Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man. I don't make any money from writing this.

Warning: This story will eventually lead to a thing called yaoi. If you don't know what it means, then you must not be old enough to know about it. Go pick another story.

Insomnia: Chapter 1 (Sleepless)

The room was dark and silent. Had it not been for the parted curtains, the silvery light of the moon wouldn't have entered and would have left the room in complete darkness. The four poster bed was neat and made, the pristine white sheets untouched and cold. Not a sign of life lingered there, nor at the wooden study at the opposite side of the room where the only source of light was. Books lined the small wooden shelf at the other end of the room while a round table with two chairs stood quietly at the center. An open book and some pieces of paper lay on the table seemingly forgotten. Had anyone entered the room with proper lighting, one would surely notice the wilting bouquet of roses in the middle of this table, hanging morosely and whatever color it once possessed, long gone.

Not that anyone would be entering the room anytime soon, or possibly in four or five years more. The room was, like all the other rooms of the mansion, deserted and probably collecting dust while waiting for occupants that would never come.

A sudden gust of gentle cold breeze blew through the open window. Long curtains as tall as the walls themselves suddenly became visible as they swayed with the movement, revealing the open door of the balcony. Outside, the air was cold but everything was brighter. The moon hung big and mysterious above the star-studded skies. These heavenly bodies cast a subtle and eerie glow of silvery white across the vast gardens, illuminating the thick trees that lined the high stone walls along with the bushes and grass.

Kanda closed his eyes, letting the breeze run through his dark locks. His cheeks felt cold and he clasped his hands in front of him to tighten the blanket that was covering his frail form. Slowly, he turned his back to the silver garden and made his way to the waiting chair of the balcony. He sat and took a moment to breathe warm air on his palm.

He sighed deeply, gently closing his eyes again and letting his head fall back on the back of his chair. He felt so tired. He weakly opened his eyes and stared at the glass of water and the small bottle of pills that were on the table. He coughed as he reached for the bottle, slightly blurring his vision. Kanda stared at the clear container in his hand, seeing the dozens of white tablets inside against the faint moonlight. His doctor had given these two months ago to help him sleep. He had been taking it for a few weeks, each time with gradual increase of dosage until his body finally went numb and became immune to the effects of the drug.

He felt iso tired/i. He could barely remember the first time he had taken a single tablet and had fallen asleep after barely five minutes. He had welcomed the heaviness in his eyelids and the cloud that slowly, pleasantly, engulfed his mind. Kanda knew he had once know what it felt like to wake up from a deep slumber but he was forgetting fast. Around the age of sixteen, sleep rarely visited him. He yearned for sleep to come every night since then, but it almost never came. He became wary of the setting sun, thinking that he would spend the night lying awake and getting frustrated. The more he wanted to sleep, the more he forced his eyes. And that's when he never got a wink of sleep at all.

How did this happen? Kanda had asked himself several times but just like sleep, the answer never came to him.

He had taken a few tablets before the sun vanished from the sky and Kanda contemplated if taking more would have any effect at all. He sighed again and let go of the bottle, deciding that he had enough of it. Dr. Bookman had cautioned him not to take too much of it even if the effects start to weaken. He was very tempted to empty the bottle in his mouth just to feel that slip of consciousness again but he pushed the thought away. His doctor will visit him tomorrow and he will give him a stronger drug.

It must be at least seven more hours before the sun rose again but Kanda sat outside, anxious to see the golden rays of morning. It would mean Dr. Bookman's arrival would just be an hour away.


The muscle below Lavi's eyebrow twitched when he heard the unmistakable voice that tore him right out of his sleep and into the hard pages of the book he had apparently slept on. He had been reading last night of course, but then he felt tired and didn't even remember when he had fallen asleep. He jerked upright and slightly pushed the numerous books and papers that littered his study as he turned towards the door to see the old doctor glaring at him.

"What time is it?" Lavi asked him timidly knowing full well that he had woken up much too later than he had planned. His fiery red hair was a mess, standing in all directions, while his rumpled white shirt he had been wearing the previous day was wrinkly and hanging loosely with several buttons open. The black tie that he had worn yesterday was somewhere on the floor near his feet.

Dr. Bookman remained silent for a while as if contemplating whether to give the younger doctor a much deserved earful but decided against it. His apprentice might have had his moments of stupidity but he knew Lavi was an excellent doctor. So instead, he settled for a "Ten minutes and I'll have you walk all the way to our destination."

