So I'm finally getting around to finally finishing My Sexy New Math Teacher! It was a long ride, and I hoped you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice


Three years later…

"Ryuu! Wait! Stop!" The auburn haired woman yelled, chasing after her son. He wheeled down the hill, far too fast for his mother to catch him on foot.

"Catch me if you can, mom!" The boy responded with exuberance, narrowly avoiding an elderly Japanese couple.

Mikan bit back a curse and raced down the hill, apologizing to the couple in her haste. Her arm snapped out and grasped the handle of his chair, stopping him immediately.

She sighed, leaning against the back of his chair, "Why do you insist on doing that every time we reach a hill?"

"Dad lets me do it," Ryuu answers, twiddling his thumbs, the picture of innocence. As if.

"Well I'm not dad am I?" Mikan asks sarcastically, continuing to push her son. He snorted, and didn't say anymore.

A few months after Natsume had proposed officially, they moved back to Japan, taking up residence in Osaka, since Natsume technically wasn't allowed back in Tokyo. Mikan's parents stayed in China, which although left Mikan feeling lonely from time to time, she knew they loved it there.

Exactly one year later, they were married, and Mikan was officially Mrs. Hyuuga, or one of them for that matter. Aoi convinced Natsume to return to the law profession and leave his phycology career behind. He worked quite a few long hours, but always had time for Mikan and the kids.

The kids? Only mere months ago did Mikan give birth to their second child, a handsome baby boy, which Ryuu doted on almost instantaneously. Although, he never admitted to liking his brother, claiming he was a 'smelly, drooly, poopy faced idiot'.

"Dad's coming home tonight," Mikan says, beaming. Natsume was overseas in China, once again, helping Aoi with a case. He'd been gone for a week now, and the case had finished yesterday.

Ryuu nodded, "I know." The child tried to supress his smile, but he couldn't even try to contain it.

"Come on, let's go home. I'm sure grandma Kaoru is tired of watching Akako." Now his grin morphed into a smirk.

"See mom? You should just return poopy face, even Grandma doesn't like him," He said smugly. Mikan rubbed his head, trying to scowl. She failed.

Mikan kissed the top of his head, "Ryuu, you are so much like your father."

"I know."


She pushed open the door to the house, manoeuvring Ryuu through the door frame.

"Kaoru? We're back!" Mikan called, lifting Ryuu from the chair and depositing him on the couch.

Mikan padded down the hallway of her house, the sounds of Ryuu's anime blasting around her. She tried again, "Kaoru?"

Popping her head into her bedroom, her heart melted. Curled up on her bed was the picture of happiness. Natsume was sleeping, sprawled out against dark blue sheets, his raven black hair covering his forehead messily. Akako was in a tiny ball against his chest, his own dark hair a tiny mop on his head.

She leaned against the doorframe, smiling softly. He must have returned early as a surprise and relieved Kaoru of her babysitting duties.

"Enjoying the view?" Natsume asked, jerking Mikan from her stupor, his one eye propped open lazily. His ruby orb locked with hers.

Mikan made her way over to him, sitting down next to him. He offered her his hand, the one with the silver band wrapped firmly around his finger, and she laced their fingers.

"Where's the kid?" Natsume rubbed his thumb across her knuckles.

Mikan ran her free hand over Akako's face, "He's in the living room, watching anime." She dipped her head and caught the lips of her husband.

Natsume smirked, "Really now?"

"Probably not for long." If Mikan knew anything about her son, she knew he'd find a way here.

Within seconds of speaking, Ryuu rolled himself into their bedroom, "Dad, you're back!" Then he scowled. "Thanks for letting me know."

"Are you really five?" Mikan laughed, shaking her head lightly at her son.

"Yes." Ryuu hauled himself from his chair and sat down next to Natsume's head. "Oh, it's here."

Akako stirred and Natsume handed the babe off to his mother. Mikan cradled him against her bosom and the ruby eyed man sat up, pulling his son closer. Ryuu raised his eyebrow.

"Don't be so jealous of your brother. You have to share your mother you know." Natsume scolded casually, patting Ryuu's head.

Ryuu hid his face, a light dust of pink covering his cheeks, "I don't mind sharing mom… it's you I don't want to share." Those few years growing up without a father must have really gotten to him.

"I'm right here you know," Mikan says, rolling her eyes. Natsume gave her a wolfish grin and kissed the side of Ryuu's head.

"Behave," he whispered, "or she might unleash her mommy powers on you." Ryuu mocked being scared, as Mikan gave him a menacing glare.

She stood, "Alright you two jokers, it's time for your nap, Ryuu."

"I wanna stay with dad."

"You can see daddy later, come on." The boy pouted, but grudgingly got back into his chair and let Mikan push him from the room. She shot Natsume a wink, and he lay back down.

She tucked Ryuu in after she placed Akako into his crib. Delicately, she tapped the child's forehead with the nose of his teddy bear, which he wrapped his arms around.

Mikan kissed his forehead after the doll, and gently touched his cheek, "I love you, sweetie."

"Love you too," Ryuu muttered sleepily. "Mom? I'm glad you let dad come back."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." This time, she kissed his cheek and closed the door behind her.

"Oi…" The wall rushed up to meet Mikan's back. Natsume's hands were braced against the wall next to her head, an impish smirk on his face.

Her face was redder than a tomato, "N—Natsume?"

"Where's my loving?" He nuzzled her neck. This whole situation felt very familiar to her. The last time he pinned her to a wall, he basically told her she was too childish which resulted in her breaking her leg and briefly her heart.

They kissed for a long time, hard and passionate, just the way Mikan liked it.

Once the kiss broke, he whispered, "I'm so glad I met you. You changed my life."

"Hey, being a math teacher wasn't that bad of a gig."

"You know what I mean."

"I do." She gently kissed him again. "I'm so glad I met you too, Natsume-sensei."

Natsume growled and scooped her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She giggled, threading her fingers in his hair. "You're going to get it for that, polka." The lock clicked shut for the door behind them.


Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who joined me on this amazing ride that was My Sexy New Math Teacher. I sincerely hope you loved this story and that you will forever remember it. Thank you for sticking around to the end, and that you loved the twists and turns I created. Ciao and I can't wait to see all of you again!
