Author: Gosgirl
Rating: FR-13
Pairing: Abby/Gibbs
Category: Angst/romance
Spoilers: Season 6 Legend Pt I.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. NCIS and its characters are the property of DPB and CBS. If I had a silver-haired, blue-eyed Marine to play with, do you think I'd have time for writing?

Summary: Gibbs overhears a comment he wasn't meant to as he heads for LA. Missing scene from Legend Part I

A/N: Written for the Gibbs/Abby Shipper Forum weekly Creative Drive for the prompt 'Last Time'. Have borrowed the opening dialogue straight from Legend Part 1 with a bit of massaging… Big hug to Bamacrush for holding my hand and giving my confidence a boost with this one.

"Are you going somewhere?" Abby asked, curious as she looked at Gibbs crouched by her chair in his long coat. Although given the events of the past few hours, she could almost guess what he was going to say next.

"Yeah. That's what I came to tell you… Los Angeles." Gibbs couldn't explain why he'd felt the need to see her in person to tell her rather than just phone but his gut was telling him to. He knew the painful connotations LA would have for her, as it did for him.

"Into the lioness' den?" She tried to smile but he saw it didn't reach her eyes.

Abby felt her breath hitch as Gibbs stood up, leaning in to kiss her goodbye, aiming not for the cheek near him but the furthest one. For a minute, she thought he was going to kiss her lips. Instead she found her face momentarily pressed almost against his neck and it took a supreme effort of will not to turn and nuzzle his skin.

"I'm taking McGee," Gibbs told her as he started for the door.

"Gibbs." She called out and saw him pause before turning back, eyebrows quirked in a silent question. "It's just… the last time you guys went to LA, one of you didn't come back."

The flash of pain that flickered in his eyes was brief but unmistakable and she hated reminding him of Jenny's death, but hated the thought of him going there even more, even though it was an irrational fear. LA was no more dangerous than anywhere else he and his agents had to visit.

He considered for a moment, head on one side, before replying. "I'll bring him home, Abbs."

She watched him stride out of her lab before turning to her workbench, worry gnawing at her. "Just… make sure you bring yourself back too."

Gibbs froze halfway to the elevator, wondering if he'd heard correctly. He'd thought her earlier comment was aimed at keeping McGee safe. Her words just now, coupled with a note in her voice, could put a different gloss on things… if he let himself hope.

Two choices, Marine.

Either listen to his head and get the hell out of here before it became more difficult than usual to suppress his longing for her, bury it under his need to keep Abby safe from him and his destructive nature. And surely such a vibrant beautiful woman could never be interested in a cranky damaged bastard?

Or he could listen to his gut which was screaming at him to get back in there.

Almost of their own volition, his footsteps took him back to the doorway of the lab till he could see Abby sat at her workbench, head in her hands. Her hunched shoulders gave away the tension she was feeling and he strained to hear her quiet voice as she addressed her stuffed hippo perched on the edge of the desk.

Feeling slightly guilty at so blatantly eavesdropping, her next words nevertheless caused his mouth to go dry.

"You see, Bert, I don't think Gibbs realizes that if I lost him, it would just kill me. Yeah, I know, I know, how could he realize if I haven't even told him, hmm? But then I can really see that conversation going well, can't you? No point confessing something to him when I know he doesn't see me that way… doesn't feel the same way." He heard her sigh, her voice shaky. "Besides, I'm the wrong hair colour. But… I just want him safe, Bert, that's all I want."

He'd heard enough.

Stepping forward, he called her name softly.

She gasped and spun round, dismay on her face when she saw him and she'd turned back to her monitor before he could say any more. "I'm going hang bells round your neck one day, Gibbs, you made me jump. I didn't hear you come back. I thought you'd already gone. Was there something you forgot… something I can do for you?" She stubbornly kept her back to him and started typing furiously at her keyboard as she babbled.

He approached her gently and grasped her shoulders to turn her round. "Abbs, look at me."

Even when she was facing him, Abby refused to look up. He tugged her gently to her feet and ran his finger softly down her jawline, hearing her slight gasp. Tilting her chin up, he could see her eyes shining with unshed tears and… something else which made his heart begin to pound.

