Uchiha Sasuke sat on the park swing set, idly kicking his feet back and forth. The day had started off so well. His Aniki had had the day off and had taken him to the park. They had spent the morning together and for once in a long time Sasuke had felt like a kid again. With in his home there was always a awkward feeling around his parents. Uchiha Fugaku was always pushing his youngest son to be like his eldest one, training him to the point the younger Uchiha was about to collapse.

But today, today that had all felt like a distant nightmare.

Now it was all to real once more.

He sighed and stared at the afternoon sun. It was still early in the day, early enough that few other children were seen at the park. When Itachi had been called away for his ANBU duties he had debated on going home and training. But instead he had decided to swing, and there he sat, nearly an hour later.

Sighing once more Sasuke pushed himself back slightly and continued to stare at the ground as he swung back then forth.

Maybe I should just go home. Aniki wont be coming back today, and it could give me some decent training time.

Shaking his head he was just about to leave when he heard a small sound from beside him.

"You mind if I sit here?"

He nodded but didn't look up, waiting on the person next to him start to ask questions about Itachi. He was used to it by this point. Every person that he came into contact with, young or old, would start to ask questions about Itachi or gush about how much he was blessed to be born into such an illustrious clan as the Uchiha.

When the other child said nothing he looked up, wondering what they were waiting for. What he saw had his eyes narrowing in confusion.

A young girl swung back and forth beside him, her dark hair pulled back into a short braid that swayed back and forth as she pumped her legs. She wore a bright green dress with a white sash tied around the center and no shoes adorned her small pale feet. Her eyes were closed as she swung, a smile of pure child hood bliss painted across her face.

Who was she? He had never seen her before. Though that couldn't be the judge of anything because, truthfully, any girl he came into contact that was his age he paid no attention to.

As if sensing she was being watched she opened her eyes and looked back at him as she continued to swing. Sasuke couldn't help but notice that her eyes were some of the most unique he had ever seen. Cobalt with a ring of black around the pupil, making her eyes look like storm clouds that had yet to break open and pour across the land.

"Is somethin' wrong?" She asked smiling.

He blinked and came back to reality. Frowning slightly he shook his head, "What are you doing?"

She cocked her head to the side and her swing began to slow, "I'm swingin. What's it look like?"

He shook his head, confused, "Do you know who I am?"

Her swing came to a stop and she continued to smile, "Should I?'

His expression changed from confused to angry, "Don't play around. Of course you know who I am."

The girl, not liking his tone, glared "Well, if I'm supposed ta know who you are, do you know me?"

He glared right back, "No. I don't."

She crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her nose in the air, "I'm Higurashi Kagome. So there. Now you know who I am."

He stood up and slid his hands into his pockets, "Uchiha Sasuke."

A smile crossed her face and Sasuke rolled his eyes, here is comes.

She surprised him though. Instead of staring to gush on himself or his family, she stuck her hand out to him.

"Its nice to meet you Uchiha-san."

He stared at her hand as if afraid it was a trap. When she cocked her head to the side and a confused expression covered her face he couldn't believe it wasn't a trap.

"Don't you know how to shake hands Uchiha-chan?"

He scowled and grabbed her hand and shook it quickly before letting her go. Kagome smiled and folded her hands behind her back before rocking back on her heels.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it Uchiha-san."

He hned and stuck his hands back in his pockets.

Silence fell between them as Kagome continued to rock back and forth on her heels. He stared up at the sky and watched as the sun started to rise higher.

"So." she started, looking around the park, "Would you like to come play in the sand box with me, Uchiha-san?"

He looked over at her and her smile was sweet and innocent. He sighed and nodded.

She squealed and clapped her hands before darting off towards the sand box. Sasuke was left staring at her dumbfounded. How did she not who he was? Every one did!

Though, now that he thought about it, Higurashi wasn't a name he was familiar with. So that meant she wasn't part of the main clans in Konoha. Watching her as she sat in the sand box and began to dig around he began to doubt that she was even from a ninja family.

That's it. He thought, his eyes hardening slightly, she's a citizen. That's why I don't recognize her.

Sighing he no longer really wanted to go play with her. After all, what good would it do him if she was just a civilian? But he had already agreed to do so and his father would scold him if he ever learned Sasuke had gone back on something he had said.

