Finally I'm back. I intended this chapter to be up multiple times in the last two months. But I kept getting distracted. And then my dad had an incident occur, which scared the crap out of me and my family, he was taken to the hospital and luckily he's alright and will be just fine. Anyways when I did finally get around to finishing it up, I changed my mind on the parts involving Chase. Just so everyone knows this chapter is actually a combination of episodes eight and nine, I decided to do so cause I felt that those two episodes were more along the line of a two part episode. Anyways here it is.

I do not own Bakugan or it's characters, but I do own Chase Snyder and Archaleon.

Normal POV

"I can't believe Ren just betrayed Marucho like that!" cried Dan. He paced around their main meeting room while the others sat at the table. Ren had finally admitted his betrayal and even showed his true appearance, the former seeming to break poor little Marucho's heart.

"He must be taking it pretty hard," said Jake.

"Yeah, he's been hiding out in his house ever since," said Shun. "I tried going over to talk to him but Kato said that he was busy."

"Maybe I should go check on him," said Dan.

"Wait, Dan. I don't think we should bother him," said Shun, standing up to stop Dan from leaving.

"Don't you care about your friend!" shouted Dan.

"Well of course I do, but..." Shun continued

"But nothing, we should at least make sure he's alright!" shouted Dan, just as the door opened and Marucho walked in with a big smile on his face.

"I finally did it!" Marucho said joyfully.

"Finally did what?" asked Dan. Everyone looked at the surprisingly optimistic blond kid.

"Check this out!" Marucho pressed some buttons on his Bakupod and the clone Akwimos appeared.

"Akwimos?" asked Drago opening up onto the table.

"I don't understand, what's the big deal about Akwimos?" asked Shun.

"Just listen."

"Cool is the rule, dude." Akwimos started speaking as everyone's jaw dropped.

"Cool! When did Akwimos learn to talk?" asked an amazed Dan.

"Ever since Jake mentioned that only real Bakugan can talk, I've been working on a speech function for the synthetic Bakugan." Marucho said, bragging about the success of his latest accomplishment.

"Cool is the rule, dude." Akwimos kept saying the same thing as it followed Drago around.

"Go away!" cried Drago, trying to get away from Akwimos.

"Why does he keeps saying that?" asked Shun.

"Well I programmed him to have a laid back personality and that was the only line of speech generated so far!"

"It does seem that you're in high spirits once again." Dan complimented.

"Well, we have Gundalians to fight and I can't stay depressed for too long." Marucho said before noticing that Fabia wasn't unusually silent. "You seem awful quiet, Fabia. What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Fabia looked up at the blonde brawler in surprise. She was too lost in her thoughts. "It's nothing."

"You sure?" said Dan. Though Fabia remained silent. "C'mon, you can tell us anything,"

"Well, it's just that, I still wonder if you guys actually believe me."


"After being tricked by Ren's convincing story, how can you just trust me so easily? You must have some doubts about me."

"Ha, don't worry Fabia. We trust you," said Dan. "When we saw the way you got angry about Bakugan being used in war, we knew you felt the same way we did."

"We're on the same side Fabia." Dan smiled, reassuring her.

Fabia smiled. "Yes, we are. Thank you!" Fabia reached into her pocket and pulled out three Bakugan. "I think it's about time I give you these: Aquos Akwimos, Ventus Hawktor and Subterra Coredem." Each Bakugan opened up when Fabia said their name. "These are the original Bakugan ."

"Are you sure?" asked Shun.

"Of course, I brought them from Neathia, just for you guys."

"Yes! This is exactly what I've wanted!" cried Jake. "Man, this is the moment I've been waiting for! A real Bakugan!" he said eliciting chuckles from the others.

Hawktor flew over and landed on Shun's shoulder.

"Hello there, I'm Shun," he greeted.

"Whoa, you're the ninja, right?" asked Hawktor.

"That's right."

"That's excellent! Maybe you can help me with my stealth attacks. I'm usually more forward with my attacks but I hear the subtle way is usually a better approach." He quickly said.

"Uh…ok," said Shun, almost lost in the shuffle.

"Uh…my name's…uh…Jake," stuttered Jake.

"Hmm, that's a strong name. Pleased to meet you Jake."

