Fuzzy: Okay… this is what I get for watching Disney Channel; I got this idea from watching The Sweet Life on Deck, and YGOTAS. I need a life.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, though if I did it would be filled with lemony goodness and tons and tons of homosexuality along with a typical fangirl nosebleed.

Fluffy: I SECOND THAT ^^

Fuzzy: Just enjoy.

Ryou was always feminine. When his mother died, his father insisted he act and dress like a female. He wore silken dresses and the finest velvets. Everyone just assumed he was a flat-chested girl. The only people who knew his secret was his sister Amane and his father. He was a quiet boy, but so was his life, he wished for more adventure and he didn't believe he'd ever get it. He was the perfect daughter for his father, quiet, beautiful, polite, and modest. He only wanted to break that shell and get out to see the world. Sometimes Ryou thought his father forgot that he wasn't a girl. Especially when his father would try to pawn Ryou off to some man to be their wife, Ryou would politely decline and excuse himself to his bedroom. He wanted to tell everyone the truth, but he wanted to please his father more. His father wasn't right since his mother died, and Ryou had looked so much like her. Even as he grew older he looked like his mother, and it wasn't hard to hide his true gender, even after puberty.

But Ryou never expected it would get worse.


"You did WHAT?" Ryou cried out to his father, surprise and fear stained his pale features.

"I got you a husband." His father responded.

"BUT I'M A BOY! Or have you forgotten the persona you've forced me into Father?" Ryou's aggravated voice echoed through the halls.

"I have no idea what nonsense you are going on about girl." He replied, his expressionless face like a stab to Ryou's heart.

"I'm a boy Father, you've grown forgetful in your old age."

"You've always been a girl, for as long as I can remember."

"But I'm not!" Ryou insisted, his voice sounding desperate and his eyes clouding with tears.

"Can you prove it?" His father glared anger and interest glinting in his eyes.

"P-please don't make me." Ryou begged.

"So you won't prove it?"


"I don't believe you!"

Ryou trembled as he lifted his skirt, revealing girlish underwear he lowered his hand to the underwear, catching his father's disbelieving yet lecherous look and froze, the boy ran out of the room in fear of his father.

Why was he… was it because I look like my mother? Ryou was so confused as these thoughts ran through his head. The look on his fathers' face was plastered to the inside of his eyelids. He shuddered and hugged himself. He felt so dirty, though he knew he shouldn't.

The bells outside began ringing furiously, this could only mean one thing…

… Pirates.

The tiny harbor city they lived in had a problem with pirates considering they were open to the Pacific ocean. Ryou dared to look out the window to see if he could find the ship that was attacking. The ship was pitch black and the flag had a heart that was dripping with blood. These were different pirates than any kind that had attacked before. The ships' crew was running around, stealing and setting houses on fire.

Ryou's nose was suddenly filled with the scent of smoke and heat enveloped his body, he turned around to see fire and a couple of the pirates invading his house, charging at him. Ryou ran as fast as he could, away from the attackers and away from the fire.

"Look at the pretty girl run!" One of them laughed, chasing after him.

"Please! Leave me alone!" He cried, throwing the door open and running out. He paused for a moment when he heard his sister screaming, when the screams died out he knew she was gone, and he kept running with tears in his eyes. Though he knew he paused too long when one of the pirates grabbed hold of his arm, tugging him back.

"No! No please!" He pleaded.

"Look at tha' she thinks we gon' let 'er go!" The one holding him said.

"I think Bakura will like this one, he didn't like the other girls we brought him before but this one… for sure." The second one said.

Ryou felt tears stream down his face, he was going to end up as some guy's plaything. She didn't want this for himself, he was sorry he'd ever wished for more adventure. He begged with god to let him take it back, but he was already being tied up and led away harshly.

He was boarded onto the ship, surrounded by laughter and awful smelling men with beer and rum splashing everywhere as the ship left the harbor city that Ryou had grown up in.

A man, obviously the captain, walked out from his cabin. "What did we get men?" He bellowed with a smirk on his face.

Riches that had been stolen from every house were dumped at the man's feet, he grinned, his teeth surprisingly white for a pirate. He looked like Ryou, only more masculine his hair messier than Ryou's kept, soft hair. The man holding the rope she was attached to him stepped forward, dragging him along.

"Captain! I caught you this one. I figured she'd be better than the others. She looks damn good." He said.

Everyone went silent as the captain stepped forward, closing in on Ryou. The taller man circled Ryou, critically looking him over. Ryou felt all eyes on him and he wanted to go home, he wished it would end…

… but then this captain started touching him.

Running his hands over Ryou's hips and chest, the smaller boy turned bright red, silently begging for this to end. The hands weren't rough or forceful, but gentle, this man was being careful with Ryou. But why? Pirates weren't gentle at all, so what made this man so different.

The hand started traveling further down Ryou's torso, several men on the ship hooted and hollered and Ryou squeezed his eyes shut, knowing that soon he'd be discovered and who knew what that would mean here?

Suddenly the man stopped on Ryou's stomach and pulled away slowly. "She'll do, this is definitely one of the better ones' you've ever brought me." He said, chuckling softly. Ryou stood perfectly still as the men on the ship whooped.

"You're too picky Bakura." Another man approached, he had wild blonde hair and tan skin. "You need to loosen up a little."

"Not everyone can or wants to sleep with just anyone Mariku." Bakura responded with a smirk.

"And he WON'T sleep with just anyone." A boy with tamer blonde hair and tan skin added, stepping next to the one named Mariku.

"Of course not Malik," Mariku smirked. "You know you're mine and mine alone."