Walking over to the sand box he sat down across from her. She smiled at him and began to burry her legs beneath the sand.

"You know," she stated, patting the sand down before dumping more in top of it, "my Kaa-san always says that sand is a natural cleaner. Like it takes away all the dead skin."

Sasuke felt a smile tug his lips, "You mean an exfoliant?"

Kagome nodded, a laugh bubbling from her mouth, "Yea. That word."

He watched her with amused eyes as she buried her legs completely and laid back in the sand, sighing.

He took this moment to look around the park. He half expected to see her parents, or perhaps an older sibling, sitting over on the benches watching her play. When he saw no one he looked back at the little girl.

"Where are your parents?'

She opened her eyes and looked at him with out sitting up, "Kaa-san is working, and Tou-san is at the hospital. Sofu is watching my Otouto. I came to the park when he started screaming."

Her face scrunched up as if she had tasted something unpleasant, "How can something so small make so much noise? I hope I didn't cry that much when I was a baby."

Sasuke snorted and began to fill his hands with sand and watched as the granules ran between his fingers.

"All babies cry. It's the only way they can tell people that something is wrong, like their hungry or need their diaper changed."

Kagome made a face and sat up, disturbing some of the sand around her legs, "Well, its loud and it hurts my ear drums."

Sasuke shook his head and continued to fill his hand with sand to watch it run back down.

"Hey Kagome-chan!"

Her eyes brightened as she scrambled to get up. Not bothering to brush the sand off herself she ran from the sand box over to a boy with spiky blonde hair.

Sasuke watched with narrowing eyes as she hugged him and he picked her up. A delighted laugh tour itself from Kagome as he spun her around and set her back down on the ground.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the sand box where Sasuke still sat. Sasuke glared at the new boy, not liking the way Kagome seemed so familiar with him. She had been playing with him, not this other kid.

Even if he had wanted to leave moments before when he realized she was just a civilian, it didn't matter.

She was playing with him.

Sasuke looked the new boy over and realized he looked vaguely familiar. His blue eyes where all for Kagome, not even bothering to acknowledge Sasuke was there. This gave the young Uchiha a moment to study him.

Blonde hair stuck out at odd angels looking as if it desperately needed to be cut. Dark blue eyes shined with happiness when he looked down at Kagome who went back to burying her legs. Three marks covered each of his cheeks, giving him the appearance of having whiskers. He wore a plane white t-shirt and plane shorts, completed with a pair of sandals that looked like hand me downs.

Then his appearance finally clicked.

Uzumaki Naruto. The kid that causes so much trouble for my Tou-san with all his pranks.

His gaze hardened into a glare as he watched Naruto dribble sand down onto Kagome's hair. She squealed and batted at her hair before smacking him in the arm.

"Naruto-kun! Don't do that! My Kaa-san did my hair all pretty and your messing it up!"

Naruto laughed, "Your hair looks fine any way you wear it Kagome-chan!"

She glared at him before crossing her arms and sticking her nose in the air. She turned to Sasuke and continued to glare.

"Does my hair look pretty Uchiha-san?"

"Did you say Uchiha, Kagome-chan?'

She nodded and pointed to Sasuke, a smile on her face, "Yea. Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto turned to the boy and glared, "What are you doing here, Uchiha? Doesn't your district have a play ground especially for its kids?"

Sasuke smiled coldly, "Yes, but this is a public park. So I can come here if I want to."

Naruto snorted and turned back to Kagome, "Come on Kagome-chan. Lets go play on the see-saw. You don't want to play with people like him."

Kagome cocked her head to the side, his statement confusing her, "What do you mean people like him?"

Naruto snorted and stood up, grabbing her hand, "Snotty people. Ones that think and act like their better than every one else."

"That's because we are better than everyone else, dobe."

Naruto glared down at him, "See Kagome-chan? They are all stuck up snooty know it alls. I bet he doesn't have any friends so that's why he was over here buggin' you."

"For your information, dobe," Sasuke started, looked up at him, "she was the one to come up to me."

Naruto fisted his hands at his sides, "As if! And even if that's the case, Kagome-chan's just nice. She would never judge someone before she knew them, unlike you, teme!"