"Man! It's so great to meet the real Coredem! This is the coolest!" Jake's demeanor quickly was replaced with a ecstatic smile.

"My name is Marucho. It's nice to meet you."

"What's up little man? Knock the rock!" Marucho instantly stepped back. He sounded laid back just like the clone Akwimos

"Uh, ok." Marucho held up his fist and Akwimos hit it with his own. All of a sudden the clone Akwimos flew by, still saying his one line, "Cool is the rule, dude."

"Hm, 'cool is the rule'? Sounds tight, you mind if I start using it?" asked Akwimos.

"Be my guest!"

"Awesome, check this out: 'Cool is the rule, dude!'" said Akwimos, pushing the clone out of the way.

"Man this is a real trip." Dan joked.

"No kidding," Drago agreed.

Archaleon POV

"Ugh, what time is it?" I said as I woke up and looked around the room. I was sitting on the window sill on the far side of Chase's room, it had become my favorite spot when relaxing. I looked over at the desk and saw that Chase was hunched over, asleep... again. 'God Chase, why must you overexert yourself? Why do you even want to help them? It's not even like we have anything to gain.'

I floated over to the desk and saw that the computer monitor was nothing but that same sports screensaver he's had since he got the laptop almost a year ago. I tapped on the mouse pad causing the screensaver to disappear and it was replaced with a screen that showed some kind of progress bar. 'I'll never understand how Chase is able to write computer programs like this, yet he's just an average B student.'

"What kind of program is this Chase?"

"It's something I decided to create." Chase responded as the program began. "It breaks down any and all other computer programs down to it's basic encryptions and cracks through it and all the firewalls, granting me access to all the files no matter how secure they've been made."

'The only reason Chase is doing this is cause of that girl. I don't see how that's possible but it's definitely the only explination as to why he's doing this.' I looked back at him before returning to the window sill. 'This had better be worth it.'

Normal POV

"Who's next?" Ren thought out loud.

"Cut it out, Ren!" The white haired Gundalian turned around and saw the Battle Brawlers coming his way, with Fabia joining them. He couldn't help but feel a rush of guilt come over him when Marucho came into eyesight. He quickly got over it however.

"You've got some nerve showing your face around here!" Dan shouted confidently, which was a good thing. But he was too over confident. "You've got no business here, you got that?" Dan's incessant yelling forced him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, but I don't have time for you guys," Ren said, leaving.

"Get back here!" cried Dan as Ren and his crew began walking away. Dan stepped forward to stop Ren from leaving, when all of a sudden a boy and a girl jumped in the way, preventing Dan from continuing forward.

"Actually you're gonna have to fight us." The boy demanded.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" questioned Dan.

"Wait, I recognize you two: you're Casey and Taylor!" cried Marucho.

"You know them?" asked Dan.

"Yeah, they're some of our best brawlers!" replied Marucho.

"Go ahead and do your thing guys, we'll come back for you a little later," said Sid.

Fabia's eyes shot up at what Side said. "Come back later? Something strange is going on here, Aranaut."

"Strange how?" asked Aranaut, popping open on her shoulder.

"I'm not sure, I just have a feeling that they're up to something…" she said as Ren left with Zenet, Lena and Jesse while Sid and Mason stayed behind with Taylor and Casey. She turned back to Aranaut. "I think you and I need to follow Ren."

"Get out of our way! We don't want to fight you!" cried Dan.

"Sorry, but we can't let you interfere with Master Ren." Said Casey.

"Master Ren?" asked Dan.

"It sounds like they've been brainwashed!" cried Shun.

"Well how do you snap them out of it?" Dan asked "Maybe if we beat them, we can snap them out of it,"


I had left Sid and Mason in charge of distracting the brawlers. I had another part of my plan and I needed them out of the way. We finally made it to the central control room of Interspace where I would put this plan into motion. I had Zenet and Jesse stand guard outside while I typed on the screen

"Before you do execute the plan Ren, I think you should make a change." Lena said as she pushed her glasses up while Ren watched the battle the Brawlers were in.

"Just what kind of change?" He questioned.

"Allow me to show you," Lena continued as she typed something on on the keyboard. "Zenet saw someone snooping around in a restricted hallway that you gave us access to. He got away but she told me about him and if my guess is correct, he could be in league with the brawlers."

