Thanks to everyone who has made "The Heart of a Wolf" his or her favorite story. I hope it remains your favorite after reading the 2nd and final part of this particular story. I have had so much fun writing about these two characters that I have decided to continue their saga in another story, titled "A Song of Sorrows".

Your reviews and opinions- negative or positive- are much appreciated.

As Always…Thanks to BioWare and the entire Dragon Age team- you rock!

Part Two

Catelynn Hawke walked slowly through the Chantry's deserted courtyard on her way to the section of Hightown where most of the nobles lived. She still had a few moments before she was supposed to see Fenris and she did not want to appear overly eager.

The sun had set some hours ago and the night was well on, as the lack of noticeable activity in this area of Kirkwall could now attest. The soft glow of the burning lights within the tall lamps lit Hawke's pathway, as she walked purposefully towards her intended destination.

Hawke had forgone her usual armored clothing for a simple blue form-fitting mage's robe, but she did bring her staff with her. One could never be too careful while traversing the darkened streets of Kirkwall, even in the more affluent areas such as Hightown.

Hawke climbed up the wide stone steps that led to the upper area of Hightown, which housed most of the more affluent members of Kirkwall's society. Hawke stopped at the top of the incline and looked around at her surroundings.

The city's district of Hightown was quite different from the city's poorer Lowtown and Darktown districts; no beggars, no squalor, no foul stench of refuse or sewer fumes were found here. Funny how enough gold coin puts and end to all of that. Over the years, Hawke had poured a lot of money into Kirkwall in hopes of easing the plight of the other Ferelden refugees, but she feared she was fighting a losing battle. There were just too many of them and the natives of Kirkwall still harbored deep-seated prejudices against her fellow countrymen.

Hawke sighed softly, and turning right at the top of the stairs, she resumed walking towards Fenris' mansion. When she got to the mansion's entryway, Hawke paused for a moment to take a deep, calming breath and then she entered the mansion through the unlocked door.

As Hawke walked into the enormous main room of the estate, she saw that Fenris had done little to change the mansion's appearance- it still looked as run-down and disused as ever. She wondered, yet again, how he could stand to live in such a dismal and gloomy place. Hawke looked up at the cathedral ceilings of the mansions, as she crossed the expansive floor to one of the double stairways that led to the upper level of the home. Ugh! There are even more spider-webs in the corners of this room than last time I was here!

She suddenly looked around the room in apprehension, eyes narrowed as she searched for the spiders that had made the webs. She hated spiders- of any size.

With a little shudder, Hawke quickly climbed the stairway to the upper level of the mansion where the room that Fenris used was located. She walked across the landing and entered his large room; she stopped and stared in surprise when two things immediately caught her notice.

The first surprising thing was that Fenris had actually cleaned the room. There was not a spider-web found anywhere in the large room- not on the bookcases, or even in the darkened corners of the room. He had even swept the floor and dusted! That he had done this in preparation for her arrival, spoke volumes to her.

The second thing she had noticed caused her heart to flutter crazily about inside her, and made it hard for her to breathe. She stared transfixed at Fenris as he stood by the lighted fireplace, wearing only a pair of form-fitting leather pants riding low on his slim hips. He stood watching her, his long arms folded across his bare chest, his lyrium markings standing out clearly against the darker coloring of his bared skin. Shadows from the flickering flames burning within the hearth played across his slim but well-developed torso. Yes, she definitely was having trouble remembering to breathe. Holy Maker! Why can't I breathe- or think!

Out of nowhere, she heard Isabela's voice within her head... something along the lines of oil and Fenris' glistening body. Hawke frowned as she started to remember all the other comments and innuendos that Isabela had constantly made about Fenris, after she had found out he had left Hawke. Suddenly Hawke wondered if there had not been something between Fenris and Isabela after all. Maybe while she had been waiting patiently for him, he and the backstabbing whore of the high seas had been enjoying each other's company!

She glared at Fenris before striding angrily over to one of the chairs at the table. She placed her staff onto the floor and then sat down in a huff. She remembered that she still had the bottle of wine in her hand and she unceremoniously dropped it down onto the table with a loud thump. She looked over at Fenris as she sat there, her thoughts and feelings in a hurt and angry turmoil.

