A/N: I just finished playing Dragon Age 2 for the sixth time and my mage happened to have a Rivalry Romance with Fenris…which turned out to be highly enjoyable! LOL Thus I decided to write a little two-part story about my mage and Fenris. Part one is finished… hope you enjoy it. :D

Looking forward to reading any reviews or opinions you may wish to share!

As always… thanks to BioWare and the wonderful team of DA writers!

6/4/12: I realized as I was working on "A Song of Sorrows" that I needed to go back and change the timeline on this story, in order for the two stories to have the required continuity. So for you "canon purists" out there, please excuse the slight creative license that I am taking with the game timeline.

Part One

He had broken her heart two years ago and yet she had been unable to let him go. On that night, the anguished elf had left her all alone in her large, comfortable bed, amidst the silk sheets that had been twisted and tangled from their evening of passion. She had given her heart- and her body- freely to the handsome, but troubled elf, on that unforgettable night so long ago, yet he had still left her.

Since coming to the city of Kirkwall seven years ago, the strong-willed and beautiful woman had only allowed herself the luxury of tears and self-pity on two occasions; the night her mother had died and the night when the elf had left her.

None of the woman's friends, especially the mage Anders, could understand why she remained faithful to the broody elf, since he had made it clear to everyone in their close-knit circle of companions that he had ended their relationship-if one night together could even be termed a relationship.

The woman could not say that she and the elf were exactly friends; which may seem strange, considering the amount of time the two had spent together during the past six years or so. They had fought at each other's side on a multitude of occasions- too many to even recall now- and they had exchanged gestures and words of comfort during times of great personal sorrow and family upheaval over the years. Yet she shunned using the word friend to describe their relationship. The woman felt friendly rivals was a more apt term to describe the two of them.

The young woman sighed and ran her long fingers through her medium length golden-brown hair. She usually wore her hair pulled back in three short ponytails- two on each side of her head and one in the back- but she had let her hair down for the evening, since she planned to spend a quiet night at home. She was not sure now if that had been a very good decision or not, for it left her unoccupied mind too free to dwell on her lingering memories and feelings about the elf.

"Pardon me, Messere Hawke, but I just wanted to see if there was anything I could get you before me and my boy, Sandal, retired for the night," inquired Bodahn Ferric, the dwarf trader turned manservant, his voice interrupting her quiet contemplations.

Catelynn Hawke turned away from the large cut-stone fireplace where she had been standing, to look at the older dwarf. She gave him a friendly smile and replied, "No Bodahn. I don't need anything. Thank you for asking."

Bodahn gave the Champion a small smile and then bowed at the waist as he said, "My pleasure, Messere Hawke." The manservant straightened upright once again and then left the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Hawke turned away from the closed door and walked over to the desk and chair that sat against the wall closest to the room's entry. She picked up the bottle of wine that had been sitting on her desk for quite a long time now, and peered through the dark glass at the liquid contained within- it was still completely full. It had been a gift, of sorts, from the elf. He had retrieved one of the last bottles of wine from his former master's wine cellar within the mansion, and had given it to her.

Hawke had been saving the wine for a special occasion, but there it sat- still unopened. Varric had asked her not too long ago, why she had not opened it when she had been named the Champion of Kirkwall; if that wasn't enough reason to celebrate, what was? She had only shrugged her shoulders and replied that she guessed she just had not felt that it had been the right special occasion. She looked at the glass bottle thoughtfully for a moment before setting it back down upon the desktop. She really was not exactly sure why she kept putting off drinking the wine… why she needed to wait for the right sort of special occasion. Perhaps there really was not such a thing.

Hawke turned towards the closed door when she heard a scratching noise and a sharp, excited, short bark. She laughed and called out to her hound to wait a moment- she would open the door for him. She walked to the door, put her hand to the knob and turned; but before she could pull the door open all the way, her Marbari hound burst into the room, knocking her backwards and straight on her arse.

