Deidara,for the millionth time today,was looking at his curved stomach in the mirror. He made an uneasy face and placed a hand on his unborn children. Itachi smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover to feel their unborn triplets also.

"you're not fat dei-kun," itachi whispered gently in deidara's ear. Deidara groaned and stepped on the scale and waited for the same results as every other time,176 lb. "itachi,I'm fat! just look at me!," deidara argued, angrily poking at his stomach. "no,your not fat,your holding something very precious to me and you,our children,"Itachi mumbled,kissing his lover as he gently rubbed the belly deidara had.

Deidara understood that but he only wondered,why him? he wasn't able to go on missions during his pregnancy and that really pissed him was excited for the children,but he didn't know it'd be hard before they were even sighed and sat down on the bed that he and itachi shared,he only had two more months of this then a new toucher began,sleepless nights,headaches,not to mention not going on as many missions.

"listen Dei-kun,i love you no matter if you fat or just carrying our children,that's all that matters"itachi whimpered and pushed deidara down on the bed lightly and laid next to him,to put his ear on his lover's stomach.

"i love you too,itachi"Deidara responded,smiling for the first time today. "and love you too," itachi spoke to deidara's round belly,kissing it. Deidara chuckled,"as do i,even if you make me look fat." Deidara rubbed their unborn children staring into itachi's eyes.

'well,at least they'll have a good father' Deidara thought. with in minuets Itachi's lover had fallen soundly,asleep. Itachi pulled the blankets over them and wrapped his arms around Deidara and their children to keep his loved ones safe.