A/N: Behold! The grand finale! I'm going to miss this story.. Thank you all for your reviews, they helped me alot! Seriously! I get so happy whenever I see a new review. SO! I hope you like this, at least a little?

This last awesome chapter contains love, humor, sensuality, angst, stuff. Reader discretion is advised.

'Tis the season to be lovey-dovey? Lovers will love it, Loners will hate it, and some people just want to express the true feelings that they've held in for who knows how long. Either way, it's Valentine's Day and that means love, pain, and all around entertainment.

"So what the hell are all of these jerks doing here?" Looking around the crafts room, Lovino glared at all of the other people from Feliciano's class that were also going to make chocolates.

"I invited them. It's much more fun with a group! Don't you agree, brother?" Feliciano smiled, turning to Lovino.

"…I'm going out to buy chocolates instead." he grumbled, leaving the room.

"Not so fast~!" Feliciano grabbed his arm and pulled him back in, "It has no meaning unless you make it by hand! Now put on this apron~" he laughed as he handed a pink apron with hearts and ruffles to Lovino.

"I'm not wearing that crap!"

"You're being difficult~ Here, I'll help you." tying the apron around Lovino's waist, he smiled, approving of the way it made his brother look so adorable.

Letting out a loud sigh, Lovino walked over to his work station and watched as Feliciano taught him how to make beautiful, heart-shaped chocolates. After a few frustrating tries, Lovino succeeded in making dozens of little treats.

"Ve~ Good job, brother! I know they'll love them~" quickly giving Lovino a light squeeze, he went back to making his own chocolates for Ludwig.

"Yeah! I'm so badass at making stuff.. Now for separating and distributing!" Lovino smiled in accomplishment as he loaded the chocolates into three separate pouches.

"An..to..nio." talking to himself, he wrote the Spaniard's name on a small Valentine's card and tied it to the pouch with a white ribbon.

"Fran..cis." He then did the same to the next one, tying it with a pink ribbon.

"Gil-" as he wrote on the third one, he suddenly stopped when he felt his heart skip a beat. Twice. Shaking it off, he finished writing and tied the pouch with a red ribbon.

Suddenly, he noticed something was odd and unbalanced. Examining the pouches thoroughly, he came to the conclusion that one seemed to have a bit more candy inside.

"Hey Feli.. does Gilbert's pouch look fuller to you?" he asked for his brother's opinion.

Looking closely for awhile, Feliciano shrugged, "They look the same to me? But even so, don't you want his to have more anyway?" he asked, innocently smiling. As Lovino intensely glared at him, he laughed nervously and went back to cooking.

"Who's this 'Gilbert' dude?" asked a curious Alfred, who had been surveying Lovino's work the entire time, "Is he that funny-looking guy with wicked eyes that you always leave to hang with?"

"None of your business." Lovino blushed, trying to ignore the guy who continued to stand there, staring.

"Oh I get it! Are you guys like, dating? Or are you just friends? Maybe even friends with benefits? !" laughing obnoxiously loud, Alfred patted Lovino on the shoulder.

"It's none of your damn business, bastard!" grabbing the pouches and storming out of the room, Lovino didn't have the answer.

What the hell are we..?

He wondered to himself. Even though he and Gilbert reunited and were together almost every chance they got, he wasn't sure. Gilbert would sometimes kiss on him, and hold his hand. He was generally very affectionate when he wasn't being annoying. But even after all of that, not once did he say the words 'Will you be my boyfriend' or 'Will you go out with me'.

"No time to think.. I should deliver these."

Leaving the academy, he decided to give Antonio his gift first.

"Aw, Lovi! You didn't have to give me anything. This is so sweet of you~" Antonio cheerfully ate his chocolates as he squeezed Lovino.

"Yeah yeah, you're welcome. Now stop squeezing me." glancing around the room, he noticed Antonio had many different bouquets of flowers, roses, and boxes of chocolates lying everywhere.

"Where the hell did all of this come from?" picking up a box of the chocolates, he decided to eat one.

"Oh, that's what I thought, too! It seems a lot of different women and men are being kind to me today, many people came by and dropped these off~ And now you!" Antonio smiled.

