Here is chapter 3 of "Love hurts" Please read and review thank you and enjoy.

The next morning I woke up next to Alberto at first I didn't remember how I got there but then I remembered what happened between me and Alberto last night I smiled and cuddled up to Alberto some more.. He opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled.

"Morning" Alberto said smiling.

"Morning" I said smiling also.

"Last night was amazing" Alberto said while kissing my neck.

"Yes it was" I said giggling a little.

Come on we have to get up" Alberto said getting up.

"Do we have to" I said.

"Yes we have a show tonight" Alberto said.

"Damn" I said getting up.

Alberto laughed.

"Shut up" I said.

"Sorry" Alberto said still laughing.

We both got showers and got dressed.

"Want to go get something to eat?" Alberto asked.

"Sure" I said.

"Great lets go I'm hungry" Alberto said.

"I laughed " Me too" I said.

Alberto put his arm around my waist. And we went to get something to eat in the hotel while we were eating my best friend Maryse and her boyfriend Mike aka The Miz Who is also my best friend as well as Alberto's came up to us.

"Hey girl hey Alberto" Maryse said.

"Hey guys" We both said.

"Do mind if we join you" Mike asked.

"No not at all" Alberto said.

"Thanks man" Mike said sitting down.

"No problem" Alberto said.

"Hey Jas what to go shopping?" Maryse asked.

"I don't know Maryse me and Alberto were going to hang out" I said.

"It's ok Jas go have fun I'll see you before the show" Alberto said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yea I'm sure go have fun with Maryse" Alberto said.

"Ok I'll see you later" I said.

"Of course you will" Alberto said kissing my cheek.

"Bye" I said blushing.

Maryse went over to Mike and kissed him "Bye babe I'll see you later" Maryse said.

"Ok babe have fun" Mike said.

"We will bye Alberto" Maryse said hugging him.

"Bye girls" Alberto said.

Me and Maryse walked to her car and drove to the mall.

"So what's with you and Alberto" Maryse asked while we were looking at shoes.

"What are you talking about?" I asked paying for a pair of shoes and a new purse and wallet.

"Oh please I see the way you look at him and he looks at you the same way" Maryse said while we were going to the food court after she paid for her stuff.

"We are just friends nothing more nothing less" I said after ordering my food.

"Ok then" Maryse said when we sat down.

"Look Maryse I have something to tell you but you have to promise that it will stay between us" I said.

"Yea of course what is it?" Maryse asked.

"I slept with Alberto" I said.

"You did what" Maryse said.

"I slept with Alberto" I repeated.

"Yea I heard what you said but why?" Maryse asked.

"Well me and Ron had a fight and he hit me so I went to Alberto's room since I knew you would be with Mike and he asked if I knew why Ron did this and I said yes I did and it was because Ron knew I liked Alberto and he kissed me after I told and well you know what happens from there" I said.

"Wow" Maryse said.

"Yea I know" I said.

"You like Alberto I knew it" Maryse said.

"Maryse!" I yelled.

"What?" She asked.

"Nevermind" I said laughing.

She laughed to "So have you talked to Ron at all?" She asked eating her fries.

"No" I said taking a drink of my soda.

"Sadly" I said.

"Why don't you just break up with him I never liked him anyway" She said.

"I know you didn't and I am going to break up with him" I said.

"Really? When?" I said while we were on our back to her car.

"Tonight" I said.

"Good" She said starting the car.

She backed out of the parking spot and we were on our way to the arena when we got there Maryse went to find Mike and I went to catering.

"Hey Jas" I heard.

I turned around " Oh hey Alberto" I said.

"What you up to?" Alberto asked.

"Oh just walking around" I said.

"Have you umm talked to Ron at all?" Alberto asked.

"No but I am going to break up with him tonight" I said.

"Oh great good for you" Alberto said.

"Thanks I'm done with him" I said.

"Alberto your match is next oh hey Jasmine" Ricardo said.

"Hi Ricardo" I said.

"Ok I'll be there in a second" Alberto said.

"Ok" Ricardo said walking away.

"I'll see you later?" Alberto said.

"Yea of course" I said.

"Great" Alberto said kissing my cheek.

"Good luck" I said blushing.

"Thanks Jas" Alberto said.

"Your welcome" I said.

"Hey babe" Ron said.

"Hey" I said.

"So I heard you slept with Alberto last night" Ron said looking pissed.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I overheard you and Maryse talking at the mall" Ron said.

"You were spying on me" I yelled.

"Yes I was and do not yell" Ron said.

"I will do whatever I want and we are so done" I said walking away.

Ron grabbed my arm "We are not done" Ron said.

"Yes we are" I said wrenching me arm from his grip.

Ron grabbed my hair "We are not done" He said..

"Let me go" I said.

"No" Ron said.

"I think the lady said let her go" I heard.

"No I will not let her go" Ron said.

"I would advise you to" Drew said.

Ron let me go and ran. Drew helped me up.

"You ok Jas?" Drew asked.

"Yea I'm ok Drew thanks" I said.

"Your welcome" Drew said.

"I have to go wait for Alberto" I said.

"Ok I'll see you later" Drew said.

"Yea bye" I said.

"Bye Jas" Drew said.

I walked to the curtain and waited for Alberto I was to busy thinking that I didn't hear him come back.

"Hello Jasmine are you there?" Alberto asked.

"Oh hey" I said.

"You ok?" Alberto asked.

"Yea I'm fine" I said.

"If you say so" Alberto said.

"I broke up with Ron" I said.

"Really? Great so do you want to go out to dinner after the show?" Alberto said.

"Yea sure I would love to" I said smiling.

"Great I'm going to go shower and change I'll see you later" Alberto said.

"Of course" I said.

"Great bye" Alberto said hugging me.

"Bye" I said.