket (ask a muggleborn or a half-blood) about it, and change your name. If they say that you are Sirius, you have to deny and say your new name.
Remus: Search for a bald priest. It cannot be any bald priest though. He has a brown beard and this head kind of shines. Ask him for a promotion. It does not solve your furry problem, but you'll find out that you'll look... well, badass.
Kind Regards
Very Strange "I _need_ to tone down my geekiness" Guy
Remus: The guy has to say "Little Lost lamb! Speak your desire, and the powers of Light will surely grant it!", else he could be a fake priest, or a disciple of Slaneesh.

Dear Very Strange "I _need_ to tone down my geekiness" Guy,
What the hell o.O?
Always sexy,


Dear Remus and Sirius,
Shag. Now.
Fangirls everywhere.

Dear Fangirls everywhere,
Of course I had to calm down in time for this question.
Sirius and I will not shag, ever. Period.
Haha, you sounded like England.
Sirius, of couse I sounded English. I'm from England; so are you.
Nevermind, you don't get it.


Dear Remus and Sirius,
I'm wearing new socks! There blue, I like them! Do you have new socks? I think not! Have you ever shared chocolate with anyone? I was abducted by aliens once... They started doing the time warp. ;)

Dear Zora,
Hooray for you for getting new socks.
I am always made to share my stuff. Including my delicious chocolate.
SHE GOT ABDUCTED BY ALIENS! SEE? I told you they were real!


May I talk to James please? James, as far as Lily goes, you should sit back and wait for Snape to make a stupid mistake. Its only a matter of time, then she will turn to you. And then you can hex him for being a jackass. Just so you know, Peter will betray you to Voldemort. He's evil. Oh and Sirius cracks me up.

Dear person who didn't leave a name,
Snape is stupid. That's the way he was born. Mentally retarded.
If you're going to write in my lettters, use proper grammar, please.
I hex him anyway, jackass or not.
Pete would never betray me. He's one of my best friends.
Good to know that I'm bloody hilarious!
My stuff is never mine, is it?
Lily will love me!
P.S. James, you can leave now.


Dear Remus and his best friend Sirius,
I just exchanged here from the Salem Witch Academy and I have a problem I'm sure you two are very familiar with... I'm a Bloddy Werewolf! (DAMN YOU GREYBACK!) Professor Dumbledore told me to talk to you (Remus) about how you deal. I'm in your year ad a Gryffindor. Please help me.
I'm all alone.
Miss R.E. Mulvey

Dear Miss R.E. Mulvey,
You are a Sue.
There's no way you can be in our year. There's only ten students per year, and we already have ten fifth year students. Don't believe me? Here's a list:

Me (Remus)










See? Besides that, Hogwarts doesn't do an exchange student program.
By the way, it's spelt "bloody".


Dear Remus,
Do you ever feel like you are a secret agent trapped in a blue-green platypus's body with a tiny brown fedora hat?
And Dear Sirius,
If I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?

Dear Blank (you didn't leave a name),
Are you asking me if I ever feel like Perry the Platypus from the muggle show Phineas and Ferb? Sometimes, I suppose. I have to listen to James' and Sirius' insane plans just like he has to listen to Dr. Doofenschmirtz' (I'm not sure if I spelt his name correctly).
There's only one person who can have my body, and it's not you. But I won't hold it against you. I know I'm incredibley sexy!
Big head.


Dear Sirius and Remus, ok first things first: Sirius is sexy. but Remus is supermegafoxyawesomehot. okay going off topic... does dumbledore have a boss Zefron poster in his office?
from the amazing, Awesome Ninja Wizard Girl

Dear Awesome Ninja Wizard Girl,
As far as I know, Dumbledore does not have a Zac Efron poster in his office.
P.S. Though he may have posters of me 'cause I'm sexy!


Dear Remus,
I'm considered a slut. For no reason. And because of this no one talks to me worried i'll rape them in an empty classroom...what should I do?

Dear slut-with-no-name,
You sound like Seychelles.
How can a country/island be a slut?
Try to convince people otherwise. Dressing modestly might help if you dress like a prostitute at the moment.


hey Remus (and Sirius),
You guy's seem to be tiptoeing round each other, just talk to one another then you'll work out whom has a crush on whom already!
Anyway, is it normal to fall in love with a character from a book? Or have a crush on them? Because I don't know! (BTW talking about a certain Remus Lupin here!)
Love you!

Dear LWWF,
We talk to each other all the time.
I'm not a book character, obviously, since I'm responding to this letter. But yes, it's perfectly normal to have crushes on people.


Dear Sirius.
Sorry Remus I know this is your column thingy but Sirius replyed to me last time and I'm going to put certain bits of info in that he might not want you to see- so Shoo and go get some chocolate.
Now that's out of the way...
Sorry Sirius I didn't mean to upset you. It's just all that flirting you guys did implied alot... Now all I'm going to say, that you wrote a a reply letter, that Remus had no clue about, explaining how much you love him. How do you know that Remus didn't do the same thing... i belive a few chapters back, you were busy and Remus wrote a reply without you to someone *cough icebluecrystal cough* You might want to find that letter...

Dear IT'S ME,
I got rid of Remus! Wahoo!
It's okay. I forgive you, as you didn't mean to.
I now know Remus loves me. End of story.
Always sexy,


Dear Remus and Sirius.
It's me again! To answer your question Remus, everybody being your letter-senders (I dunno if that makes sense) but Anyway just because he's rude Sirius, doesn't mean he hates you he could be just hiding certain feelings (*cough love cough*)
But so my real question is what's up with your obsession with aliens, Sirus? Have you ever actually met one?
, MBR(:

Dear MBR,
Remus has been distracted with eating chocolate, so I can answer your letter with my sexy answers.
I wish I could meet a blue alien with red eyes named Tonny/Tony who curses out British people. Yeah.
Always sexy,


Dear James:
You're a douche, but you're lovable. Be kinder.
Sincerely, Gem.