Lavi's jaw fell and he watched his mentor walk away. He quickly got up and snatched his bag. He was snatching papers, equipments, small glass bottles and stuffing them in for five minutes before he remembered that he was still wearing the clothes from yesterday.

The carriage was already passing the gates to the main road when Lavi finally made it out the house, dragging his bag with him. Bookman made him follow and run for a good ten minutes before stopping the carriage and letting the young doctor get in.

"You said ten minutes!" Lavi told him in an accusing tone.

"The patient could have died in less than a minute because you slept in," Bookman barked. He had been reminding himself that the kid was very smart and was a natural in analyzing cases, but Lavi could sometimes do the stupidest things. He glared at Lavi's disheveled suit and messy hair. "And do something about your hair! You want to look at least presentable when we meet the patient."

Lavi grudgingly stroked his hair into some semblance of order before asking, "Where are we going anyway?"

"We're visiting a patient," Bookman answered simply. "He's very important so don't you dare make a fool of yourself."

Lavi thought the 'he' in the old man's statement took out all hopes of fun in this little trip. It was a common occurrence. He frequently accompanied Bookman when he made patient visits but he never really asked Lavi to tame his hair for anyone. It was probably one of those rich geezers with rheumatism whom his mentor visited every now and then. The mental image of a fat, wrinkly, old man sweating beneath silk sheets did not appeal to Lavi much.

At his young age, he had learned the art of distancing himself from these patients. He had seen them come and go all the time, from infants to teenage girls to old people suffering from some terminal disease. He became good at looking at all of them as nothing more than an age, a diagnosis, and a prognosis.

"What is the case?"

"Insomnia," Bookman answered solemnly. He held out a folder to Lavi.

"Insomnia will not kill ya in under a minute," Lavi muttered as he took it and quietly read over the patient file. Bookman ignored him.

Patient: Yu Kanda

Age: 20

Chief Complaint: Difficulty falling into/maintaining sleep

Working Impression: Chronic Insomnia

HPI: Patient reported experiencing symptoms of insomnia for more than four years. Routine check up revealed unremarkable heart and lungs with no signs of trauma or any other medical conditions. However, the patient complains of occasional headaches and constant lack of appetite, weakness, and lethargy.

Management: Patient is visited every month and has been given moderately strong narcotics./i

"He's Japanese?" Lavi blurted out, not able to help his curiosity.

"Kanda Yu is the only son of the late General Kanda Takehiro," he told Lavi.

"He is from that Kanda family?" Lavi asked, amazed. He was aware of the late general's adventures and heroic deeds for his country. It was known to people who pay attention to international news that the general came to London about a decade ago to retire right after leading a small fleet of war ships into a victory that nobody expected. Lavi had immediately thought that it was odd how a man so devoted to his country would choose to stay in a foreign land to raise a family.

"I've been the Kanda family doctor since the general moved to London. I was even there when an incurable disease took young Kanda-kun's mother," Bookman said. "He was only five at the time."

Lavi nodded. He knew Bookman treated people from both the farmlands and the mansions. Now they have an affluent Japanese insomniac. He stared at the file of the Kandas' only child, vaguely thinking of what might have caused his insomnia. From what he knew, insomnia usually lasted for less than a month and normally resolved itself eventually. What could have caused this very young man, who seemed to have everything, to lose sleep for at least four years? Too much sushi? He laughed to himself.

Then again, Lavi had seen worse. Insomnia wasn't nearly as interesting as traumatic blow to the head, or hemophilia, or internal bleeding. Treating a guy who was around his age, from a disease far from being life-threatening was not something Lavi would volunteer for. He could almost smell the boredom coming ahead.

"This looks like an interesting case," he commented nonetheless. "How far is the mansion?"

"That is the problem," Bookman said gravely, knowing full well that the case did not capture his apprentice's interest. "In my last few visits, Kanda-kun has become weaker. He would not eat properly and fevers increased in occurrence."

"Sounds like the insomnia is getting to him," Lavi said simply. "Anyway, why is he living in the country side and not in London?"

"It was the general's decision a long time ago," Bookman answered vaguely.

"The general lives with him?"

"The general went back to Japan a year before Kanda-kun has insomnia. He had always been going to other countries even before."

The sun had started creeping up behind the tall mountains and he looked at the trees they pass through the window, trying to imagine a young Asian man with big eye bags eating ramen with chopsticks for breakfast. There's more to this case than what Bookman was telling him.

