A/N: so heres the last chapter! Yay! I kind of just want to end this one because I have a really good story idea! And this is my brothers laptop, that's how im updated. Cuz he is hanging out with his friends so I stole his laptop… So anywho… im gonna give you a brief summary of whats happened so far…

Ok so Cammie and her friends find out zach, jonas, and grant are assassins, then they have to go to blackthorne. Cammie becomes zachs girlfriend, only to find out that his mom is trying to kill her! she confronts zach, and he explains everything. Then they play truth or dare and Cammie gets kidnapped! she sees her dad and then she is rescued by her friends. She falls into a coma for two months, and when she wakes up, she finds out that is her brother. She then tries to convince everyone that she saw her dad, and he has to be rescued. No one believes her so she leaves alone, but macey, bex, and liz follow her. they are on there way to rescue him, when zach grant jonas and nick show up! They try to save cammies dad, but he is dying when they get there. Zach and Cammie, run back to the hotel, trying to get mrs morgan, aunt abby, and mr Solomon, who are there to find the kids. They are almost to there room, when the amount of blood lost overwhelms them, and they pass out. Cammie wakes up in a hostpital bed, and now bex is here to visit her!

That's what has happened so far! Read to see what happens next! Here is it!

This is the last chapter… *sniffle* I think im gonna cry…

Bex had a mix of emotions, clear on her face. But there was one that stuck out to me.


Why was she scared? Because trust me, bex Baxter is never scared. And I mean NEVER.

She wasn't saying a word. Just starting at me, with her big brown eyes. She looked as if she had been crying, which is another thing bex Baxter never does.

"whats wrong?" I eyes were getting watery, but she continued to stare, not saying a word. "really, whats wrong?"

She quickly wiped her eyes and sniffled. "me? Oh, nothing." She said, quickly. She put the normal Bex Baxter look on her face, which consisted of a mask. Never showing her true emotions.

But lets face it, im her best friend, I can see right through that mask of hers.

"you don't have to lye to me." I said with a smile.

She sniffled and sighed, while taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "I didn't want to lose you again…" she started, looking into my eyes.

Her eyes were getting more watery, and I could tell she was holding back tears.

"but you never lost me, And im ok now." I assured her.

She quickly looked away from me, and wiped her eyes. "yeah, your right." She said, putting her usual mask back on.

She stood up and headed for the curtain opening. "bex!" I called.

"yeah?" she said, spinning around, to face me.

"I never got a hug." I said, smiling.

She giggled a little and walked over and gave me a hug. "Im glad your ok. I really am. Im sorry I started to get all emotional, im not usually like this, just you being in the hostpital twice, in one month is a lot to take." She said. "Im gonna go get macey and liz."

"bex, sometimes, its ok to cry." I said.

With that she walked out.

5 minutes a teary eyed liz and macey came in. "Cammie! Oh thank god your ok!" macey yelled. They pulled me into a bone crushing hug!

"so how are you?" liz asked.

"fine." I answered. "who else is here to see me?" I asked.

"well, theres your mom and grant…. Jonas and were sent back to Blackthorne, because apparently this doesn't involve them…" macey said.

"oh!" liz started, "and that reminds me! We were supposed to tell you, that zach's surgery went fine and he is awake!" she exclaimed.

"what!" I yelled, trying to get up from the bed, but macey and liz held me down.

"hold on! At least give us one more hug before you rush off to see your pretty little boyfriend." Macey said.

I shot her a death glare, but hugged her anyways. She is my best friend after all.

They left and before I could get up, grant and my mom came in. "ughhh!" I yelled and plopped back on to my bed.

Grant gasped in fake horror. "what! Not excited to see your favorite brother!" he said.

My mom just shook her head and laughed. I laughed to. "hey grant!" I said. he gave me a hug and then I quickly added, "oh! You to mom!"

My mom rolled her eyes and walked over to give me a hug! "so mom, I know this isn't really the best time to say this but…. TOLD YOU SO!" I said, laughing.

"about what?" she asked.

"that dad was actually there." I answered.

She nodded and laughed a little to. "so im guessing you want us to leave, so you can see zach." She said, smiling.

I nodded, guiltily. My mom kissed my head and left. Then grant ruffled my hair.

"hey! You messed up my hair!" I complained.

"come on, Cammie. It was already messed up…" he said, then left.

I frowned and looked in the mirror. And I have to admit, I was a mess! I looked as if I had been run over, Twice.

I ran my fingers through my hair, and washed my face, before going to see zach. He had his own room, because his injuries were more severe.

I knocked on the door, and a nurse answered. "you must be miss morgan." She said, smiling.

I nodded. She let me in and then she left. I looked a zach who was sitting on his bed, smiling at me.

"hey Cammie." He said with a smirk.

I ran over and hugged him. He immediately flinched and I pulled away. "whats wrong?" I asked.

He pointed to bandages all over his stomach. I nodded, and sat in the seat next to his bed.

I took his hand and squeezed it. He smiled. "so how are you?" I asked.

"better, now that you're here." He said, and smirked.

I nudged his shoulder and giggled. "I mean, really. How are you really?" I asked.

"fine." He said seriously. The he looked into my eyes, "im so sorry Cammie. This is all my fault! I mean i-" he started. I cut him off by kissing him.

It started out as a simple kiss, but then he deepened it, and by now, we were making out.

we were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing there throat. I pulled away and looked up, to find an angry and discusted macey. "what!" I yelled, trying to hide my blush.

"I just came in here to tell you some good news… " she said.

"what is it?" I asked.

"your dad! He just woke up!" she yelled.

I got up and sprinted right to the room my dad was staying in. I walked in to find my mom and grant talking to my dad.

"dad!" I yelled, and ran over and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"Cammie!" he yelled.

I pulled away, but then I started to cry, and hugged my dad again, and this time tighter. My mom came over and joined our hug, then grant. We were all hugging, and crying. Well, except for grant, who wanted to act all 'manly'.

Time skip

We had been talking for hours. Well actually, we weren't talking the whole time. Some of the time consisted of hugging or crying.

I was feeling an emotion I haven't felt for years.


Its like the part of me that was missing my whole life, was just found.

My dad.

He was the part that was missing for so long. But he was found.

Sure, he was injured, but what does that matter? All that realty matters that he is alright. That we are all alright.

And sure, mrs goode, was never caught. But I know that she will be! I mean, really! We spies for crying out loud!

And sure, not everything is perfect. But who needs perfect, when you can have the best feeling in the world.


Sooooo…. That's it! AHHHHH! I didn't know how to end it! I took like an hour trying to decide how to end it! But I got annoyed so I just decided to end it like this!

What did you think?



I don't think im gonna do one, but theres always a chance!