Two Italians and an unsuspecting Spaniard

-Romano is tired of Spain not noticing that he has a crush on him. How does the Italian solve this? By getting a 'boyfriend' to make said Spaniard jealous. Does it work? Well, you just have to find out.


Romano sat at the last seat at the bar, an empty glass in front of him. He glared at the glass, almost as if it would break at any second. The barkeep refilled the glass and handed it back again. The Italian made to grab the glass but another hand grabbed it first. He looked into the face of Acilio, one of his friends from the government. The young man, Acilio, smirked and took a sip of the drink. He put it down with a face.

"And I don't get how you can drink that crap, Romano." Said Acilio, his voice slightly girly.

"Just shut up."

Acilio tugged on Romano's curl, earning himself a slap to the hand and a 'chigi'. The blonde Italian laughed and sat down next to Romano.

"Okay. Tell me how this 'tomato-bastard' got you riled up. He always does when you go for a World meeting." Said Acilio, quickly ordering a beer for himself

Romano shook his head.

"You are an idiot. Sometimes even more than Feliciano." Snapped Acilio, glaring at the brunette beside him

Romano glared back but was cut off by Acilio bursting into laughter. He rolled his eyes and went back to his drink.

"He doesn't notice at all." Said Romano, his voice barely above a whisper.

Acilio nodded, "And?"

"He's an idiot. An idiot who has a thing for tomatoes and turtles."

The blonde shook his head, sighing deeply. "I think you need to do something about this. I'm kinda sick of hearing you complain about how you love him and how you think he's an idiot for not noticing. It kinda got boring and stupid about twenty years ago. And you have been complaining for much longer than that."

Romano looked up at Acilio, "What do you think I should do?"

"If you are asking me, you really are screwed. Angelique is the one who comes up with all my plans. But, I would think. Then act."

Romano sighed. Acilio shook his head and paid for all the drinks, including Romano's. He stood up and rustled Romano's hair.

"Don't get too down on yourself. I don't think Feliciano would be happy to see his fratello unhappy." Acilio turned and left the bar, smiling softly to himself.

Romano watched his friend leave.

"He really is a pain in the ass. Wonder how the hell he got into our government…"

An hour later, Romano went back to his house and into his bedroom. He collapsed onto his bed, sighing once again. Then he shot up and reached for his cell phone. Scrolling though his contacts, he found Acilio's number and pressed send. On the fourth ring the blonde Italian picked up.

"What the hell is it?" came the slightly distorted voice of Acilio. There was other noise in the background, a woman laughing at the TV.

"I have an idea!"

"No explosives in your mouth?"

"No! And that was a one time thing!"

"Fine. Tell me but hurry up, Angelique is here for today only. I wont get to see her for another four months."

"Don't give a crap about your sister."

"She's not- ugh. Just tell me or I'm hanging up."

Romano laughed slightly, "Pretend to be my boyfriend!"

The phone clicked on the other end.

-Author note-

If anyone is confused, Acilio is also immortal like the other personifications. This tidbit gets explained in another fic that is planned. But cant be written after this fic is completed. So, He has been a friend with Romano since Spain was a conquisdor.

Please tell me what you think about it!