Mike stared across the Chinese Checkers board at his captor, trying his damnedest to place the face in front of him. The man stared directly at the board paying Mike no mind. His cold eyes seemed faraway when he spoke, finally looking up to Mike. "Chinese Checkers is a great game. It teaches you strategy, teaches you to anticipate every option and play according to the man you're up against. Read your opponent. Play the man." He waved his hand passively toward the board. "It's how I taught Harvey to be the exceptional lawyer he is today."

"Cameron Dennis was Harvey's mentor. Not you."

"You are naïve and short sighted." The man dead panned. "I've known your boss since he was born." Mike stared at him. "I was, among other things, his fathers attorney." He explained.

With sudden realization Mike exclaimed "You were there at court when Harvey was trying to get that kid out of jail."

"His father has me keep an eye on him from time to time."

"I thought Harvey was rather distracted that day." The man nodded "So why are you doing this then?"

"Well that has to do with the among other things part of Harvey's father, Leo, and my relationship. He's my boyfriend. And has been since before he married Harvey's wretched mother."

Mike didn't respond just raised his eyebrows, that was hardly an explanation.

"You see, that case that I was speaking with him about… there was some buried evidence that implicated Leo. Harvey's mother just died, Leo and I just came out about our relationship, I can't lose him again."

"So instead you kidnap his sons associate."

"Come on, we both know you're more than his associate. Hell, I orchestrated the damn thing."

"Are you trying to say you wanted Harvey and I together?"

"Harvey could've found another associate, he couldn't have found another guy to love. Hell, Harvey barely liked to admit his sexual preference…" The man trailed off and Mike relaxed, more at ease with the situation. He doubted the man was going to hurt him.

"What's your name?"

"Chris." The man answered immediately. "And your name is Mike." Mike nodded and the man gestured to the board again. "You're move."

Harvey couldn't sleep. He was laying in his bed wide awake. Even with the private detail Jessica had guarding his apartment, the around the clock search for Mike that was being funded on firm money, and the missing persons report and the canvasing that Harvey knew Jessica was taking care of, even with all of that he couldn't sleep. Because right now he was busy holding onto Mike's sleep shirt, breathing in the scent of his boyfriend, wishing that he was here, safe in Harvey's arms. Harvey vowed at that moment to keep Mike safe for the rest of his life.

Not only was he distracted by the scent of Mike's shirt but also by that nagging case that kept replaying it's self in his head. Something about that damned video. He had a copy on his phone and he pulled it up and played it over and over and over until finally it hit him and he slowed the video down and adjusted his eyes more to the screen.

And there right behind Martin was a man that looked surprisingly like his father, his forehead barely hidden under the hat on his head, following Martin into the apartment building. Harvey fast forwarded until the same baseball cap was leaving the building. And it wasn't his father. The kid did leave the apartment. He really did the crime. And when Cameron covered up this video, he wasn't making sure the kid went to jail he was making sure that Harvey's father didn't.

Harvey jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom, making it to the toilet just in time to vomit.

"Is Harvey's dad guilty?"


"Of what?"

"Conspiracy to commit murder, and murder by proxy. The guy killed his own father for a few hundred bucks. Then again what he did to that little girl… that wasn't part of the plan."

"Why did Leo want him dead?"

"He was banging Clarice."


"Harvey's mom."

Mike nodded then dropping his eyes back to the board where he was about equal with Chris. At least in Chinese Checkers he had equal footing with the older man. And under any other circumstances Mike was sure he couldn't learn to like this guy.

"Wait though. How did you pull all of these stunts without getting caught?"

"I paid young kids to do it. But I was very precise."

Harvey was at a loss as he stood out on the door step of his father's house. He hadn't even knocked, or rang the door bell or anything, just stared, trying to work up the courage to say something when he did finally ring the bell.

It took all of thirty seconds for the door to swing open. "You're a murderer."

"Excuse me Harvey?" His father questioned.

"You had Martin kill a guy. He raped a little girl, on your watch." Harvey accused.

"I think your making up stories Harvey. How long has it been since last slept."

"Derik Russel." His father stopped midturn and then turned back to face his son.

"How do you know that name?"

"Because someone kidnapped my associate to get the case taken care of and I'm pretty sure it was to cover your… Chris."

"Chris?" his father asked. "What about Chris?"

"Chris is the only person who gives enough of a damn about you to do something like this."

"You think a man who is almost seventy years old, stole your little toy."

"Yes I do." Harvey said stepping away from the door step. "I'm going to get Mike back and when I do, I'm turning this evidence over and you're going down for it. And the Chris is going down for kidnapping."

"Harvey." His father called as Harvey started toward the taxi that was waiting for him. "Harvey!" Harvey didn't' even look, didn't even acknowledge his father was speaking. It wasn't worth it anymore, his father wasn't worth this. Not above this.

Mike barely lost. Barely. And when he threw his arms in the air in defeat and exclaimed it was almost loud enough to cover up the yells from outside the room. Almost.

Mike got a little excited before calming down, it was more probable that the thugs Chris had hired were getting into it then him actually being found. Chris seemed to think the same thing and opened the door meaningfully. Fully intending on walking out and stopping the ruckus but he started walking backward back into the room, a gun pointed directly into his face and a police officer holding it. Mike had been found.

Mike's eyes snapped up to the police officer who was now man handling Chris and then to the storm of police that had come in behind him, zip ties at the ready. They grabbed mike and pulled him out of the room into a hallways and then finally out a door into the open air by the… marina? Really? So gangster movie. Mike took in his surroundings, the marina the dark sky, the police officers, Harvey, the… Harvey! Mike pulled away from the officers and ran toward Harvey, who met him halfway, pulling him into his arms as Mike wrapped his legs around Harvey's waist and connecting their mouths like he would be ripped away from him again at any moment. And finally they did break apart and Mike planted his feet firmly on the ground, "did he hurt you, did he touch you?"

"No Harvey. I'm fine."

"You better be, I should kill him."

"Harvey." Harvey looked into his associates eyes. "I'm okay."

I hope you guys liked it, thank you for all the support.

I think there might be a few more chapters but i'm not sure yet.

Love Always,
