Welcome all yaoi fans! Here comes the next SuzaLulu yaoi fan-fic! However, it won't be a one-shot fiction. So, please be patient till I update the next chapter. ^^

WARNING: Yaoi ahead! Don't like, don't read.

Fated To Love

Chapter 1 ~ Lelouch

There were screams all around me. They were running, all the elders and the young. Some were holding their children's, some carrying their babies. But, one was left behind. A boy of age less than 7, maybe, was sitting in the middle of the running crowds. He was screaming loud cries but no one cared. His parent must have left him out or did not even bother to turn back to search at all.

A tall man came and carried the boy into his arms. That man did not looked very old nor too young but he sure has a kind heart. The man was searching from left to right. Maybe he was searching for the kid's parents.

Then, he stopped his stare at me.

I was sitting on the ground, back against the wall, almost out of breath. The screams had made my head dizzy and heavy. Even my visions are getting blurry. I did not care about the run anymore. If the plane came crashing this place, I would die and be buried here under the concretes. Losing all hopes, I shut my eyes, giving up my life.

Just then, I felt a sudden shake on my right shoulder. I opened my eyes slightly to see who it was. It was the kid's hero and the kid himself in the man's arm. The man was saying something but I could not make any sense out of it. The man mumbled something again but I did not respond. My eyes were shut again. The strong shake on my shoulder stopped few seconds later. Instead, I felt a hand behind my back and another under my knees.

I was lifted.

I did not know where we were heading to. With all the screams and dizziness, I fell into a coma.

I cracked open my dry eyes after somewhat long time I had been sleeping. Everything was grey and I thought I was dead. I tried pushing myself up but it could not work, there was no strength left in me. I groaned as I felt a pain on my leg. I tried to feel the injury but instead, I touched a bandage. I could tell from the touch, that the bandage was only a temporary one, done with a ragged cloth.

Then, I heard a gentle voice ringing.

"You're awake?" asked that man. I turned slightly to look at him beside me. I knew I had seen him before but I could not recall a thing. Then, a little boy's head popped out from behind the man. He, too, looked familiar but I did not want to hurt my brain to search for any clues.

"Why am I still alive?" I asked him, though I knew it was quite an unreasonable one. His eyes gave me a look of curiosity. Yet, he still answered me with that gentle voice and smile.

"I'm a soldier and it's my job to save people out of danger."

He was lying and I knew, else why would not he save the innocents who died in the war?

I turned my gaze towards the little boy without replying that man. The skinny boy was munching bread and the bread crumbs fell onto the man's shoulder, making the already ragged blue jacket with unneeded design.

Suddenly, the man sitting beside me held out his left hand and touched my forehead. I shook my head to shove away his hand. He smiled and said, "Thank goodness! Your fever had gone down."

I scolded him, "Mind your own business." I turned to look at the wall without moving my body. I never even cared about myself, so why must he be such a busybody?

Without referring back, I could hear whispers from behind but did not bother to find out what. Soon, he started to talk again.

"I bet you're hungry. Here, I've cooked some porridge. Want to try?"

I could smell the porridge as it was nearing me. Then, there was the smell that I could not resist. I tilted my head a little while looking at that person.

I asked, "Is it good?"

He chuckled, "It's my first time cooking it. I'm not sure if it suits your taste, but Gino likes it."

The little boy stood beside the man after passing the bowl of porridge to that man. He nodded softly while biting on a small biscuit. Looking at the cracked bowl with full gaze upon it, with the smell that I could not resist, I asked him, embarrassingly, "Can you…help me up?"

The man responded by putting his left arm on my back and supported me to sit up. Then, he laid me against the wall and started feeding me slowly.

After the first scoop, I commented sarcastically, "It's not salty enough."

He laughed and promised to add some the next time if they had some.

I was surprised that I could actually finish the whole bowl of tasteless porridge. Maybe it was the hunger that forced me into such desperation.

After putting the bowl back beside the fire place, he patted Gino to sleep.

I stared blankly into the fire. Flash backs of my memories once again filled my mind. From within the fire, there were a lady of age around 50 was stroking a boy's hair. They were having a good time chatting while warming up in front of the fire place. Next, the scene moved its place where people were firing bullets towards the lady while the kid was hiding behind a thick wardrobe. The kid came out from the hiding place after the firings had ended. The kid was stunned and shocked after seeing his mother's body full of blood and her eyes were wide opened. The kid screamed and brought me back to reality.

The man was sitting beside me now, though I did not realize when. He looked at me with a worried stare.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Did you not hear me?" he asked gently.

"Sorry, I was thinking of something just now."

"It's alright," he said. "I was asking for your name."

"Is it important?" I was a bit of irritated as I dislike strangers knowing my name.

"Well, it'll be easy for me to call you," he replied, and smiled,

I gave up the urge to fight back and told him my name.


"Ok, Lelouch," he smiled. "I'm Suzaku." He held out his hand to offer a hand shake.

I looked at my hand but could not lift it up. I felt a slight blush of embarrassment, again.

The man, who called himself Suzaku, took my hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you," he said.

Then, we started to chat. I did not know when the conversation ended. It should be after we dozed off unknowingly.

It was one tired day for us, afterall.

Right! That's all for chapter 1.

The next chapter will be Suzaku's part.

Stay tune for the next chapter, will ya? And, be patient. Haha!