All names, places etc…belong to Cassandra Clare

Chapter 1

Clary glanced at herself in the mirror. She was paler, gaunt even. She gently prodded her cheekbones which had stuck out and ran a hand through her red hair which had dulled significantly. If anyone had been looking closely they would have seen that she was unhealthy, unhappy, devoid of life.

But they wouldn't. They wouldn't be looking at her face, only their body, to use for their own pleasures. Men liked her small physique, it was something they could dominate, could control. Clary sighed as she twisted her hair up and prepped her sinfully short skirt for the rough night ahead. Judging by the amount of rowdy slurs outside, she was in for a long one.

"Come on Clary, it's almost time." Clary glanced up and smiled slightly at Isabelle. If there was one thing about getting into the business, it was meeting Isabelle. Their differences made them close. Isabelle with her long legs that went on for miles and her long raven black hair, she was blunt and straight not letting anyone mess with her, not even some of the rowdiness customers- which didn't make her very sought after.

Clary on the other hand was small and had an almost childlike innocence in her green eyes. She was quiet and withdrawn with everyone but Isabelle. They had met early into their careers and stuck together ever since. She could feel Isabelle squeeze her hand.

"Just don't think about it ok? Go somewhere else, go far away…" The doors opened and they were ushered out.

I'm sorry mom, as Clay's last thought as she was enveloped in the chaos of Pandemonium.

0 – 0 – 0 – 0

Clary felt naked as she danced around the tables of wandering eyes, staring hungrily at her body. She was off tonight, her body not flowing with the music as it was supposed to. But the men didn't notice, too caught up in a haze of liquor for them to notice the missed turn or the wrong sidestep. She could feel Isabelle glancing at her every few seconds questioningly but Clary just couldn't figure out what was wrong with her tonight.

He was old and fat. It didn't take long for her to get him relaxed and into bed, it didn't take long for him to finish and roll off of her in a mass of fat and sweat. It was Lacey this time. He screamed Lacey. She had had Kelly's and Catherine's even an Eleanor but she hadn't had a Lacey.

Clary sighed with relief as the hot water soothed her aching muscles. She was finally off duty, finally ready to go home and into her bed. Isabelle had left already and so she would probably already be passed out on the couch by the time she got home.

The street was shrouded in darkness, Clary clutched at the greasy bills that were handed to her as she shoved them in her bag. She shivered as she walked quickly down the street, New York was dangerous at night, and anything could be lurking in the shadows. Then as she turned the corner, the echoing sound of a bullet being clicked into the chamber sounded and she felt the cold metal of a gun being pressed against her temple.

"Turn around slowly and hand me your purse."