A Camera, A Scientist, and the Devil

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Ace Attorney. All credits go to Capcom, they own the rights to everything. This story was written in response to a challenge posted on the Phoenix Wright Fanfiction Archive that I accepted. Hope y'all enjoy!

Second Disclaimer: I do not own anything affiliated with the movie Paranormal Activity. All credits for that awesome movie goes to Paramount Pictures, they own the rights to everything.

Later that morning...

Klavier was in the middle of the staircase, having a tough time holding the camera on his shoulder because he didn't have the energy to support himself, let alone it. But ever the stubborn man, he kept at the constant filming and recording.

"Ema?" Klavier called sleepily. He plodded down the rest of the stairs and found Ema sitting at the edge of the leather couch, wrapped up in a blanket like a cocoon.

Her face was looking even more haggard than before. Her mouth was in a permanent frown, the dark circles under her eyes were even more prominent, her skin was blotchy, and her hair look very tangled. She looked up at him stonily and he saw that her green eyes matched her blank face. The spark, the happiness was gone from her eyes.

"Fraulein, you know you need to get some sleep." Klavier said gently. They both needed sleep desperately, but he would be watching out for her needs first.

"I'm scared," Ema said hoarsely. "I can't be in that room anymore."

"I understand." Klavier sat down next to her, put the camera on the coffee table to face them, and he slung his arm around her shoulder. She leaned her head into him, but forced her eyes to stay open.

"I can't even be in this house Klavier." Klavier kissed her temple and just stayed silent. To them, silence was welcomed. It meant the house was temporarily at peace and they could relax, if it was even possible at that point.

Two hours later...

Klavier and Ema were sitting at the dining room table eating lunch. They had just called for Chinese delivered, Ema too tired to cook anything, and Klavier being afraid to leave Ema here by herself if he went out to get something. They ate in a stony silence.

All of a sudden a loud cracking noise could be hear upstairs and they both jumped in their seats.

"What was that?" Klavier said. He snatched the camera up from the kitchen counter and they both ran toward the stairs. Their pounding footsteps echoed throughout the entire house as they tried to figure out what the cause of the noise was. At this point they knew it was Kristoph doing something, but what exactly had yet to be seen.

"I'll check the mirrors Fraulein." Klavier's heavy footsteps resounded in the bedroom as he filed into the bathroom. Nothing was out of place or broken. Everything was exactly where it should be and everything was intact.

"Our picture!" Ema called out. Klavier guessed she found the source of the noise and went to find her. When he met her at the staircase, she pointed to a framed picture of themselves on a vacation during the summer. They both walked over to it and looked at it. It was a simple shot from the shoulder's up, something that Ema's sister Lana had taken.

Both of their faces were scratched, the picture itself being torn up, but the glass was only slightly cracked, as is someone hit it with a really tiny hammer.

"What the hell..." Klavier thought out loud. This was bizarre, even considering everything else that had happened.

"He's here," Ema whispered. "He's here."

"What do you mean Fraulein?" Klavier look at her, confused by what she meant. "What is it?"

Ema's eyes were shifting from side to side, and she was standing stock still, her fingers locked at odd angles. "I don't know. I can feel him. I feel him breathing on me," Suddenly, Ema broke from her immobility and raced down the stairs at lightning speed. "Klavier come on. Come on! Please!" She said when she reached the bottom.

Not satisfied, Klavier went to inspect the other three rooms on the top floor. He stormed into the guest bathroom and threw back the plastic shower curtains. Nothing was in there. He poked his head into both the guest bedrooms and they were also undisturbed.

"Klavier come downstairs!" Ema called again. She bounced on her toes and Klavier hurriedly descended the stairs. He looked back upstairs, no longer tired, running on pure adrenaline now.

"Does this happen during the daytime now too?" He said, aggravated. Kristoph was becoming relentless with terrorizing them. He used to just bother them late at night. Now it was all hours of the day that he was bothering them.