"So who is it?"

"This guy," She said as a picture of a black haired kid came up. "Chase Snyder."

'Hmm, something seems familiar about that name.' I thought. "Well, if he was sneaking around somewhere he shouldn't be then he'll just have to be added to the contingency plan."

"Well do it now the brawlers have finished their battles." Lena said pointing to the screen.

"You think I don't see that? Just give me a second…Ok, this should do it," I said, pressing a final button. Knowing the Brawlers wouldn't be able to interfere anymore.

Normal POV

Out of no where, just as the Brawlers battles finished, they were all transfered out of Bakugan Interspace and returned to the access terminals.

"What just happened?" Jake cried

"Were we just kicked out of Interspace? But how is that possible?" cried Dan

"Why don't you let me explain?" Everyone looked at their Bakupods and saw Ren.

"Ren!" Dan scolded.

"As of now, Bakugan Interspace is under my sole control." He said laughing.

"What! Are you serious Marucho?" cried Dan. He sat on the bed of his room yelling into his Bakupod.

"Yes, from the looks of it, we were the only ones forced out," said Marucho over a video link. "I've checked the cameras of Bakugan Interspace and there are still tons of kids in there. That means that the Battle Brawlers are the only ones that Ren and the Gundalians managed to force out."

"The rest of the kids in there don't even know what's going on and that Ren has taken over," said Shun.

"Shun?" asked Dan.

"Add to that kids are still jumping in like normal," said Fabia. "If we don't do something quick, Ren will just keep taking more kids back to Gundalia,"

"Fabia's with you too?" asked Drago.

"How come all of you guys got ejected at the same place?" asked Dan. Before anyone could answer Dan's question, he quickly jumped up when he heard the sound of a powerful plane engine.

"Huh, what in the! That's definitely not my alarm clock!" Chase said as he shot up out of his hunched over position on his desk.

"What's with all noise?" He quickly ran outside where he saw his mother looking at a giant ship. The ship's powerful turbines blew leaves and all sorts of dust particles through the atmosphere. The ship landed on the road and Marucho, Shun and Fabia walked out.

"We thought it would be easier for us to come see you!" cried Marucho.

Hawktor jumped out and opened up next to Shun. "So, this is where Dan lives now?"

Akwimos and Aranaut opened up to take in the view of Bayview City. "I dig it! It must be sweet living so close to the ocean!" exclaimed Akwimos.

"Well, well, aren't you guys going to introduce me to your new friends, guys?" asked Dan's mom.

"Yes, of course. Everyone, this is Dan's mother Miyoko Kuso." asked Drago.

"How in the hell did I not noticed that I was next door neighbors with Dan Kuso?" Chase questioned as he looked out of his bedroom window.

"It's funny, you'd think we'd realize something that obvious." Archaleon continued from his spot on the window sill.

"Shut up." Chase quickly defended. "I wonder what they're talking about."

"Probably something to do with the Gundalians."

"I hate to be rude, Mrs. Kuso, but we're kinda on a tight schedule. I hope you understand," said Marucho. "Ready to go, Dan?

Everyone loaded up onto Marucho's family's plane and made off for the closest access point. Once they got inside, they saw that the introductory video, was now changed to Ren. Other than that, kids were still filing in and out of the terminal.

"That no good lying jerk!" said Jake, who was already there waiting for them.

Dan walked up to an access point and pressed his card against the scanner, but the screen turned red and the computer spoke out, "Access denied, this user ID is no longer valid."

Dan pulled his card back, "Great, it's no good."

Jake jumped over the moving walkways to Dan and the others. "Dan the man, all the other terminals are blocked to. Is there any way that someone else can get in?"

"Dan, I hate to be the one to say this, but if we don't do something quic, all these kids will be at risk of being used as soldiers for the Gundalian forces," said Fabia.

"I know, I know!" he cried, grabbing his head. "Wait, I've got an idea." Dan quickly ran away from the group to some kids gathered by another terminal. "Hey you guys! Listen up everyone!" Everyone was easily grabbed by Dan's incessant shouting.

"Hey isn't that Dan Kuso?" asked one kid.

"Yeah, from the Brawlers right?" asked another.