"Calm down, boy! I'm happy to see you too!" Hawke exclaimed in between the sloppy licks of the happy hound's tongue across her face. "Get off me, you daft dog!" Hawke commanded the hound, as she lay sprawled upon the stone-tiled floor, her voice full of delighted laughter. "You're getting me all wet with your dog kisses!"

The Mabari simply barked and continued on licking her cheeks with his large, wet tongue. Hawke tried pushing the dog away from her but she was laughing too hard, and the muscular hound was much too heavy to be moved without his cooperation.

"Do not be too hard on your hound, Hawke. It's a wonderful thing to be able to kiss a beautiful woman."

Hawke's laughter suddenly died out in her throat, and her heart skipped a beat or two at the sound of his voice. The dog lifted his massive head and turned it towards the door with a happy bark. Hawke pushed against the Mabari's broad chest until he finally moved off her, allowing her to see the person that had just spoken.

"Fenris," she said a bit breathlessly. She stared at him in surprise. "What are you doing here," she asked the elf.

The lanky elf stood leaning against the doorjamb, his long arms folded across his armored chest. His dark green eyes, peering out from beneath a long lock of his silver-white hair, returned her gaze. A fleeting smile passed across his handsome face. "I had not realized I needed an invitation to come see you."

Fenris studied the woman on the floor before him. She had sat up and was trying to straighten out the short skirt she wore, which had somehow gotten twisted about her upper thighs when the hound had bowled her over. Hawke seemed a bit nervous and unsure of herself- something Fenris was not used to seeing in this particular mage.

"May I help you up?" he asked as he unfolded his long arms and stood upright. He took a few steps forward into the room and reached a hand down to her. Hawke grabbed his offered hand and Fenris quickly pulled her to her feet- a little too quickly. The momentum of his pull forced her forward and into his chest.

Hawke tried to back away from Fenris, but his hands were tightly grasping her upper arms, holding her in place. She placed the palm of her hands flat against his hard chest and looked up into his face; her brilliant aquamarine eyes stared intently into his large green ones. She was having trouble managing her thoughts, and for some strange reason she could not seem to remember to breathe when she ought to.

Fenris tilted his head downwards slightly and asked, "Why did you not come back to Danarius' mansion last night?" He still referred to the mansion where he lived as Danarius', even though his dead ex-master actually never had any claim to the property.

"W-w-what?" she stammered. Maker! Why can't I think straight?

"Last night. Why did you never come back?" he asked her again patiently. "In the middle of our…talk…you left to take care of some urgent business with the mine." Fenris' dark eyebrows slanted downwards as he frowned. "But you did not return once you had completed your task." He gazed at her with a slightly troubled expression and asked, "Does your reasons for not returning have anything to do with why you did not ask me to accompany you to the Bone Pit?"

Hawke could tell that Fenris was still hurt about her leaving him behind, although he would never admit it to her. She still remembered how annoyed he had looked when the courier, interrupting their reconciliation, had arrived with the message from her business partner about the trouble in the mines they owned jointly. She had informed Fenris that she had business to take care of and then she had simply – left. She had left him behind in that run-down mansion, staring after her with a bemused and slightly hurt expression upon his face.

The furrow on Fenris' brow deepened further when Hawke remained silent in response to his question. The elf was starting to get angry, but he made an effort to control it. Something he found himself doing often when he was around this beautiful and strong-willed, but often exasperating, mage.

"Hawke- Answer me," he ordered her, his voice even and calm, despite his rising anger.

"I-I- can't think, Fenris," she told him. "Please… let me go," she pleaded with him.

Fenris tightened his grip on her upper arms. "You did not mind being in my arms last afternoon," he responded. "Does my kiss now mean nothing to you?"

His kiss- his apology- had meant everything to her. She had waited three long years for that apology. Waited for him to explain to her why he had ended their relationship before it had even begun.


The sound of a familiar man's voice, loudly clearing his throat, interrupted Hawke's thoughts. Both she and Fenris turned their heads and saw that Anders was standing at the top of the stairs that led down from the room's upper level, where he had just entered into, through the hidden door that led from the mansion's underground passageways.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, Cat…but I thought I should make my presence known before the two of you got any further into your… conversation."

