I'm back!

Thank you soo much for all your kind reviews! I'm glad you enjoyed reading my story! ^^

And thanks for your patience of course! There was a stupid series of events.. My PC being broken, the second part of the story being lost, university keeping me busy… But finally: here is the second part of "The Love Algorithm"! It's not very long but I hope you'll still be satisfied with the end of the story!

When Sheldon did not get up the next morning at exactly 7am, Leonard became worried. Even though he assumed that his roommate might have a headache or some sort of hangover, Sheldon usually did not miss work or he at least got up to complain about being sick.

At 7.15 Leonard knocked at the other scientist's door. "Sheldon? Come on, buddy! It's Thursday morning 7.15 and 43 seconds! We have to go to work!" No reaction. "Sheldon? Are you sick? Sheldon? Come on, talk to me!" Since his roommate did not answer, the smaller man decided to enter the room, knowing that Sheldon never locked the door. He put his hand on the doorknob, when he suddenly heard a loud noise, causing him to step back. "Shelly? What was that? Are you ok?" Another heavy object hit the wooden door. Leonard's eyes grew wide. Sheldon never lost his temper. This had to be very serious. Leonard thought about last night's events and Sheldon's confession. He was probably very embarrassed and therefore did not want to see him. "Ok, I'll just tell Dr. Gablehouser that you're not well! I would stay with you to return last week's favor but I need special lab 3 for a very important experiment and I can only use it today! I'll spend the whole day in there but if you need something, just call me!" Leonard never thought he'd say something like that to a sick Sheldon. "The ingredients for a soup and the tea are in the cupbo…" Leonard was again interrupted by a loud noise. He came to the decision that he should better leave Sheldon alone, so he got dressed and left the apartment without any further word.

On the ride to work, Leonard's thoughts were still focused on Sheldon. He had seen Penny drunk. He had seen his mother drunk. Even though Beverly was very disciplined and cold, she had obviously acted stupidly that evening. The next image that popped up in his head was the one of Sheldon's speech at the Chancellor's Awarding. The taller man had undressed and told rather idiotic jokes that night. Could he really have been so drunk this time that he made up such strong feelings? Sheldon did not know anything about love! He had never even been interested in it! Still, Leonard could not forget the tone of Sheldon's voice, his trembling hands, the look in his eyes being so… troubled. The physicists had only drunk one glass of wine and even though Sheldon had gulped it down it was quite unrealistic that the alcohol had taken its full effect in about 5 minutes. Leonard's brain refused to allow the thought but could his friend have been serious about…? He was brought back down to earth with a bump when someone in the car behind him hooted the car horn. The traffic light had turned green about a minute ago.

When he arrived at work, he was immediately snowed under orders. Dr. Gablehouser came to remind him of the presentation he had to conduct for a delegation of Japanese physicists. Leslie needed his advice for her new experiment. The senior director came to ask for his newest results. Even during lunch he was forced to listen to Howard's complaints about his mother and his latest argument with Bernadette. Leonard did not have a single minute to be alone with his thoughts.

When he was done with all his projects it was already 6pm. Even though he was incredibly tired, Leonard did not feel the urge to go back to the apartment he lived in. By the time he had left the institute, the whole Sheldon issue had crashed into him again. He stood in front of his car, not sure what to do. It was Thursday. Everything was possible today.

After another 5 minutes, Leonard got into his car, started the engine and drove to the Pasadena Mall. During the next 2 hours he bought new clothes and got a haircut. He sat in a sprawling book store reading comics or just watching the people who were passing by. He ate pizza at a new Italian restaurant and decided that he had not felt that much… alive for a very long time. Even though he had enjoyed the week with Sheldon, the new sides of their friendship, he had noticed that after last night's events, he felt extremely exhausted. Leonard became aware of the fact that he had never cared for himself in the last years. His free time was geared to Sheldon's habits and inflexibility. Before moving into the apartment with the superior, arrogant, difficult Sheldon, he had lived at home with his "gifted" siblings and his sophisticated parents. He had never experienced any appreciation and was therefore so desperate to receive it that he simply had forgotten to please himself. For the first time in his life, he had done whatever he wanted to do. He had been spontaneous and he loved it. These two hours at the mall had given him more self-confidence that any guidebook he had ever read.

Leonard decided that going to the park to watch the sunset was the most suitable way to end this day. He sat down on a bench, watching businessmen hurrying and couples kissing. His thoughts went back to Sheldon and he felt oppressive sorrow arousing. What was the other man doing right now? Even though Leonard had avoided this topic to resurface during the afternoon, he knew somewhere in the back of his head that Sheldon had been serious when confessing his love for him. He recalled the situation over and over again. He used the psychological and anthropo-philosophical knowledge that his mother had rammed down his throat. He recalled everything he knew about his roommate. There was no chance he was wrong. Sheldon had been serious.

The realization hit him hard and his mind went blank for a few minutes. Of all the possible changes that his friend could possibly undergo, he had never thought that Sheldon would ever be in love. And since he was raised in a very Christian family, it had been very unlikely that he might fall in love with a man. With him. On the other hand, it was disturbingly logical. He knew Sheldon better than any other person did. Additionally, the other physicist had a naïve, childish side. He had never judged people for being homosexual and he probably would never do so because something deep inside him believed that if there was true love, it was unconditional. And now, Sheldon was in love. For the first time in his life. And he had laughed at him. He had left him alone. Leonard slumped to the ground, overwhelmed with guilt and hurt.

Leonard spent another hour at the park bench. His thoughts were spinning round. What was he feeling for Sheldon? How was he going to apologize? What would the traditional, the Christian Mary Cooper say? She had probably accepted that she would not have any grandchildren but could she accept him as her son-in-law? What would his own, over-analyzing mother say? Did she like Sheldon enough not to ruin their relationship? Why was he even considering being in a relationship with the other man? And again: what was he feeling for Sheldon? Leonard heard too many voices in his head, he saw too many scenarios. He was about to scream and kick a dust bin nearby, when suddenly an image popped up in his head.

It took place one week ago. He was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, a cup of tea standing in front of him. His roommate was sitting next to him and they were playing video games. Suddenly, he told a silly joke and Sheldon started to laugh hard. He heard the sound of his friend's laughter, saw his eyes shining. It had not been a particularly good or intelligent joke but Sheldon seemed to like it though. He had never seen the other man so relaxed and happy. A satisfied smile spread across his face.

He grabbed his jacket and hurried to his car. He decided it was time to go home and talk to Sheldon! When he opened the door, he stopped for a second. What was he going to say? What was Sheldon going to answer? What was going to happen? What would their relationship look like after this conversation? Once again, he saw the image of himself and Sheldon in the living room of their apartment in front of his inner eye. The voices in his head ran dry. He smiled once again, entering the car.

How about being spontaneous again?