10 Year High School Reunion…

"Bella are you almost ready?" Edward calls from downstairs. I huff and the little man in my arms giggles.

"Mommy silly." He tells me.

"No Daddy is silly baby boy."

"Daddy." He says in his excited voice.

"Yes Daddy." I agree, just as excited as he is, but for a different reason, my hubby is hot, and I'm so going to get some of that later tonight.

Despite being five months pregnant with our second child.

"Hey there little man, are you trying to steal Mommy away from me?" Edward leans against the doorframe looking all sexy taking in our son on my lap.

"Mommy!" Ryan says excited. At two he is the sweetest most loving surprise that we could have asked for. And also, the reason I know for a fact that the depo shot isn't fool proof.

"Alice and Jasper are ready to go, Em and Rose are meeting us at the school." He informs me.

"I'm just trying to get this wiggly little man down for bed so he doesn't keep Nana and Papa up all night." Carlisle and Esme were babysitting for us as well and for Jasper and Alice's kids. And when I say Jasper and Alice's kids I mean both sets of twin girls.

"Ryan my boy it's time to close those big green eyes and go off to sleepy land." Edward tells the light of our lives and Ryan nods and looks serious.

"K Daddy." Ryan closes his eyes up tight, squeezing them so hard his nose scrunches up. He worships Edward and if Edward says sleep, Ryan tries to sleep.

"Night baby boy." I kiss his little forehead and he giggles, but keeps his eyes shut.

"Night son." Edward kisses him as well backing me out of the room.

"Are we ready now?" Alice asks coming out of the room the youngest twins Molly and Holly were sleeping in.

"Yes, let's roll." Edward gives a mock fist pump and Alice rolls her eyes.

"Come on sexy." I say heading down the stairs.

"I'm right behind you Bella baby." Edward tells me.

"Edward my love I was talking to Alice." She begins laughing and I join in.

"Yea, yea you say that now but we both know you'll be calling me a sex God later tonight." He jokes.

"Hmm, I seem to recall you referring to me as a Goddess." I taunt and he smacks my ass.

"Children, tmi, tmi." Alice jokes running over to Jasper who pulls her into his embrace.

"Are they dry humping in front of you again honey?" He asks her.

"No thank God. Last time I hurled in my mouth." I blush because Alice had caught us going at it a couple of times. We kept trying to warn her that if she used the emergency key that she has for our house to just let herself in whenever she wants then she might see more than she wanted to. She has yet to learn.

"Come on we are going to be late, and Rose will kill us all. We are supposed to stand in front of her and make sure no one can see that she is eight months pregnant."

Rose and Em had finally given in and were having their first child. Rose had been putting it off due to her work. She played Eliza Montgomery-Grant-Brady on Days of Our Lives now. She got discovered when one of the casting directors was visiting a friend at UDubb, since then she has been a fan favorite, the bitch with a heart. Clearly the perfect role for our Rose.

Recently the show had decided to make her character pregnant, so she jumped all over that to have a baby in real life. Emmett was more than happy to oblige her, and now they are a month away from the birth of their son Marcus Edward. Named after Emmett's biological father my late Uncle Marcus and Carlisle, who is Carlisle Edward Cullen.

Over the years Carlisle and Emmett have grown closer, having a real father son relationship. When Emmett decided to go to medical school, Carlisle helped him with both advice and getting him into a decent program. Emmett graduated undergrad early taking summer classes, and was now finished with his residency, now I have to call him Dr. Emmybear, pediatrician.

Alice majored in education; she was teaching middle school kids art in a lower income at risk area. She wanted to give back and in doing so she decided to try and reach kids at a young age and help guide them on a path towards something better than maybe they would have gone before.

Jasper and Edward both attended law school at Lewis and Clark. After graduating and passing the bar they set up their own small firm, Carlisle backed them so they could do that without worrying. They've only been in business for two years, but already they are gaining clients and notice.

They both were focused on family and divorce law.

I majored in psychology. Then did a certificate in addiction counseling, I work with teens and adults dealing with alcohol and drug addiction. Before Ryan I worked full time, now I work only a few hours a day, thankful that financially I could quit if I wanted to, yet enjoying my work enough that I wanted to keep doing my job.

"Earth to Bella, we're here sweetheart." Edward pulls me out of my thoughts and I get out of the back of the limo following him towards the high school where we were all attending our ten-year high school reunion.