"It's getting worse." Ema said as she paced the living room incessantly, chewing on her thumbnail.

"Ema, please stop pacing. You're making me nervous."

"Well I'm sorry, but I'm nervous." She plopped down on the couch, but didn't sit for more than five seconds before the doorbell rang. She shot up and power walked to the door. It was Maya Fey, coming back at Ema's request.

"Hi, come in please. Thank you so much for coming back." Ema said gratefully.

Maya shook her head and smiled. "Not a problem. Hello Klavier."

Ema shut the door behind Maya and began to talk. "So I called your aunt, but she's unavailable."

Maya nodded. "Ah yes, she's currently going through an appeal right now, but it will be done in a couple days," As Maya finished talking, a powerful shiver when down her spine as she sensed a very negative presence around the house. "Wow, this is overpowering.."

Ema quickly interjected. "Yes, it's getting worse."

Maya nodded and pressed her palm to her chest. "Yes, it definitely doesn't like that I'm here. And I cannot help you."

"What?" Ema exclaimed, not believing what she was hearing.

"In fact, I've got to get out of here. This thing is very aggravated that I'm here." Maya said, taking a step back toward the door. Ema mirrored her step back with a step forward. Klavier started stuttering about how she couldn't leave them alone in the house and Ema silenced him with a look.

"Wait a minute, everybody calm down, we need your help."

Maya mashed her mouth in a hard line and lifted her hands up in a surrendering gesture. "I've got to tell you, I'm not the person to help you in this situation. This is not my area of expertise. I think I'm doing more harm here than any good. I really have got to leave. My aunt will be done with her retrial in a few days, she can help you then. She'll take care of this."

Ema and Klavier were both trying to ask questions at the same time. Asking if they should leave, how they could protect themselves, and the like. Maya just gave them both hard, apologetic looks. She shook her head.

"Leaving won't help at all. Let me see what I can do. I will help you, but I have to get out of this room. I'll help you. But I have to leave right now." Maya grappled the doorknob and opened to door to excuse herself. Ema's eyes widened as she realized even the psychic was afraid of Kristoph's malevolent presence.

"No no no no." Ema tried to pull Maya back, but the woman was adamant about leaving. She honestly feared for her life if she'd stayed. She walked back down the front walk rapidly, barely giving a wave as she did.

"Are you serious?" Klavier said angrily. Ema pushed her bangs back as she clasped her palms to her forehead in despair. She nudged the door shut with her foot and the resounding noise sounded final almost. Like there was nothing else that could be done to help them. Like they were now trapped inside this house alone, with Kristoph continuing to terrorize them.

"We'll take care of this ourselves, okay?" Klavier said in a feeble attempt to comfort his girlfriend. Ema just stayed quiet and walked back into the living room. Klavier followed after her.

That night...

Ema was laying on her side, crying softly into her pillow. Klavier had somehow convinced her to stay in the bedroom that night, but she'd never been so scared in her entire life. Klavier set the camera down on the nightstand, brushed Ema's hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. He walked around and laid down behind her, pulling her back into his chest. He intertwined their fingers and gave her hand a squeeze as her silent crying continued.

"I'm just so tired. Oh God, I can't take this anymore." She said in between short gasps of air.

"I know Ema." Klavier whispered so quietly, it was barely audible to Ema.

"I just don't get why this is happening. I know your brother was awful, but this is just..." Ema trailed off. Klavier said nothing more, just resting his head on her hair, his warm breath a comforting feeling on her neck.

Night #19

1:33 A.M.

After Ema fell into a troubled sleep after crying for almost ten minutes, Klavier reluctantly got up to put the camera on the tripod, then went back to bed. Despite having two bodies, the bed felt cold, as if a negative presence was keeping it from warming up. They were both positioned in the middle of the bed, but Ema's left leg was outstretched, an inch or so away from the edge of the bed.

