A/N: Wow it has been a long time since I've updated this story… Good news is I'm back with a new chapter… Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter!

Word Count: 2,251 words


Albus was watching the mirror when he saw something starting to happen to Riddle. He quickly got everyone's attention including Hermione who startled awake. "Something is happening."

Everyone glued their eyes to the mirror just as several dark shadows flew into Riddle's body. They all held their breaths as they watched the self-proclaimed Dark Lord Voldemort thrash around on the throne like chair he had been sitting in. They didn't take their eyes off of the mirror when he slid to the floor and screamed in pain for several minutes. They didn't even blink when all of a sudden, the body he had made for himself exploded into a thousand pieces. Once they did blink their eyes they saw the particles falling still and let out sighs of relief.

Harry finally felt the blood that was dripping down his face and put a hand up to his forehead. When he pulled it away his eyes widened in surprise at how bloody his hand was. "Uh, my forehead is bleeding."

Hermione jumped up and whipped her wand out. She pointed it at Harry and quickly cast a diagnostic test even as she heard Albus, Severus, Rowena, Salazar, Lucius, and Remus do the same thing. She let out a sigh of relief as she read the results. She then quickly cleaned the blood off Harry's forehead and grinned at what she saw. "You were a horocrux, Harry, but it is gone now and so is your scar."

Harry's mouth dropped open in shock before he snapped it closed and then asked "My scar is truly gone?"

Hermione chuckled as she wandlessly and silently conjured a mirror so that Harry could see for himself. "Look in the mirror, Harry."

Harry stepped forward and looked in the mirror. Tears filled his eyes as he realized that the mark he had carried physically since his parents' murders was finally gone and that it would never return to remind him of everything that he had lost. "Thank Merlin it's gone. I hated seeing it every time I looked into a mirror because the only thing it did was remind me of everything that I lost. That damn scar constantly reminded me that I lived while my parents died."

Hermione smiled sadly and pulled Harry into her arms for a hug. "I know that it did which is why I'm glad that it is gone, Harry. Now, you can remember your parents and not blame yourself for their death because you know that they would rather you live then die. Riddle is now gone so we can take this war into the boardroom so to speak like we were told earlier. Between the two of us we should be able to make some much needed changes."

Godric cleared his throat. "We know that Harry is Morgan's, Merlin's, and Arthur's heir but it wouldn't hurt for him to have an inheritance test done to make sure that we didn't miss anyone. We know that Hermione doesn't need one because besides us three she also inherited the Dagworth-Granger Ladyship and that is it."

Hermione nodded. "Harry, you can go to Gringotts tomorrow. Well I will be going to because I need to add Lavender to the Gryffindor family and the vault. Rowena, where is Rusty? Shouldn't he have been back by now?"

Rowena smirked. "Besides making sure that Riddle was given the potion was also tasked with another assignment. I would say right about now he would be with Madam Amelia Bones and handing over Pettigrew to her so that Sirius Black's name is cleared. After finding Pettigrew Rusty was to go to Number 4 Privet Drive and get all the evidence that he could about the Dursley's treatment of Harry. Salazar, get the potions ready because Helga will be here in two minutes. When Helga appears, I want everyone to stay out of the way because she will need to work on the people that she is bringing with her. Understand?"

Everyone nodded but it was Minerva who asked "Can you tell us who she is bringing with her?"

Rowena smiled softly. "I would but I think it is better that you see who she is bring with her with your own two eyes. I will tell you that it is two people that have died in this war that shouldn't have. Albus, as soon as Helga gets here with her two guests you will need to send your phoenix after some more people because it is only right that they be here."

Albus frowned but nodded. "I can send Fawkes after whoever it is that needs to be here."

Rowena's smiled widened. "I know that you can. I want everyone to keep their questions to themselves until Helga is finished doing whatever she needs to do to get the two people in top health."

Once again everyone nodded and then gasped when Helga appeared with two people. They all had to bite their tongues to keep from shouting questions. They watched on in silence as Helga and Salazar both jumped into action.

Hermione pulled Harry into her side even as she leaned against Lucius in shock and relief. She couldn't believe that she was seeing Sirius Black and Cedric Diggory both on beds or that both were breathing. She couldn't take her eyes off them even as she snapped into action. "Albus, get Fawkes to go and get Amos and Elizabeth Diggory! Cedric's parents deserve to be here when their son opens his eyes."

Albus was in shock but did as Hermione ordered him to. While he summoned Fawkes to him mentally he conjured a quill and parchment and quickly wrote a letter. He didn't want to tell Amos or Elizabeth that Cedric was alive in a letter so he just put that he requested their presence and that it was urgent. He made sure to let them know that Fawkes would bring both of them to where he was and then sent it with Fawkes. "The Diggory's should be here within five minutes if not sooner since Fawkes knows that it is important that they get here quickly."

Hermione nodded and kissed Harry on the head when she felt him shaking in her arms. "It is alright, Harry. You need to calm down because you know that Cedric nor Sirius are going to like seeing you so upset. If you don't want to let either of them out of your line of sight once they are awake I will help you find a way to make sure that they don't leave your eyesight. Now, pull yourself together, Harry James Potter, because Amos and Elizabeth are going to need you once they get here."

