Me: I have a correction to make to my dear friend. Seth is a product of Ryuunsuke and Demosthenes, but no one cares.

Lenox: I care.

Me: Sure you do…

Lenox: He is the favorite, and it's always good to be a kiss up…


With a low puff of air, Seth eased himself into the lake he'd discovered.

As the water touched his skin, he felt the demon within himself writhe. It clawed at his mind in its attempts to evade the water, but it was in vain.

Seth let his mind wander; the incident on the train had nearly undone years of training and precautions. The fact that Demosthenes had overshadowed his mind was troubling.

Soon the demon's struggles stopped and the pressure in his chest had resigned to a dull pulse.

With a sigh, he ran a hand through blood soaked hair and frowned.

Cursing every creature he had encountered on the way to this pond, he didn't notice the soft footfalls behind him.

And he would have continued not noticing if the stranger hadn't pressed a knife to his throat.

Eyes wide with wonder, a little black scaled Savas took in his surroundings. Never before has he seen such a thing as the little pinpricks of light high above his head. Nor had he felt anything as curious as the soft ground beneath his feet.

Giving him a motherly look, his companion let out a small laugh. She coiled her light tail around wickedly sharp claws and let him explore.

With a soft cry, he stretched out onto the grass and let the smell ignite his senses.

"This world is as good as ours," he heard a voice whisper in his ear.

Suppressing a shudder as a claw ghosted over his spine, he let a grin cover his mangled face.

He sat up slowly and turned to his mate. Her golden eyes appraised him coolly, her ears flat against her head.

He ran a hand through her pale fur and snickered as she shuddered. His hand had brushed across the remnants of her tattered wings- the same wings he had destroyed- and he smiled at the memory.

With a disgusted growl, he pushed her aside and went to find the rest of his pack.

Glancing backwards, she followed.

"There's got to be another way," Axel hissed.

Saïx shook his head, "Orders are orders, Nine. And they do not pertain to you."

Axel shook the papers in his hand much to Roxas' embarrassment. Why his friend insisted on making such a big deal EVERY SINGLE TIME he received a mission was beyond him.

Turning to Saïx, Roxas ignored his so called 'friend', "I'm to meet up with the others right?"

Saïx nodded, "Seeing how all other missions have been put on hiatus, you should know what needs to be done," he glared at Axel, "Actually it's no different than your normal missions is it?"

With a shrug Roxas opened a portal and high-tailed it before Axel could get another word edgeways.

He let out a breath before he realized where he'd teleported to.

Hundreds of eyes fixed him with an intense glare, and the papery sound of movement crashed over him.

With all the glorious instincts of a trained Organization member, he found himself darting through a sea of trees in search of cover.

Dozens of spiders hissed at him and thin limbs stretched toward him throat. Venom dripped from their fangs and they were quickly gaining ground.

Just when Roxas was beginning to regret not having Axel with him, a blaze of red light flashed past his head.

Behind him, one of the spiders stumbled and crashed to the ground with an earth-shattering thump.

Not pausing to see what was going on behind him, he ran straight ahead and crashed into a strangely dressed person.

And only when the person spat out a stream of foreign words did Roxas realize it was not a person.

Whatever it was, it was shorter than he was and fur covered its entire body. Its hand glowed with residue magic and rage gleamed in its gold eyes. It was strangely cat-like with fur lined ears and short whiskers.

Before he had time to process any more, the creature raked him across the chest with thin claws and melted into the night.

The metallic smell of blood filled the air and the spiders nearly danced in glee.

It's short, but it's done. If you have time to complain, you have time to review and/or PM me. If not, your protest will be ignored.