Chapter One: The Other Side

Sometimes a reoccurring dream was nothing out of the ordinary for other people. There were nights and nights of the same dream. The only dream you could ever remember having.

You never told anyone of the eternal loop.

Suddenly your world would become a black void, removed of all scenery and vision. You heard only raised voices. Voices full of concern and fear.


"Ezio, move out of the way!"

"Who are you?"

"Not important! Quick we're losing her!"


Your chest tightens and your breath would weaken. A severe pain pierced through you. You would scream yourself wake from the pain. Your mother would wake up and come to your side.

However tonight was different.

Blades of grass tickled beneath your feet. A summer sun warmed your cold body. The blue sky was clear of any blemishes.

The green meadow stretched for miles and free of trees. Except for one.

It was the only thing that looked out of place.

Alone, a bare, dead tree stood just ahead of you. A mysterious shape appeared on the very top branch, it was a silhouette of person. The branch bowed and gave the illusion that the silhouette was heavy.

Curious, you treaded carefully. Something about the beauty suddenly seemed to hide a dark secret. As you stepped closer the silhouette began to change.

No it wasn't a person, it was a bird.

An eagle specially, stared at the space ahead of him. Not once did he glance your way nor did he move. His claws imitated you, such cruel weapons on a beautiful creature were a terrible contradiction. That unwavering gaze froze you. It held a knowledge far great than you could ever know.

Before you could question him, he began to move. Only to softly lift his wings as the breeze flew between the dark brown feathers.

He was smiling.

You wanted to speak but the eagle sung its song. Over and over again he sung and flapped his wings violently.

Until silence…not a motion or a sound.

"We've found her!"

You flinched at the voice that came from no general direction. A voice that was neither male nor female. It sounded more like a chorus of voices that blended together to create one.

The eagle had calmed upon hearing the voice and you only grew frantic. Something was shaking you.

Unfortunately it wasn't just you but the world around moved, bended, and bowed as you did.



"Danny! Get up you'll be late!"

You snapped awake almost hitting your mother in the face as you threw off the covers. "Dear God, Daniela!" She yelped dodging right in time. You flung yourself out of bed only to trip over your suitcase. Your mother composed herself and began to place the sheets back on the bed. You were busy finding the right outfit of the day, a comfortable one at that.

"Remember what I told you Daniela."

"Yes, yes, don't talk to strangers…or get into taxis by myself and some random guy."

She continued to fix your bed as you brushed your teeth, "And no running off from the group."

"Okay, okay," you threw your toothbrush in a bag than into your suitcase. You spun around your room checking to see if you forgot everything. Happy that you didn't forget anything you began to leave the room. "Hon, aren't you forgetting something?"

You stopped at the door and quickly ran back to get your suitcase. She laughed softly and followed you down the stairs.

"And your toast," she pointed.

"Right," your grabbed the bread from the plate on the counter and placed it in your mouth. You threw your suitcase in a dining room chair.

"I can't believe you're going to a foreign country for your senior trip."

You pulled out the gallon of milk [1] and poured yourself a glass. "What? Where did you go for your senior trip?"

"Ha! A local beach…" she paused and reminisced, "But it was fun."

"It must've been fun, you had to stop and remember."

"Oh shut it."

She smiled. You finished your short but enjoyable breakfast. Your mother grabbed the dishes and hid them in the sink. You left her without hesitation.

You waited for her near the door as she grabbed her purse and keys. Once reunited, she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, "Hopefully you won't have as much fun in Italy as I did at that beach."

She laughed deeply before she exited your house. It took you a minute to realize what she meant.

"Awww, Mom you scarred my brain!"


Author's Note: Okay, can you figure out what happen to you? Anyway, first chapter of book two. Review or message whatever you like.

[1] if you don't like milk think of something better.