A/N: Hello! I am really proud of myself for updating so fast :P your probably all thinking "fast? Seriously? WTH?" but yeah. It's just because I never get to use my computer and I have school and stuffs :P well I really hope you like it and that its long enough. Sorry Im not good at write A LOT of stuff but I can write. Stuff. Yeah know. READ!

Disclaimer: I NO OWN iCARLY! Im not even related to Dan…

Freddie POV

We piled into the back of a police car. The man in the police uniform, who said his name was Anthony, sat in the passenger seat. Another officer drove us to the hospital, following the ambulance closely along the way.

I was so scared. I had never been in a situation like this before. I didn't know what to do, who to talk to, what questions to ask or what I should think! All I knew was that I wanted Sam to be okay. I loved her way too much to even THINK of letting her go.

Finally, I built up the courage to say something to Anthony. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I'm not quite sure." he replied, "I didn't get a real good look at your friend but she seemed pretty banged up."

Carly had been crying too. "I just hope she alright." she said through sobs. Anthony simply nodded, looking straight ahead. That didn't give me a good feeling in the pit of my stomach.

After what seemed like forever, we reached the hospital. We all got out of the car quickly, anxious to receive any kind of information relating to Sam. As we walked (more like ran) through the entrance, we were greeted by several nurses, who told us we had to stay in the waiting room until they could figure out what was wrong with Sam.

Carly immediately called Melanie and Pam to tell them what had happened. Spencer and I just sat there, not really knowing what to do or what to say.

"I'm scared, Spencer." I said, after a moment of silence.

"I know kiddo. I'm scared too. She's like my baby sister. Life just wouldn't be right without her."

"Do you think she'll be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I honestly do. She's the toughest chick I know. But you just gotta stay strong, no matter what happens." he said.

I could hear sorrow in his voice. Was he implying that she... might not...make it? No. She will. I couldn't think like that. I just had to stay positive. She'll be okay and when she is, I'll take her to dinner and then we'll watch a movie and everything will be back to normal. But how could I know for sure?

Before I could think anything else, the doctor came out of the room and stood in front of us. He looked to be in his late 40's or early 50's with some gray hair. He seemed wise and I was glad he was the one taking care of Sam. We all stood to greet him.

"Hello. I am Doctor Corey. Are you all friends of Samantha's? He asked us.

"Yeah. Is she gonna be okay?" I said nervously. I needed to know. Carly had finally stopped crying, all though her eyes were puffy and red. I had let a few tears slip out back at the beach and on the way here, but I didn't want to be dramatic, so for the sake of everyone else, I held them in.

"She is definitely going to live." I could hear everyone sigh of relief. We continued to listen as he spoke, though. "We are not sure, however, what the outcome of this accident will be." he stated. What the heck was that supposed to mean.

"Huh?" Carly asked, just as confused as I was.

"Well, she hit her head very hard. We aren't sure if that will affect her system in any way. And, we are going to need to perform surgery on her. Are you her legal guardian?" Doctor Corey asked, directing his question toward Spencer.

"No, sir. She's like a sister to me, but no." From his tone, I could tell he was becoming more and more concerned and worried for Sam by the second.

"Can you gain contact with a parent of hers?"

Carly sniffled, then answered him "I can call her mom. Do you need to talk to her?"

"Yes. I would like to speak with her please. Just to confirm this is all okay with her."

Her mom would say yes, no doubt. Sure, she's an obnoxious, rude, slob of a mother and doesn't really seem to care for Sam, but deep down, she loves her a lot and wouldn't hesitate to keep her healthy and well. And I know Sam feels the same way. We've talked about it before.

Doctor Corey went off to talk with Sam's mom, leaving Spencer, Carly and I simply waiting.

"She's going to be okay." Carly said, sounding as if she was trying to convince herself more than anyone. "We know that."

Spencer nodded and closed his eyes. He looked to be in deep thought. I didn't bother him, and Carly didn't say anything else.

I closed my eyes as well and prayed for Sam. I just wanted her to be all right. I knew she would live, but at what cost?

A nurse came over to the waiting room.

"Hello. You are all here for Ms. Samantha Pucket?" she asked, and we just nodded our heads. "Doctor Corey is preparing for the surgery now. It's a simple one, just closing the wound on her head. The entire procedure should only take approximately thirty minutes. We'll give you the results then." We all nodded again.

"Thank you." Spencer said

"Oh and here's your phone." she gave Carly back here PearPhone just before she walked off to the surgical room.


Carly's POV

Thirty minutes to people sitting anxiously in a waiting room for the surgery of their loved one to be over seems like an eternity. We didn't do anything except exchange a few pointless words about random subjects and think about Sam. She would be okay. We all knew that for sure. I kept telling myself that-out loud and in my mind- to try to ease my nervousness. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but, me being the way I am, it's a natural thing. I just want her to come out of that room looking the way she did yesterday. For all of our sakes. Especially Freddie. Granted, he would love her no matter what, but if something went wrong, he in particular would have the hardest time getting over it.

Since Sam and Freddie started dating, they were practically inseparable. They did everything together and told each other everything. At first, it was a bit weird. But, after I got over it, nothing was really all that different. We were still the best of friends, iCarly was pretty much the same, we went to the groovy smoothie, and Sam still hit and made fun of Freddie. The only thing that changed was the fact that they kissed. (A lot, might I add). We've all been through so much together and I don't know if Freddie would forgive himself if anything happened to Sam, even if it wasn't his fault.

I looked around. We were all literally on the edges of our seats waiting for Sam. I could feel the tension and nervousness in the air. I just wanted to look up and see the big door sing open. I wanted Dr. Corey to walk out and tell us about Sam. Tell us that she was okay and everything had gone as planned.

So when I looked up, there he was. Walking out of the room and towards us.