NOTE: This is my first submission to FF! I was watching episode 6 of season 1, and I got inspired. Casey/Chuck has been my favorite pairing since the beginning. Anyway, please comment and let me know what you think! It's probably crap, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

Warning: Graphic sexual description, male/male couple. As one of my fave fanfic authors says, "If you have to ask if you'll be offended, you probably will."

Please, please, leave me a comment and let me know what you liked/didn't like. It's the only way I can grow as a writer! Thanks for those who have/will fave(d) my story! It means a lot.


From now on, you should trust your handlers precisely as much as they trust you.

Laszlo's words rang in Chuck's head as the door swung shut behind him. He began his search at the front door, starting with the pumpkin decoration his sister had set out on the table where he always set his keys. Finding nothing there, he looked around the painting that hung on the wall above that table, then walked the two feet to the couch and pushed the pillows aside. His search still coming up empty, Chuck began looking in less orthodox places, like inside lightbulbs. An idea occurred to him, and he lifted up the lamp on the table beside the bland couch. A sickening feeling began in his stomach as he spotted a little circular object in a corner of the lamp. He set his keys down with a disbelieving thud and pulled the device from the cold metal it was attached to.

They really bugged my apartment? Chuck thought angrily. No wonder Laszlo was so paranoid. He resumed his frantic search, finding another device in the house phone, and yet another concealed in the sconce in his bathroom. He strode purposefully over to his drawers and threw the bugs down in disgust, when his eyes alit on the picture Sara gave him. His stomach squeezed painfully at the thought, but he somehow knew that it wasn't just to sell their cover. Hesitantly, he popped the back off the frame, and surprise, surprise, he found yet another small bug on the corner of the back of the frame. Anger and betrayal building up inside him hotly, he stormed out of his room and set a determined place for a certain NSA agent's apartment.