"Oh God are they playing Lady Gaga?" I groan as the strands of Just Dance assault my ears. I'm so thankful that she has since faded into obscurity.

"Yea sorry love." Edward laughs, but he's groaning just as much as I am.

"She's in the ladies' room and won't come out." Emmett is suddenly in front of us, without saying hello he blurts out this info. I roll my eyes, I mean it's not like I'm not pregnant too, jeesh Rose.

"Alice?" She nods and we head off to get the pregnant lady out of the bathroom.

Twenty minutes, promises of chocolate, and that she in fact looks great for being eight months along we've talked Rose out of the school lavatory.

She is now sitting inhaling a slice of chocolate pie faster than I've ever seen anyone eat. And that's saying something since I've eaten with Emmett before.

"Holy shit is that Tanya?" Emmett exclaims. I look over to see the once stunning girl, who was now anything but. She looked like she should be attending her twenty-year reunion, her wrinkles taking over her face, her boobs sagging. Her butt was way too big for those size ten jeans she was trying to shove her size twelve body in. Karma was clearly a bitch.

"Yep, and that's Lauren." Alice giggles as she says this. I look over at what I assume is Lauren, but she looks more like a Larry. Her hair cut similar to Emmett's, wearing a men's suit and rocking a beer belly, the onetime beauty queen now looked like a man. What shocked me even more was when Jessica, who was wearing a cute pink dress looking all girlie girl came up and shockingly kissed her on the lips. They were both wearing rings and gazing at each other adoringly. I seriously didn't see that coming.

"There's Newton." Edward points out. And oh my God he looks like a seventies pimp in his purple suit and shiny white shoes. He hasn't put on a lot of weight, but he is bald as the day is long.

"Well I no longer feel bad about my extra fifteen pounds." Alice sighs. After having two sets of twins Alice has had trouble getting back her one-time size two body. She is now cute as a button in a size nine. Honestly the extra weight suits her.

"Alice, even without the baby weight I've gone from a size two to six, it's just life and metabolism. We shouldn't focus on things like that, we have wonderful healthy, happy families who we love." My counselor voice comes out and Edward stifles a laugh. He hates it when I use it on him. "Shut up stud boy." I tell my husband who has only gotten hotter since high school. Damn him.

"Of course, Bella baby, though I personally like the extra weight, it gives you bigger, softer boobs." He says seriously and I can't help but laugh. He does like the increased bust size; trust me he's spends way too much time in Victoria's Secret buying my breast gifts for me not to notice this.

"Rosie baby let's go dance." Emmett says and Rose feeling more confident after seeing our former classmates agrees.

"Shall we?" Edward asks and I follow him out, Jasper and Alice not far behind us. Some vintage Gavin DeGraw playing, I snuggle into Edward holding him tight. At least this time Mrs. Cope couldn't break us up on the dance floor for inappropriate touching. I have a license that says he's mine to touch as I want.

As the night wore down, Emmett thought it would be smart to bust out the freaking electric slide, why he thought this would be a good idea I don't know. Sadly, Rose who had really loosened up and was partying hard decided to join him. And that's when her water broke.

Now sitting in the waiting room for maternity at Forks Hospital waiting for my baby cousin to be born I can't hold back a smile. It seems fitting that this new baby would be born in the hospital that Uncle Marcus died in. It completes a circle. A new life for Emmett, where another life was lost. A new Marcus born, one who will be loved just as much, in a different way as the other. One who has unlimited possibilities still ahead for him.

At three fourteen am, on a balmy early July twelfth morning Marcus Edward McCarty came into this world, once his lungs were cleared it was obvious, he would be as loud as his father. If his weight of nine pounds eleven ounces was anything to go by, he would be just as big too.

As I held my baby cousin, who was more like my baby nephew I smile, "Hello sweet Marcus." I whisper. His little eyes open and I swear they are the same shade of blue as my Uncle's eyes once were. "I love you baby Marcus." And I love you Uncle Marcus.

With all that has happened, and as far as we had come this was the first time that the ache my Uncle's death left in me was abated. While I would always miss him, I knew looking at his name sake that my Uncle was somehow still with us, and that even though I had to say goodbye to him, in a strange way at this moment I feel like I'm saying hello to him once more.

Tis the end of this horror. No outtakes or anything will be done for this story.