Sasuke was about to retort when Kagome suddenly stood up. The insult died on his lips when he saw the young girl glaring down at him. She stomped her foot in the sand and crossed her arms across her chest once more.

"Just stop it, you dummies!"

Naruto glared down at Sasuke, "See what you did? You made Kagome-chan upset!"

She turned her glare to Naruto, "No, he didn't! You both did!"

They both stared at her in shock as if to say 'who, me? What did I do?'

Her foot began to tap, "For your information, Uchiha Sasuke, just because you come from a powerful clan or where ever you come from doesn't make you better than me or Naruto. And you!" she turned to Naruto, her blue eyes dark with anger, "How dare you call him stuck up? I mean he may not be better than anyone, but that doesn't mean he cant have pride in who he is or where he's from. Like my Tou-san san always says, if you cant be proud of who you are or where you're from, what else can you have pride in?"

Her blue eyes began to mist over, "And how dare you just think I wouldn't want to play with someone because of who they are?"

Naruto blushed and began to rub his arm, "Awe, come on Gome-chan. I didn't mean it like that."

She sniffled, "Its what you said. And." she turned to Sasuke, a angry blush covering her face, "if I was bothering you, all you had to do was say so. I didn't make you come over here and play with me."

Sasuke opened his mouth to say something but snapped it right back closed. He wasn't sure what to do. All he knew was that he had upset her and that, for some reason, made him feel bad.

She sniffled once again and turned from both of them. Walking out of the sandbox she started to head towards the exit of the park.

Before she got to far she turned her head and looked back at Sasuke.

"It was nice meeting you Uchiha-san."

Her voice was cold, making the bad feeling increase in Sasuke. He did not want her upset with him.

But before he could call her back the blonde went running after her, spewing apologies. She ignored him and kept walking, her nose stuck up in the air.

Sasuke huffed and stood up.

What do I care if I upset her or not? She's just a civilian!

Looking back up at the sky he realized the sun was now high above him. His Kaa-san would have lunch on the table soon and no doubt his Tou-san would have left a list of chores and training exercises for him to do.

He sent one final glare towards the other children before huffing and walking towards the opposite exit.

He made a mental note that next time he wanted to go to the park, he would just stay with in the Uchiha compound.

As the summer months began to dwindle and fall began to set in Sasuke drove himself harder and harder. He would be starting the academy this year, which meant he was finally going to be on the proper path to surpass his Aniki. His Tou-san had been disappointed the year before when Sasuke hadn't been able to join the academy. He was now eight, a year behind when Itachi had joined. But Sasuke was determined. He would graduate early, just like Itachi had, and make his Tou-san acknowledge him for once.

When his course schedule came Sasuke was ecstatic. They would be studying things he already knew, which would give him the upper hand against his class mates.

His Tou-san seemed to be thinking along the same lines because when he looked over it he had actually smiled, "There should be no reason you are not top of your class all through out this year, Sasuke."

Sasuke nodded and took the sheet of paper from his Tou-san before walking to his room.

Itachi stopped him just outside of his bedroom door, dressed in preparation for his next mission.

"Do you receive your class schedule, Otouto?"

Sasuke nodded and handed Itachi the paper. Itachi took one look over it before handing it back to him.

"Tou-san is right, you will excel this year."

Sasuke nodded and felt a smile curl his lips. It was meant as a compliment, and he would take it as such.

Itachi flicked him in the forehead before turning away, "I will be dropping in on your class from time to time. To check on your progress and all that."

Sasuke nodded, rubbing the spot on his forehead, "you'll see Itachi. I'll surpass you in no time."

Itachi grinned and shook his head before tying his mask over his face and walking through the house.

Sasuke walked into his room and slid the door closed behind him. Sighing he set to work on preparing what he would need for the next day in class.

The first day of the academy turned into a fiasco. Parents dropped their children off as they made their way to their jobs, whilst the older kids greeted those they had met before or had had class with.

Fugaku stood outside of the academy and shook his head before looking down at Sasuke.

"I must get to the police station. Always remember to do nothing but your best, for I will accept nothing but the best from you."

Sasuke nodded and walked into the academy with out so much as a backwards glance.