"…Well, don't accept any weird looking boxes, alright? And definitely don't accept any drinks. I'm off to see Francis" and with that warning, he set off to visit the flirtatious Frenchman.

"Bonjour, Lovi! Please come in, but make it fast because I have a sexy date to attend to soon~" Francis smiled, motioning Lovino to the couch.

"Well, happy Valentine's Day." shoving the pouch into Francis's arms, he sat on the couch.

"Merci!" he said, tasting the chocolate, "It's good, but I'd much rather eat you~"

"Watch yourself.." rolling his eyes, he then asked, "Um.. What does 'friends with benefits' mean?"

Pausing for a second, Francis then answered, "Well.. Just as it sounds! It's when you're friends with someone, and you think of them as just a friend, but you also engage in sexual activities." smiling, he added, "So.. You want to be friends with bene-"

"Shut the hell up. That's too damn weird. So.. Any idea where Gilbert is? He didn't answer his phone." Lovino asked, trying not to sound worried.

"He's at the park, said he was going to be 'awesomely alone' while laughing at couples that walk by."

"What an idiot.. I'll go retrieve him."

Arriving at the park, Lovino was surprised to see many couples. Couples everywhere. As he walked through the snow, he tried to find what seemed to be the only other person without a date. At last, he came upon the lonely albino, standing near a bench.

He's glowing?

The snow seemed to make the guy glow just as the moonlight did. If he were to just fly away right at that moment, there would be no surprise. Standing there, Lovino found himself gazing in awe at the beautiful snow angel.

"Lovi! What're you doing here?" Suddenly, Gilbert was standing in front of him, smiling.

"Oh! Um.. Happy Valentine's Day.." blushing deeply, Lovino held out the cute pouch of chocolates.

Gilbert silently took them, and tasted one. "Wow, Lovi. These are-" he suddenly started to cough.

"EH? ! Are you alright? !" Lovino worriedly patted the albino's back.

"Just kidding~!" he laughed, "You should've seen the look on your face! Kesesese~"

"…Screw you." Lovino was not amused. Not in the slightest.

"I was just kidding, love~ They're really delicious! You should become a pastry chef." Gilbert smiled in approval as he continued to eat the chocolates.

"So, why are you here alone? It's Valentine's Day, you know.."

Gilber shrugged, "It's usually just another day for me." Looking at Lovino, he began to smirk, "Did you come here to ask the awesome me to be your Valentine~?"

"D-Don't flatter yourself, bastard!" Lovino turned away, extremely embarrassed. "But.. Since you don't have one.. we might as well be.."

All of a sudden, Gilbert grabbed his wrist and attached something to it.

"Where.. the hell did this come from?" gazing down, Lovino saw that it was a beautiful charm bracelet made out of real silver and aligned with shining emerald stones in the shape of his Zodiac sign. It matched the color of his eyes.

"I had it all along~" smiling, Gilbert grabbed his hand and began pulling him along, "Now come on, let's go have some awesome fun!"

As they came upon the frozen lake, Lovino stared at it in horror while Gilbert rented a couple pairs of skates.

"Ice? Skates? Me? NO." He tried turning around, but Gilbert grabbed his arm and forcefully helped him put on the skates.

"This isn't safe, we should just go.. watch a movie! Yeah." Lovino began to sweat. He remembered the horrible experience as a small child when his grandfather took him and Feliciano to an ice skating rink. After falling and breaking a tooth, he vowed he'd never try it again.

"Don't be so chicken! I'll teach you how to skate~" smiling his usual mischievous smile, he quickly pulled Lovino onto the ice.

"CHIGIII!" he screeched, holding onto Gilbert for dear life.

"Relax, Lovi~ I'll catch you if you fall.. maybe."

Holding hands and slowly skating around in circles for a while, Lovino began to get used to the ice. He actually found it to be quite fun. That is, until Gilbert let his hand go.

"You said you wouldn't let go, like 20 seconds ago, jerk!" Lovino yelled.

"But look, you're doing just fine without me!" Gilbert began to clap. "My awesomeness pays off."

