Author's Note: Welcome everyone to another fanfic made by yours truly. Originally Our War Game was supposed to be a chapter less story, but due to my schedule with Cringe and many many many many many other writings in the process (and having little or no time finishing the whole story) I decided to make it with chapters to give me more flexibility. All characters are sixteen years old and this story takes place in the last chapters of Escape in the real world. Enjoy!

I could feel my pulse racing as I sped through the dark forest, trying to escape those who wanted to cause me harm so badly that they live for it. My eyes fixed at my bare feet that were covered in dirt and blood as my hands were caked in mud, looking like dark brown gloves. I could see my breath as I could hear them get closer and closer and knew that it won't be a matter of time that I'll get captured and everyone around me will perish. I felt something snakelike wrap around my legs and caused me to tumble on the ground, gasping in pain. I saw a dark figure heading towards me, with a leash in their hands.

"Please don't leave me pet," the figure ridiculed my situation.

I stared at the figure as I felt my body beginning to change and shrink, making me feel sick. As I screamed and tried to stop, the figure towered above me and placed a leash around my neck.

"You're finally mine."

I quickly woke up, chest burning and sweating like crazy. I looked around in our tree house and found Celeste glancing at me with her baby blue eyes, giving me the worried look.

"Are you okay Jason?" she asked gently.

"Never better," I gave a weak smile.

"You're finally awake little Eevee," Spencer teased as she approached towards me.

I began to examined my body with a shocked look and she stopped me before I checked my lower half.

"Relax, you know I call you that because you remind me of one."

I sighed in relief, making them look at me oddly.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, "you're being kind of jumpy every time I mention your nickname lately."

"I can assure you guys that I'm fine."

"Okay then," she said awkwardly, "want to battle?"

"I thought we'll be waiting for Hick to arrive."

"Trust me Eevee, it'll be awhile before he gets here."

Spencer pulled out her white DS and I pulled out my black. We both turned them on and began to battle against each other when Hick barged inside with his eyes wide and his face full of horror.

"DON'T USE THEM!" he exclaimed.

The three of us turned around and stared at him in confusion.

"You're a little too late to battle with us," Spencer announced, "but you could wait in the next round with Celeste."

"Listen to me, turn them off before they manage to take over your DS and try to annihilate you and your team."

"What are you talk…"

Suddenly, they began to shake violently and sparks shot out of the screen.

"I suppose you don't have a rumble pack either?" Spencer asked me awkwardly, trying to keep situation down.

"Turn it off now!"

But it was too late. The scenario was now a void of white as I saw my Espeon in the screen facing against a Dragonite.

"Here's the deal Jason," the Dragonite announced from the screen. "If you defeat me with just your Espeon, then I will spare your life and you won't end up as another one of those weaklings that faced one of us and lost."

"What the hell?" Spencer questioned as she heard the voice.

"Is this really happening?" Celeste gasped.

"It's happening," Hick said softly.

"Or maybe your friend would like to battle for your life."

I glanced up at Spencer who was still panicking to what's happening. Although she is a great trainer to battle, I really don't want her to battle for my life.

"I'll fight you," my voice lowered.

"Excellent choice."

Spencer's DS turned off by its own and I looked back at the screen, ready to battle.

"This will be entertaining."

The Dragonite began to fly towards Espeon with tremendous speed.

"Where's the commands?" I questioned as I looked at the bottom screen, only finding Espeon's HP, the Dragonite's, and mine which raised a few brows.

"You tell your Espeon what to do," Hick told me.

"Dodge Espeon!" I ordered as I saw the Dragonite was a few feet away from her.

"Espie!" she exclaimed as she barely dodged his attack.

"Use confusion!"

She sent a pulse through his eyes, making him confused.

"Quick Attack, Espeon!"

She became a blur and slammed into the Dragonite, losing half of his HP.

"Finish him off with Hyper Beam!"

She released a multicolored beam and stuck the Dragonite on the chest. I checked its HP, completely gone.

"Good job Espeon!" I cheered.

"Espie!" she jumped in joy.

"Jason!" Hick exclaimed.

I looked at the Dragonite's HP, slowly regaining its health.

"What in the…"


I found myself in the white void with Espeon and the Dragonite attacked us both at the same time. The both of us collapsed on the ground, our bodies raging in pain. The Dragonite towered above me with a devious grin.

"You were fun to battle and the first one to bring my HP down that far. Too bad that I have to do this to you."

He jabbed his sharp claws deep in my arm, causing me to shout in pain.