"Listen up, Bakugan Interspace has been taken over by some very bad people. Anyone who enters is in serious danger so I want all of you to just head on home, ok?"

"Is he serious?"

"I think he is…"

"Oh come on." Dan looked over and saw two young boys giving him defiant looks.

"Why should we listen to anything you say?" asked the shorter boy.

"Yeah, just look at that," said the taller one, pointing to one of the screens showing the inside of Bakugan Interspace, "just look there and tell me where you see the danger."

"Yeah, everyone looks like they're having fun!" said the smaller one.

"Yeah, everything looks fine in there," said another kid.

"I'm going in anyway," said another.

"But," started Dan.

"Dan, we can't be sure that's a live feed we're seeing." said Shun.

"What are you really afraid of Dan? Is the pressure of being number one finally getting to you?" asked the taller kid.

"He's just worried that one of us will finally put him in his place and beat him," said the shorter boy. The taller boy began typing in his password into the keypad. The boys quickly disappeared as the doors shut behind them.

"No! Wait! Come back!" cried Dan, banging on the door. All of a sudden, every other kid made a run for the keypad to log on to Bakugan Interspace. Dan quickly held out his arms in an attempt to stop the stampede of kids. "Wait! You don't understand!"

"Dan the man, leave this to me!" Jake easily spread out his arms and pushed the group of kids back, giving the Brawlers their much-needed space. "There you go, little Maruch. Now you can shut it down."

Marucho scratched the side of his face. "Well, that's easier said than done. Ren's managed to seize complete control of the system. There's honestly no way for me to shut down the system from out here."

"Well, I may not know much about computers, but how about we try it by…"

"No, Jake stop!" cried Dan.

But Jake already charged towards the keypad. "…applying pressure!" And threw his shoulder into a keypad. When he pulled back the keypad was crushed under Jake's force. As if on cue, everything else in the building began shutting down. "Yeah, not to shabby huh?"

"Hold on, I think I have an idea. Follow me guys." Marucho said as he led everyone to a side room.

"Whoa, Marucho. How come you never told us about this room?" asked Dan.

"It looks like some sort remote command centre," said Drago.

"That's exactly what it is! I had one constructed over every access point but I never found the need to use them until now."

"Sweet! This can be like our private oasis!" exclaimed Akwimos.

"I think having a base of operations will be more practical," said Coredem.

"Your actions back there were a bit overly extreme, Jake," Shun commented.

"Maybe, but at least there're no more kids going into Bakugan Interspace for the time being!"

"Yes, that's very true. But it also means that the ones currently inside Bakugan Interspace can't come out either."

"That may not be entirely true." Everyone turned to Fabia. "We know that Ren has figured out some way to transport the kids in and out of Interspace without the use of the access points. Thanks to Jake's actions, we've at least been able to decrease the amount of kids he can take back to Gundalia."

"Then we need to focus on getting all the kids in Interspace, out of there," said Drago. "Aranaut don't you have some way to teleport into Interspace

"Yes, indeed we do, all Neathian Bakugan possess this ability," explained Aranaut.

"That's awesome! Then why are we still standing around here? Let's jump right in and take them by surprise!" exclaimed Dan.

"Dan wait! I know you're anxious to get in there but we really need to think things through first," said Shun.

"Shun's right. We need to be cautious," agreed Hawktor.

"Yeah, now that Ren's taken over Bakugan Interspace, he's got a huge advantage over us," added .

"Hm…what if one of us snuck in to do some recon and reported back to us? suggested Marucho.

"Great! Leave it to me! Let's go Drago!" cried Dan.

"Hold up Dan," Drago said, stopping Dan in his tracks.

"What is it now?"

"I don't have the power to body shift myself into Interspace like the others do."

"Oh, that's right…"

"Dan the man! Let me go in and do it, alright? It's my fault we can't bring those kids back the easier way anyway," said Jake.

"Coredem, you can jump right in right?" asked Jake.

"Yes, of course!" he said, flying into to Jake's hand.

"Great, then we can all go together!" cried Dan.

"Jake, hold on to me tight," said Coredem.

"Ok." Jake closed his hand over Coredem.