"Well.. I guess I am!" smiling excitedly, Lovino began to skate faster and faster, even daring to do a leap.

This is sooo damn fun! It's like I'm flying! …Shit.

He hadn't learned to stop himself, and flew into a huge pile of snow on the side of the lake.

Trying his hardest not to laugh, Gilbert rushed over to help the poor boy up. "Lovi, you alright?" reaching out his hand, Lovino took it. And pulled him down.

"That's so not awesome!" Gilbert pouted as he shook the snow out of his hair.

"Hah! That's for earlier with the chocolates, jerk~" Lovino laughed aloud, then suddenly got a snowball thrown into his face.

"Awesome Gilbert uses snowball attack! It's very effective!" running behind a tree, he began to make more snowball ammo.

"What the hell! This means war!" Lovino ducked down and began making his own balls of snow. Looking back up to aim and throw them, his face yet again met another snowball.

"Awesome Gilbert: 2 points! Badass Lovino: 1 point." doing a victory pose, Gilbert laughed and taunted the Italian.

"Damn you!" Lovino ran over and tackled the albino, lying on top of him.

"Lovi~ That's cheating! You're a bad sport." Gilbert said as he poked Lovino's nose.

"Well you're a bad-" suddenly, his stomach rumbled.

"I'm a bad what?"

"..I'm hungry. Take me to get something to eat~" Lovino said in a very childish voice, too cute to ignore.

"Alright, we'll go somewhere Italian!"

After rejecting a number of places, they finally settled for one before it go too late in the evening. When they finished their nice Italian-themed meal, it had begun to snow quite heavily.

"It's too cold to do anything now.." Gilbert frowned.

"Let's go to your place, then. Until it stops snowing." Lovino casually suggested.

A little hesitant at first, Gilbert agreed and they made their way to his studio apartment.

"What's this?" Lovino asked, sitting on the couch he questionably stared at the glass of liquid Gilbert handed to him.

"Apple cider?"

"And what do you have?" he then glared at Gilbert's glass of extravagant, foamy alcohol.

"Beer. But you're not old enough yet, so you can't have any~" Before he could take a sip, Lovino removed it from his hand.

"If I can't have any, then neither should you! Drink the cider with me."

"Fine fine, I guess it's fair.."

As they sat on the couch, they laughed and discussed random subjects as they warmed themselves up by the fireplace.

"I'm so glad I hung out with you today instead of going to that stupid Valentine's Day dance," Lovino chuckled as he gulped down another glass of cider. "Some girl asked me to go with her, and I rejected her because I didn't even know who the hell she was! Can you believe her friends got pissed because I said no? Buncha jerks."

"Loviiii, Lovi~ Bad mistake! Even if you don't know a chick, if she asks you out you don't just deny her~ well if she's cute. Don't you know anything about the 'game'?"

"And what the hell do you know about the 'game'? You turned 21 last month and you've never had a girlfriend!" Lovino teased, because it was the sad truth.

"Welllllll.. It's too bothersome! I've always stayed awesomely single, the ladies would be jealous if I had a girl." Gilbert boasted.

"Or maybe you've never had a girlfriend because you're an idiot~"

"They won't care how smart I am once they see the awesome five meters~!" Gilbert smiled proudly then rubbed Lovino's head.

"..You're a bastard, you know that? An egotistical, awesome bastard." laughing, he leaned his head forward onto Gilbert's shoulder.

Lovino then continued the list of reasons he thinks Gilbert wouldn't have a girlfriend. "..And you could never keep one because you always leave so suddenly. And I'm pretty sure no girl wants a guy that refers to himself as 'awesome' every five minutes. If you ever did that in bed, they'd slap you."

Gently lifting Lovino's chin with his finger, he stared into those big emerald eyes. "I know you love my awesomeness, or else you wouldn't hang around me."

"So what if I do?" blushing, Lovino turned his head.

Gilbert smiles, then says, "Well there's nothing wrong with that. After all, I hang around you because you're awesome, too~"

Lovino sighed as he reached up and ran his fingers through Gilbert's messy white hair. "I'm also a sucker who always falls for your tricks."