"I see there's a new Uchiha joining. Fan-freaking-tastic."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and glared over at the one who had called out to him. The silver haired nin stood amongst his friends, a boy with long black hair that was loose around his shoulders and another boy with dark brown hair pulled up into a high pony tail. A girl walked up to them and threaded her arm through the silver haired boys arm. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Why hello Kikyou. Did you have a good break?"

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek, "Other than missing you Inuyasha."

He smiled and gave her a quick peck on the lips before turning towards the others and walking towards their class.

Sasuke glared at his back as they walked away. Taisho Inuyasha was the youngest half brother to Taisho Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru had graduated with Itachi after jumping through the ranks at the academy. They had both graduated early but where Itachi had been promoted to ANBU at age thirteen, Sesshomaru had been promoted to captain. It had taken Itachi nearly a year to catch up with Sesshomaru and now he was the main competition for Itachi. The Uchiha and Taisho clans were almost bigger enemies than the Uchiha and Hyuuga.

Sighing Sasuke walked into his class and was surprised to see that he was one of the few who had made it thus far. A few people sat in the back, faces he recognized from seeing around town. Shikamaru Nara sat in the back, staring out the window, while Choji Akimichi sat in the row in front of him, a bag of chips open on his desk. Ino Yamanaka sat in the front row, she and Sakura Haruno glared back and forth at one another.

Sasuke sighed and walked up to a seat near the front of the class room. He had hoped that he would arrive before either of them. They had been a thorn in his side since the summer before hand. Every time they saw him they thought they needed to call out to him or worse yet cling to him. He didn't understand it.

Folding his hands beneath his chin he stared at the chalk board and waited for them to notice he was in the room.

"Oh! Hello Sasuke-kun!"

Sighing he did not look over at them. Less he encourage them the better.

"He doesn't want to talk to you billboard brow! Do you Sasuke-kun?"

Sasuke continued to ignore them, even though he felt the vein in his temple began to pulse.

Please just shut up.

"What did you call me, Ino pig?"

Ino laughed, "Billboard brow. Or does your giant forehead obscure your hearing as well?"

Sasuke sighed and tuned them out.

As more children began to flitter into the class room he saw a few more faces he recognized. To his immense displeasure the Hyuuga heiress walked into the room, looking nervous and out of place. He had been certain her father would keep her back another year seeing as how timid she was.

When what appeared to be the last student walked into the room the teacher walked in. A tan skinned man with a scar over his nose walked up to the front of the room and tapped a ruler on the desk.

"Attention please!" He shouted over the noise of the room.

The students quieted down and he smiled, "Welcome to the first year genin classes. I am Iruka, your sensei for the next three years. We will start with calling role."

He picked up a clip board and cleared his throat to begin when a disturbance outside the door silenced him.

Raising an eyebrow he set down his clipboard and began to walk over to the door when it slid open with a clatter.

"I told you we were gonna be late!" Came a female voice.

Sasuke's eyebrows shot up as a small female walked into the room, looking frazzled. She wore a black tank top over a mesh short sleeved shirt and a pair of plane black pants. Her black hair was once again pulled back into a braid, albeit a tighter one this time. Dark blue eyes shined with irritation as she turned to the door.

"Well? Get in here!"

"Dang Gome-chan! I'm coming!"

Sasuke groaned inside of his head. Why oh why did he have to be in a class with him?

Naruto walked in behind the apparently irate female, boasting an orange and black jumpsuit, a pair of goggles placed atop his unruly hair.

Kagome turned to their sensei and bowed low, "My apologies sensei. I had to drag Naruto from bed and then he argued with me that this wasn't the right door."

Iruka sighed and nodded, "That's fine Higurashi-chan. Just find a seat and try not to let it happen again."

She nodded and grabbed Naruto's wrist. Dragging him up the steps she passed by Sasuke with out so much as a glance. If she had even known he was there she made no sign as she sat down in the back, pulling Naruto into the seat beside her.

Iruka cleared his throat, "Well, I'll continue then."

He went through role call, ticking off the names as he went. Sasuke, so lost in his own thoughts, almost missed it when he called out his name.

He had been wrong.

Very, very wrong.

Higurashi Kagome was not a civilian.

He could not say if she had any real skill, but the fact that she was indeed bred from shinobi made him rethink everything he thought he knew about her. Which was something Uchiha Sasuke did not enjoy doing.

