Disclaimer: Teen Wolf is not of my property. I do not claim any type of ownership or relation to the series except that of a fan.

So, people this is the second chapter of this story. There are going to be only two more (and this time I mean it). Important thing here: this chapter is a bit different from the first, as that one had gore and violence and all... whereas this one will be more towards a bit of drama. Still, it is a short chapter and a lighter one. The third one will be much like the first (also it will raise the story to M) and the fourth will end it. Again, this one (as the fourth I may add) will not have gore and violence. Keep in mind that the concept of 'offering' I use here is something I borrowed from CLAMP. Now, off you go read and leave me a message.

The Empty Side of the Bed: Prophecy

There was no Moon tonight... in between the storm clouds and their rumbling thunders, darkness reigned absolute. It was as if She herself shared his pain and therefore refused to grace the world with her presence. As if the Spirits of the Rain were personally enraged by the games Fate chose to play with his life and, as punishment, decided to pound her children with all their might. It was going to be an ugly night, matching his feelings perfectly.

Derek Hale was laying on top of his Camaro, arms folded behind his head, looking into the impending doom. He had parked, after hours of driving aimlessly, on a hilltop in the middle of nowhere. He was angry, mostly at himself. Knowledge, the wolf mused, was supposed to be power. It was supposed to provide freedom, so that anyone could make the best choice possible. But what good was knowledge for if it only brought you despair in the face of impossible odds? Ignorance truly was a bless...

'Your heart and soul, the Child of Fate shall lock in chains'

Just remembering those lines was enough to make him scowl. He had chosen to seek help with those cursed dreams... actually a single cursed dream that repeated itself every night, killing a bit of his soul every time. He had chosen to go to the Seer, to ask for answers. Well, he got them... no one ever said anything about liking them...

Derek parked his car in front of a large red-bricked Georgian style house. Just like his, it sat on a clearing in the middle of the woods. Unlike his, it was whole and normal with a cute garden and SUVs and Cadillacs parked in the driveway. It actually reminded him of how his house used to be when his family was whole. Still, the werewolf had to admit to himself that a place like this was not what he had been expecting. The last Seer he knew was his great grandfather, and he had died when Derek was a small child, so there was no way he could make a fair comparison... especially as this one came from a long line of Seers.

Still, he knew that a visit to a Seer was serious, important business. Even more so, it was an Offering business... or so he had been told. Getting the bag with an offering, the last Hale left his Camaro and started to walk towards the door. He frowned a bit when he saw a couple of scattered toys near the bushes. The house carried the scent of more werewolves than Derek himself had ever met. Surely that wasn't a place for children. Right?

After ringing the doorbell, he had to wait for a couple of seconds before being greeted. A tall, strong jawed woman with black locks and dark blue eyes answered his call. No matter how well dressed, she still was a werewolf and he he knew it.


"Hi. I'm Derek Ha-"

"She is waiting for you." the woman said, simply turning and starting to walk into the house.

"Ok..." and so, he walked into the house as well.

He followed the fast walking lady into a sequence of three rooms before being told to wait in the fourth. It was the house's library, filled with books of all kinds and shapes. A large fireplace rested on the corner. Before he could choose between sitting or looking through the volumes, the woman reappeared and beckoned him to follow her.

"Have you brought an offering?" she asked, briskly walking down the hall.

"Yes. Its in this bag right here."

"Great. Now, enter here..." she said, stopping in front of a glass door and pointing at it "... and please give me the offer for storage."

"Isn't this supposed to be for the Seer? Derek asked without handing over the bag.

"Every offer we receive is neither for our own enrichment or use nor for the Seer's. These are all objects in waiting. At the end of some sessions an object is sent back into the world to find the person they belong to and fulfill their duties. So, your..."


"... wine?" and she raised an eyebrow, then shook her head and continued "...will be sent to someone at some point. It may take some years to find his path but we still won't touch it. Ok?"

"Sure." the green eyed werewolf gave her the bag and entered the room, hearing the woman mutter a complain about age appropriate gifts if it was supposed to be for the Seer.

Derek though of retorting but completely forgot about the issue once he realized where he was. This was a roofless room inside the house, without any windows opening into it from either of the two floors. The walls were covered with some plant that had numerous small white flowers and a delicious scent. Not only that, the floor was actual grass with the occasional shrub and small tree. Right in the middle there was a twin structure of an oak gazebo and a stone well side by side.

Walking slowly, Derek Hale made his way to the wooden building. There, in the middle and sitting on a large cushion, was a small girl clearly not even 10 years old yet. She had such a small frame, almost white hair so blonde it was and such a fair complexion he as sure she'd turn bright red under the sun. Her light blue eyes confirmed what he'd suspected: she was an albino werewolf. They were the rarest amongst lycanthropes.

"Please Derek, fill a bucket with the well's water and then bring it to me."

He wasn't surprised she knew his name, after all he knew what she was... but it still made him a bit nervous. When filling the bucket he realized that the well, thought apparently small and shallow was no such thing: it was so deep he couldn't see the end of, it even with his werewolf vision.

"Where do I leave it?"

"Pour it in this, please." the Seer said, raising a silver bowl, and he did just that. "Now sit in front of me."

The older werewolf sat in front of the young girl. He didn't know if he should say something or ask or tell, and it turned out that he didn't need to say a word. The blonde gazed into the bowl and her fiercely intense look soon was replaced by unfocused eyes. Even though there was no wind, her hair started to wave gently as if she were catching the breeze from some other place. With a rough voice she said...

Derek, still on top of his Camaro, stopped his flashback... he didn't want to repeat those lines. One time was enough. The ancient gold bracelet, the Greek bracelet he had received from the Seer to give to The One, whoever that was, was firmly tucked inside it's box in his pocket... That, so said the Seer, was the gold bracelet of Helen of Troy. And he was supposed to give it to The One when time came... except, how could he... how would he deliver it if... and the lines of the Prophecy came crashing through his mind, making his body shake with grief and his soul-crushing cry and tears to be drowned by the rain...

Your heart and soul, the Child of Fate shall lock in chains

When the Blind and Mute stirs again

And errors past and shame become wounds deep into your soul

Remember, my Angel

That only Death will unite you