"Anders. I didn't know you were coming over tonight," she replied to her friend, her tone a bit too sharp. She glanced at Fenris. He was glaring at Anders, and she felt his muscles tense beneath her palms.

"Well…that's the point of having my own key, isn't it? So I can come and go as need be," replied the mage with a smile that bordered suspiciously on the smug side. However, he was looking at Fenris and not at her as he spoke. The elf's cheek muscle quivered in barely suppressed anger as he gave Anders a challenging glare.

"As you can see, mage, Hawke is presently busy at the moment," Fenris said between gritted teeth. "Perhaps you could come back at a more opportune time."

Anders smiled again as he started his descent down the stairs, a heavy book in one hand, and replied, "I'll be out of your way soon enough, elf." He noticed that Hawke was frowning at him as he reached the bottom of the stairway, and Fenris looked as if he wanted to pull his still beating heart out of his chest.

"Before I forget, Cat," he said as he held up the rather large tome that he had been holding in his right hand. "I have that book of spells that you wanted to study. I'll just put it on the table… by the bed."

Anders smiled to himself when he saw the annoyed look that Hawke was giving him. She meant the world to him, but he had never really gotten over the fact that she had chosen the elf instead of him. Therefore, he rather liked the idea that Fenris was clearly getting the wrong idea about him and Hawke.

Anders managed to squeeze by the two of them as they stood before the room's doorway. Fenris had finally let go of Hawke, only because he had to move in order for him to keep Anders in his line of sight as the mage walked across the room towards the open door. Hawke had immediately moved a few steps away from Fenris as soon as he had released her; her eyes darted back-and-forth between the other mage and the elf.

"I'm off to bed now," Anders said as he exited the room. "Hawke, you know where I'll be should you want- err- need me," he said over his shoulder as he walked through the doorway. He knew that Hawke had clearly heard the amusement in his voice, by the looks of the parting glare she had just shot at him. Anders chuckled to himself when he heard Fenris swear at him in Arcanum before he was out of earshot.

"Oh, I'll find you all right," she mumbled angrily under her breath as she watched the irritating mage walk away. "But you won't like it when I freeze your family jewels into two little balls of solid ice!" She had realized what Anders had been up to and she was not pleased with him at all.

Suddenly she heard Fenris' deep chuckle. She looked over at him and saw that he was smiling at her. Hawke loved it when he smiled, his whole face lit up. It was just too bad that he had not allowed himself to smile more over the past six years.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side, Hawke." Fenris had heard her angry muttering concerning Anders, and smiling to himself, he had thought that he would pay good coin to see such a sight. If he had any coin that is.

Hawke let out a long exasperated sigh and walked over to the small sofa that sat before the massive fireplace and flopped down into it, with another huge sigh. She had recently purchased the sofa and had decided to keep it in this room. In the past, she had always pulled one of the desks' chairs out and set it before the fireplace whenever she wanted to sit and enjoy this room. Fenris walked over and seated himself beside her. He looked up at the rather large statue that was upon the mantle of her fireplace.

"I hate that statute," he stated.

She looked up at the statue as well. "I know." She frowned slightly. "You know…I still don't remember buying the bloody thing."

Fenris turned his lanky frame sideways on the small sofa, to afford himself a better view of the woman seated next to him. He thought her to be one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He had seen many women along his travels over the years- but none could compare to her. No other woman had ever captured his attention such as this one. Before Hawke had come into his life, he had thought that he had been destined to be alone, but somehow this woman-this mage-had changed everything for him. The Maker certainly has a perverse sense of humor.

"I didn't come here to speak of statues, Hawke." He started to reach out to her with one of his hands and then he noticed that he was still wearing his armored gloves. When he had first arrived, Fenris had had intended to remove them at the same time when he had removed his long two-handed sword from his back, but the sounds of Hawke's lovely laughter had distracted him. He removed both gauntlets and dropped them to the floor next to the sofa.