Fenris had been standing there quietly, with arms crossed, observing Hawke's expression since she first had entered his living quarters. He had seen the surprised look and happy smile on her face when she had noticed that he had tidied-up the place for her. He also noticed the desire and heat that had flared in her eyes when she had noticed his state of dress, or undress, as the case may be. Then suddenly, her expression and demeanor had radically changed. She was definitely angry now about something, and Fenris had the distinct and uneasy feeling that he was that something.

He decided to wait to see if she would tell him what she was angry about, and why. He sighed rather loudly and thought to himself- yet again-that this woman would certainly be the death of him. His dark green eyes searched her face as he patiently waited for some sort of explanation of her puzzling change of mood.

Hawke decided that she needed to know the truth- even if the truth turned out to be along the lines of her suspicions. She decided she would simply just ask the elf straight out. She frowned thoughtfully at Fenris and then asked, "Fenris?"

"Hawke," he said.

"Did you sleep with Isabela?" she asked a bit hurriedly. Hawke was also starting to feel a bit foolish at her overreaction to her thoughts. After all, she had no real proof that anything had ever happened between Fenris and her ex-friend.

Fenris raised a dark brow at her question and gave her a fleeting smile. He had been wondering when she would get around to asking that particular question. He had not been unaware of the tensions between Hawke and Isabela over him, and he had been quite aware of the lusty Rivaini's interest in him. Isabela had been quite tenacious and straightforward in her pursuit of Fenris, but the elf had made it very clear that he would not be sampling any of her particular wares. Of course, that had only made him seem more of a challenge to Isabela.

"By sleep, do you mean the kind that you and Anders often engage in together?" he inquired.

Hawke stared at Fenris in stunned surprise, and then her expression changed to one of annoyance. "Anders!" she muttered under breath. Why must that mage tell Varric everything? She had wanted to be the one to explain things to Fenris- eventually.

It was true that Anders often would fall asleep in her bed after they had been talking late into the night- or when he just did not want to be alone. She never really had discouraged Anders from doing that, because he was always a perfect gentleman- of course, being a mage as well, he knew exactly what she could do to him should he decide not to be a perfect gentleman.

Another reason she gratefully accepted Anders' platonic companionship was that she often felt as alone as he did. Fenris may understand feelings of loneliness, but he could never understand the type of loneliness that mages suffered, but Anders did. However, her relationship with Anders was completely different then whatever relationship Isabela and Fenris may have had- which reminded her that the elf was still waiting for a response from her.

"I mean did you have sex with her?" she asked, clarifying her previous question.

"An interesting question you ask," he stated, giving her another fleeting smile.

"And do you plan on answering it?" she asked. She was starting to get annoyed with the elf.

Fenris gave a small chuckle. "No."

Hawke raised her eyebrows at him. "No- you aren't going to answer my question…or no- you didn't have sex with Isabela?" she asked him with an exasperated look. "Well, which is it?"

"No, I did not have sex with Isabela," Fenris replied slowly and emphatically.

"Well. All right then. That's good to know," she said in a relieved voice. It seems she had gotten angry over nothing.

"And what would you have done, if my answer had been yes?" Fenris asked. He uncrossed his long arms and seated himself upon the long wooden bench that sat angled before the fireplace. He stretched his long leather-clad legs before him, crossing them at the ankles, and then folded his arms again in front of his bare chest.

Hawke looked at him for a moment and thought about his question. "I really hadn't thought that far ahead," she replied with a small smile. "But I'm sure it would have involved magic."

"And when does it not involve magic when it comes to you, Hawke." He looked at her with a strange expression on his face. "It seems I am destined to be surrounded by magic," he said. "But I guess that is to be expected when I have chosen to bind myself to a mage." Fenris looked at her and smiled appreciatively, adding, "A beautiful mage."

Hawke returned his smile with a lovely one of her own. She loved to hear him speak for he had such an expressive tone to his voice; a deep masculine timbre that never failed to send thrills of delight throughout her body. He could be talking about the weather and still his voice would cause her to feel a rush of desire for him. Needless to say, this had sometimes caused problems for Hawke when Fenris had accompanied her on whatever task or mission that she may have had at the time. Often she found her mind wandering to places that had naught to do with her current quest.

Fenris' humor inflected voice interrupted her musings. "Hawke- Are you going to spend the entire rest of the night sitting across the room, just staring at me?" he asked.