Harry took in a deep breath and let it out as he let himself soak up the comfort Hermione was providing him. He knew that Hermione was right that Amos and Elizabeth were going to need him once they arrived. After several more deep breaths he nodded to let Hermione know that he got himself under control. "I'm alright now, Hermione."

Hermione smiled softly. "I promise you, Harry, that Sirius and Cedric won't leave your line of sight until you are ready for them to. I know how much you have missed both of them, but now you have them back and we won't allow them to leave you again. You need to be strong because they are both going to need you. You have them back now and I won't let them leave you again. We will deal with everything else as it comes. Alright?"

Harry nodded shakily. He was still in shock but he could tell that it was wearing off which was a good thing because at that second Fawkes flashed in with Amos and Elizabeth holding onto his tail. He left Hermione's side and quickly made his way over to Amos and Elizabeth just as their eyes landed on Cedric. He grabbed a hold of them to stop them from walking forward. "It is Cedric but you need to let Helga and Salazar finish tending to him and Sirius. I promise you that this isn't a trick."

Amos looked at Harry and could see that Harry was telling the truth and nodded. He grabbed a hold of the boy whom had become like a son to him. "What Elizabeth has dreamed has come true. We knew that we would have Cedric back but we didn't the when or even the how. Just because Cedric is back with us, Harry, doesn't mean that things are going to change except for the better. Elizabeth and I now have both of our sons with us once more and we couldn't be happier. Now, do you want to tell me why although I can tell you are happy that Cedric is back with us that you are pissed? Who has made you so angry, Harry James Potter?"

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Ron Weasley tried to sexually assault Hermione last night and he did sexually assault Lavender Brown before the end of the school year last year. Not even thirty minutes ago, we finished off Riddle for good thanks to help from Salazar whom is Hermione's many times great grandfather. I also found out that Ginny was planning on doing something to make me sleep with her and to make sure that she would end up pregnant from that encounter. Now, that we have killed Riddle for good I can get them out of Grimmuald Place and not feel guilty for kicking them out."

Amos' eyes flashed in fury. "How dare they?! Who in the hell do they think they are? Is Hermione alright? I notice that she is leaning on Lucius pretty heavily."

Harry sighed and shook his head. "She says that she is but I know that is Hermione speak for she is hurting. Lucius has become like a father to her and he doesn't let anyone get away with hurting her which is how it should be. Arthur disowned Ron and I have a feeling before it all said and done with that he will end up disowning Ginny as well. I don't even want to talk about Molly because she is on Ron's and Ginny's side. Of course, they are blaming everything on Hermione instead of taking responsibility for their actions."

Amos growled. "If Riddle is gone for good then I think you and Hermione need to find somewhere else to stay for a while so that you know they can't potion either of you." He looked at Hermione and gave her a soft smile. "No offense, Hermione, but you look like you could use a vacation. There is still ten days before Hogwarts resumes so, I think that you, Harry, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Luna, and Lavender could get away for a bit. In fact, that I think everyone in this room could do with a short break away from everything."

Kingsley who had been in the corner nodded. "I agree with Amos on the fact that everyone needs a short vacation. Besides I think that it would do everyone good to get away from all the questions that are sure to be asked once it is told that Riddle is gone for good. I know I would feel better having Harry, Hermione, Draco, Theo, Blaise, Luna, Lavender, and Cedric out of the public eye someplace where they won't be found."

Godric's eyes lit up. "I have a house on the beach that would be a good place for everyone to go to so that they could all rewind. At least now I understand why Rowena had me go back fifteen years before coming to this time. The house is in great shape and it is large enough to hold everyone and not feel like you are on top of each other."

Rowena smirked at Godric. "I told you that there was a reason why I was having you buy that property, Godric. Maybe next time you won't put up such a fight about doing something just because you don't know why you should or are doing it. I do believe, Arthur, that you should send word to your five oldest sons and tell them that there will be a House Elf coming for them within an hour. Winky and Dobby if you would get Luna's, Hermione's, Harry's, Draco's, Blaise's, Theo's, Arthur's, Remus', Tonks', and Lucius' clothes from Grimmuald and take them to the house that Godric was talking about that would be a big help."

She then looked at Albus. "I think that talking about what happened to Tom Riddle tonight can wait until tomorrow but rest assured that he is truly gone and he will NEVER return again." She then looked at Hermione and narrowed her eyes. "Hermione Jean Granger-Ravenclaw-Gryffindor-Slytherin, you need to sit down before you fall down, young lady."

Hermione smiled sheepishly and did as she was told. She blushed when everyone's eyes fell upon her. "What? I'm sitting down now so there is no need to look at me like that."

Salazar chuckled as he finally stepped back from the two men laying on beds that had been conjured for them. "They are just wanting to make sure that you are alright, granddaughter. Now these two should be waking up any second now."

Just then Cedric's eyes flutter open and when they landed on Harry he whispered "Harry."

Sirius' eyes also fluttered open and he too looked straight at Harry and whispered "Son."

A/N 2: *snorts* This chapter only went about half way the way I wanted it too... lmao... I did enjoy writing it though... Hope you all liked it... Click the button and let me know what you think!