"Did you say something Fenris," Hawke asked as she turned her head to him. She had been lost in her own musings while she had been staring at the statue and had not heard what he had said.

Fenris reached out again with one of his bared hands and gently ran it through the locks of her soft hair. He gave her a half smile. "I have always wanted to do that…but you have never worn you hair loose around me."

Hawke felt a small jolt course through her body at his simple touch. She turned her face slightly and rubbed her cheek against his hand. Fenris felt the same small jolt that she had, run through his own body. Whenever the two of them touched, his luminescent lyrium tattoos always reacted to the magical powers she carried within herself. It was not an unpleasant feeling, just an extremely intense one that took some getting used to.

"Fenris…I'm sorry about Anders. He was just trying to get back at me for…" Hawke suddenly stopped speaking when she realized that she had never told Fenris about what had happened- what had almost happened- between her and Anders.

"…For not allowing him into your bed, I imagine," Fenris replied with a shrewd look, and then gave her a small crooked smile that disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.

Hawke should have known that there was little that could be hidden among her small circle of companions. Unless, of course, your name was Isabela and you happened to be an expert at lying. I will never forgive that backstabbing bitch for betraying me like that and leaving me alone to deal with the Arishok! Hawke shook her head to clear her thoughts and rubbed her temple. Just thinking about what her supposed friend had done was enough to give her a headache.

"I'm sure that Anders would never reveal such a thing to you," replied Hawke. "So, how did you find out?" she asked him curiously.

Fenris replied with a single word. "Varric."

"Varric! Of course it would have been him," she said. "But why in the world would he feel the need to tell you?" Hawke asked.

Varric was the one that had warned Hawke against getting involved with Fenris over three years ago, so she wasn't sure why he had suddenly felt the need to tell Fenris that she was not in- nor ever had been in- a romantic relationship with Anders.

"I believe it was the dwarf's way of letting me know how foolish I had been to let you go," Fenris explained with a fleeting amused smile. "And that you were still…available… should I finally come to my senses."

Hawke studied the elf's face for a long, thoughtful moment before she spoke. "And have you?" she asked quietly, "Finally come to your senses?"

Fenris looked a bit taken aback at her question. His dark eyebrows slanted downward as he frowned at her. "I thought we had already settled all that yesterday." His dark green eyes searched her bright aquamarine ones. "I took your words, 'I forgive you', as your acknowledgement that you had not only understood and accepted everything that I had said to you on yesterday, but that you had also heard the actual words that I had spoken."

Hawke had certainly heard and understood everything that he had told her yesterday. At first she had been overjoyed that he had finally told her how he really felt about her- that he wanted to be by her side for the rest of his life. Part of her had always known why he had left her after that night two years ago. She had always understood how he had felt and she had known, these past two years, that he still had deep feelings for her, especially when he had started wearing a red scarf, once belonging to her, tightly wrapped around his right arm above his wrist. She knew then that he would someday come back to her, and yesterday he had. So why am I suddenly afraid to believe him? Because, if he truly had not meant what he had said, she did not think she could stand the devastation if he broke her heart. Again.

"I heard what you said, Fenris." She searched his face, looking for anything that might signify a change of heart- that he now regretted what he had declared to her on yesterday. "I just don't know if I believe it…"

"I'm here, am I not?" Fenris asked her quietly, his eyes never wavering from her face.

"Yes," she replied softly.

"Then believe."

Fenris slowly leaned forward towards Hawke; his eyes smoldered with heat and passion as he stared into the depths of her eyes from beneath a stray lock of his pale hair. She reached her hand out and brushed the lock of hair from his eyes. He grabbed her hand, brought it to his lips and tenderly kissed the back of it, sending little shock waves through her body. Fenris smiled knowingly when he saw her body quiver. He lowered her hand but kept it tucked firmly in his.

