Okay everyone, AwesomeMan123 here and this is Knocking Down The Pins Of Love. It will be in POV's. By the way Beautiful Jade came up with this story, before you accuse me of stealing I just want you to know that I didn't steal this story, I adopted it so I'm gonna continue it with more chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

Now on with the story.

" Get out Kenny!" Dawn yelled.

" Why? Just because I wouldn't let you go to the mall? Dawn, you know those looks boys give you."

" So what. At least they actually pay attention to me. All you do is sit around and watch t.v." she retorted while pushing him out of her way.

" Where are you going?" he demanded.

" Out." she said simply while grabbing the keys off of the table.

" Where?"

" None of your business. We're not together anymore." she replied while opening the front door.

" Excuse me."

" You heard me. It's over." she said harshly. She slammed the door and got in the car.

" Dawn! That's my car!" he yelled as she backed out of the drive way. " Come back."

" Stupid Kenny. Always wants to control me. Well not anymore." she muttered while dialing her friends number with her new touch screen phone.

" Hello."

" Hi Misty. This is Dawn. I just wanted if you wanted to go bowling." she stated.

" Sure. Let me call May. Meet us in the parking lot."

" Okay." she replied

" Bye."

" Bye-Bye."

Ash's POV

" Strike!" I said while pumping my fist in the air. My two best friends; Drew and Gary groaned at the same time.

" Ash I think you cheated." Gary said.

" You guys are just jealous." I sat down next to Drew. I picked up my Coke and took a sip. I almost choked on my soda because Drew elbowed me in my side.

" Ash look at them." he said. He looked like he was in a trance. I turned around to see what he was looking at. There were 3 beautiful girls walking in. One of the girls ha d brown her. Another one had red hair. But the one that caught my eye was the one with blue hair. She had such a pretty smile. Her eyes sparkled as she walked. She looked my way and winked. My face turned red. I turned towards my friends. They all were looking at me with a huge grin.

" What?"

" Nothing. But we saw they way you were staring at that girl." Drew said.

" Yeah. She's cute dude, you should ask her out." Gary said.

" C'mon guys she wouldn't want a guy like me."

" I know I wouldn't but she looks like she's in to you." Gary said jokingly.

" Dude, she's going to the counter make your move." Drew said pulling out of my seat and pushing me towards the counter.

Dawn's POV

" Could I get a order of large nachos and 3 large drinks?"

" Yes ma'am. It could be a couple of minutes."

I stood there and sighed. I couldn't help that I just broke up with Kenny. I heard signs of protest and turned around. There was a tall, tan skinned boy with messy hair walking towards me. He had warm, nice hazel eyes. He looked at me and smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, but I didn't care.

" My name is Ash." he introduced.

" My name is Dawn." I held out my hand so he could shake it. He shook it while still smiling.

" Dawn is such a pretty name for a pretty girl like you." he kindly said. My face started to heat up at that comment. I smiled shyly at him. He seemed like such a sweet person.

" Ma'am your nachos are ready and here are your 3 drinks."

" Thanks."

I was getting ready try to hold and carry everything to my table, when Ash grabbed my arm and said he would carry it for me. I grabbed two drinks so he wouldn't have to go back and get them. When we arrived to my table, May and Misty smirked.

" Guys this is Ash." I said.

" Hi Ash, I'm May and this is Misty."

" Nice to meet you guys."

" It was to meet you too." May gave me a thumbs up followed by a wink. I mouthed I-know and sat down.

" Well I'm going to go. Bye Dawn." he said.

" Bye Ash." I responded.

A couple of seconds later, we squealed like school girls.

" He is cute, Dawn." May said with a smile

" Yeah and he seems like he's in to you."

" I know." We squealed again, only because I got over Kenny and found someone new.

Ash's POV

As I walked away, I heard something that sounded like a girlish scream. When I sat down, I got hit with a bunch of questions.

" What is she like?" Gary asked.

" What is her friend like?" Drew asked excitedly.

" Is she nice?" Gary inquired.

" What is her friend like? Drew asked again.

" Drew, you just asked that question." I told him.

" I know and I want an answer."

" Her friend is nice." I said starting to get annoyed.

" And cute." he added. I had to resist rolling my eyes.

We played a couple more games and I ended up winning all of them. When it was closing time, Dawn walked up to me.

" It was a nice to meet you. Very nice." she told me.

" It was nice to meet you too."

" I'm glad your friends like mines."

" Yeah they seem to do. A lot." I added.

" Well bye." she said sadly. She grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. She walked away with her friends trailing behind. I looked down in my hand. There was a piece of paper with her number on it. I looked at Drew was mouthing call me to May. And Misty waving shyly to Gary. I didn't expect this to happen especially at a bowling alley.

I will update this story as soon as I can, and if you wouldn't mind review this story and give me some ideas for it. Bye!