Thank you so much to Emoen, moonlight, LinaNamiStar, Colmae and FlaireSharpe for sticking around this long and being such faithful reviews! You have no idea how much your support means to me! You guys encourage me to keep going! I also need to apologize, I forgot to give credit to Colmae because the bar "McColl's" belongs to him. Check out his story, "A Night at McColl's"! Anyways, I'm very happy that you guys are enjoying the story and "Andrea" in general. I'm actually really proud of how I made her character; I think she's my best OC yet. (At least I hope so). Anyway, I also wanted to add that I know it seems like this story is beginning to edge on a romantic comedy type of thing but I can assure you, the story is going to get progressively darker after this chapter. Not to worry, there will still be comedy; I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. One last thing. It kills me to tell you this but I have decided to give up Repo for Lent and so this will be my last chapter until Easter. I'm so, so sorry to leave you guys hanging like that but I swear I'll make this chapter and the one you'll get in forty days worth it! Alright, I'll shut up now. Here's part 2 of the bar scene, enjoy!

Chapter 22

The words seemed to echo in my head. "He's totally into you." I stared at Jessica in disbelief after she made that comment. At first I wasn't sure if I had heard her correctly or not but the cheeky grin on her face made it evident that I had.

"Jessica, what the hell are you talking about?"

"You heard me." She said, smirking again.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I heard you but what I want to know is how you ever got that demented idea into your head?"

"It isn't demented, it's an opinion based on observation. I mean those looks he was giving you, I'm surprised he didn't grab you and whisk you away to his limo something. It was pretty intense."

I cringed. "I think you've had a little too much to drink, Jess. Those looks he supposedly giving me was probably just his desire to kill me."

She scoffed. "Oh they were looks of desires alright, the desire to take you back to his mansion and-"

"Jessica! What the hell is wrong with you?"

She turned and looked me in the eye. "Look, Andrea this may be hard to believe but as crazy as he may be, Luigi is still a guy and guys get urges. I've had had plenty of experiences with guys and I can tell whether they want me or not and girl, the looks he was giving you was the same type that I get when a guy wants me."

I shook my head. "It's all in your head, Jessica."

She continued to disagree. "Believe me; I know a love struck man when I see one."

"Well believe me when I say that Luigi and I hate each others guts."

She took another sip of her drink "Oh, please if that were the case don't you think he would have killed you by now?"

A valid point but I still didn't agree with her. "He probably doesn't want to bother looking for another assistant to hire"

She shrugged. "Maybe or maybe he doesn't want another assistant because he's too in love with you."

In love with me? Okay lusting after me would make more sense but like or love? The idea was utterly ridiculous. "Okay, I really think you've had too much to drink."

"I'm just saying, Andrea, he may be a raving lunatic but he's still human."

Yeah, a human with superiority complex. "It doesn't matter. Even if he does like me it would never work out. He's a Largo for God's sake."


"And I'm a girl who's just trying to keep her life together. The last thing I need is a guy in my life, let alone someone like him." Besides, I'm sure he was plenty of beautiful women around him all the time. Women from a high end society.

"Why not?" Jessica reasoned. "He's rich, good looking and he has a great sense of humor."

I raised me eyebrow. "Sense of humor?"

"The guy is pretty funny."

Oh please, she had no idea what he was really like. "If you think he's so great, why don't you date him?"

She shrugged. "He's not my type, and besides its not me he wants its you."

I groaned in frustration. "You're ridiculous you know that?"

"You're ridiculous. You have a once in a lifetime and you're willing to blow it because of pride or fear or whatever it may be."

I gave her a dirty look. "Really, Jess, since when are you a psychologist?"

"I'm not. I'm just trying to be a good friend."

The thing is, I knew she was being honest. She didn't have a mean bone in her body, not when it came to her friends. I sighed. "Look, Jess. I appreciate and think it's cute that you're trying to help but I don't want to hear anymore about this. Okay?"

She threw her hands up. "Alright, fine."

I shifted my eyes and saw that Luigi had left the bathroom and was heading back to our place at the bar. I quickly looked away and took another gulp of my drink. He sat down next to Jessica and ordered another vodka. He didn't say a word to either of us and just looked straight at the wall. The bartender gave Luigi his drink and avoided looking at him in the eye.

It seemed like a good twenty minutes of silence before he finally spoke up. Well, more like murmured. I barely even heard what he said and I had no choice but ask him to repeat himself. There was no use in ignoring him.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I asked the time." He grumbled.

