This chapter contains a maaaaaaaaaaaayjor spoiler from the episode "Asterisk." I pretty much just substituted Rachel for Harvey for one of the scenes.

It's sad stuff, yo.

So please, if you are not one hundred and ten percent caught up with Suits, please, by all means: DO NOT READ THIS. It will give away important things. Seriously. So don't say I didn't warn you. 'Cause I did.

MULTIPLE TIMES. Just wanna emphasize that.

So, no money was, is, and will be made with writing out these little doodads. Characters belong to Suits owner.

So one more time with me now, let's make River Song proud: SPOLIERS!

That is all. Enjoy.

I hope.

Everything seemed to go numb all at once. It was like a soundless explosion inside of his chest, the radiation spreading like wildfire inside of him; through his internal organs, all the way to the ends of his limbs. If he would have been concentrating on the sensation hard enough, he would have said that it felt funny and uncomfortable.

But he was not thinking about the odd sensation, no. Actually, for once in his life, his brain just did not want to compute. In Mike's hindsight, the fact that his Gram could no longer occupy the same physical space as himself was in itself illogical.

Not unreasonable, but illogical, and completely so. It went against all Mike knew. Naturally something of this nature would cross his mind every now and again, but he'd never let himself dwell on the fact that it could one day come to pass.

Would one day come to pass. And pass it did.

Before all of this happened, Mike was actually planning to show his Gram the new apartment he and Rachel had found for her. He felt it was the absolute very least he could do for the woman who practically raised him and loved him for most of his life.

He was at the new place doing last minute touch ups and giving it a good cleaning when he heard a knock at the door. Of course his first thought was that it was Gram.

As he opened the door, he said "surprise—" only to be met with the face of his boss and partner, Harvey Specter. Harvey tried to keep his face composed, but he knew he was letting his emotions show only too much. But Mike didn't seem to be taking much notice of this. He was too preoccupied thinking of his Gram, waiting for her to come by.

"Harvey," he said. "Hey, what are you doing here? Come on in." His tone was light and conversational.

So like Mike, thought Harvey. I'm afraid to hear that sound in his voice go away.

Harvey quickly followed Mike into the apartment. Mike was placing a pot of flowers on the fire mantle. He looked so unassuming.

But of course he does, Harvey thought. He doesn't know yet.

"Mike," started Harvey. He tried to keep his voice steady. He was being somewhat successful, but if Mike would have even barely glanced at him, he knew his eyes would have given himself away. "Someone kept calling the office for you. It was the nursing home. And I—"

Mike turned his head to face the older man. He was just staring at him. Confusion was deeply carved into his features, and worry was in his heart. His hand was still in the position it was when he was dusting the mantel piece. Harvey tried to continue.

"I guess—I guess that's the emergency number they had."

The younger man shook his head, blinking his eyes rapidly.

"Um, what?" Now his worry grew; the unassuming nature of his face completely gone. He was now facing the lawyer completely, arms draped to his sides. Harvey had to give himself a moment to continue.

"It's your grandma," he said.

Mikes' breathing was turning shallow; his eyes were glassing over. It was hard for Harvey to look at him like this. He told himself from the beginning that he would do all in his power to never let Mike feel hurt or abandoned. And here he was, failing miserably.

He had to force the last words out of his mouth.

"She passed away." And now it was real for both of them.

Mike seemed to stumble. His eyes shone with tears. He looked at the floor, trying to make sense of what was happening, but not seeming to be able to.

"No," said Mike, shaking his head. He said it like what Harvey told him was a joke. "No, she's—" He pointed to the door as if she were on her way in. He didn't know how else to continue.

Harvey's guard was now virtually gone.

"I'm so sorry Mike." His voice cracked as he took a step forward.

And that's when Mike felt it. That deemed "funny and uncomfortable" feeling in his body. His braining shutting itself off and going into survival mode. His thought process now none existent. He could barely speak because of the lump in his throat. So he struggled with his next few words. He was trying to reason with himself.

"She didn't even get to s—to see—" His voice was oddly calm.

"I know, Mike." He stood completely in front of him now. He placed his hands on the sides of Mike's arms, looking into his eyes, searching them. His voice was but a whisper.

"I'm so sorry."

He slowly pulled the younger man close to him, wrapping his arms around his neck. All Mike could do was stand there and breathe. He couldn't move. His mobility left him. And then all at once, like a wave, he broke down, holding tightly to partner for dear life, sobbing into his shoulder. He was soaking his suit, but Harvey didn't even care.

All Harvey could do was stroke Mike's hair and whisper over and over again "I'm so sorry."

Through it all Harvey just managed to keep a shred on composure. He couldn't have both of them a wreck. But hearing the sounds of Mike's anguish, it took all of his power not to break down with him.