Hawke looked intently at him for another moment before she gave him a slow smile. She stood up from her seated position and then walked slowly, hips gently swaying, to stand in front of him as he sat upon the low wooden bench. She looked down at him and asked, "May I?"

Without waiting for his response, she pulled up the ankle-length robe to her thighs and moved closer to him, straddling his outstretched legs. Fenris unfolded his arms and placed his hands on either side of her waist as she sat upon his lap, facing him. Hawke let go of her garment and encircled his neck with her long, slender arms.

"Is this better?" she asked him with a teasing look in her eye.

"Much better," he stated with smile. He removed his hand from her waist and ran it slowly down her side until it rested on her bared thigh.

"You do realize that I'm not wearing anything beneath these robes…" she teased him, her voice low and husky with desire. She gasped softly when Fenris moved his hand further up on her thigh and under her robe. A jolt of desire swiftly shot through her body.

"Even better," he said, his voice further deepened by his need for her.

Hawke ran a hand through his silver-white hair and stared into his eyes, losing herself in the dark-green depths of them. She had never felt this way about anyone before- not ever. Fenris made her feel things inside that rocked her to her very core. He made her spirit sing.

"I love you." He startled them both with those three words. Hawke looked at him with amazement. Fenris was a little amazed that he had just uttered those words to her.

"W-w-what?" she stammered. She had to be dreaming. Perhaps she really was in the Fade and this was some trick of a Desire demon. Maybe she was hearing things.

"I love you, Hawke." Fenris replied and this time he actually knew he meant it. He loved this mage- Maker help him.

Hawke was still trying to wrap her mind around what he had just said. To say that it was unexpected would be a gross understatement; sort of like saying that Knight-Commander Meredith was a little insensitive with her treatment of the mages.

Hawke arched a single brow at Fenris as she studied his face. "You know- I was already planning on sleeping with you tonight." She still was trying to fathom his motives for saying those three not-so-little words.

Fenris laughed. "Good to know," he replied. Fenris returned her look and his expression turned serious. "But that is not the reason. There is no reason- other than I have given you my heart."

Hawke took his handsome face between her hands and gazed deeply into his eyes. "I have loved you since that night we spent together. That night I gave you my heart, and for two years I have waited for you to give me yours." Hawke's aquamarine eyes filled with tears. "I love you," she told him softly. "I have always loved you."

With one swift movement of his head, Fenris captured her mouth with his, as his hands buried themselves into her unbound hair. He pulled her head closer so that he could deepen his kiss, but still he wanted more. He slanted his head slightly and crushed his mouth to hers, parting her soft lips with his tongue. He ravished her mouth with his lips and with his tongue, and yet he wanted more. He needed more.

Hawke could sense his strong desire – and his frustration. She ran her hands down the front of his muscular chest and then up along his well-toned forearms - where his markings were- skimming his skin lightly with her fingers. Fenris' body trembled slightly as his lyrium tattoos reacted to the power in her touch. He crushed her to his chest and inhaled deeply, breathing in her scent, as he buried his face into her fragrant hair. He felt her slender, yet strong, arms encircling his neck, pulling him closer to her.

"What spell have you cast upon me, mage?" he growled to her. "That I should feel… like you are making me feel."

Hawke pulled back slightly away form him and smiled a secret sort of smile. "Love and desire- mixed in equal parts," she replied. "That is all."

Fenris pulled her roughly to him and then suddenly stood up from the bench causing her to gasp in surprise. Hawke wrapped her arms about his neck, and her legs about his waist, as he strode to his bed.

Fenris stopped a few feet away from the side of his bed and looked at Hawke's face with an expectant look. When she did not do anything, he said, "It would be much easier for me to let you down if you would remove your legs from around me- not that I am complaining."

Hawke laughed –a bit embarrassed- and unwound her legs. She slowly slid down the length of his hard, lanky body until her feet were touching the floor. She looked up into his face and gave him a slow smile, her embarrassment gone. Fenris returned her smile and bent his head until his lips were but a few inches away from hers, but he went no farther.

Hawke's heart was thumping wildly in her chest and her body was tingling all over. She was also starting to feel annoyed that Fenris still was not kissing her. "Kiss me elf," she ordered him.

