
He ignored it the first time, shifting slightly in bed before settling on his side once again. He chalked it up to a work of his imagination, that he was just exhausted and was currently hearing things. Blissful sleep was just overtaking him when his theories of imagining it were suddenly confirmed to be wrong.


A slightly irritated sigh left his lips, the noise barely audible in the silent room. He tried to ignore it again, hoping the source calling his name would get the hint and stop. It was nearing 2am and they had to be at the studio at 7am. And Logan Mitchell was not the type to function well without a healthy amount of sleep.


"WHAT!" Logan snapped, voice hushed in a low, yet angry whisper. He flipped over in bed so that he was facing Carlos' bed. Said boy was sitting up, looking over apprehensively. "What?" he prodded one more time, voice softer and sweet this time, seeing the look of fear on the Latino's face.

"There's a monster under my bed!" Carlos confessed in a yell-whisper.

If it hadn't been so dark in their room, Carlos would've seen the way Logan rolled his eyes at this statement. "There's no such thing Carlos."

"Yeah huh!" Carlos insisted childishly.

Logan sighed. "Did you see this monster?"

"Well, no..." the other boy replied, trailing off at the end.

"See, no monsters."

"A lot of things exist that you don't see Logie!" Carlos argued, "duh" clearly written on his face.

Logan replied with a silent, "Really?" face. "Like what?"

Logan could hear Carlos gasp from across the room, barely able to make out his silhouette glancing down shyly. "Feelings." A few silent moments passed between them before Carlos spoke up once again. "Hey Logan..."

"Yeah buddy?" Logan pressed softly, sensing that his friend was truly scared. Even if his fear was irrational and woke him up at 2am, Carlos was his best friend and he would do anything to make him feel better.

"Do you have any monsters under your bed?"

Logan could argue with the Latino for hours whether or not "monsters" truly existed. But it was two in the morning, he was tired and the way Carlos' face carried in the room, was really, for lack of a better word, precious.

So instead of arguing, he simply replied, "Of course not Carlos. I keep under my bed super clean so there's nowhere for monsters to hide."

Carlos nodded in understanding, biting his lip softly. "Can I come sleep with you then?"

Logan didn't even hesitate before agreeing. "Sure," he said, lips tweaking up in a gentle smile. "But bring your own blanket! I don't want you hogging mine."

It barely seemed like a second passed before Carlos was, literally, jumping into bed with him. It took a few minutes for them to get settle, both lying on their backs, each covered by their own blanket.

Carlos rolled over and pressed a quick, soft kiss to the smart boy's cheek. "Thanks Logie, you're the best."

Logan could only smile; he would happily protect Carlos from monsters any night of the week.