Leaning in closer to Lovino's face, Gilbert smirks and whispers, "My 'awesome' tricks~" then presses his lips against Lovino's.

"Mmm~" he smiled, brushing Lovino's cheek. Gilbert had always enjoyed the taste of the Italian's soft lips.

Unexpectedly, Lovino pulls him into a deeper, more passionate kiss. He opened his mouth, allowing Gilbert's hot tongue to slide into him. He felt as if the life was slowly being sucked out of him, it felt unimaginably wonderful on so many different levels. Secretly, he had wanted this for a very long time now.

If I could die like this, I'd be happy if it was with Gilbert..

After a few moments of rough kissing, Lovino lied on his back, pulling the albino so that he was lying above him.

"Gilbert.." Lovino whispered, gazing into those red eyes that he loved so much.

"Yeah?" he answered in a hushed voice.

"I want to do it with you.. Let's have sex."

Eyes widening, the words rang inside of his head, over and over. Hesitantly, he agrees. "…Mhm."

Lovino giggled as Gilbert continually kissed his neck on both sides, the soft pecks from those lips could be felt through every nerve in his body.

Gilbert twirled his fingers around Lovino's hair curl, slightly pulling each time. He enjoyed listening to the cute moans the boy made and the expressions on his face as he tried to hold them in. Moving down, he began to unbutton Lovino's shirt.

"I feel so.. incredibly happy right now.." sighing contently, Lovino closed his eyes.

Suddenly, Gilbert felt a wave of guilt roll over his body. He remembered how Lovino used to seem so small when they first met, back in middle school. He remembered how he had such a short, lean body which now had nicely toned (but still rather small) muscles. They were even almost the same height now.

"Why'd you stop?" noticing he wan't being touched anymore, Lovino sat up.

"I don't think I can do it.. Not right now." Gilbert looked down.

"Why the hell not?" frowning, Lovino stared at the doubtful German.

"It just doesn't.. feel right yet. Besides, you're still a student anyways. And 17 at that." he scratched his head, trying to explain. "Maybe next month when you turn 18, things may be different-"

Lovino got up from the couch without saying a word as he buttoned up his shirt. Grabbing his coat and scarf, he then exited the apartment, walking out into the shivering, cold and snowy night.

A few days later, Gilbert sat at his desk posting every random thing he could find on his blog. Although, no matter what he did, he couldn't stop feeling lonely and guilty.

"Geez, this is so not awesome! I wish I could make him understand.." he sighed loudly before getting an idea. "That's it! I'll just have to make him understand!"

Grabbing his cell phone as quickly as he could, he began texting Lovino. "Okay! 'I want to see you~' sent!"

Surprisingly, he received a reply almost instantly.

As he waited for Lovino near a bench at that same park, he went over what he would say in his head. Out of no where, the Italian appeared in front of him.

"Lovi! Um.. I'm sorry about last time, I just want you to understand-"

"I understand. You were just trying to be safe, I get it."

"Well that was easier than I expected.." Gilbert mumbled to himself. He then reached out to hug Lovino, but the latter stepped back.

"Don't.." he muttered, "I'm tired of this."

"Tired of what..?" Gilbert asked with a puzzled expression.

"Everything!" Lovino blurted out, "You always lead me on, and then leave me wondering what the hell just happened! Ever since I was a freshman.. that's all you've done!" Tears began to escape his eyes, only to freeze, midway down his cheeks from the cold weather. "I have.. I have deep feelings for you and I'm tired of them being played with!"

As he watched the Italian run away, getting farther and farther from his reach, he wondered to himself why he could never keep his precious Lovino in his grasp.

Staring at the last drop of water in his glass for about ten minutes now, Lovino began to go into a complex train of thought about how gravity could still be able to pull the water down to the ground, before he'd even be able to see it.

Challenge accepted.

Turning the glass upside down as fast as he could, he tried to catch the drop, only to end up dropping the glass instead.

"Lovi… if you're seriously that bored, go make up with Gilbert and stop breaking my dishes!" Francis had been staring at him the entire time. "This was a good glass.." trying not to cry, he swept up the pitiful remains.

