OOC:/ Okay, well this is my second attempt at a story that is not a song-fic. No flames please! Oh well.

Kakashi: She doesn't own anything, me or any other character of Naruto.

Well thanks Kakashi for taking away one of my dreams!

Summary: Iruka wakes up to find out he has been turned into a dog. Tsunade makes Kakashi take care of the poor man until the jutsu can be changed. No one realizes the Nin-ken of one Hatake Kakashi know a little more then what they are acting like…

"What the HELL!" screamed a large longhaired German shepherd. Staring at the mirror Tsunade put in front of him and his hind legs fell, making him sit. "I told you it was…" the woman did not say a word before she sighed. "Iruka, you've been out for a week…" she said and the dog whimpered. "At least it is summer…" Iruka said but Tsunade shook her head. "Until you are returned to your normal body, you won't be allowed to teach, nor will you be allowed to go on missions or to the missions desk…" "Really… no thumbs might have already told me that one…" Iruka said coldly, his scruff up in anger before he glared at himself in the mirror.

"At least you can talk…"

Iruka sighed and nodded, rubbing his snout with his paw. "My scar is still here," he said as he looked at the mirror and Tsunade said. "I have someone to take care of you until we find a way to change you back…" "But what about Naruto?"

"Sadly, the council wants you to be trained as a nin-ken until you are changed back…"

"So I am stuck with the Inuzuka's?"

"No, they have to many dogs as it is. You are to be trained by Hatake Kakashi and his nin-ken…."

Iruka stared at Tsunade in horror. "You… NO! Anything but that… that…" Iruka was speechless and Tsunade sighed. "Blame the council, not me…"

Iruka growled just as the door opened, his eyes narrowed and he was up on all fours, his body ready to lurch forward and snap his jaws around the leg in his view. However, just as his body lurched forward, a hand grabbed the headband now tied around his neck and held him back.

Kakashi stared down at the dog in mirth. "So is this the nin-ken?"

Iruka growled more. He was positive that Kakashi was only informed of whom he would be hiding, or well, what he would be hiding as. It helped that his voice was somewhat deeper and gruffer as a dog.

"Yes, this is Ruko… as you can see, he isn't to happy to be… handed over…" Tsunade said and he glared at the Hokage. "I will bite you," he snarled, stunning Kakashi.

"So this is why you wanted me to train him?"

Tsunade smacked the dog upside the head that yelped and then curled up. ~Oh god help me, I am acting like a dog too! ~ Iruka thought. He looked up at Kakashi who sighed. "So who is the owner?" "She came back dead from her mission, the dog was found near her body… she didn't do a good job of training him…"

"I am right here…" Iruka snapped.

"I know…" Tsunade said then smiled. "Take care of him Kakashi, we don't need a wild nin-ken running around…"

"Hai, Hokage-sama…" Kakashi said and bowed, stunning Iruka more so than anything. When was this man polite? He was about to dart out the door that opened only for Kakashi to grab him and lift him with ease. "LET ME GO DAMN YOU!" he yelled, trying to get away only for a leash to wrap around his neck and he glared at Kakashi. "I hate you," he said and Kakashi only smiled.

"Take care Ruko!" Tsunade called as the door shut, Kakashi having to drag 'Ruko'.

"Aw… Kakashi-sensei, is this the nin-ken Tsunade was looking over?" Sakura said when she saw her sensei and the dog.

Iruka glared at Sakura, but clenched his jaw and started glaring. "Tell him to take it off," he said as he began to scratch at the leash. Sakura squealed. "He is so cute!"

Iruka's eyes widened in pain and he covered his ears at the squeal, glaring at the smiling Copy-nin.

"I can't seem to get him home Sakura…" Kakashi said with a pout and Sakura glared at the dog. "Now you be good…"

"I would have walked beside him if he had simply asked…" he said and Sakura smiled some. "Now now… don't be like that…" "If I di…." Iruka stopped. He wasn't supposed to let Sakura know that he knew her. He sighed and he growled, rubbing his ears. "Please stop squealing, my ears hurt," he said and Sakura's eyes widened. "I am so sorry…" she said and began to scratch his ears and his eyes widened. ~ Ooo… that feels good, ~ he though as his foot started to twitch.