Suddenly, as if being blown up by some air force underneath the sheets, the covers puffed up and exposed a bit of Ema's foot. The covers fluttered back down, but where immediately displaced again but an even stronger air current that blew the sheets off Ema's foot altogether.

Neither Ema nor Klavier stirred while that happened. Ema's foot twitched a little, as if someone had nudged it, but still she did not awaken.

3:05 A.M.

Klavier had rolled over to the other side of the bed, and Ema had done the same, her head right next to the nightstand, her feet now more inward of the bed.

The house had been dark since they went to bed several hours ago. The guest bathroom light then turned itself on. A faint knocking sound could be heard from that room, as if someone was knocking on the tiled wall. The light switched back off on its own.

A shadow quickly went across the bedroom toward the door in the direction of the bed. Not ten seconds later, a low and fierce growl was emitted two feet from Ema and she woke up immediately with a gasp. She pushed herself upright and her breathing quickened.

She reached behind her to wake Klavier up, and when her hand made contact with his side, she pushed him. "Klavier..."

Klavier woke up and roused himself while getting upright. "What, what's the matter?"

"I just heard something," Ema pushed herself further away from the door to be closer to him. "I-I just felt him breathing," She pointed to the space in front of the nightstand. "It was there, right there. I could feel him breathing."

Klavier pushed himself across the bed and stood up to walk around the perimeter of the bedroom. He glanced into the dark bathroom, he crouched down to look under the bed, and he uprighted himself to walk out of the bedroom.

"What are you doing? Where are you going? Klavier come back!" Ema called fearfully, afraid Kristoph would do something when Klavier was out of the room.

"I'm not going anywhere," Klavier walked back into the room and sat down on the bed next to Ema. "There's nothing there."

Ema shook her head forcefully. "No I'm telling you. I'm telling you," Ema's voice cracked as Klavier pulled her in closer. "I-I felt it. Something's wrong."

"Just take a deep breath Fraulein." Klavier told her soothingly. Ema's breathing eventually slowed down and returned to normal.

Early in the morning...

Ema was sitting up in bed, leaning her torso against the wooden headboard. Her eyes got wider as her head swiveled from side to side.

"I can feel him watching me. Right now."

Klavier blew out a breath as he unhooked the camera from the tripod. "Fraulein, you're starting to freak me out."

"We have to do something." Ema said.

"Well what?" Klavier replied. There wasn't much they could do at this point. Kristoph seemed to be watching their every move and getting more physical with each of his interactions.

"Scientifically I don't know. We have to figure something out. We have to..." She trailed off, unsure of her own words. Even she was beginning to lose hope that there was any solution to this problem. The situation was spinning out of control at such a fast pace it was making her head spin.

"Okay. We'll figure something out, we'll do some research, there has to be some other options."

Ema looked up at him, and her eyes were glassy and wide as the unspoken agreement was made that something had to be done, and immediately.

Fifteen minutes later...

Klavier and Ema were in his office, going over the footage from last night. They saw the first incident when the sheets moved on their own right next to Ema.

They watched the sheets puff up and push back to expose Ema's foot.

"Oh shit," Ema whispered. "I knew something happened last night." Ema thought she'd felt something last night, but she just brushed it off.

Right afterward, when the shadow made its way across the door, Ema gasped in shock.

"It's about to do something. I can feel something's wrong." Ema was honestly fearful for her life at this point. Kristoph had been a homicidal maniac underneath the 'Coolest Defense in the West' exterior, and it appeared to be that his personality went with him to the afterlife. She had no idea what he had planned for them next, since he was obviously determined to make physical contact with them.

An hour later...

Ema was on her laptop in the living room, checking things out on the Internet. Her legs were curled underneath her and she was leaning down slightly so her fingers could type out with the keyboard. She looked at Klavier as he approached with the camera, coming from his office.

"So I was doing some research, just trying to figure out our options."

Ema nodded. "Okay."

"So I found this website. You remember Diane, one of the possibilities from the Ouiji board, ja?" Klavier asked.

