Disclaimer: I own Death Note about as much as I own you, and unless you're Shawn, that's not at all.

A/N: Well, it's been more than a year since I started this piece and although I vanished for a long time…It's finally time to say good bye to this one. As the writer I can't say I loved it, I enjoyed it sometimes but it had more potential than I was able to reach with it at the time.

Music: Wish you Were Here-Pink Floyd

What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse

In Memoriam


For some reason Sayu was glaring at the sky as we stood beside the two freshly made graves, the Pastor was speaking but most people who had known Matt and Mello were not religious and not many paid him any attention.

The holy man was only really there for Mihael's sake, he always said that he didn't want to die and rot in some ditch, he wanted a proper funeral "with religious fucks and pretty memorial flowers, the whole shebang." I looked around and nodded at those who mouthed condolences at me. He certainly got what he wanted but I can't help but wonder if there was something Matt had desired.

Mail was always so hard to read, at first I thought him deficient in some way, until I realized it was simply his nature to not say much. He grew out of that silence thanks to Mello of course, but even then it was always difficult to tell what he was thinking, what really motivated him.

He loved Mihael, I knew that, and so I satisfied myself with the thought that whatever Mello wanted would please him.

Sayu had taken what little she'd known about M squared and made it into a simply beautiful funeral. The music had been a mix of the themes from Matt's favorite Zelda games and Mello's favorite song, the flowers were all they're favorite colors, resplendent blues and greens with a few light yellows and vibrant reds mixed in.

It was beautiful and most of those present had said it was a perfect representation, but the few who had really known them knew something was missing.

L, Light, Watari, and myself aside precious few had become close to the couple, one man was from Mello's days as L's inside informant in the Mafia, he'd been so very young then and it had made him a target but this one man had protected him. Soft brown eyes, a plain face, and light brown hair, he was incredibly normal but I could see a troubled set to his lips.

When the pastor stopped speaking people began to file past the caskets, wishing final farewells, a few left games or chocolate and one tiny boy whose older brother had to hold him up hugged the lid of Matt's.

I saw tears glistening in L's eyes, he'd been standing silently beside Light opposite Sayu and I silent for the entire duration and as the child left a few melted gummy bears and a crayon drawing of two stick figures with gold and crimson hair the tears slowly started to fall.

Everyone had nearly cleared out by then, just a few people were left, all with the same expression I knew I myself wore, one of dissatisfaction, we all knew there was something missing here. Sayu sighed and muttered, "I feel like it should be raining, it's always supposed to rain."

Light let out a hollow chuckle, "Not for these two it's not. It's supposed to be blindingly bright, just like them….well that or a hurricane, but I don't recall many of those happening in England."

Just like that those still gazing at the casket's all broke out talking about how alive the two dead young men had been, how bright and blazing. It clicked for me then what was missing.

"This is all far to tame for them, that's why it feels wrong." I said, my voice losing it's usual cadence.

There was a beat of silence before slowly agreements started to sound and without really thinking about why I did it I set fire to the flowers. As they burned I felt a few drops of wetness on my arm and looked at the sky, a few small clouds had gathered and I could see the beginnings of a storm on the rise. I grinned and Sayu as L and Light turned and slowly walked away, many of the others left as well.

I nodded at the caskets and gently patted both as they were lowered. We watched as dirt was moved over them, quickly and efficiently by the hired groundskeepers, before walking away ourselves.


The day after the funeral I went outside to the graves of the two boys I'd grown up with, I had a flight later that day but I wanted to do something for them first. I borrowed a chisel from the shop on grounds and walked to the grove of trees where the Whammy cemetery lay.

The kids now mostly called it "ghost land" as no one had been buried there for a long time, well until now of course. Unlike most Mello and Matt had never had a different home, it was always just Whammy's and each other. I knelt down I couldn't help a small jolt of pride at the large statue of two angels, both male sitting back to back holding hands and wearing street clothes, one was jet black and the other white marble shot through with strips of black. I'd designed the piece and was glad to see it had turned out, Matt over Mello's grave, and Mello over his, looking down in love, forever.

I sighed and slowly began, taking care to duplicate their handwriting perfectly, they deserved this much at least.

"Mihael "Mello" Keehl

Son of L

Brother of N

Beloved of Mail"

"Mail "Matt" Jeevas

Son of L

Brother of N

Beloved of Mihael"

Two men in a sea of nameless letters.

A/N: Well, that wasn't at all what I intended it to be, but I rather like it. This friends, is the end.