[Name] took a deep breath. Oh Canada. The air was clean, the sites were beautiful. Especially what she liked to refer as 'her' mountain. It had no hiking trails on it, and not another human in sight for miles. This time, she'd gone a different way, on the other side of the mountain. Finding some brand new scenery might do her good on one of her several trips to 'find' herself.

Although… Perhaps she shouldn't have chosen a new location for her camping trip. She felt… watched, for some reason. [Name] shook it off. It was probably just from being alone in the woods. She'd get over it in a few minutes, maybe hours. No problem.

"E-excuse me!"

The voice startled [Name] to the point of her letting out a scream. Not that it would've mattered, but it was a knee-jerk reaction. She whipped around to see a sheepish-looking boy walking up to her. "P-pardon me." He reiterated himself.

"Matthew?" [Name] inquired, "What a weird coincidence." She laughed, lightly. Actually, she was happy. She'd hiked with him in a group, here, before and clearly, he took a liking to it!

"What's all that stuff with you?" Matthew asked. He seemed a bit… [Name] didn't know. Weary? She shrugged it off, it was probably just the wind coupled with his soft voice making him sound like that. "Camping?"

[Name] nodded, "Yes, but I usually camp on the other side of the mountain. This is my first time on this side." Matthew nodded. It seemed as if he knew this side of the mountain well.

"Here," Matthew offered, "I'll go with you a bit farther up the mountain. I know this side pretty well and I can make sure you don't get yourself into any messes." [Name] agreed, and they walked on for a couple more hours.

[Name] laughed at something Matthew said. He was so adorable! Aside from the hiking trip with him and a couple others, why had she not spoken to him more, before? What he was doing on this mountain alone puzzled her, in a good way, as she had told him. He just blushed lightly and nodded.

"Y-you know… I hope it isn't too much of me but… I have a cabin a bit further up, if you'd like to stay there. I don't live with anyone, so, it'd be okay. And I'm sure it's a lot more comfortable than a tent and sleeping bag." Matthew said this while his eyes were averted and he was blushing madly.

He was so cute! [Name] thought. And totally harmless, she decided. What bad could come from a warm bed? She agreed and followed him up to the cabin, continuing their friendly conversation on the way.