Ema nodded slowly. "Yeah."

Klavier gestured for her to follow him back into the office. Ema pushed her laptop screen closed and followed him into the other room. He sat down at the desk chair and pointed at the screen.

"She has all the same things happen to her back in the eighties, that has happened to us." Klavier started.

"Wait wait, what do you mean she has all the same things happen to her?" Ema asked, not getting what he meant. She looked at the picture of this woman, surprised that anything horrible happened to her. She looked so happy and vibrant in the photo the website provided.

"I mean everything. Having a brother who was a defense attorney, he forged evidence in a trial and was found guilty of it. He committed two murders as well and was eventually sentenced to death. Later, her brother came back to haunt her. She called in a psychic, and she found out he was haunting her because he felt that she didn't help him enough when he was going through his trials. Well it turns out that this Diane woman basically helped play a role in bringing her brother's crimes to the public eye, a little similar to what you and I did in Fraulein Misham's trial. He was described as a man completely consumed by evil and was nicknamed the 'Devil Attorney' after he was incarcerated." Klavier explained what he had read on this website.

"So wait a second, what happened to her, is she okay?" Ema asked nervously. If there was indeed a connection, or a warning or something that Kristoph left them, then whatever happened to this Diane may very well happen to them now.

"Well she called in an exorcist. They tried to get rid of her brother's spirit. Sometimes it can just serve to anger the demon more. Before the exorcist got there, she wasn't like this." Klavier pointed to a second photo lower down on the screen, that had this Diane looking in a haggard state, her face almost not looking human. That was after she passed away.

"So how did she die?" Ema asked nervously. "She was pretty." Ema noted.

"But I think Kristoph was trying to warn us. But I don't want to take a chance. There's no way we're going to lose this." Klavier leaned back in the desk chair and laced his fingers together.

Ema shook her head and stood up. "I'm going to go lie down." She padded out of the room without another word. She did not want to believe that they were going to meet the same end as this woman. She just wouldn't believe it.

Two hours later...

Ema was up from her nap, now sitting on the sofa with a heavy forensics textbook in her lap and a notebook on the armrest next to her. She was mindlessly twirling a pencil with a fingers, her eyes skimming over the pages, trying to get some studying in. Science was one thing that always put Ema in a good state of mind.

Klavier walked into the room with the camera on his shoulder and stopped a few feet in front of Ema.

"Hey Ema, I have an idea on what we can do. Some more stuff. So-"

Ema sighed as she stopped him before he could continue talking. "Could you please just get away from me with that camera?" She looked back down to her textbook. "I'm trying to study." She looked back up at him with an annoyed face when he didn't immediately leave. He backed up a couple steps and her gaze once again trailed back down to the book.

"Ema, I kind of want to talk to you about this thing." Klavier persisted.

Ema lightly smacked her hand on the open page of her textbook. "Klavier can you please just give me five minutes. Go, please." She gave him an incredulous look, amazed he was still persisting when she was trying to get away from the negative thoughts about the situation for even a little while.

"Fraulein, can you just chill out? Alright, I'm trying to help this situation here. I have some ideas that I'd like to talk about." Klavier answered, annoyed she was trying to ignore the situation at hand. Studying for her forensics exam was not going to solve the problem with Kristoph.

"No Klavier, you and your stupid camera are the problem." Ema slammed the heavy textbook shut and it made a loud thud when the book were shut very forcefully. Her notebook on the armrest was upended and fell to the floor as she got up quickly and walked away irritably.

"What the hell Fraulein?" Klavier called after her.

"Just leave me alone." Ema said as she walked away. Klavier started to follow her, a few paces behind when she spun around and pointed her finger at the camera.

"And stop following me with that damn camera." She shouted. If looks could kill, right now Klavier would be a pile of ashes on the floor. Ema stormed off toward the stairs and was halfway up when Klavier spoke.

"I'm trying to solve the problem here. You're the one who brought him into the house, he started haunting you first."