When class started Iruka began to question their basic knowledge.

"Ok. First question. What is proper chakra control?"

Sasuke snorted and began to raise his hand but he was surprised when Iruka smiled and pointed to the back of the class room.

"Yes, Higurashi-chan."

Sasuke turned in his seat to watch her smile and lower her hand, "Proper chakra control is the ability to control your chakra to do what you wish it to or to do a particular jutsu."

Iruka smiled, "Can you give us an example?"

She nodded, "One example is if you channel your chakra into your feet, and can hold the proper amount, you'll be able to do things such as walk on water or run faster than the wind."

Iruka nodded, "good, good. Next question."

Sasuke turned back to the front of the class and listened to the next question. But, once again, he was beat to the answer by the girl sitting in the very back of the class.

By the time lunch had been called Sasuke was impressed. He hadn't thought there would be another person in his class that would be as well studied as he was.

As they all made their way towards the doors Sasuke looked up at the back of the class room to see Kagome was still seated. She and Naruto were talking quietly. Naruto said something with a smile that made Kagome smile and blush lightly before smacking him in the arm.

Sasuke scowled, not liking the way they interacted together. There was something about the knowledge that Kagome was indeed shinobi that made him want to spend more time with her. Possibly get to know her and to show her that he wasn't as arrogant as she thought he was. He wanted to prove to her that it wasn't arrogance. That he was in some ways entitled to the way he felt. The Uchiha clan was one of the strongest in Konoha.

He had every right to say he was better, because it was true.

Sighing he walked from the class room. Maybe he would be able to talk with her once she came outside?

After all, Naruto couldn't stay attached to her side all day.

Once everyone had exited the class room Kagome turned to Naruto and sighed.

"Why didn't you set your alarm clock this morning, Naruto?"

He yawned, "Come on, what's the big deal?"

She laid her head down on the table, "What if Iruka tells my Tou-san I was late? He doesn't need the extra stress right now."

Naruto sighed, "I guess everything is not going alright with his treatments?"

Kagome shook her head, "The medic's just told Kaa-san that there's nothing more they can do for him."

Naruto shook his head and leaned back in his seat, "Dang Kagome. I'm sorry."

She sighed and closed her eyes, "Kaa-san hasn't stopped crying. I wanted to stay home this year, just to help her with Souta-chan, but Tou-san wanted me to start. He wants me to do my best."

Naruto chuckled softly, "Well, that should be easy for you! Did you see that teme's face when you answered Iruka-sensei's questions faster then he could?"

Kagome smiled, "You shouldn't call people names, Naruto."

Naruto snorted and folded his hands behind his head, "Your just too nice Kagome-chan. You don't think he would call us names if we gave him half the chance?"

Kagome sighed and sat up, leveling Naruto with a flat look, "The only way he would ever have any reason to call you a name Naruto would be if you started it. He wouldn't call me a name anyway."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "What makes you believe that?"

Kagome shrugged and leaned back in her chair so she could comfortably tilt her head back and stare at the ceiling.

"Well for one, I'm a girl." she ignored Naruto's snort of disbelief and continued, "and for two, I wouldn't do anything to irritate him enough to call me a name. And I bet if you wouldn't have called him a name first he wouldn't have done so right back."

Naruto shrugged, "I cant help myself. His father is the one that keeps me in so much trouble."

Kagome looked over at him, her eyebrows raised, "His fault that you keep getting into so much trouble?"

Naruto had the decency to blush, "Well, I mean, he just asks for me to play pranks on him."

Kagome shook her head before falling silent.

Iruka walked into the room, carrying a bento box he had packed that morning. Looking up at them he raised an eyebrow.

"Higurashi, Uzumaki, why aren't you two outside eating?"

Kagome sighed, "Because Naruto made me late this morning I forgot my lunch at his place."

Naruto gave her a curious look, but she quieted him with a look before he could speak out. When she had gone to his house that morning she hadn't been carrying anything, let alone a lunch.

Choosing to heed her unspoken warning Naruto nodded, "Yea. And I don't pack lunches."

Iruka sighed and opened his bento, "Would you like some of mine? Its just rice balls, but it will tide you over until you can get home tonight."

Naruto jumped up and nodded whilst Kagome remained sitting, "No thank you Iruka-sensei. I'm not hungry."