"Okay Ruko, time to head home…" Kakashi said with a snort and Iruka glared at him, but he did as he was told this time. He didn't like to be choked by the leash around his neck. He grumbled as he walked, snapping at every dog that tried to sniff his butt. Even poor Akumaru had his teeth sink into his fur. "What is his problem?" Kiba snapped.

"His owner was found dead…" Kakashi said bluntly and Kiba's eyes widened. "Oh… I'm sorry boy…" Kiba said and Ruko glared. "Did you know her?" he snapped, making Kiba's eyes widened. "I… no…" "Then leave me alone!" Iruka growled before he started walking forward. He was happy when Kakashi finally had enough of the public view and transported them to the apartment that belonged to Kakashi.

He looked around at the apartment and began sniffing, surprised to smell the place to be clean. That was until Kakashi opened his bedroom door and his eight nin-ken rushed in and tackled him. Iruka growled, only to see Pakkun and his eyes narrowed. "You…" he seethed.

"Hello Ruko, nice to see you again…" he said and grinned. "You two have met?" "Yes boss…" Pakkun said, all the dogs were able to smell who he really was, he was sure of it. It was why they were being so nice, right? Pakkun watched as Kakashi left and then looked at Iruka. "Iruka?" he said softly and the dog nodded. "We will help," he said and the other seven agreed. Iruka smiled. "Thank you," he said softly just as Kakashi walked in. "Come on you eight… foods out…" he said and seven of the eight rushed forward. Iruka walked calmly beside Pakkun then looked down at the bowl of food and raised brow. They were… human food! His eyes lit up with mirth and he watched Pakkun dig into a piece of tempura.

"So what do you like?" Kakashi suddenly asked and he grinned. "Sushi…" he smirked at the man staring at him with his one eye. "Sushi?"

Iruka grinned evilly. "Problem with that?" he asked and Kakashi glared. "I'm not making sushi…" he said and Iruka grinned more. "Then how about some tempura?" he grinned and then watched Kakashi fill a new bowl for him. He sniffed at the food, making sure he couldn't smell poison before he began to eat calmly, not like the other eight.

"You know, it isn't boss's fault you are here… I hear he was ordered to take care of you," Pakkun said and Iruka sighed. "Just… rough day…"

Kakashi was watching the two and raised a brow. Something was off with the pug, but this German shepherd… why did he irritate him so much? The only person to ever get under his skin was Umino Iruka, but he had heard the man was on an extended mission. At least one of the annoyances was out of his life. Well, annoyance wasn't the word for it. Kakashi rubbed his visible eye before he took his headband off and moved to his couch, soon joined by seven of nine dogs. "What do you guys want to watch tonight?" Kakashi asked and the dogs all started talking.

Iruka walked around the house, sniffing everything as Pakkun gave him the tour. He was thankful to the pug for that much.

He glanced up at Kakashi when he felt someone staring and he glared. He sniffed around again before he found a place by the door that did not smell like the other dogs and curled up. "I heard you just woke up, you can't be tired…" Kakashi said and he growled. Kakashi growled back, stunning Iruka whose tail went between his legs in a hurry. Holy shit Kakashi could be scary!

"Come join us," Kakashi said and Iruka watched the eight dogs. "No room on the couch…" he said politely then moved to sit on the end, away from Kakashi. He looked to see the movie and his eyes widened. It was… it was his favorite movie. "Hey boss, didn't we watch this last weekend?" "None of you could decide so I picked my favorite…" Kakashi said and Iruka's head was sure to have whiplash as he stared at Kakashi. "What?" the silver haired man asked. "This is my favorite movie…" Iruka seemed to squeak out before he turned back to the TV. He wouldn't look at Kakashi.

Pakkun smirked. His plan was already working.

For Kakashi to kiss Iruka as a dog, Press 1

For Kakashi to fall in love with Iruka as a dog, Press 2

For Iruka to fall in love with Kakashi and have hot lemony fun, Press 3

Kakashi and Iruka: For Kakashi and Iruka to beat Komo senseless, Press 4