"Maybe he's just lonely and his problem is all psychological," Lavi said. "Three years of lying awake is finally taking a toll on his body."

"It should have years ago. He is very determined to get well," Bookman said. "But I'm afraid will alone won't be enough for him."

When they were near enough to see the mansion, Lavi immediately peered outside the carriage and took in the high iron gates and stone walls that enclosed the big white structure. It reminded him of the university he had attended for his medical degree a couple of years back. Tall trees lined the inside of what seemed to be a fortress while flowerless bushes and shrubs were scattered across the obviously neglected garden. The complete absence of people gave the mansion an eerie, foreboding feel.

As the carriage neared the mansion itself, Lavi caught sight of long black hair swaying with the wind. He squinted his eyes a little and made out a pale, beautiful face and elegant neck. Lavi was about to ask Bookman who the girl was but he was distracted when she suddenly turned around and disappeared from the balcony.

As soon as they got off the carriage, Lavi expectantly looked at the giant wooden doors of the mansion for someone to help them with their bags, and possibly be greeted by the girl. He placed his bag on the dirt and took a moment to fix his hair and straighten his brown suit. However, he saw Bookman walk straight to the door, open it, and enter the mansion. His head reappeared by the door.

"Come on," he called Lavi as if he had just remembered about his apprentice.

Lavi closed the doors behind him with a low thud and turned to look around the inside. He took in the dark wooden furniture all over the vast receiving area. He followed Bookman into the main hall and saw the vast space at the end of it. Ornate wooden chairs and tables were assembled in front of a big fireplace. Beautiful paintings, carpets, pottery, and statues were everywhere, giving the place an impression of class and lavishness. Some of the pieces were obviously from the orient. They stood out from shelves and walls to Lavi's eye. He had never been to Asia.

But what really caught Lavi's eye was the giant staircase that branched into two halfway, leading to a left and right passages; particularly the beautiful black-haired girl standing at the right side of the first landing, wearing a plain white kimono. She was staring at them, slightly hunched over to her left with both hands gripping on to the railings for support. Pink lips were slightly parted in an effort to aid her breathing. She looked at Bookman and then to Lavi before finally collapsing on her knees. He quickly identified her as the same person he saw outside.

"Kanda-kun!" Bookman exclaimed as he swiftly rushed up the stairs, stopping by the collapsed body.

Did he say Kanda-kun? Lavi thought as he followed his mentor. Bookman was already checking the vital signs when he got to his side. Up close, 'Kanda-kun' was even more beautiful that Lavi couldn't help but stare. Was he really a man?

"What are you doing, you idiot! Help me bring him up!" Bookman told him off and Lavi immediately swept Kanda off the floor and carried him up the steps. Kanda's thin frame was so light, Lavi almost felt like he was carrying a child in his arms.

Bookman seemed familiar with the place as he led the way to Kanda's room. They walked through a long hallway lined with rich paintings and identical wooden doors. Bookman's brisk footsteps echoed against the wooden, carpet-less floors. It was so quiet. Lavi wondered when the maid or butler would show themselves to come to their master's aid. No one did, even after they had stopped in front of an open door and they all entered quickly. Lavi gently placed Kanda on the four poster bed only to find the said person glaring at him with cold, dark blue eyes. Kanda said something he didn't quite catch and then he was sure that Kanda was in fact, a guy.

"What?" he asked.

"Who is this moron?" Kanda asked, turning to Bookman. "I don't want him here. Make him leave."

"It's fine, Master Kanda. This is Dr. Lavi, my apprentice," Bookman said. Kanda still looked unconvinced and went on scrutinizing Lavi, but Bookman suddenly added, "Have you been drinking the drug I gave you in the right dosage?"

"Yes," Kanda answered, finally taking his eyes off the redhead. "But it's not working anymore. I haven't slept longer than five minutes for almost three weeks. I feel so tired…"

Lavi stared at the pale face and let his gaze travel down the rest of his body. Kanda was thin, almost fragile looking. He had placed the back of his hand on his eyes as he panted for air. Lavi felt so sorry for him that he could almost let the 'moron' comment slide.

"He has a fever," Bookman told him. "Give him medicine and watch over him. I'll prepare a strong sedative to force sleep."

Lavi nodded and proceeded to fetching the medicine in his bag and filling the glass on Kanda's bedside with water. He gently lifted Kanda's head and placed the medicine to his mouth when suddenly, his patient shook his head and pushed his hand away.