Ema was in mid-step up the stairs when Klavier said that last sentence. She looked at him, saying 'how dare you' with her eyes. Her eyebrows were raised and she just had a haughty expression on her face.

"Thank you Klavier. Thank you so much. Just remember that he's your brother, not mine. Theoretically he should be haunting just you, instead he's using me as a way to get to you. But you want to blame this all on me? Screw you!" Ema stomped up the steps and Klavier stormed off back into his office.

"Ja, go hang out with your friend upstairs, that's fine." He barked out a laugh, so angry he was unable to stop himself from cracking a rude joke like that.

"SHUT UP!" Ema shouted back.

Klavier set the camera down next to his desktop computer and started pacing like a nervous cat. "Ach, vergessen Sie."

Later in the afternoon...

Klavier ran out to the hallway leading from the kitchen to the living room when he heard Ema crying hysterically. All the anger from earlier disappeared at a moments notice, now his only concern was that Ema was okay.

He turned the corner to see Ema curled up in a fetal position on the floor, sobbing from what sounded like pain. Klavier set the camera down facing them and sat down next to her. She instinctively leaned into his embrace, like him completely forgetting about their earlier argument. He couldn't help but feel that she was crying because of the things he accused her of.

"Fraulein, listen to me. It's not your fault. You haven't done anything wrong." He whispered soothingly as he rocked her back and forth, trying to calm his hysterical girlfriend down. Ema just continued to cry, all the emotions she'd been trying to hold in and bury deep down were flooding to the surface all at once, and the argument was just the kerosene to the emotional fire.

Night #20

4:31 A.M.

Ema and Klavier were both fast asleep, too tired to stay awake, even out of fear. They were both out within minutes of settling down, their bodies screaming desperately for rest. Klavier was laying on his stomach, his head turned toward the far wall away from the door. Ema was half on her stomach, half on her right side. She was right on the edge of the bed, her arms curled around themselves, as if she was trying to comfort herself, even in sleep. Her waist and legs, with the exception of her left foot were underneath the sheets. Her left foot was barely dangling over the edge of the bed.

The room was still, until the same shadow flittered across the doorway, again heading in the direction of the bed.

Then, as if a real human were pulling, Ema's body was yanked out of bed by her foot and she woke up when she thunked on the floor.

She was momentarily free of the force that pulled her out of bed and crab walked backward to press her back up against the mattress. But no sooner had she accomplished this position before the invisible entity pulled on her foot again and flipped Ema onto her stomach.

"Klavier! KLAVIER!" Ema screamed as she was tugged out of the room. Klavier sat up and twisted around to see Ema's head disappear out the door. He stood up in bed to make chase for her distancing body, Ema drawing out the end of his name and it slowly getting quieter as she got further away and she ran out of air in her lungs to scream.

Before Klavier could make if off the bed, the door slammed shut on its own again.

"HEELLPP!" Ema screamed with every fiber of her vocal range. Thankfully, the door opened with no problem and Klavier squinted

"EMA!" Klavier hesitated for a split second before seeing where she disappeared to and he quickly ran into the shadows after her.

Ema had been pulled into the farthest guest bedroom and the door was thrown shut before Klavier could make it. He rattled the doorknob forcefully and shouted Ema's name. Then his panic and worry turned to anger and rage.

"Kristoph! You let her go! Sie sie in Ruhe lassen! Das hat nichts mit ihr zu tun! If your problem is with me, then LET HER GO!" Klavier rammed his shoulder against the door, trying to force it open. He tried it several times, but it was in vain.

Ema was past the point of hysteria, constantly screaming Klavier's name, her voice warbling with sobs that were choking up her throat.

After the fifth time of slamming his shoulder on the door, it gave way and Ema fell into his arms, then ran with all her strength back to the bedroom. Klavier was right behind her. When Ema made it to the bedroom, she was in such a hurry she stumbled over her own feet and crashed to the floor with a heavy thud. She cried out in pain as the wind was knocked out of her lungs and her elbows made contact with the wood floor. Her vision went white as a sharp flash of pain shot through her body.