"My bad.. And why should I? If he really wanted to be with me, he would've asked me out a long time ago." looking for another distraction, he started folding a nearby napkin into a paper plane.

"It's Gilbert we're talking about. Do you really think he would do something so rational without being told?" Francis sighed. "I'm not going to babysit you every time you get into a jam. Antonio would, but I'm not the type~"

"I've already went to Antonio! He kept pestering and touching me, so I come here now. Whether you like it or not." testing the paper airplane, he tossed it across the room.

"I'll pretend I'm not home next time, then.. By the way, when was the last time you even talked to Gil?"

"A few days after Valentine's Day."

Francis gasped in surprise, "That was a little over a month ago! You haven't seen him at all, either? Poor guy.. He must be dying inside.."

"That's not true. He came to the stupid little gathering Antonio held for me for my 18th birthday about a week ago, remember? He handed me a gift and then left.." thinking about it, Lovino sort of wished they had made up at that time.

"Oh right! Sorry, I was drunk that night. Who knew Antonio would invite such wild, sexy ladies~" Francis said as he licked his lips.

"You invited them, dumb ass. Even though it was my party." he rolled his eyes.

"Ohonhonhon~ Anyways, what was it that Gilbert gave you?"

Pointing to the cross he was wearing around his neck, it resembled the one that Gilbert owned.

"Isn't that the one Gil has been wearing, for all these years?"

"No.. he got this one for me.. so we could match." Lovino began to turn bright red, thinking about it.

"So, you still wear it despite what happened?" Francis stared at him, he knew Lovino hadn't completely given up.

"Well.. It's a gift so I'm going to wear it. Just like this charm bracelet! They look good on me.." and he continued to sit there, in denial.

Gulping down his sixth can of beer, Gilbert lazily watched as Antonio cleaned his place for him.

"I don't see why you insist on cleaning my apartment.. I mean, it's mine."

"I can't relax when I know there's a mess around me! You should learn from my examples." smiling, Antonio sat down next to Gilbert after he finished washing the dishes.

"I just haven't felt like cleaning, it's.. not awesome at all." looking around for another beer, he was disappointed to see he had finished them all.

"Still, it's not good to sit around! We should go out somewhere and-"

"I miss him terribly.." Gilbert suddenly blurted out. "I can't function without Lovi.. I don't even remember how I managed to survive a year without him, back then.."

"I know you two are currently not speaking.. what happened between you two? No one ever tells me anything! I want to help!" Antonio seemed to be the only one that didn't know it all. It irritated him greatly, as he felt that they no longer trusted him.

"…..Lovino and I have been secretly seeing each other for awhile now." He confessed, then seeing the angry and disappointed expression start to appear on Antonio's face, he added, "but don't worry! We never actually did anything.. A couple times he wanted to, but I either made up an excuse or refused.."

"And.. I guess that's why he thought I was only playing with his feelings. I really am an idiot.."

"Geez, was it really that bad that you guys couldn't confide in me?" Antonio frowned.

"Well, we never told anyone. I'm pretty sure Francis caught on long ago, and maybe Feli knows.. It was our secret. I'm sorry, bro.. I guess important things like this should be shared with your friends?"

"Just tell me one thing, Gilbert. Do you love Lovino?" Antonio asked in a serious tone, facing the albino.

"More than anything!" he immediately answered, "I've always loved him, and I always will. Because as corny as it sounds, my heart belongs to him!"

Antonio smiled as he gave Gilbert a big pat on the back.

"Well then! What are you waiting for? You should go tell him that, instead of sitting here talking to me!"

The Graduation party is held every year for seniors a few days before the actual ceremony. Most of the students would leave as soon as they receive their diploma, so the school started holding the party before. As fun as it was supposed to be, it seemed more like a nuisance.

"The teachers practically force us to come to this crap.." Lovino complained.

"Well, at least the food is quite tasty." said his acquaintance, Eduard.

"True that!" but before Lovino could stuff his face with delicious snacks, a familiar voice called out his name.

