A/N:Gomen! i was so busy with school and everything! i just didn't have time to type this and now it do so please please please forgive me! ok before i move on i have translations…Okasan-MotherKatsumi-Self-controlledIzumi-fountainok on with the story! Itachi sighed as he waited outside the house that Deidara was brought in. It had been about a half an hour scince Itachi brought his boyfriend then he had heard non-stop screams of pain,Itachi cringed at every slight door to the house creaked open and the violet haired woman that had helped them stepped out. "I have some bad news"She said with a deep frown on her face. Itachi looked down,he knew the words that were going to escape her lips. "one of the children didn't make it,i'm sorry"She bowed and put a hand on Itachi's shoulder. "if you want to go in,you can…he's just a little tired is all"She smiled down and the Uchiha. Itachi nodded and headed inside. Itachi creaked the door open to the spare bedroom to see his boyfriend holding two bundles. Deidara smiled up at Itachi with tears in his eyes,"Are you crying?"Itachi scoffed and pet Deidara's hair. "No,"He sniffed and wiped his eyes. Light blue eyes looked widely at Itachi along with black tuffs of hair. "that's the girl,i figured you'd want to name the other one so i named her Izumi"Deidara looked down at the small girl blinking at her dad. Itachi picked up the second child and looked at the cold black eyes it posed. "a boy? and…they are twins correct?"Itachi asked his lover. Deidara nodded,clearly tired,"Katsumi…"Itachi pulled the blonde hair away from the boys face. "Self-controlled?"Deidara questioned. Itachi only nodded and smiled. Katsumi ran around Deidara eventually hiding behind him. "Okasan! she's being mean!"the small child complained. "what did she do this time?"Deidara laughed. The dark haired five-year old stood before them. "It's all his fault he popped my ball!"she complained. "not true!"Katsumi stuck out his tongue. "what's going on are you giving your Okasan trouble?"Itachi happily smiled down at his two children. "daddy!"Izumi squealed and hugged her father. "common it's getting dark let's go inside."Deidara hurried the children inside.A/N:ok that's over with…i might do two or three chapters of this until im done then i'll write a sequel about the children…and about an important character….Itachi:who? o3ome:don't ask! you gotta find out!Deidara:*whispers in ear*Itachi:no way!Deidara:*nods*me:anyway…. i hoped you enjoyed it and again….gomen! please forgive me for updating so late! until next time~REVIEWS FOR A SEQUEL SHOULD I DO ONE ABOUT THE CHILDREN?i need your opinions...