Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure we all know that since this is a fanfiction, I do not own Hetalia.

Much have I travelled in the realms of gold,
and many goodly states and kingdoms seen...
John Keats

"Who are you engaged to?"

Matthew Williams is in quite a rush and he most definitely does not need his best friend/roommate Gilbert Beilschmidt to be bothering him so early in the morning. Or rather, late in the morning. Matthew takes a quick glance outside to see the sun already high and proud in the sky.

Okay, late afternoon.

"It's none of your business" he quips, as he pulls a black t shirt over his bare torso. Normally he would cover up all his burn scars, but he didn't care if Gilbert saw. Gilbert had already known why they were there, anyways.

"We live together. We eat breakfast together. We sleep together. I watch your mouth flap up and down and listen to you talk about your emotions, even though all I want to do is have sex with you and I can't exactly shove my penis in your personality." Matthew rolls his eyes, but as Gilbert continues on his voice doesn't soften but grows monotone. Matthew has been friends with Gilbert long enough to know that the lack of inflection meant Gilbert was serious. "And I care about you, and I love you so much I am willing to be this close to you to make sure you don't kill yourself -don't give me that look- and as long as you have that ring around your neck" his rambling continues as the two of them walk through the house and to the front door. "I will not touch you. You are engaged, and you love someone else, and I am willing to accept that. But I will try my best to make you want to take it off. So yes, it is my business."

Matthew whips around and suddenly Gilbert is facing a man who is clad in his police uniform with tears streaming down his face.

"I hate you."

Much to Gilbert's surprise, Matthew grabs his face and pulls it to his own, their lips crashing together forming a harsh but brief kiss.

"I hate you so much that maybe in a very far and distant future involving jet packs, I will move on from Alfred, forget about these incredibly small feelings I have for Arthur, and possibly love you the same way I did before. But honestly, I don't see that happening any time soon."

Then Matthew spun on his heel, marched into his car and hastily drove off.

If only Gilbert had known this would be the last time he would see this Matthew Williams again, he would have grabbed Matthew tight and whispered how much he loved him over and over again.