"It's medicine for your fever. You're burning up," Lavi said as he tried again but Kanda resisted.

With a slight hint of annoyance, Lavi grabbed Kanda's chin to pull it down while gently squeezing his mouth open. He forced the medicine inside the mouth of the struggling young man who coughed and gagged but eventually swallowed.

"There. Now that wasn't so bad eh?" Lavi said and immediately released Kanda.

There was a sudden pain on Kanda's arm and he saw Bookman holding a long needle. He glared at the rapidly clouding forms of the two doctors before everything was dark and Kanda knew no more.

Everything was dark, an imageless mirror of the room's state last night when he had decided to spend the hours out in the balcony to wait for his doctor. Kanda turned to his side, ignoring the slight pain on his head, and saw a bright candle by his bed. A red-headed man with an eye patch was sitting beside the candle, holding up a book under its warm light and it wasn't so dark anymore. Kanda felt himself staring at the other man until his gaze was met by a stunning green eye, and a goofy smile was sent his way.

"How are ya feeling?" the redhead asked, closing his book.

It was only then that Kanda remembered that the man was actually a doctor. He tried to sit up but almost fell back again. Specs of golden light danced in his eyes along with the furniture of his room as dizziness disoriented him. Warm arms were suddenly on his back and arms, steadying him. He looked up to find the green eye watching him with what he interpreted as interest.

"Where is Bookman?" Kanda asked, trying to brush the arms off.

"He went back to the clinic to get a few supplies and fix some things with your lawyer," the other answered, holding Kanda's gaze.

Kanda wondered if his state was messing up with his sense of smell but he was quite sure the scent of paper something else he couldn't put name on were suddenly filling his lungs. He then realized that he had almost fallen if not for the other supporting him. He quickly pushed the young doctor away and struggled to maintain his balance. He succeeded. Although he felt a million times better than he had in weeks, Kanda couldn't help but feel annoyed. And just as he was thinking about it, he caught the doctor's gaze transfixed on him.

"What?" Kanda asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

"You did not answer my question. How are ya feeling?"

"I feel better," Kanda admitted not without a hint of irritation. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"About seven hours."

There was silence. Kanda stared at the white sheets of his bed for what felt like hours before deciding to go back to his pillow. He could hear the other walking out of the room but was soon coming back in. He did not look but he could tell that the other had brought him food by the sound of plates, utensils, and the smell of soup and bread.

"Eat," he told Kanda as he laid the tray down on the bedside table.

When Kanda made no move to get up, he suddenly felt a weight at the edge of his bed where the mattress dipped.

"You don't remember my name, do you?"

Kanda acted as though he did not hear but he pondered the question inside his head. No, he didn't remember this idiot's name.

"I'm Lavi. I'm a doctor. You're Yu, right?"

At the mention of his given name, Kanda snapped a glare at the doctor who had apparently sat on his bed. To his greater irritation, the idiot was actually ismiling/i at him. He didn't care if he was a doctor or a king. He had absolutely no right to address Kanda that way.

"Kanda," he snapped at him.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about your culture's strict adherence to rules of social engagement in accordance to the intimacy level between the two parties involved."


"Your given name," Lavi began as he scooted a little closer in order to face Kanda properly, "I can't use it because we just met."

Kanda stared at him for a long time. "Get off my bed."

Lavi's eye widen, as if just realizing how he had been talking about intimacy and such when he was actually sharing, however little space, Kanda's bed. He quickly stood up with a sheepish look on his face, muttering several apologies that were left unanswered. "I'm just making small talk. You seem… tensed. Bookman left ya under my care so," Lavi drifted off.

Kanda ignored him then covered his eyes with the back of his arm as soon as he was sure that his personal space was restored. Lavi awkwardly retook his seat and opened the book he was reading. He read the same line thrice, not really taking in the words when he suddenly heard the other mutter, almost inaudibly.

"I hate small talk." After a few more moments, Kanda decided to add, "And I think you're too annoying to really be a doctor."

It took a lot of persuading and great deal more of awkward silences before Kanda was finally eating and Lavi was back to trying reading his book. He eventually gave up.

"Hey, Yu," Lavi began.

"Kanda," Kanda snapped from his soup.

"Right, Kanda, are you really alone in this big mansion?I was looking around the whole place earlier, ya know. Not a soul."

Kanda took his sweet time before grunting what Lavi interpreted as 'yes.' Kanda never liked talking and this man looked like it was all he wanted to do. Why did Bookman choose this airhead to be his apprentice? Yet Kanda was eating the airhead's soup and bread but that was beside the point.

