Long time, no update, huh? Well, here you go. This chapter is kind of boring, apologies. But I'll be uploading another one soon that hopefully will be better. Hang tight, my friends.

Btw: apa is Hungarian for father

Transylvania toddled through the dewy grass in the fresh of early morning. Her mother sat not too far away watching her baby carefully with a soft smile. "Be careful." said the young mother far too many times. The girl was learning to walk, slowly but surely. She grew fast and was ready to take on the world. Or so that's how she pictured it from her childhood point of view.

Hungary, the mother, was concerned however that her daughter would be taken away from her. She couldn't stand being in the same room with the father, Romania and suspected that somehow he would try and steal her away forever. That was her deepest fear at the moment. But it's not because she doubts his parenting skills or anything, it's just that his lifestyle didn't seem suited for raising a little girl. Nonetheless she allowed for his citizens to live in the territory but only if they had converted to Catholicism. (and for her, that's being nice!)

But quickly she began to realize how difficult it is to raise a child by herself. She soon made the decision to get married and fast so that her baby would be safe from harm and from that dastardly father of hers. However she is clearly not a virgin and it would be virtually impossible to find a man who would marry her. Perhaps she could find another nation that would be willing to marry her. They would be wed for the sole purpose of benefiting one another. She could provide back up troops to serve in the army and he would provide shelter for her and her daughter. It was a perfect plan.

Hungary imagined what this would be like; Transylvania in a warm, safe home. Having both a man and a woman raise her, she would call the man "apa". The woman wondered how Romania would feel about this but quickly told herself it didn't matter how he felt.

"Romania?" she called. Silence.

"Romania?" she yelled once more.

He was gone. She was scared.

Hungary tensed up remembering this. Why was she thinking about this? Why now?

He came through the back door.

"Yes?" he answered callously.

She suddenly began to weep.

"I didn't know where you were. I was having a nightmare I had the baby and you were gone forever." She said between hitched breaths. Pregnancy hormones he supposed.

He didn't know how to react, so he embraced her.

He didn't want to and it was incredibly awkward, but it calmed her.

Suddenly, there was a startling knocking on the door at the front of her house. Hungary snapped back into reality and quickly scooped up her daughter. She went through the back door, put down the child and went to open the front. As soon as she opened it though, sweat of anguish beaded her face.

There in the doorway was Turkey, clad in his mighty robes and frightening mask. On a normal occasion when he would come to visit, she joked around with him, but something about him now seemed very serious and cold.

At this moment she found her self wishing Romania was here to help.