Klavier half knelt, half fell down as he pulled Ema into the safety of his arms. Ema buried her face in his chest and her grip on him was so tight, her nails digging into his back so tightly, he was in pain, but he ignored it and focused on getting Ema quiet and calm.

Ema was crying so hard that she actually started choking and had to cough violently to get fresh air into her lungs. The sobs wracked her entire body and the fear came from every pore.

A few hours later...

Ema was curled up in a ball of the sofa, leaning her head on the armrest and her hands making a pillow. She had a blanket haphazardly thrown over her.

"I don't care, I just want to go, scientifically I can't be here anymore. I-I can't, I-just, let's go. Please, let's go, just go right now." Ema looked up at Klavier for a moment, then buried her face into the crevice between the armrest and the back of the couch. She usually loved the smell of leather, but she could not find it in herself to think of anything positive after what happened last night.

"Ja, we're leaving. I'll get us a hotel, we'll stay there tonight until we figure out what we're doing. We're not staying here another night." Ema looked up at him, a lost look on her face.

Ema adjusted her position, grimaced in pain, and reached around to clutch at her back. Klavier stepped forward and pulled her t-shirt up a few inches to see if she had an injury. As he moved it up inch by inch, he saw redness, and then revealed five scratch marks.

"Mein Gott..." Klavier was incredulous. This was the first physical wound Kristoph had inflicted upon either of them. He gently touched the marks with his fingertips, but as soon as his fingers made contact with her back, she drew in a breath and flinched. He pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry. It looks like something scratched you." Klavier said incredulously.

"What?" Ema said weakly. "Let's go.."

Half an hour later...

Klavier was walking around the house, looking for Ema. He'd pulled out two suitcases so they could pack and get out of the house. He found her sitting on the floor outside the kitchen. She was staring lifelessly down at her left hand, which was tightly clutching a small cross.

"Fraulein, are you ready to go? Come on, let's pack," Klavier said as he knelt down beside her. Ema leaned her head back and it made a small knock on the wall when she hit it. "Ema?"

Klavier took her chin in his hand and tried to pull her out the trance. "Come on," He turned his attention to her hand that was gripping the little cross as if her life depended on it. He tried to pull it from her hand, but she refused to let go of it. "Babe, let go of this thing," Ema wouldn't willingly let go, even as he pried her fingers back one by one. As soon as the cross was free from her hand, he saw her palm was soaked with blood and it left a trail on her thigh when her hand slumped to the floor.

"Mein Gott." Klavier exclaimed as he ran into the kitchen to grab a paper towel. Ema didn't move an inch in the few seconds that he was gone, and in an instant he was crouching down, wiping her palm clean.

When Ema still didn't stir after all his murmuring, he was afraid she'd been knocked out cold or something. As he examined her bloody palm, the rage in his chest grew. This had gone far enough, and he was fed up with everything his brother had done.

"I've had it with this shit!" He growled as he took her other hand in his. "Ema, come on, let's get you up." When she didn't move, he kissed her quickly, trying anything to wake her up. He snaked an arm around her waist and grunted as he pulled her limp body upright. Ema was as limp as a rag doll, making no effort to help him whatsoever.

"Come on, let's get you to the couch," As Ema was dragged along by Klavier, he decided to do something drastic. "I've had it with your shit. I'm taking care of this right now!" Klavier half shouted, half growled. He gently set Ema down on the couch, then retrieved something from the living room closet that hadn't been touched in a week. Ema had put it away, unsure of exactly what to do with it.

Now Klavier knew. Unfortunately for him, he didn't know the superstitions that followed the actions of what he was about to do.

He tossed the item carelessly into the fireplace and stalked away to find matches. He found some and immediately lit one to throw it on top of the object as well as a leftover log from the last fire Ema had started.