"You should at least get a maid… or a personal nurse," Lavi commented, watching the other eat. "I mean, with your health and all, ya know. I would imagine you know how to cook or you'll be starving, but then your laundry and garden need to be taken care of too."

Kanda flinched at the sudden return of his headache. Hearing someone talk that fast with no pauses seemed to be making him feel ill. The other was now blabbering about 'mansion security' and 'being lonely in such big and empty place' that he didn't seem to notice Kanda's glare.

"Shut up!"


Kanda was at a loss, thinking of what he should do to get some silence. He tch-ed in annoyance while glaring at the confused but seemingly amused doctor. "You're too damn loud. Shut up."

Lavi looked a bit startled by the sudden outburst but he quickly recovered, flashing his brightest smile which only further irked the Japanese. Not even the hot meal that the redhead prepared could have spared Lavi from Kanda's wrath however, he did not possess the strength to lash out a deadly assault at the moment.

"Sorry about that. I tend to think aloud sometimes and I can't help but wonder how you are living under the apparent circumstance," Lavi said. "I'll leave you so you can finish your meal if you want," he added before standing up and deciding to leave anyway. It was a pity his patient wasn't feeling talkative.


Lavi paused and slightly turned back to the bed. He raised his eyebrow and beamed at his patient. "Yeah?"

"Well," Kanda began, not quite sure if he should be polite or if he should just demand. "I haven't slept for a really long time and… you got me to sleep. Is it a new drug?"

Lavi paused to let Kanda hang for a few moments before answering. "It is a variation of it, yes, but in a much higher dose."

"Can you give it to me again?"

Lavi decided that he enjoyed being watched by Kanda with that anxious expression so he took his sweet time again before answering. "I know how to prepare it. But no, I won't."

"What?" Kanda asked, clearly annoyed. "In case Bookman didn't tell you, I have a very serious case of sleeping problem. It means I need to sleep!"

At that moment, the look on Lavi's face went from friendly-playful to serious. He swiftly went back to his seat and stared down at Kanda who was slightly taken aback. "We were desperate. You seemed to be deteriorating and we needed you to get some sleep immediately. However, the drug that was used is too powerful and very addicting. It causes hallucinations, headaches, and serious illnesses when taken too often. Now that you've had some rest, I won't risk it again."

"Bookman is my doctor," Kanda said.

"Well he's not here, is he?" Lavi returned. "He left me in charge and my good ol' clinical judgment."

"Tch," Kanda muttered, looking away defeated. He had somehow expected that him getting sleep was something that can never be possible but still, Kanda had hoped that he'd be able to at last. He was so tired. When he was waking up before, it was like breathing air again after being under water for so long.

Lavi could see how much the lack of sleep had been taking toll on the other man's body but what he said was true. He couldn't give that drug again. It would ruin that frail body for sure.

"Gochisosama… deshita," Kanda suddenly said, putting his spoon down.

Lavi nodded and he was back to his cheery mood again. He took the tray from Kanda's lap and walked to the door. Kanda wasn't sure if the other understood but he had other pressing matters at hand. Like the long night ahead, for instance. It was probably several more hours before dawn and he didn't know what to do. Times like this forced Kanda to think of things… things that he didn't understand and made him feel confused, empty, and alone. The prospect of hours of these things did not appeal to him at all.

"Ya know, there are a lot of bodily activities that induce sleep," Lavi cut in Kanda's musings. He had thought that the doctor was gone.

But it wasn't so. Lavi was watching him as Kanda thought grimly of time, how it was like fire that burned him slowly to death. Though Lavi couldn't exactly read what he was thinking, he had a very good idea of it.

"Mostly though, sleep is induced by the feeling of physical exhaustion… like after you've spent your energy doing something draining," Lavi continued, hands supporting the tray of used plates and utensils.

"What? Are you saying I should tire myself out so that I'll fall asleep? You think I'm stupid? You think I haven't tried that before?" Kanda asked irritated. He had done so many things in the past. Running, swimming, doing the house chores, training… he had done them all in the hopes of sending himself to a forced sleep. It never worked of course.

Lavi shrugged. "Maybe you just haven't done anything that really drained your body."

Kanda waited for him to elaborate but the doctor suddenly turned on his heels and left the room, leaving Kanda to wonder if strangling a doctor would be so physically demanding that it would help him sleep.