"Don't cry, Abbs. We'll come back." Not that he could promise anything like that and on one level, he knew she wouldn't thank him for pointless reassurances.

"I hope so," she whispered, eyes widening as she took in… something in his expression. "Not that I didn't mean for you to keep McGee safe, of course I did… it's just you don't ever seem to put yourself on that list of people to keep safe, Gibbs. You're so busy protecting everyone else but who keeps you safe, and you must… " Her voice faltered and she bit her lip before continuing. "I couldn't… you must." A tear slipped down her cheek and he wiped it gently away with his thumb.

This was another crossroads. He could either pretend he hadn't heard her earlier comments and leave now, or he could push a little more.

He pushed.

"What haven't you told me, mm?" Gibbs kept his voice calm and cupped her face in his hands, brushing his thumbs across her cheeks.

"Huh?" She look aghast as it hit her what he meant, at how much she'd given away. "Nothing, Gibbs, it's… nothing." She felt a blush creeping up her face.

Oh crap, how much did he hear?

"Don't see you in what way, Abbs?" His voice was gentle and eyes… was that really desire she could see in them?

Abby shook her head, trying not to get distracted by the feel of his warm hands. "It… it doesn't matter really."

Double crap, he must have heard it all… way to go, Scuito, now you've embarrassed yourself just as he's about to disappear for days.

"It does matter. It matters a lot. I heard what you said... Tell me." He was almost sure. Her body language was revealing as much as her eyes, but he needed to be certain before he took his courage in both hands… or her in both hands.

She took a deep breath, mind determined to hold onto some dignity, although her body was screaming at her to react to what she thought she could see in his blue eyes. She tried once more to deflect him, pulse fluttering at his nearness. "Then you don't need me to tell you, I'm sure you can guess but it's okay, Gibbs. I'm not gonna embarrass you. Forget you ever heard it."

What a mess. Perhaps she could emigrate while he and McGee were gone? Then he wouldn't need to pretend he didn't know or just be kind or…

"What if I don't want to forget?" He slid his hand round the back of her neck to pull her slowly towards him and she raised her hands reflexively to his shoulders.

"What?" she stuttered, not sure if she'd heard correctly. He was gazing at her with such intensity that she could barely think straight.

"What if I want to hear you say it?" His voice was huskier than normal and Abby felt a tingle of desire go through her. One calloused hand trailed over her neck and down her arm to curl at her waist, while he brushed a thumb across her lower lip. She suppressed the urge to close her lips around his thumb.

Where did that low moan come from?… Oh, it's me.

"Do you, really?" She whispered, not able to keep the hope out of her voice.

Maybe not such a mess then… possibly… hopefully… oh god, please…

"Yeah, I do." He leaned in to brush his lips against her cheek, almost as normal and then her knees almost buckled as he began nuzzling her. She had to clutch at his arms, as he ghosted his lips over her face to her neck. "And what if I said your hair colour was just fine."

Abby shivered as she heard the low rumble of his voice against her neck, and pressed closer. How could she be so impossibly turned on by just a few simple touches? But then she'd been turned on by this man for ten years, it was no wonder her body was racing ahead.

She took a deep breath and dived in with both feet. "Then I'd say I'd rather show you how I feel," and heard his deep chuckle break out.

He wrapped both arms round her, wanting her as close as possible, and felt her snuggle into his arms. "Works for me…" Abby gave him a dazzling smile and he couldn't stop himself pressing a soft but lingering kiss to those full lips. The kiss soon deepened becoming hungry and needy and they were both breathless when he pulled back. "Show me when I get back."

"It's a date." She lifted her head to kiss him again, gently this time but full of promise. "Just be careful," she whispered as he stepped back from her arms, reluctantly.

The boyish grin that broke out caused her insides to flip. "I will now I've got something to come home for."

A/N: Anyone else see a potential for a 'First Time' following on from this... when he gets back from LA? As if I need another one to add to my loony list of stories *heads desk*