The smaller one named Malik smiled up at Mariku, and Mariku held Malik closer. Bakura's gaze fell on Ryou, the captain held out his hand to Ryou and he snarled when Ryou didn't take it. Quickly the boy placed his hand in Bakura's and was pulled off to the cabin where Bakura slept.

The door was closed behind them and Bakura dropped Ryou's hand. Turning to face the boy, he leaned on the desk made of oak or holly, Ryou wasn't sure. He looked the boy up and down, not hungrily, but curiously.

"You're not a girl are you?" He said slowly.

Ryou blinked. He knew? He didn't know what to say, he just stood there in awe.

"Answer the question!" Bakura snapped.

"N-no. I'm not." Ryou squeaked.

Bakura didn't ask why it was this way, nor did he look like he wanted to, but he sat on his bed and patter the spot next to him. Ryou wasted no time getting over there and sitting down.

"You do know what they brought you here for right?" Bakura inquired.

Ryou closed his eyes and bit back tears, he nodded. He knew very well what he'd been brought there for.

"If you were a girl I would have had you thrown overboard with the guy who brought you here, I'm not attracted to girls. But you… you're feminine to get them off my case, and a boy to make me happy. You'll do as you're told without complaint if anyone else tries to sleep with you, get away and tell me, I'll have them killed. Got it?" He said without anger in his voice.

Ryou nodded, tears slipping down his cheeks. He really didn't want this, he really didn't, but it was what would happen now. He would be a toy, a plaything, this man's way of getting off, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Bakura took Ryou's hand again. "I take it you're a virgin huh?" Ryou nodded again.

Bakura looked at Ryou with a sort of tenderness in his eyes. "Then I will be your only, no one else will be allowed to touch you."

Ryou's mouth dropped a little bit, "You're not as… rough, as everyone makes pirates to be." Though he made a mental note about how selfish Bakura was.

Bakura smirked. "I'm only going to be nice to you. Everyone else knows that I am capable of terrible things."

Ryou didn't ask further. He was afraid to say or do anything; he didn't want to upset Bakura. As nice as he was to Ryou, he now knew that this man was awful to many others.

"I don't hear anything in there." Mariku laughed, a chorus of people laughed behind him.

Bakura threw a knife at the door. "Tell everyone to go away, do whatever the fuck they want, and if anyone is caught listening or waiting on the other side of that door that they'll get sixty lashes! SCRAM!"

The scrambling of feet were heard, Bakura was clearly true in his threat. Ryou swallowed, he was pretty sure he knew what was coming next. He didn't think he wanted it, no, he was sure he didn't want it. Bakura seemed to sense this, but he looked at Ryou with lust in his eyes.

"I won't take you… but I'll definitely make you mine." He placed his hands on Ryou's shoulders, pushing the boy backwards.

Ryou's eyes flew wide open. He was about to tell Bakura 'no' but the man had already pushed Ryou onto his back, the skirt of his dress hiked up and his underwear pulled down. Fingers teased Ryou's manhood to life. Ryou squirmed, unused to the feeling. It felt good… but wrong. Ryou wasn't gay! Ryou wasn't gay! But the more teasing this man did, the more he began to doubt himself. Soon he was hard and Bakura lowered himself to the erection, his lips barely grazing it. Ryou trembled, he didn't want this, he did NOT want this!

Ryou whimpered as Bakura took his length into his mouth, the feeling was great! But Ryou was afraid of it. He tried to say no, but the word wouldn't form in his mouth, he uttered a moan as Bakura's lips slid easily over hardened skin.

This is wrong! He thought in protest. This isn't something people should do! Forgive me god! Forgive me for finding enjoyment in this! He tossed and turned his head, pleasure mounting, yet he refused to let out another moan…

… But then Bakura started humming.

Ryou moaned loudly, causing Bakura to chuckle around the length. Ryou felt an unfamiliar tightening, his breathing increased. He arched his back and with one loud strangled cry, he released into Bakura's mouth, finding pleasure in the way the man lapped up everything that Ryou expelled.

Bakura pulled off and looked at Ryou with amusement. The smaller boy trembled, his breath audible and fast paced. Ryou started crying softly, he didn't want to get pleasure out of something that was this frowned upon. Homosexual urges were not in god's original plan, that's why they had men and women.

He was always raised that way, that homosexuals were frowned upon, yet his father has passed him off as a female. Now that he thought about it, his whole life was a homosexual charade. Not a willing one, he found no happiness with any man, not in a loving way. He'd always liked other women, but now… he wasn't so sure, and this uncertainty scared Ryou even more.

"Don't cry little angel." Bakura whispered, falling back on the bed next to Ryou. "No one's upset with you."The words made Ryou cry harder, the memory of doing such intimate things with a man drove Ryou insane with hurt and confusion.

"I'm not… I never… this is wrong." Ryou whimpered.

"It's not wrong if you don't think of it as wrong." Bakura said back.

"But it feels wrong." Ryou argued.

"I see; you're not gay then." Bakura sighed. "Well you belong to me now, and just because you don't like it doesn't mean I won't do it. You do not control me, no one does; however, I do promise to keep you safe. Does that work for you?"

Honestly, Ryou would rather die than be some pleasure slave with protection. He was trapped on a boat with a selfish man who wanted nothing more than to get laid. He was surrounded by deviant men who smelled of tobacco and rum who all thought he was some women and probably wanted to have him as their own. His life and virginity were on the line and only one man stood between him and them.

Sure! He'll fight them ALL off. Ryou thought sarcastically. He smoothed his skirt down and curled into a ball on his side. It would only be a matter of time before they raped and killed him, and all he had to do to make sure that didn't happen is give away the one thing he probably held dearest, except for his mothers' locket of course. It sat fastened around his neck with her picture inside, he clutched it tightly more tears slipping from his eyes. Why mom why? He thought.

Surely he'd be tainted.