"Did you know that a lone wolf can never be happy? That the wolf is meant to be part of a pack, even if the pack is only made up of two wolves?" he asked her as a smile played about his striking face.

"I had heard something to that effect…" she replied with a puzzled tone, wondering where he was going with this.

"And did you know that once a wolf chooses a mate, they are mated for life?" His eyes searched her face as if he was waiting for some sort of indication that she was truly hearing what he was saying to her.

Suddenly Hawke understood what he was trying to say. She nodded her head as her eyes filled with bright, unshed tears.

"Do you remember what I said the name Danarius had given me means? What Fenris means?" He was looking at her so intently. She was finding it hard to breathe again.

"It means Little Wolf," she said softly.

"Well, this wolf has chosen his mate," Fenris said with a smile. "That is, if a Hawke doesn't mind being mated with a Little Wolf?"

Hawke gave Fenris a brilliant smile as she laughed in pure joy. "Fenris, I have waited for over three long years for you to say this to me. This Hawke is not about to let her Little Wolf go. Not now, not ever."

"Hawke…my heart is yours." Fenris leaned in closer to her. "I am yours- today, tomorrow, and forever," he vowed to her, his tone deep and sincere.

Hawke reached out her hand and grabbed Fenris by the back of his neck. She pulled his head close to hers and kissed him on his mouth. Hawke had meant the kiss to be a gentle one, but the moment their lips touched, she lost all control. She could no longer contain three long years of pent-up desire and longing for Fenris.

Fenris returned her kiss with a passion that matched hers- the flames of desire threatened to consume them both. Fenris had not felt such heat and desire since that night he and Hawke had first given themselves to each other. The feelings this woman-this mage- caused him to experience were indescribable.

The air around them began to pulsate and hum with an unseen energy that seemed to emanate from the pair of them; magic and desire mixed in equal parts.

"Festis bei umo canavarum," gasped Fenris, a husky growl to his voice. The woman was driving him over the edge.

"You will be the death of me…" said Hawke with amused laughter. "What have I done now?" she asked.

"You have changed my life, Hawke. You have awakened feelings within me that I never knew I had. Awakened dreams and desires that I never dared hope to have," he replied.

"Isn't that a good thing?" she asked the elf, smiling at him.

Fenris looked at her for a moment with a slight wry expression upon his face. "I haven't decided yet," he said, giving her a faint smile.

Hawke laughed at him and shook her head in amazement. The elf certainly did like to brood! She watched, curiously, as Fenris stood up from the sofa she sat upon, bent down to retrieve his gloves from the floor, and then started walking towards the doorway. When he got to the opened door, he stopped and turned back around to look at her for a moment.

"Fenris? You aren't leaving are you?" she asked, a bit incredulous that he would actually think of leaving.

"Yes. There are one too many mages in this place, for what I have in mind for us," he explained with a smile. "Come to my mansion in an hour, Hawke. We can continue our…conversation there."

Fenris nodded his head to her goodbye, turned back around and exited the room. Hawke continued to stare after him even when she could no longer see his form. Her Mabari hound padded into the room and jumped up onto the sofa next to her. He gave her a happy bark and then cocked his head at her.

"Well, boy… I guess I won't be spending a quiet home tonight after all." She ruffled the hound's fur at the back of his neck and then gave him a hug. The Mabari barked and licked her face. Hawke smiled and sat back against the cushions on the sofa. An hour suddenly seemed like a very long time to wait. But then again, she had been waiting three years for this night- so what was another hour?

Hawke stared into the fireplace and thought how strange life could turn out. When she first arrived in Kirkwall, she would have never imagined that the one person that she would fall in love with would turn out to be an elf, an elf who was an escaped slave, who not only had a deep resentment and dislike for mages, but also a deep mistrust of magic itself.

Yes, the Maker certainly has a strange sense of humor. Hmm, I wonder if I should bring something with me to his mansion. Hawke looked over the back of the sofa and her eye caught the perfect thing. She smiled. It seems the right special occasion had just presented itself- and it would start in about one hour.