It was almost noon the next day when Bookman finally returned to the mansion. Kanda was training in the garden, absolutely not because he was trying to tire himself to sleep, while Lavi was writing something in his charts inside his room. He had been watching Kanda's kendo practice from the window and was just thinking of preparing a simple lunch when he caught sight of Bookman's carriage approaching the gates.

They met the old doctor at front door of the house and found that Bookman was not alone. With him was a young woman with glasses. She was nervously clutching a small suitcase while watching the floor. Lavi recognized her as one of the servants working at Bookman's house though he never knew her name.

"Hello there," Lavi greeted in an attempt to put the girl at ease.

However, she flinched and furiously and hid her face under her dark brown locks.

"This is Alice. She will be working here as a servant," Bookman said.

"What?" Kanda asked looking confused and angry. At this, Alice shrank under Bookman's small shadow as tried to make herself look as insignificant as possible.

"As ordered by General Tiedoll," Bookman cut in Kanda's rage. "And I completely agree with him."

Lavi learned quickly that "tch" was the word Kanda used to express getting pissed off. When he heard Kanda make the sound, he knew the other's mood would be fouler than usual and he mentally sighed. He did not understand what was going on. General Tiedoll couldn't be Kanda's lawyer, could he?

"Alice, this is master Kanda, General Tiedoll's godson, and I'm sure you know my apprentice, Dr. Lavi," Bookman introduced, ignoring Kanda's death glare.

"Yo," Lavi said cheerily. Kanda just stared at her.

"Ni—Nice meeting you sirs!" she stammered.

"Go to the kitchen and fix some lunch. Master Kanda likes soba but some other food might be good for his health," Bookman told her.

"L-Leave it ttto me!" she announced before taking her leave, clearly glad to be finally away from Kanda's scrutiny and unsheathed katana.

"This is bullshit," Kanda muttered before storming off, waving his blade dangerously in all directions.

Lavi watched him turn to a corner before blurting out, "What was that about?"

Bookman sighed. "The boy had been living with a servant, Tom, about six months ago. Apparently, Tom left suddenly because he couldn't stand Kanda's attitude. We only found out yesterday when we saw him at the market. The general was vey furious."

"Who is General Tiedoll?" Lavi asked although he already knew that he was Kanda's godfather.

"He is General Kanda close friend and left Yu to his care before he went back to Japan. General Tiedoll is a very busy man but he cares for the boy deeply and visits him whenever he can."

"Yu can be unpleasant but I don't think he's that bad. I doubt Alice-chan would last though… If this Tom guy didn't. Poor girl looked ready to die when she saw Kanda's katana," Lavi said.

"It's General Tiedoll's idea to get a female servant."

"What?" Lavi asked.

"He knows the boy quite well. Yu has been raised a swordsman see? By the bushido, he shall not harass the girl," Bookman explained.

Lavi smiled. "General Tiedoll plays dirty. No wonder Kanda is pissed."

"It's for his own good," Bookman said sternly. "With his condition, he can't be living alone like he wants."

"It's what he wants huh…" Lavi muttered thinking why anyone would like to live alone like he had been doing. As beautiful as the mansion was, almost everything was dusty. The supplies in the kitchen were also running low.

"After that last episode he had we can't just leave him. He needs a doctor in this place to constantly monitor his health," Bookman added as he started to walk up the main door.

"Uhuh," Lavi muttered, following his mentor but not really hearing his words.

"I've also brought your belongings. They're still in the carriage so please fetch them yourself. Alice would be busy in the kitchen."


Lavi stared at Bookman, long and hard. "You're not serious, are you?"

"No, no. It was all a joke you stupid apprentice! I was just playing a practical joke for your amusement."

A shoe came flying towards his way and hit him squarely between the eyes. Lavi groaned in pain, clutching his head and waving his fist at the old man. "What was that for!"

"Being stupid," Bookman told him. "Now get your things and try not to show them to Kanda. He hated Alice here and I doubt he'd like you here too."

Lavi grudgingly went to fetch his battered suitcase. Who knows what the old man had packed for him? Not that he had anyone to impress in this place. Alice looked too… innocent. And Kanda was, well, a guy not to mention highly antisocial.

Nevertheless, it wasn't the first time he was being left behind to care for a patient on his own. Lavi was fine with it though he would have greatly appreciated some sort of warning. The only thing he dreaded was how the said highly antisocial guy would take the news.

Author's Note: Yes, I'm back. New story. Very random idea. Unbeta-ed. Please tell me what you think.