. . . I have nothing to say. . . Accept it's AU. . . That is all. . .

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice. In fact, I might not own the plot. . .


Life always has its ups and downs. My, just so happened, to be spiraling down in to a complete shit storm. It's high school. Think of all the cliché's you want. Just be warned, this story, I can assure you, is completely cliché. So, enjoy my completely clichéd high school forbidden romance.

"I'm what?" I asked, as Jinno-sensei, my annoying math teacher, thrust my exam in my face.

"You're failing my class. I expect this to be signed and on my desk by tomorrow morning, Miss. Yukihira." Jinno-sensei handed me the paper. What annoyed me most about this guy was, that he knew, no correction, knows my father.

"But it's a 49, it's an almost pass! Can't you let me off easy?" I begged, holding the paper away from me as if it would burn me.

Jinno-sensei shook his head, "No exceptions. Get out." I sighed, and stuffed the paper into my backpack.

Hotaru stood outside the class, waiting for me, "What did you do now, baka?"

I hung my head, "I failed the test." I didn't bother showing Hotaru.

"Is that all? You do that all the time, Mikan. It's expected of you." Hotaru said ever so encouragingly.

"Hotaru!" I cried, throwing my arms around her sobbing. The students in the hall ignored me, like usual, but I still got some strange looks.

"Stop crying. You look hideous. I won't talk to you if you keep crying."

I sniffled, and wiped away my tears, letting go of her, "Sorry." I plastered a smile on, "Better?"

"No. I have to go." Hotaru left without further explanations.

"Stupid Hotaru!" I stomped outside, clearly pouting, and waited.

After ten minutes, a dark blue car pulled up, and a guy with black hair and dark blue eyes stepped out. A bunch of girls swooned, and much to their disappointment, he called out, "Hey, Mikan! How's my baby sister?"

After un-countable death glares, I responded, "Don't call me that, onii-chan!" Even if my brother was an annoying jerk, I still loved him.

"Do you want a ride or not?" Tsubasa asked, jingling his car keys. Yes, I know. Un-fair. He had a car, and I didn't.

"Yes! Don't leave without me!" I sprinted to the car, tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Ah!" Tsubasa flailed for a moment, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean that!" My brother was an absolute idiot.

Whimpering, I muttered, "Thank you." I got in the car, and buckled my seatbelt. Tsubasa sighed, and got in.


"Mikan! Tsubasa!" Mom greeted once we got threw the thresh hold.

"Yo!" Tsubasa gave her the peace symbol and headed for the stairs, "I have to study for a test, see you at dinner." And he was gone with a slamming of the door. Tsubasa was in college, but still lived at home.

"Mom, um, where's dad?" I asked, knowing I'd get off the hook if it was dad who had to sign it.

Mom's eyes narrowed, but she told me anyway, "He's in the study."

"Thanks!" I smiled cheerfully, and skipped to the study.

I knocked on the door, "Come in."

I waltzed in, and my father smiled at me, "Mikan! What can I do for you?"

My smile faulted a fraction, "I need you to sign my test."

Dad nodded, "Okay, hand it over." So I did.

He looked it over, and he paled, "49?"

I twiddled my thumbs, "Well, um, I got confused you see, and. . . um. . ." I didn't have an accuse.

Dad shrugged, "It's okay." He signed it, "Let's not tell your mother, 'kay?"

My smile brightened, "Thanks daddy!" I kissed his cheek, and took my paper. With a cheerful parting, life was finally looking up.

That was until Jinno quit. His re-placement was the worst thing that could ever happen to me.


My uncle, the principal stood at the front of the room.

"Now, students, Jinno-sensei's leave has left us with a great re-placement. Natsume-sensei, please join us." The door opened, and when they say jaws dropped, they meant it. A man, who couldn't have been more than thirty, stepped into the room. He had black hair, and I mean jet black, so black in fact, it could blend into the darkness. He had slanted eyes, and a colour of red, so, bright they looked out of place, but so right. Like crimson, or fresh blood, whatever your cup of tea is. Everything about him, his tall, muscular frame, to his sculpted face was gorgeous. I'm sure every girl fell in love with him. Except for me, because this is a clichéd story.

". . ." He didn't say anything, but waved at us with his left hand. Much to the girls disappointment, a sliver band was wrapped around his ring finger. Smart move sexy new teacher. Ward off the hormonal teenage sluts.

"Well, I'll leave you too it." Uncle paused at the door, "See you at dinner, Mikan." My face flushed as a bunch of people glanced at me. My uncle fled from the room, chuckling.

"Miss. Yukihira, I was informed by Jinno-sensei, that you had to have a test signed. Let's see it." Damn Jin-Jin! I thought I was off the hook.

I stood up, with the crumpled test in my hand, and walked to his desk. I gave him the paper, and he looked like he had a hard time not bursting out laughing.

"Well, this is the worst test grade I've ever come across in my teaching career. A 49? What are you? Mentally challenged? You're a complete dumbass." Natsume-sensei said, heartlessly. I gaped at him. A teacher just said that to me! Is that even allowed!

My blood boiled, "What the hell? What gives you the right to say that to me, you slanted eyed fox! Bastard!" Oops.

Natsume-sensei glared at me, "Get out of my class. To the principal's office immediately."

Glaring back, I stormed to the door, and jerked it open.

"Oh, polka-dot, you may want to fix you're skirt."

3, 2, 1, "Pervert!" My screech echoed through the empty hall ways. I twisted around, and much to my horror, my skirt had bunch up, and was now resting on the middle of my ass. Fixing it quickly, I screamed again, "You perverted slanted eyed bastard fox!" then I rushed to my uncle's office.

". . ." My uncle's eyes glistened with humor.

I sobbed on his table, and my favorite teacher, Narumi-sensei stood in the corner, laughing.

"It's not funny! Now I'm ruined for marriage!" I wailed, and uncle patted my head, sputtering with laughter.

"I'm sure Natsume-sama will take that responsibility." Narumi-sensei muttered through his fit. I ignored that, but uncle shot him a glare.

"Don't fret, Mikan. It's all right. Now stop crying!"

I sat up, sniffling, but had finished crying.

Natsume-sensei was in for a hell of a year. He was going to regret teaching me.

. . . Still don't have anything to say. Review.
