15 years later

"Blaine! Hurry up!"

"I need to finish the cd, it just has two more songs to load I will just be five minutes!"

"Why didn't you do it last night?"

"Someone had monsters in their closet." Blaine answered, coming into the kitchen with his laptop in hand, "And we both know better than to ignore Lizzie when she has monsters."

"They were extra scary last night and Daddy got rid of them all!" The four year old cheered, coming in with a blanket tied around her shoulders, a wooden spoon in hand and a pot on her head. Kurt laughed as he took the pot off.

"And what are you doing?"

"I'm a super hero! Parker is always watching those super movies and now I want to be one too!" Lizzie giggled, untying the blanket, "But shh, it's a secret. Secret identities are important for heroes. If you knew I was a hero I'd have to kill you! But I like you so I won't for now. I'm going to go get Parker!" She smiled sweetly then skipped off.

"Should I be worried our daughter plans to kill us in future?" Kurt raised an eyebrow as Blaine took the CD out of the computer and popped it into his case.

"Nah, I'll just tell Parker to take the Avengers of the constant loop he has it on and watch something more child friendly when he's babysitting."

"What time do you have to be at the company?" For Kurt asked, handing Blaine his lunch.

"The music producer is seeing me at two so I have to be there at one."

"Well it's twelve now, sit down and have lunch with us then you can leave."

"Thought you told me to hurry up?"

"I did, because otherwise you would have decided you didn't like that CD and tried to make another and you would have been late." Kurt smiled, setting down Parker and Lizzie's sandwiches at the table. "Kids! Come on, Daddy has to go soon."

"Yeah yeah, coming, princess wanted to be carried." Parker deadpanned, with a four year old in a tin foil helmet on his back. "Don't ask about the helmet, I don't know."

"Silence mortal!" Lizzie order, "Take me to my sandwich!"

"I do not get enough money to babysit you." Parker sighed.

"Yes well you calm her down on the super heroes and you'll be looking toward a car for your sixteenth." Kurt smiled waiting to the yell.

"Seriously! You mean it?"

"Yeah, my line did really well at fashion week, we got a lot of orders. Your Dad has the deal coming up. Just make Super girl over there calm down." Kurt nodded to Lizzie.

"I do what I want!"

"No you don't young lady, now take that helmet off. Even heroes have to behave at the table." Blaine reprimanded.

"But Daddy I'm a baddy now!" She pointed to the horned helmet.

"Do I have to count to ten?" Lizzie quickly took the helmet off, Neither child knew what happened when there father got to ten. Parker made it to seven before panicking and doing what he was told.

"So Parker, you need to leave Lizzie around at Uncle Nick and Jeff's at six then you are free to go out with Stacy if her Mom's say its ok." Kurt explained to his son.

"Santana and Britt love me. I'll be fine. I'm bringing them flowers too anyway."

"That's my boy." Blaine smiled.


"I got the deal!" Blaine cheered, clutching his contract. "They said they loved it, I need to be in the studio first thing tomorrow but I got it Kurt!" Kurt grabbed Blaine and pulled him into a hug.

"I am so proud of you. All those years ago when we thought we would be nothing more than a statistic. We did it Blaine, you did it, I did it. We all made it."

"I love you Kurt."

"I love you too."


Sorry for lack of updates but I couldn't think of a way to go on so yay ending!