I was on the floor, shaking and quivering like crazy. My body temperature increased rapidly as sweat covered every inch of my body and felt the gut wrenching pain again. My ears were pulled painfully as I began to sprout dark brown fur, covering every inch of my body and a furry tan collar appeared around my chest. My fingernails lengthened, forming claws, and my hands and feet became paws, making my arms and legs stubbier. I felt my teeth becoming more canine and sharper and my tongue grew longer, letting saliva drip from my mouth. I rolled my eyes downward to try to get a glimpse of my body and found my nose black as the night and moist, picking up scents I wasn't able to smell before. I felt a sharp pain on my tailbone and a bushy creamed tipped tail popped out. Then, the real pain kicked in. I gave irritating, ear splitting shrieks as my bones cracked and rearranged themselves. A muzzle began to bulge out of my face, letting more of my saliva drip from my lips. Just as I thought it was over, I began to shrink and the whole world grew in my new eyes. I stared at everyone, panting for air and scared out of my mind.

"Eevee!" I yipped and slinked under the nearby table, backing away from them.

The others slowly bent down, looking at the Eevee that was formally their friend.

"Jason?" Celeste asked softly as she tried to reach me.

"E-Eevee," I quivered as I backed even further and huddled against the wall.

"What the hell happened to him?" Spencer questioned Hick as they stared at me.

"They took away his humanity just like the rest who lost against them," Hick said softly.

"Who's them?"

Hick didn't reply.

"Answer me Hick!"

"Not so loud," Celeste hushed them, "you're scaring him."

She looked at me with her calm eyes and held out her hand.

"Come out Jason, we won't hurt you."

I glanced at her quietly as I slowly lingered out of the table with fear slowly fading away. I huddled at her feet, not wanting to separate from her.

"Everything will be okay Jason," she said soothingly as she petted my head.

"Okay? OKAY?" I questioned her angrily, although she wouldn't understand me well. "How will everything be okay? I can't go outside without the fear of getting fucking captured! My parents won't be able to deal with their son who just turned into an Eevee from losing a pathetic game! We can't be together anymore…"

My eyes began to burn as salt flavored tears trickled down my cheeks and I buried my face on her leg, swearing and crying.

"Don't cry Jason," Celeste kneed down and scratched my ears. I glanced at her eyes, figuring out that she knew what I was trying to say and was holding back the tears, "we'll stay together no matter what happens."

I licked her cheeks and she gave me a sweet, gentle kiss on my forehead, making me blush.

"Guys," Hick announced as he looked out the window.

"What is it now Hick?" Spencer questioned.

"Look outside."

All of us looked out the window (or at least I tried to) and found the Dragonite I battled earlier heading towards the tree house.

"Oh shit," Spencer gasped.

"We need to move now," Hick announced.

"We might need these," Celeste said briefly as she grabbed our DSs from the table.

"I'll go down first and then you guys pass me Jason," Hick told us and began climbing down.

He looked up and glanced at me as I slowly wandered towards the ladder.

"Are you ready Jason?" he asked me.

I nodded and Celeste carefully picked me up and handed me over to Hick.

"You're actually lighter than I remember," he gave a small smile.

"Eevee," I grumbled.

I leaped out of his arms and trotted after him as he headed towards the car nearby. All of us quickly ran inside as the Dragonite grew closer and closer.

"Come on," Hick muttered as he tried to turn on the ignition.

"I told you to trade in this piece of crap!" Spencer growled at Hick.

"If you have a little faith in her, then she would start just fine!"
"Now's not the time to argue about this," Celeste interrupted them. "We have other problems to deal with."

"E-Eevee v-vee," I shuddered as I saw the Dragonite's eyes, dark and murderous.

"Come on," Hick grunted as he tried once more.

"He's getting closer!" Spencer announced.


"VEE!" I shrieked as I struggled to break free from the Dragonite's grasp. "EEVEE! VEE! VEE!"

"Get away from him!" Celeste threatened him as she hit his arm with her bag, trying to help me escape.

"Go! Go! Go!" Spencer ordered Hick and she turn the key with such force.

The engine roared loudly, now able to take us away from here, and Hick stomped his foot on the gas pedal and the car raced away from the tree house.

"Please don't make this harder than it needs to be Jason," the Dragonite grumbled as he tried to pull me out through the window.


His eyes began to change color as I stared at them, feeling all of the energy draining from my body. My body became numb as everything began to fade away like a dream.


"Jason!" Celeste screamed.

I blacked out.