"Oh." I checked my wrist watch. "It's almost 1 o'clock."

He groaned in annoyance. "Great."

"Do you have something coming up, Mr. Largo?' Jessica asked him. I rolled my eyes.

"No. It's still early and I'm sure my idiot siblings are still awake. I don't want to have to go back there and have to deal with their chaos. Once they start going they never shut up. People always assume that I'm the one who instigates all the arguing; that I'm the one who creates the tension but that isn't always the case. Sometimes, Amber won't be satisfied with whatever surgery she may have gotten and she'll bitch to me about it. Then Pavi won't shut up about GENtern he's fucked that day. They just both like to go on and on. Never knowing when to shut up."

Throughout the night he proceeded to rant on about his siblings for the next half hour. Amber this, Pavi that, annoying fuckwits, makes me sick, I hate them, blah, blah, blah. It was beginning to get repetitive. He said that they didn't know how to shut up? I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or just his pettiness. Either way he just kept rambling and not only was it annoying but also a bit awkward. I didn't know what he wanted us to say or if he wanted us to say anything at all.

All of the sudden he stopped rambling about his siblings and changed the subject completely. "You know, I can just imagine what my dad would say if he knew I was here right now... Yeah, I can hear the old man." He began to do a mock voice of Rotti. "'Luigi you are a disgrace. Going to a commoner's bar, making a mockery of yourself. Why must you embarrass me so?'" He gulped down the last of his drink and slammed the glass on the table. "I never was able to keep pop happy."

"Oh, well would you look at the time." Jess, spoke up. "I really got to go. I have a busy day ahead of me. You kids have fun now."

I got up from my seat and searched for my wallet so I could pay and go. "Wait, Jess, I'll go with you."

"No, no. you kids stay here and have fun. Besides it's your day off tomorrow. You deserve a fun night out. See you later!" With that she rushed out of the bar and left me running after her like an idiot.

"Jess, Jess, wait! Damn it, come back!" It was too late though; she had already gotten in her care and drove away. I can't believe that she was driving. She was going to get herself another. DUI. I whined and headed back to my seat, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry." Said Luigi.

I looked over at him. "For what?"

"That you're stuck with me for the rest of the night. I know that you hate me and probably don't want to be here. You don't need to feel obligated to stay you know."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not staying here because of you. I'm staying because this is my favorite bar and she was right after all, I do deserve a fun night out."

He shrugged. "Fine then, stay, go, suit yourself."

"Um, okay then." I looked over at the bartender who was keeping himself busy by wiping off some empty glasses. There was another awkward silence before he broke it.

"Andrea, can I ask you something?"

"Well sure…I guess."

"Why does everyone hate me?"

I was puzzled by this sudden straight forward question. I didn't know how to answer without seeming rude. "I'm sure that not…everyone hates you. What makes you say that?"

He snorted. "Please, after yelling at me like that there's no need to lie. I know that you can't stand me, Amber hates me, Pavi hates me, I'm sure every other GENtern and SURgen working at GeneCo hates me. My old bitch of a mother hated me; hell everyone knows my dad hated me. He announced it to the entire world!"


"You know it's true!" he shouted, raising his voice. "He said it in my face! That I was an embarrassment to him and I was a creature! He said it to Pavi and Amber too. He completely disowned his own kids for the whole world to see. Why would he do that? I mean, Pavi and Amber I can understand. Pavi spends his days having sex and Amber would just go around whoring herself for Zydrate! What the hell did I ever do?"

Well besides going around stabbing every one that so much as ticked you off' I thought to myself but decided against saying anything.

"No matter what I did, how hard I tried to follow in his foot steps; nothing was ever good enough for him! I was his eldest son damn it and he always treated me like scum!" Suddenly without warning, Luigi burst into tears, right then and there. I had to rub my eyes because I wasn't sure if he was crying or not but he was. There were genuine tears rolling down his face. "I just miss him so much, you know? As much as he was a crooked old bastard he was still my dad and I miss him. Damn it! He never did love me; he never appreciated anything I did! The fucking asshole! Why did he have to go?" Luigi continued to sob and I could do nothing but stare in disbelief. I looked back at the bartender who was also at a loss for words. He shrugged and I looked back at Luigi who now had his head buried underneath his arms on the bar.