He stalked over to where the camera was sitting on the coffee table and moved back to capture the now growing fire on tape.

"Fuck this, I'm done." Klavier muttered as he watched the fire burn.

The Ouiji board burned brightly, the flames dancing all over, as if they had a life of their own.

Klavier stood there watching the Ouiji board burn, when he heard a whisper in his ear. For a second, he didn't realize it was Kristoph speaking because it addressed him in English. Everything else Kristoph had said to Klavier was in German. He felt a heaviness form around him, as if the air got heavier around him.

"You should not have done that Klavier. That was a very grave mistake you just made. Almost as grave as the mistake you made to choose the law over the fate of your brother. You and Ema both brought this upon yourselves when you refused to let up in your quests for the truth."

Not daring to talk aloud, Klavier simply thought. "No Kristoph, you did everything to yourself. As a prosecutor, I am an upholder of the law, and I seek justice against everyone who has committed a crime, no matter how large or small. The fact that you were my brother changes nothing. The fact that you were my brother just made the experiences all the more painful."

As a demonic entity, Kristoph apparently had the power to read thoughts, and responded to Klavier's thought with more words.

"That does not matter Klavier. Blood is thicker than water, and water is thicker than the law. You told me the law was not absolute, that is was changing, constantly moving forward, and moving on. You moved on too much, past caring for what happened to your brother, all in your absurd obsession with seeking justice. You are a fool Klavier, an utter fool. And Ema were right, I am using her to get to you. Using her to have you meet your end."

With that, Klavier felt the presence surrounding him lift, and he knew he was alone once again.

In the afternoon...

Upstairs in the master bedroom, Klavier finished packing up several days worth of clothes for Ema and himself. She was now alert, but still tired, laying on her side of the bed, swaddled up in the sheets like it was a cocoon.

"Ema, are you ready to go? Let's get out of here." Klavier picked up the suitcase with one hand and the recording camera in the other.

Surprisingly, Ema had a serene look on her face. She talked so quietly Klavier had to crane his neck to catch her words. "I don't want to go."

"Fraulein, what are you talking about you don't want to go," Klavier set the suitcase down and perched the camera on the edge of the bed. He reached over to brush her bangs off her forehead. "Let's get the hell out of this house."

"I don't want to leave," Ema repeated, a little louder this time. She looked up at him, a pleading look on her face. This was a complete 180 degree change from what she wanted to do earlier, it almost made Klavier think she was possessed. "Will you stay with me?" She asked.

Klavier looked at her like she'd sprouted a second head. "Fraulein, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"I-I think it would be scientifically better if we stayed. Please, just...I don't want to go. I don't want to leave, just trust me." Ema's voice was higher than usual, indicating her desperation.

Klavier lifted his hands in a surrendering gesture. "Whoa whoa, you want to sleep in this freaking bed and get dragged down the hall again? Absolutely not!"

"It'll be okay, it's better if we stay." Ema repeated, reassuring him. He had no idea what was going on in her mind right now, but she looked set in her decision to stay, and he doubted anything he said right then would change her mind.

"Are you fu-" Klavier stopped himself, saving the breath of arguing with her. "Fine. I don't know what the hell is going on but this is insane. Gott." Klavier stormed off, leaving the bedroom.

Ema just stayed in that position, looking blankly at the place where Klavier was standing a moment ago. Klavier stomped down the steps, and their angry echo did not register in Ema's mind as they got quieter.

"I think we'll be okay now." She said to no one in particular. Her eyes slowly drifted shut and a content smile widened across her face.

Night #21

1:25 A.M.

Much to Klavier's dismay, Ema did not swerve in her determination to stay in the house for another night. As much as he did not want to stay another night in the house, he was not going to leave her alone here. He was not going to leave the love of his life in this hellhole they used to call their home.

Both Ema and Klavier were sleeping on their backs, again falling into an exhausted slumber.