Naruto looked back at Kagome before sighing and sitting back down beside her, "Yea, neither am I, sensei."

Kagome shook her head and pushed against Naruto's arm, "Go. I'll be fine."

He shook his head and lowered his voice, "I wont eat in front of you."

She sighed and Iruka shrugged, "Suit yourselves."

Once Iruka seemed busy with his meal Naruto turned to Kagome.

"Why are you lying Kagome-chan?"

She sighed and laid her head back on the desk. Turning so Iruka couldn't read her lips she spoke so low that Naruto had to lean in to catch what she was saying.

"Tou-san's hospital bills are getting more expensive. If I don't eat, then that puts more food on the table to Kaa-san, Sofu, and Souta."

Naruto shook his head, "But that doesn't mean you need to starve yourself."

She shook her head once more, "If I accept charity people will start to wonder. Its why I didn't go outside with the others. I didn't want any one asking why I didn't have a lunch."

Naruto fisted his hands on the desk, "You could have told them the same thing you just told Iruka."

Kagome shook her head once more, "Then what would they think tomorrow when I still didn't have a lunch? Its easier to lie to one person than a whole bunch. Before long someone would catch on."

Naruto laid his head down, "This is so wrong."

Kagome shrugged, "Its my choice."

Naruto rubbed his temples and sighed. He knew when Kagome got like this there was no convincing her differently. Laying his head down on the desk, he closed his eyes.

Might as well get some sleep in before class begins again.

A few moment later Kagome heard a snoring sound coming from her left. Rolling her eyes she stood up and began to walk around the class room, her arms held behind her. Naruto was just a worry wart. She was fine.

Her stomach growled slightly and she blushed.

Maybe I should have taken Iruka up on those rice balls.

Shaking her head she wrapped her arms around her stomach and continued to explore the room.

"I'm going to speak with the other faculty. Are you and Naruto going to be alright by yourselves?"

Kagome turned to Iruka and nodded before motioning to the sleeping blonde.

"How much trouble can he get into while sleeping?"

Iruka chuckled and walked out of the room, being sure to close the door behind him.

Kagome stared up at a poster on the wall for a moment before the door opened once more. Sighing she rolled her eyes.

"Forget something Iruka-sens…"

The statement died on her lips as she turned towards the door. Her eyes connected with the other students and her eyebrows shot up.

"Hello, Uchiha-san."

Sasuke nodded in her direction, "Higurashi-san."

She turned away from him and continued to study the poster. It was of the chakra points on the body, showing the flow of chakra and how it affected the different areas.

"You are…quite knowledgeable, Higurashi-san."

She jumped when his voice came from so close. Turning she met his dark eyes, his eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Something wrong?"

She sighed and ran her hand over her face, "Don't sneak up on people like that, Uchiha-san."

A small smile curved his lips, "My apologies. I did not realize I was sneaking."

Kagome snorted and turned back to the poster, "What do you want, Uchiha-san?"

He slid his hands into his pockets, prepared for her callous attitude. So apparently she was still angry.

"I merely wished to express how impressive your knowledge on chakra is. But knowledge is only part of the training process."

Kagome sighed, "I know this. Applying said knowledge is another part, and mastering the use of it is the final part."

Sasuke nodded, once again impressed, "Can you apply the knowledge?"

Kagome gave him a bored look, "I can do some basic level techniques. But nothing to complicated." a smile curved her lips, "not yet at least."

She sighed and turned to him fully now, "How about you?"

"What are you talking about?"

She laughed and folded her hands behind her head, "Can you do any techniques?"

Sasuke smiled, hoping she would ask that particular question. Now was the perfect chance to prove to her he wasn't being arrogant.

"I can perform my families signature Katon gyokaukku no jutsu."

Kagome nodded, "That's…nice."

Sasuke gave her a bewildered look. She merely smiled and walked by him, looking up at the other posters.

Nice? Doesn't she realize what that means?

He watched her tilt her head to the side and study the next poster. It was the proper holding technique for when throwing shurikan.

Who was this girl?

He shook his head, a confused frown on his face. She was so…different. Every other girl his age fawned over him, asking him stupid questions about the jutsu.

Just. Not. Her.

Shaking his head once more he walked up to her. She smiled over at him and pointed to the poster.

