Mori didn't really need anyone to take care of him. He saw himself as an outcast that would just hold on to himself in every situation, he was matured enough to live by himself, to do everything by himself. He didn't require a bodyguard to wipe his ass.

But no matter how hard he tried to argue back, his parents insisted on hiring one to look after Mori on their one-month business trip, the one that Mori had been waiting for. He thought that he would finally be on his own without anyone to bother him in the enormous house. Well, nothing seemed to run according to plan in this world.

Mori Motonari is a 17 years old male from a well-known family; he went into a wealthy private school and successfully achieved outstanding excellence in all of the subjects, especially music. However, he had no friend, and he was fine with it. As mentioned, he didn't need anyone by his side. A time for himself was the only thing he craved for. As for the people around him... well they were just petty nuisances that he would be glad to dispose. Mori had a few acquaintances, but they were merely pawns that would eventually be discarded.

A bodyguard sounded bad. But this masculine figure wearing only a thin piece of singlet and purple baggy jeans in front of him looked even worse. This type of person was the one that Mori hated the most. Chosokabe Motochika, his new caretaker was such an eyesore to him; dirty and unkempt. He covered his left eye with strange-styled purple eyepatch that looked like a headband. His thick messy silver hair defied the gravity and seemed to float around freely in the hollow air. Around his jeans was a pink sash that supposedly used to hold it on his waist.

"Ahoy, Mori!" His voice boomed inside Mori's fragile eardrums as he grinned.

"Scram," The brunette grumbled, looking away from Motochika. He wanted that guy off as soon as possible. He wouldn't like to spend thirty days with him. "I don't need you. Leave me alone."

Motochika was clearly surprised by the reaction of his new master. "No, no, I certainly can't do that. I've been requested to guard you twenty four seven so that you wouldn't do anything stupid–"

"I'm afraid it is you who will be doing foolish things before my eyes. Begone from my sight now, you eyesore." As he stared into Motochika's deep sapphire eye, he realised that he couldn't read anything in it, which was weird. He was usually great at reading eyes to know what one was thinking.

"Hey, no need to be so friendly," Motochika scratched head. "Now, what should I call you? Mori, Motonari, master?"

"You can start by calling me Mori-sama," The brunette said, maintaining his usual cold expression. However, when Motochika laughed at his statement, he sighed and left the older male without saying anything beforehand.

"Come on, Mori-sama, can you please at least hear my name?" Motochika chuckled, his hand grabbing Mori's.

"Rule one. No touching." Mori grumbled, smacking the silver-haired male's hand away before he pat it as if his touch was contagious. "Rule two. No word is to come out from your lips unless I asked a question or something extremely urgent is present."

"Ugh..." Motochika's grin disappeared after he finally noticed that his new master had no sense of humour at all. At the same time, he also realised that it was going to be a long, long job unless he managed to soften Mori's defences. Plan one: persistent bastard was now ready to be executed. "I'm good with the first rule but the second one is rather hard to do."

"Of course it would be difficult considering that you are a street punk that does not know how to shut his mouth." Mori commented sharply. "Be like a proper bodyguard and do not taint my image or you will find yourself out of the door."

"Well, ouch." Motochika laughed again, however, Mori didn't. "You're wasting your beautiful face with that ugly frown."

"Humph," Mori grumbled, opposing him. "Your petty grin made your paltry face nastier. Now, if I were you, I'd zip it tight." He stated calmly, even though he was burning inside. "I'm going to school now. Fetch me my shoes."

"Oi, I'm your bodyguard, not your slave."

"Zip it." Mori smirked in victory as soon as Motochika left sighing to the doorway, where a huge rack of shoes could be found. A few seconds later, he came back with the right pair of shoes. "I see you actually have a brain..." He rested his head on his right hand, sitting down casually on the grand leather chair inside the dining room. "What are you waiting for?"

"Yeah, yeah," Motochika grunted, untying the shoes before he tucked them nicely to cover Mori's feet. "For you, my master." He said sarcastically, kissing the feet of the brunette. Mori, however, did not say a thing. He just looked down, seemed to be enjoying the attention he received.

Mori flung a set of keys in Motochika's direction. "Drive," He ordered. The other guy said nothing but follow his arrogant master's order. They both jumped into the black glittery Jaguar that was ready waiting for them inside the garage. "Please try not to kill this car." He said somehow mockingly.

"I'll try my best," Motochika grinned, booting up the engine. The car breathed out invisible carbon monoxide before it silently vroomed. "So, Mori-sama, tell me, are you like this too to your girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend. Peh. They are just a waste of my time." Mori retorted with his monotone voice, still looking out of the window. He had to admit that he was pretty good at driving, with that figure. He thought that Motochika would be the type to hit the gas like an F1 racer.

"Mmm... I bet you won't be saying things like that five years from now." Motochika chuckled, looking around the road for speed limit sign, being cautious not to get bad reputation in front of his master's eyes. "Caught your eyes on any girl at all?"

"You are such a nuisance. I wonder why my parents considered hiring you at all," The brunette grumbled, clearly pissed off. However, he could still manage to control his anger.

"Look! It's one girl from your school," Motochika whistled in an annoying manner. "She's a hottie."

"The road!"

"Whoa!" He exclaimed when he saw a truck running right in front of him, before he steered to the left desperately.

"I knew you shouldn't drive."

"It was just a small mistake, okay? Sorry, Mori-sama." The silver-haired male said, trying to re-gain his suddenly lost dignity.

"If I hadn't notified you, you would have died by now." Motochika pulled his head up all of sudden. Was Mori being worried about him? "Not that I would mind that idea..."

Ugh, nevermind.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of the most expensive private school in that area. Just from the outside, you could already tell that only wealthy people could afford to go into that very place with such luxurious garden and amazing uniforms. And that fountain in the middle! It looked so neat, and the beautiful crop of the grass...

Mori unbuckled his seat belt and he sat still with his arms crossed, seemed to be waiting for something. "Come on, I don't have all day."

"What, you want me to kiss your cheek and say 'have a nice day' to you? Want me to go out and hold your hand into your class?"

"Open the door." He cut him off sharply.

"Are you serious?" Motochika frowned, surprised by his master's arrogance. "Can't you open that damned door by yourself?" When Mori shot him a look, he gave up and proceeded to come out of the car and opened the other door, and Mori emerged from inside with his usual facial expression. Motochika thought that it was such a grand entrance and he decided to play along by bowing slightly, with his right hand on his chest.

When he looked up, Mori was already metres away, and in his place were girls. They were all around him, looking so fascinated. "Are you Mori's caretaker in place of his parents?" They asked.

"Yeah, I certainly am, ladies." Motochika threw his deadly smile and the girls' eyes turned into hearts, and all they could see was a hot, well-built man with sparkling aura.

"Aw! He should have been my caretaker instead of that scary bald man with sunglasses!" One of the crowd exclaimed in disappointment. All of them giggled in a typical girl version. Motochika kept his posture, just smile and relax.

"All right. I believe you ladies will have school soon? And I need to get going now. Please help me to make sure Mori-sama doesn't do anything stupid."

"Motochika," The brunette suddenly called out behind the flock of the girls. "Go home now. You're making a ruckus. And no, do not try to defy me and do not try to make me repeat myself."

"Okay, Mori-sama," The other guy mumbled before he turned his back and went into the car. A second later, the window was slid open and he grinned, "Have a nice day!" Then, the car drove off, leaving trail of smokes behind.

"Idiot," Mori sneered, walking back to the school.

Mmm that's first chapter down! Mori is just being Mori, please forgive him 8D

Review, please?