I sighed and moved over one seat so I was right next to him. I gave him an awkward pat on the back. "Hey, it's okay. There, there, no need to cry." I finally said. "I'm sure that you're dad loved you. He was just under a lot of stress. He shouldn't have taken his anger out on you. I'm sure he didn't mean it; and as for Amber and Pavi, they're your family. I'm sure they don't hate you." Boy did that sound stupid of me.

Luigi looked up and glared at me, narrowing his eyes. "You have no fucking clue to what my family is like."

I gulped and moved my hand away. "Sorry." I mumbled. "I shouldn't have said anything."

He huffed and looked back at the bartender, wiping his eyes. "Get me another." He said, waving his empty glass.

"Are you sure, sir? That's your third glass." He commented. "I think you've had enough."

Luigi glared and grabbed the guy by his shirt collar, then taking out his knife and held his knife to his nose. "I'll tell you when I've had enough!" he yelled. "Get me another!"

"Luigi, calm down!" I shouted, grabbing his arms. "Do you want to get arrested?"

He sharply jerked his arm back. "What do you care anyway?" he spat. "Well, how about that drink?" he said glaring back at the bartender.

The guy nodded his head and smiled nervously. "Of course, Mr. Largo whatever you want!"

"Good." He let go of the guy's shirt collar and pushed him back so hard he knocked his elbow and broke a few glasses.

I felt so bad and almost rose up from my seat to help him but frankly I was too embarrassed to do anything except sit there. I watched as he gulped down two more and wondered to myself how I person could drink that much vodka and not get sick. He would a new liver for sure and he was bound to throw up soon too. He either had to sober up or sleep it off.

As much as I hated to admit it, it was up to me to get him out of there before he caused anymore property damage; not to mention he was about a glass away from killing that bartender. Worst of all he was making a complete fool of himself and if any word of his behavior got out, he would blame it on me for sure.

I don't even know why I was thinking about all of this or why I even cared. It wasn't as if he had a done a single decent thing for me since I've known him. Well, he did let me go visit my parents and if he didn't I wouldn't have known how sick my father was and wouldn't be able to help him. He also never busted me for the missing organs which he obviously suspected me of doing. Was that enough? Damn it. It didn't matter. If I did nothing to help him karma would only come back to bite me in the ass. Having a conscience sucks. I should have drunken more. I sighed and turned to him before he could order another.

"Hey, Luigi, it's getting awfully late. Maybe it's time for you to go home."

"Psssh what are you my mother? I'll go home when I want to, ok?"

"I'm just saying that you've had a lot to drink and it's Friday tomorrow, I'm sure you'll have some work to do."

He made a whining noise. "Don't I have people to do that kind of thing for me?"

"Well…yeah but don't you always tell me that it's important to do your own work?"

"I don't feel like working! I work all the damn time and no one ever sees it anyway."

I tried to think of something nice to say. "Sure they do. I see it."

"You do?"

I thought about it for a moment. I suppose it was true. He did do a lot for the company. "Well, sure. I mean it's like I said before. You're the one who does the majority of office work and organizing everything. If it weren't for you I'm sure GeneCo would have inventory problems all the time."

"Do you really mean that?" he asked again.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Luigi cocked to his head to the side and then leaned back on the bar. I placed my hand back on his shoulder and tried to give him a reassuring smile, hoping he believed me. "What do you say we get you home, huh?" He mumbled something under his breath and I sighed, asking him to repeat himself.

"I'm hungry. Are you?" He said.

"Oh." I thought about it. I hadn't eaten since around 2 in the afternoon. "I guess I could eat."

"Well, I'm starved." He said.

"That's not a big deal. We'll just pick up something on the way or I'll have one of the cooks at GeneCo whip you something up."


I scoffed. "Meh?"

"I want something else." He said like a spoiled kid.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay so what is that you want exactly?"

About a half hour later Luigi had his driver take us "Grazziano's Pizza" It was actually a pretty popular place among the locals but it certainly wasn't a "rich people" place. I was surprised it was open so late. Well they were actually about to close but the owners were way smarter than the bartender at McColl's.

Once they saw Luigi approaching them switched back in the open/close sign in a millisecond. Luckily he was too drunk to realize that they just microwave heated their leftovers instead of making it fresh. As I took a bite of my slice I watched as Luigi ate his. He seemed to be in a better mood. Maybe the food would soak up the alcohol.

"I gotta say, I'm surprised that you know about this place, Luigi."

"Are you kidding? This is the best pizza joint in town. I used to come here all the time when I was a teenager."

Huh. Learn something new everyday. "No kidding? Well I agree that this place is pretty awesome."