Fenris chuckled and then did her bidding- rather well. By the time he had finished kissing Hawke, she was trembling and her thoughts were incoherent-she could not for the life of her even remember her name.

"Hawke? Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Hawke! Right- my name," she mumbled under her breath. Fenris looked at her strangely.

She backed away from him and sat down at the edge of his bed. Bending over, she lifted her robes and then pulled off her short boots, tossing them to the floor, away from the bed. She sat back up but did not pull the hem of her robes back down. Her long shapely legs and part of her thighs remained bared to his view. She heard Fenris' sharp intake of breath as she moved her legs ever so slightly apart.

She heard Fenris said something in Arcanum- or Elvish- she could never tell the difference. What she could tell was that Fenris' patience was coming to a quick end. She smiled and laughed softly at his frustrated look. She decided to let him wait a bit longer- after all, he had made her wait for two years!

Fenris stood silently and watched Hawke as she moved further backwards onto his bed. Her robes inched further upwards along her thighs every time she moved backwards along his bed. He knew she had worn no undergarments under her robes and it was driving him crazy! He had a sudden desire to rip the bloody robe from her body. He smiled to himself at the thought.

Hawke had been watching the play of emotions across his handsome face, and she was no longer so sure that she wanted to make him wait. His eyes flashed with heat, as his desire and need for her grew stronger. She let her eyes roam over his partly clad body and she felt another quick stab of desire for him. She wanted to feel his body pressed against hers- skin against skin- unencumbered by clothes that were no longer wanted, or needed.

She raised her eyes to his and stretched forth her hand to him, calling his name softly. Fenris reached his bed in two long strides and reached out to take her smaller hand in his. She pulled him down upon the bed with her.

Fenris rolled onto his back and pulled Hawke onto him as he kissed her passionately. Hawke felt his hands upon her back at the neck of her robe- torturing her with his excruciating slowness- by undoing the buttons, one button at a time. When he had finally loosened Hawke's robe enough, Fenris slipped the robe down her shoulders, baring her soft silky, skin to him. He ran his hands over her shoulders and down the exposed skin of her back; he reveled in the feel of her smooth skin. Hawke shivered in delight when his strong, capable hands caressed her bared skin.

Hawke sat up -straddling Fenris as he lay upon his back- and looked down at the handsome elf. She smiled at him teasingly as she ran her hands down his smooth, hard chest and along the rippled muscles of his abdomen; she felt his muscles tense and quiver under the palm of her hands. Fenris suddenly reached up with both hands and grabbed the neckline of her loosened robe and with one strong pull, he rent Hawke's robe in two, effectively baring her entire beautiful body to him as the torn pieces of her robe fell away.

"You are a beautiful woman, Hawke," he said almost reverently as he ran his hands up the sides of her torso and under the swell of her bared breasts; she quivered at his touch.

"If you wanted my robe removed, Fenris, you only had to ask and I would have removed it for you," she said with a hint of laughter in her voice. "You didn't have to rip it off of me."

"True. But my way was quicker…and so very satisfying," he replied with a low chuckle.

"Perhaps I should return the favor," she said as she tugged at the waistband of his leather pants. "I fear these are in my way, elf."

Fenris inhaled his breath sharply as she began to undo the buttons of his leathers. He then decided she was taking much too long in ridding him of his pants. He quickly rolled Hawke onto her back so that he could get up. He moved off the bed and standing up he freed himself- after two hard, impatient tugs- from his leather pants.

Hawke's eyes had been following his every move, every play of his muscles, as he removed the rest of his clothing. Her eyes flashed with heat and desire as her appreciative gaze glided over his very well proportioned nude body.

Fenris drank in the sight of her as she lay upon her side in his bed; her beautiful face…her long supple limbs…her womanly curves. How he loved this woman…this mage.

Hawke shivered under the wild heat of his gaze as his eyes caressed every inch of her body. She felt… she could not explain how she felt-how he made her feel- the power that he had over her…over her body. She only knew that she wanted him…needed him. She ached for him.

"Fenris…" she pleaded softly to him. "Please…"

Fenris strode quickly to the bed and went to her. He pulled Hawke into his strong arms and crushed his mouth to hers. She wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss with wild abandonment.

