" It hurts. Please stop..."

" You know you like it rough, baby. Just shut up and enjoy my big cock inside of you."

" No! It hurts! Please... Please stop! I can't... Please! Somebody help me!"

" Nobody will hear you, sweetheart. It's just the two of us. Now shut up before I have to kill you."

Noah felt the sharp side of a knife against his throat and shut his mouth.

Nothing was heard anymore besides the grunting and moaning of the man above him and the loud slapping of his balls against his ass.

Noah cried silent tears... He was so scared... Praying for help that didn't came.

A last loud moan, the pain inside his ass grew larger one last time, then it was over...

" Goodbye kid," the sound of a zipper could be heard, "And remember... Don't tell anyone this ever happened. Or else..."

Noah Puckerman shot right up from his bed, bathing in sweat, as his alarm-clock went off.

Another one of those nightmares... How much more of those did he have to endure?

More importantly; how much more of those could he take before they would get the best of him...

" Noah!" he could hear his mother's voice calling him from downstairs, "Noah, get out of bed. You're gonna be late for school!"


Another day he had to walk around with a smile on his face, pretending there was nothing wrong with him.

Sometimes he hated being a jock 'cause it brought up so much attention to him.

Sure, he liked a little attention once in a while, but sometimes it could all get a little too much...

"Noah, don't make me come and get you!"

Noah sighed as he raised himself out of bed and padded to the bathroom.

" I'm coming mom!" he called out when he walked past the stairs, then walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

He took a look in the mirror, then quickly turned his head away.

He hated himself... Couldn't even watch himself inside a mirror without flinching with what he saw.

When he looked inside the mirror he saw a dirty, broken child...

And he hated that... Hated that more than anything.

But in the end, that is exactly what he is right now...

A dirty, broken child with nothing or nobody around to fix him again.