Dear Gem,
I'm not a douche.
Yes, you are.
No I'm not!
There should be a comma between "no" and "I'm".
See if I care.
Of course I'm lovable!


Dear Remus,
how did you James and Sirius become such good friends? I am going to a new school and I want to make best friends. Did you wait a while before making any friends?
Lots of love, f
p.s. Is it hard making friends with your condition?

Dear F,
Your name stands for fuck!
Honestly, I don't know how I became friends with Sirius and James, nor do I know why I'm friends with them.
I met Sirius and James on the train, and they pretty much forced me to become friends with them. Goody for me.
It's not so much making friends that's hard, it's getting them to accept me.


Dear Remus and sirius,
let's say, hypothetically, you were gay. Hypothetically. And your friends were very religious and they disliked gays. What would you do? Would you come out, or what?
Ps you and Sirius have some definite chemistry. I can tell you both are in love! Don't deny it!

Dear Bobbi,
I would hypothetically stay in the hypothetical closet.


Dear Remus and Sirius,
hi. My name is Anya. I'm fifteen and I just discovered I'm royalty. My mother was a werewolf and empress to a small island invisible to muggles in the middle of the English channel. All my family is dead. I'm the only survior from the reveloution. I'm in a very same situation as the romonovs. I don't know what to do. I want to finish school at the Canadian school Potter school of witchcraft, but the paintings of my dead family keep telling me to become empress! I'm so confused!
grand duchess Anastasia "Anya" Queen

Dear grand duchess Anastasia "Anya" Queen,
Good Merlin, not another Mary Sue! How many of them can pop up today?
She has a longass name.
Let me correct your spelling errors.
It's "dutchess", not "duchess".
What is the first one suppose to sound like, anyways? Douchess?
It's "revolution", not "reveloution".
If you're confused, I suggest your kill yourself. Since you're a Sue, you'll come back to life.


Dear Remus,
I hear you have 'a certain time of the month.' Does this mean you're a girl?
Lots of love, sock puppet mania
ps Sirius don't tease poor Remus about this. He can get very hormonal over his Pre Moon Stress. :)

Dear sock puppet mania,
I'm not a bloody woman. It's not funny.


Dear Remus and Sirius (and James),
Yeah, Trelawney's a fraud...she's really creepy...and if she asks to tell your fortune, say no. She'll probably tell you that you're in grave danger.
James' fortune: James will marry Lily and have a son named Harry, but soon after the Dark Lord will kill the couple.
I'm sure you want to hear what happens to Snape. :}
Love you lots,

Dear PurplePrincess77,
I don't know how Trelawny came into this converstation, but she's always foretelling doom. She's creepy.
You just reiterated what they said, Sirius.
I'm sure you're a fraud like Trelawny. It takes one to know one, after all.
I wanna hear what happens to that bastard! Tell me!
Really, Sirius? You insult Snape every chance you get. It's rather annoying.


Hey you two lovebirds ;)
WHEN are you'll ever going to admit your love for one another? Cuz we know its looove! :P So tell me Remus what was your most embarassing moment in Hogwarts? Was Sirius around then?
And how did you and Sirius meet back in first year? :)
Much love,

Dear RSFAN!,
Last night.
RSFAN, you have to swear on your genitals that you will not tell anyone what Sirius just said! Especially James and Peter! Please!
Fuck. It won't erase.
Don't say that!
Sirius and I met on the train.
The most embarassing thing happend when I fell asleep in class (it was the day after the full moon), and I ended up having an... interesting dream. Talking in your sleep is never good.
I was there! It was pretty funny.
Shut up.


Dear... Umm, Marauders,
What is your favorite song?
P.S. Hi Sirius! You're my favorite!

Dear awesomeness33,
My favorite song is the Muggle song "Firework" by the American artist Katy Perry.
I like this ending theme that I don't know the words to. All I know is that it's from something some fourth year muggle-born showed me.


Dear Moony and Padfoot
Let me ask you guys a question
What in the effing world is wrong with the world?
Alfred: Don't worry I'm the hero I can protect anyone from the world!
Me: Oh Alfred shut up you can't even save yourself from ghost are you sure you're not afraid of ghost.
Mathew: Hi might as well just stop by a while or ya by the way Alfred hit me in the crotch with a baseball while we are playing catch.
Me: What Alfred how could you do this to your brother? * takes out katana and cut Alfred until he bleeds badly*
Arthur: BLOODY HELL Klaine Love what did you do why is the place so bloody?
Me: Well Arthur because I trying to cut Alfred with my katana because he hit Mathew's crotch with his baseball so I just trying to protect my friends.
Arthur: Oh
Me: Sorry about that. Here is one year supply od chocolate.

Dear Klaine Love,
o.O WTF?
This sounds almost exactly like something that muggle-born showed me. Even the game of catch.
The girl told me something about Arthur and Alfred being together or something? Anyway, in her words, "eeeeeeeeeee".
How creative.
What's messed up with the world? A lot of things are screwed up, but I can't name all of them off.
P.S. Arthur and Alfred, are you really together? Thanks! -Sirius


Dear Remus,
Do you officially classify yourself as a Grammar Nazi? Have either of you ever played any video games? Would you, given the opportunity?

Dear Ecclestein,
No. I just have an appreciation for the English language.
I played the PS2 at Wormy's house once! We played this game called "Star Trek: Elite Force"! It was fully awesome!
I own a Wii. It's just not here at Hogwarts.


Klaine Love, I seriously love you! Thank you so much for that letter! Hetalia fangirls unite, aru!
Yes, the fourth year muggle-born is me! Shameless self insert, da?