With willing hands and eager mouths, they explored the hard planes and soft curves of each other's bodies. Soft lips and fervent kisses trailed upon smooth skin, flushed by the heat of their passion. Amidst soft sighs and low moans, amidst quiet cries of pleasure, they whispered words of love to each other.

Fenris - supporting his weight upon his forearms- rose above Hawke and stared deeply into her eyes. "I want you, Hawke," he said, his voice rough and wild with desire. "I need you."

"I'm here, Fenris," she replied softly, staring into the depths of his dark-green eyes. "Right here- I am yours."

Hawke gasped in pleasure as Fenris entered her then; he began to move his hips against hers as she clung to him, her fingers digging into the rippling muscles of his back. Hawke closed her eyes as she gave in to his heat, in to the pleasure he caused her to feel- a pleasure only he could give. The waves of intense feeling continued to grow inside of her as he moved his strong body against hers. Fenris groaned aloud as she met his tempo- movement by movement, thrust by thrust.

"Hawke. Look at me," he demanded. His timbre was deep and rough with passion.

She opened her eyes wide and looked up into his face. His irises were dark with desire and passion as he searched her face. Their gaze met. They stared intently into each other's eyes, baring their souls to each other.

Love and desire, power and magic, surrounded them both. The air around them began to hum and resonate with unseen power as the storm of desire inside their bodies began to grow even stronger.

Breaths became ragged. Skin became slick. Friction became heat. Pleasure became uncontainable. Hawke cried out his name as the waves of pleasure overtook her- her body shuddered repeatedly. Again, and again, he brought her to the peak of her pleasure, urging her body to climb higher and higher with each climax he wrought from her. Fenris bent his head and captured her mouth- tasting her. Suddenly his body tightened and then shuddered deeply as his own pleasure overtook him- he lifted his head and cried out her name.

Hawke could not help it- she started to laugh even as she sought to catch her breath. Fenris did not quite know what to make of her laughter and the confusion showed on his face, which only made Hawke laugh at him all the more.

"Oh Fenris," she said laughing softly. "You couldn't even call me by my first name- not even then." She looked up at him, a glint of humor in her eyes, and smiled gently.

Fenris looked relieved when he heard the reason for her laughter. One corner of his mouth turned upwards with a humorous twist. "I was afraid that if I called you by any other name than 'Hawke', you would think I was calling out the name of another woman."

Hawke laughed again as Fenris quickly rolled to his back, taking her with him. She snuggled into his side as he gathered her into the crook of his arm and held her close. She supposed that his explanation was as good as any other one. At least he was consistent in calling her 'Hawke'.

A few moments went by before Hawke broke the comfortable silence of the room. She had been lazily running her fingers over his lyrium markings when suddenly something occurred to her.

"Fenris?" she asked looking up at his face. He tilted his head downwards to look at her. "Did your markings hurt you at all?"

He thought about it for a moment and he realized that he had felt no pain at all- not even a little discomfort. All he had felt was intense pleasure.

"No. I felt no pain at all," he replied in slight wonderment. "That is an unexpected, but welcome turn of events." He frowned slightly as he tried to figure out the reason for his absence of pain, but with a shrug of his shoulders, he decided to accept it for what it was- a welcome change to go along with his new life with Hawke.

Hawke was extremely happy for Fenris. She was exceedingly happy for herself. She was just plain happy. Tonight had been more than she could she could ever have hoped for, or even imagined. She felt like celebrating- which reminded her.

"Shall we open the bottle of wine that I brought…to celebrate tonight's… special occasion?" she asked Fenris. Special occasion sounded a whole lot better to her than 'because we finally had sex again after three years'.

Fenris studied her face a moment and then gave her a slight smile. "I hadn't realized that our 'special occasion', as you have so aptly put it, was now at an end."

Hawke gave him a delighted smile. "Well, in that case I suppose the wine can wait until tonight's occasion has truly come to its end."

"That could be quite a number of hours from now," Fenris said as he pulled her on top of him. He ran his hands, enjoying the feel of her, down the length of her back and over her rounded derrière. "Days, even."

Hawke laughed softly and kissed her elf, a hint of a promise on her lips. "Well I've waited this long to open the bottle…what's another few more hours or so?" she said happily as she kissed Fenris again. "Or maybe a few days…" He retuned her kiss slowly and she felt that familiar jolt of desire that he always gave her. She murmured against his lips. "Definitely a few days…"