"Not just pretty awesome. It's just awesome." He said it like it was a well known fact.

I couldn't help but laugh at that statement. I've never seen a man get so excited over a slice of pizza before. It was almost…cute.

"Anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?" he said randomly.

My eyes widened and I looked away in embarrassment. "Um, thank you."

We finished our slices and I could tell the owners were starting to get restless. Luigi must have noticed too. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and got up. "I guess we better go then huh?"

"Yeah. Alright, how much do I owe you?" I asked the workers, reaching for my purse.

Luigi pout a hand up. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it."

That made me feel a little uncomfortable. He had paid for the drinks at McColl's too. "Oh, no. you don't have to do that. It's not like this is a date or anything."

Luigi rolled his eyes and took out a big wad of cash from his coat pocket... "You do a lot for me as my assistant and I have more than enough money to spend. Just let me buy you dinner."

My cheeks flushed. "Alright, I guess." He paid the owners and they asked us to come again anytime. We lest the building and as soon as we got back to the car, his face turned pale. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, fuck." He cursed and then ran into the alleyway. Seconds later I heard the unmistakable sound of hurling. Oh geez. I knew that would happen. I groaned and walked over. Standing at a safe distance I waited for him to finish.

"Okay relax, just let it all out, you're going to be okay."

He finally stopped and rose from the ground. I grabbed his arm and helped him up all the way. "C'mon, let's get you home." I led him back to the car and asked his driver to head back to GeneCo headquarters.

When we got there, the building was as dead as a ghost town. Perfect. We took the elevator up to the floor where his room was. With his arm still draped around my shoulder, I carefully guided him through the hallway and we reached his room. I opened the door and let him go, making sure he could stand okay.

"Okay, we're here. Do you need to throw up anymore?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm f-fine. I, I-oh shit!" He ran to the bathroom where he proceed to vomit some more. I groaned. I hoped he at least made it to the toilet otherwise I would have another mess to clean up. I went to check on him and thankfully his aim hadn't been affected. I couldn't help but frown at how helpless he looked, nearly heaving out his lungs and in pain. I rubbed his back and waited for him to finish.

"About done?" I asked, trying not to sound insensitive. He nodded. "Good. Why don't you brush your teeth and lie down. I'll go get you some water."

He nodded again and rose up, limping to the sink. I left his room to get his water and wondered again why I was being so nice to him. I supposed it only felt like the right thing to do. I grabbed a water bottle from the break room a few floors down, trying to distract myself from how creepy the building looked at that time of night. After getting the water, I quickly took the elevator back up and speed walked back to his room. I checked my watch. It was nearly 3AM. Holy shit.

When I got back into the room Luigi was laying down on his bed, shirtless and groaning. I walked over and handed him the water bottle. "Here. Drink a little at least. It'll make you feel better."

He sat up and took the water, taking off the cap and taking a few sips. He set it down and wiped his mouth and then groaned again.

"You know, for what it's worth, I think you held your liquor pretty well." I joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Most guys would have vomited after three."

He gave me a sort of half smile and I returned it in kind. Neither of us said anything for a moment and the room was very quiet, so quiet I could hear the ambiance of the dimly lit lamp on his bedside table. I coughed, finally breaking the silence.

"I should probably get going. It's super late and you look like you could use some sleep."

"It's a little late for you to be wandering around this hour." He noted.

"I'm not going to wander around, I'm going home and don't worry, I'll call for cab."

"You look tired." He noted.

The truth was I was wide awake but I didn't let him know that. "I'm fine. I'll make it home before I crash."

"You don't have to leave you know. You can always stay here for the night." He suggested.

My cheeks flushed again. "I-I don't think that would be appropriate. I really should go."

"Hey, listen." He started. Before you go, I want to tell you something."

I thought back to what Jessica was saying earlier. My stomach dropped. "What is it?"

He patted the spot next to him. "Sit down."

"I can stand." I quickly replied.

He sighed. "I just wanted to say…thank you. For everything, for tonight, for putting up with me, for being a good assistant."

I relaxed a bit. "Oh…there's no need to thank me."

He shook his head. "No, I mean it. I know that I'm not the easiest guy to deal with or the nicest guy around. So thanks for sticking by me."

I shrugged, trying to play it off easily. "It's just part of my job."

"No it's not. Tonight wasn't part of your job. You didn't have to make sure I got home okay. You didn't have to take of me. You did it because you're a nice person."