Turning around, it was exactly what he had hoped it wouldn't be.

Oh god.. What's he doing here? !

He tried to escape the room stealthily, but failed miserably as his arm was soon being tugged.

"Damn! Let go of-" at first angrily, he soon grew very disturbed as he turned around to see the incredibly watery eyes of Gilbert.

He had never, ever seen the albino cry before. He didn't even know it was possible. But now, as he stared into those red eyes full of unshed tears, it almost made his heart cringe. A horrible feeling developed inside of his stomach, and he decided not to struggle.

"Lovino! I'm sorry for hurting you.. again. It seems that's all I keep doing. But it hurts me just as much, because you're so very precious to me!" Gilbert began to speak from his heart.

"Gilbert, people are staring at us.."

"I don't care. They can stare all they want.. I want everyone to know how much I am in love with you!"

Lovino began to feel his heart beat faster and faster, it felt as if it were now out of control. Being confessed to in front of so many people caused his head to burn so much, and his face looked as if it were permanently red from all of the blushing.

"You're.. making a scene.. Can't we talk about this later..?"

"No, this can't wait," grabbing Lovino's hand, he lightly squeezed it, "I love you, and I want you to belong only to me. Not as a friend, but as a lover, boyfriend, or whatever else you want to call it! I promise I'll learn to become awesome at this 'couples' thing."

Lovino stared at him in shock before he couldn't take it anymore and jumped into his arms, holding him tightly.

"You're a bastard for making me feel this way!" Lovino began to cry out, "why.. why is that whenever you're around, I can't concentrate.. and it becomes hard to breathe? Why does my heart beat so fast when you touch me? Why do I get so many urges.. to just kiss you? !"

These feelings.. It hurts but.. It feels so good..

"Dummy! That's how it feels to be in love! And I feel it, too~" Gilbert smiled cheerfully, wiping Lovino's tears, he held him close.

"I... I love you, damn it! I love you so much!" Lovino, in the arms of the first person he has ever loved, they shared a sweet and tender kiss.

"Ve~ Brother! I'm so proud of you! Now I'm going to graduate next~!" Feliciano tightly squeezed Lovino as they took a few more group photos at his graduation.

"I'll be leaving this school now, so you better take good care of my brother.. Ludwig." there's a first time for everything, even calling someone by their actual name instead of a vegetable.

"Don't worry, he's in safe keeping." Ludwig smiled as he'd finally gained Lovino's trust.

"Look at you, Lovi~ Being all grown up now! It's so cute!" Antonio laughed as he pinched Lovino's tomato red cheeks.

"Don't hog the graduate! Let me have a bite~" Francis grabbed Lovino and swiftly laid a kiss on his forehead.

"Actually! He's mine, so I'll be taking him now." wearing his usual smirk, Gilbert grabbed Lovino's hand and ran away from the others.

"You know, I still haven't packed yet!" Lovino yelled, puffing his cheeks.

"We'll do that later! But, what are you going to do now, Mr. Graduate~?" Gilbert asked, kissing Lovino's hand.

"What do you mean? I'm going wherever you go, of course." Lovino blushed.

"And what if I lead you into oblivion?"

"Then that's where we'll be. And I'll bitch at you the entire time~" laughing, he wrapped his arms around his lover.

"Yikes! That's not awesome.. Instead, I'll take you somewhere special. There's an awesome hot springs inn, up in the mountains north of here. We should go this weekend~" Gilbert suggested, kissing Lovino's cheek.

"I like that idea. Antonio wouldn't mind, but I bet Francis will be so jealous he missed out~"

"Kesesese~ then we should just keep it a secret!"

Smiling brightly, Lovino gazed into those scheming, but beautiful red eyes once more, "Our secret~"

A/N: And so they went to the hot springs and had lots of relaxation and 'love' time~! Giggity! ;D

Again, sorry for the time skip. I just really REALLY wanted to write something about Valentine's Day for those two to have a romantic evening.. kinda.

And thankssss again for the reviews, praise, criticism, & encouragement! I'll have to think of some more Prumano short stories. It'll be hard now but I just love this damn couple so much.