"Now Dan, you hold on to Drago. We want to make sure we all get in there." Dan obeyed and grasped Drago in his hand. "And now hold onto Jake." Dan and Jake grabed each others hands in a non-awkward way. "And whatever you do, don't let go!" Coredem's eyes began glowing and Dan and Jake, along with their bakugan, vanished.

"Whoa, they just disappeared!" cried Marucho.

"I guess it worked and they're on their way into Bakugan Interspace," said Shun.

"Yes," agreed Fabia.

Chase POV

"Finally this thing is done." Chase said as he sat down and set the game controller that was in his hand on the desk.

"I thought this thing would take until the sun fizzled out." Archaleon joked.

"Well..." Chase said as he started scanning through the screen. "This is strange."

"What about it?"

"I mean, I don't understand this." Chase started explaining while pointing at the screen. "This language it's in, I've never seen it before."

"Is it possible that it's some kind of Gundalian language?"

"Possibly, no matter the case, I don't recognize, let along could I tell what it's saying."

"There's only one person we know that might be able to translate it."

"Yeah I know, but it's not like I know how we're gonna do that. I mean she is in town for some reason, but so are the Brawlers. I'm not so sure I'd be able to get her in private to show her this."

"Then we have only one option left, and you know what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, unfortunately I do." Chase said as he grabbed the mouse. 'I'm not so sure they'll trust us enough to hear us out.'

Normal POV

"Dan and Jake sure have been gone a long time…" said Marucho. After the two hard headed boys left for Interspace, Marucho, Shun and Fabia could nothing but sit and wait for them to return.

"I wonder if Ren and the others found them," said Fabia.

"It's possible. Marucho did install a new security system before we got booted out, so Ren's probably using it to keep and eye out for us," said .

All of a sudden, Dan and Jake reappeared in the room along with the two boys who had previously ignored Dan's warnings.

"Dan! Jake!" cried Marucho.

"Hey, aren't those the kids who ignored you earlier?" asked Shun.

"Yeah, they got brainwashed by Ren just like those other kids, but one good battle and we snapped them out of it!" cried Dan.

"Now do you believe us? It's too dangerous for you to go in there!" shouted Jake.

"Says who?" cried Sein.

"Yeah, we don't remember a thing!" cried Luin.

"Are you kidding me? You still think we're lying to you!" shouted Jake, clearly angry at the boys insistent disbelief.

"Easy there, Jake," said Dan, patting Jake's shoulder to calm him.

"But Dan…"

"They've been through enough today. But don't worry, we'll make sure that one day, it'll be safe to battle inside Interspace again. Just promise me you won't dive in again until we say it's safe, ok?"

Sein and Luin sighed, "Ok…" The boys hung their heads and walked out of Interspace, slightly embarrassed because they couldn't remember anything, but they finally agreed to listen to Dan.

As Dan watched the boys head home, he narrowed his eyes. "There were so many other in there, we're going back!"

"You might need some help with that." A voice spoke up as Dan and Jake turned around to see a kid in a black jacket and a hat walk up to them. The second the kid looked up, Fabia's eyes widened.

"Chase?" Fabia thought while Dan, Marucho and Jake looked at the kid confused.

To be continued...

Well that's it for this chapter. First of all, I really wanted to put the part in about there being a Gundalian language. I mean they are aliens after all, they have to have their own language, not every being in existence speaks primarily English. I also want to point out, that the cut aways to Chase aren't necessarily happening at the same time as the rest of the chapter, I just choose those points to put the cut away in.

I really hate that it took this chapter nearly two and a half months to finish. I was planning on finishing this all the way back in early December but so many things kept coming up and I was really starting to get frustrated.

Anyways, I want to pointout that there's now a picture of my oc Chase on Deviantart, my friend Kyoriangel drew it for me and I took care of the coloring. Another of my friends on DA, BlueIke, finished doing a redrawing of Archaleon which is perfect and I'm going to get around to coloring it soon.

:Next Time:

While Shun and Fabia trust Chase, the other three are not so reluctant following how easily Ren tricked them. When Marucho proposes a plan to try and regain control of Interspace, Chase is up to the task in order to prove that they can trust him. But will volunteering for this be enough for Chase to earn the trust of all the Brawlers?

Find out in: Party Crasher

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