Ema sat up in bed, and got a stony look on her face. The serene look that had graced her face earlier was now replaced with a mask of disdain. She robotically pulled the covers off her legs, throwing them completely away from the bed and swung her leg off the bed one at a time.

She turned around to stare at the sleeping Klavier for a minute. Not moving, not making a sound, no new emotions crossing her face. She walked zombie-like over to Klavier's side of the bed. She stopped when she was right next to him and just stood there staring at him. She stood there, watching him roll over, watching him sleep, for almost two hours.

3:15 A.M.

Ema finally moved from her spot to walk back around the bed and straight out of the room without hesitation. She walked down the stairs in silence and her light footsteps could barely be heard as they descended. Klavier barely stirred as Ema's presence could no longer be felt in the room.

Just like last night, Ema burst out screaming Klavier's name, and he jumped up immediately. He yelled Ema's name in return and was out the door in a flash. Ema's voice continued with one long, high pitched scream as Klavier took the steps three at a time. But as he got down to the bottom, her voice took on a deeper tone, sounding more angry than fearful.

"Ema, what's the matter, where are you?" Klavier shouted. Ema's voice continued to project in the changing pitch scream. The camera captured none of what happened, just the audio from their loud voices. "What the-OH MY GOD!" Klavier voice got distant, as if he was running away from something. Two thunking noises could be heard, following by a groan from Klavier, and a heavy thud.

Then the house was completely still.

Light footsteps could be heard ascending the stairs. Slow, deliberate, but slightly feminine. The cause of the footsteps made it to the top, then the house was silent again for a moment.

All of a sudden a feral roar was emitted and Klavier's body went flying at the camera that had been sitting quietly on the tripod. The camera was disturbed, but it did not fall off. It tilted onto its side to capture the following moment at an odd angle.

The camera. The camera that spawned a nearly month long ordeal for the young couple. A camera that ignited a demonic entity to torment two people from his previous life to the point of insanity for them. A camera that captured every single moment, every single experience they had. From the random noises, to the moving door, to the shadows flickering across the door, to people getting dragged down hallways and getting scared out of their wits and back again.

And now it captured Klavier's lifeless body, facedown on the floor, Ema standing in the doorway, her white tank top covered with blood. She took three steps toward Klavier's body and looked down at it. His blonde hair was splayed about, in complete disarray.

Ema then looked up to make eye contact with the little red light to indicate it was still recording, despite the impact that caused it to shift. She stepped over Klavier and knelt down to stare it at, a few inches from her face.

A happy smile crossed her face, then it was instantly replaced with a demonic one as she raised her hand and swatted the camera across the room. The camera cracked and broke upon impact with the plaster wall.

Author's Notes: Pfew, this story is finally finished. When I started transcribing the movie, I never realized just how time consuming it would be. To be playing the movie, pausing it to type up dialogue, actions, or environment references, was just so tedious. Especially once the story picked up and the actions became more involved, it was even harder to get everything done just right in a story format.

But I am very happy with how this story came out. This is the first paranormal story of mine, even though it's not technically my story, I did have to alter quite a bit to make the proper Ace Attorney changes, and a good bit of dialogue was added to accommodate the changes for the cast. So in a way, it is mine, but at the same time it's not, if that makes sense. This is also the first story I've written where it did not have a happy ending, quite the opposite in fact. To properly write Klavier's death just broke my heart, and to have it be at the hands of Ema, even if she was possessed, also made my heart break a little more.

I took what my readers told me into consideration, saying I needed to be more descriptive with the actions and describing the environment of a scene with more clarity, and I really hope I accomplished that here. I suppose having the movie as a reference made it slightly easier, but at the same time to properly type something up and make it accurate according to the movie storyline proved to be rather challenging.

But I hope that you guys enjoyed this change of writing pace from me. Hopefully I'll get a positive response from this, but I have a feeling there will be some mixed emotions since Klavier is killed by Ema, and she's possessed by Kristoph. Anyway, we'll see, reviews and feedback would be wonderful and much loved!