I'm cancelling weekly updates. But you guys already knew that, didn't you? What with me already stopping the weekly updates…? Yeah. I meant to have updated this more recently, honestly, I just didn't know what to say. And… well, I seem to be grasping at straws. I'm trying to focus on my own novel, and there's only so much time I have for writing. I figured that if, during a high-school semester, I can write 95,000 words on the weekends and/or Friday nights, then why can't I do that with my own novel? So… yes. That is my New Year's Resolution. Don't worry—when I have writer's block or actually get inspiration for this story, I'll update it. Just… I haven't for quite some time.

If anyone would like to take over this story, though, please PM me. I have no plans to officially cancel this story, but a collaborator and/or co-writer would really help. But if you plan on fully taking this story over, then please write up a chapter or two. I have requirements (Chapter should be around 4,000 words and they should be updated often… not necessarily as often as I updated, but often enough to satisfy my reviewers), which I do hope people will meet. And, of course, if someone would take over this story for a while and decide that they, too cannot handle the workload, then they should tell me before someone else takes over.

Thanks, and happy holidays!

(Bet I ruined some of you guys' night, huh? Sincerest apologies. I'll try to continue this, though, so have hope!)