I looked away and wondered why he was acting so different. "You're not mad about how I yelled at you earlier, at the bar?"

He shrugged. "I guess I deserved it anyway. I was being a prick. I'm always a prick to you aren't I? You can be honest with me."

I was stunned. Could this possibly be the same stab happy lunatic I've come to know? "…Not always." I finally said.

"See? I like that about you. You're not afraid to tell it like it is. You're honest with me. You don't pretend to be something you're not. And you're not scared of me. Maybe you were at first but not anymore. I can tell. To you I'm just some horrible boss, right?"


"Yeah, I am. I get it. You know what though, it doesn't bother me. In fact it impresses me. Ever since the day you first stood up to me, I'll never forget that. You're not some little bitch who goes out of their way trying to impress me."

"Well, I appreciate you saying that, boss." I said, trying to think of a fast way I could end the conversation and leave.

He stood up and faced me. "Stop trying to act all formal, okay? I think you and I are pass all that pleasantry bullshit don't you?"

I shrugged. "I guess you're right."

"Look, I have one more thing to say so hear me out."

"I really should-" He grabbed my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes. I gulped. "L-luigi-"

"Shut up and listen to me, Andrea." He growled. "This is something that I think you and I both knew was coming." Oh God, no. Please no. He took a deep breath and his shoulders sank. "Everything that you're friend was saying is true. I like you, Andrea."

"How did you-" He pressed a finger to my lips. "I'm not finished. She was right. The only reason why I act hostile towards you is because I wasn't sure how you would react. I didn't even want to admit it myself. I tried so hard to convince myself that I hated you just like I hate everyone else but I don't. I can't. I don't know what it is exactly but damn it, you drive me insane. You make me so crazy, I can't stand it. When you were gone for that well, visiting your family, I couldn't get you out of my head, no matter how hard I tried to think of anything else, I always thought back to you and how much I missed having you around. Hell, I even tried to screw a few other GENterns but nothing helped because the woman I could think of was you."

My cheeks felt as if they were on fire. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I'm just telling you the truth, the honest to god truth. I like you, Andrea and I want you. Oh my God, I want you so fucking bad."

Before I could say anything else he kissed me with a full force. I groaned in protest and tried to push him off me but the harder I pushed the harder he kissed me. I tried pounding my fists at him but nothing seemed to be working. He pushed me back onto his bed and pulled away from my mouth and began to kiss my neck. I bit my neck to suppress a moan when he got to my collarbone, a really sensitive spot. "S-Stop!" I began. "You're drunk; you don't know what you're doing."

His eyes met mine for a brief moment. "I know exactly what I'm doing. And so do you."

"W-What? do you m-" but my words were muffled by another kiss. Damn it. This was so weird. I tried again to fight him off but surprisingly strong grip for a drunken man. He was drunk right? He had to be. I tried to kick him but he was on top of me and I couldn't move. I was starting to get really nervous. When he told me that he would force anything on a woman like that, I believed him; but what if he let his emotions get the best of him? Then again I couldn't help but notice that the way he was kissing me was different than last time. That night he only did because he was trying to prove a point but this time…

He was actually being pretty gentle. I figured him to be into weird things like knife play or something, since he was seemed to love violence so much; but he wasn't being rough at all. I could feel by body relaxing and getting used to his touch. It felt kind of nice.

He licked my lower lip and I instinctively opened my mouth, not thinking straight. I started to kiss him back and while the little voice in the back of head demanded to know what I was doing, I ignored it; because I was actually enjoying this. It had been so long since I'd been kissed like that and it felt good to be held, to be needed.

I moved my arms around his neck and my fingers started to run through his hair. He seemed to like that because he kissed me with more enthusiasm. I felt him move his hand to my exposed leg, starting to rub it a bit. He made another bold move and moved his other hand to my chest. I knew that we headed in dangerous territory yet I did nothing to stop him until he slowly began to run his hand up the skirt of my dress. My eyes shot open and using all my strength I pushed him off. He fumbled a bit backwards and looked at me in genuine shock.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"I just, I can't do this." I jumped off the bed and began to run towards the door but he grabbed my wrist.

"Just hold on a second!" I clenched my eyes to fight back the tears that were forming for reasons I didn't know. "Please, just let me go! I can't do this, I don't want this."

His face suddenly became crestfallen and he released my wrist, turning away. "Then go." He said, his voice dripping with bitterness. I ran out the door and into the hallway. Despite the ache that was forming in my chest, I didn't have the nerve to look back.