"That stance doesn't cover everything. I mean, sure, it works fine for heavier shurikan, but what if you use ones made from carbon steel?"

Sasuke smiled and looked up at the poster, "It was made a long time ago I think. You would need more of a controlled stance for carbon steel, seeing as they are lighter."

Kagome's smile widened as she nodded enthusiastically, "Exactly!"

The door slid open and both Sasuke and Kagome turned towards it. Sakura walked in and looked between the two of them, a closed bento box in her hands. Her green eyes narrowed at Kagome before she turned to Sasuke and flashed a bright smile.

"Here you are Sasuke-kun. You didn't finish your lunch so I thought I would bring it to you."

Sasuke sighed and nodded, "Just place it on my desk."

Sakura's smile faltered when Sasuke turned back to Kagome and they went back to discussing proper shurikan handling.

Sakura walked over to Sasuke's desk and laid the bento box down. Straightening her spine she forced a smile and walked over to them.

Standing beside Sasuke she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to get his attention. Surely he would notice she was much prettier than the other girl. After all, her hair was long and well taken care of while Kagome's was pulled back into a tight braid that made her look slightly like a boy.

When Sasuke ignored her Sakura felt her confidence fall a bit. Forcing those thoughts to the back of her mind she giggled slightly.

"Why are you studying an outdated poster on shurikan throwing, Sasuke-kun?" she smiled when he turned towards her, "your already practically a master at it.'

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Haruno, Higurashi-san and I were discussing the difference of this poster to throwing lighter shurikan."

Sakura's smile faltered. When Kagome smiled at her she felt as if the girl was rubbing salt into a wound. Even if Kagome meant nothing behind it other than a pleasant smile it didn't matter. This girl was holding her Sasuke-kuns attention.

And as his future girlfriend, I need to make sure no one else catches his attention.

Sakura huffed and turned away from the talking pair. Storming through the class she paused at the door and turned back towards them. She had expected Sasuke to be looking at her, maybe even coming after her.

When she saw that he wasn't even paying attention she felt tears welling in her eyes. Swiping at them in irritation she slammed the door open and ran out, leaving it open behind her.

Kagome looked down at the open door with a curious look, "What was that all about?"

Sasuke looked over her shoulder at the open door before rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"Your guess is as good as any other, Higurashi-san."


He raised an eyebrow and looked back at the her. A blush dusted across her pale cheeks and her eyes were down cast.

"What was that?"

A small smile spread across her face as she continued to look at her feet.

"You can call me Kagome, if you like."

Sasuke smiled and turned back to the poster, "If that's what you want, Kagome."

She looked up at him and her smile was soft, "Very much so, Uchiha-san."

He shook his head, "Please, call me Sasuke."

She nodded and slid her hands behind her, "Thank you, Sasuke."

He nodded and they stared up at the poster together.

When the door slid opened once more the comfortable silence that had been sharing in was broken. Kagome smiled and chuckled softly.

"See you after class, Sasuke?"

He nodded and watched as she walked up the steps to the back of the room. She looked down at the still sleeping Naruto before shaking her head and kicking his chair.

He jumped up, "Stay away from my ramen, you monsters!"

Kagome laughed and sat down next to him, "You're such a goof Naruto."

He began to rub the sleep from his eyes, a sheepish smile spreading across his face, "Come on Gome-chan."

She rolled her eyes again and sighed. She glanced over at Sasuke and smiled when their eyes connected. He returned her smile with a small one of his own before making his way to his own seat.

"Hey! What are you smiling at teme?"

Sasuke sighed and sat down, choosing to ignore Naruto.

"Hey! I was talkin to you! Don't ignore m-"

He was cut off when Kagome grabbed him by the back of the shirt and yanked, "Leave Sasuke alone, Naruto. He wasn't doing anything to you."

Naruto gave her a surprised look, "Does it matter what he did? And when did you start calling him Sasuke?"

Kagome rubbed the bridge of her nose, "That's his name, isn't it?"

Naruto opened his mouth to say something but Iruka walked in the room and called the class to order.

That didn't stop him from glancing at his oldest friend as Iruka started a lecture.

What had he missed when he had fallen asleep?


Well, theres chapter one! Hope you all enjoyed it!