Chapter 7

Bookman spoke with Johari about Lavi.

"You know what's best for him."

She didn't want Lavi to leave. He is her friend, the one she is closest to and trusts.

She can't stop him though. She can't let her selfishness stop her friend from achieving his dreams and accomplishing something he would want to do. She can't let such selfishness take control.

She wasn't really hurt by the fact that he was chosen to be the apprentice instead of her but rather the fact that he was leaving. But Bookman is right so she agreed. He knew that if she told him to go, he would.

Lavi approached her as expected. She tried getting some time by pretending to be busy but she knew she can't go on with this forever. She'll have to listen to his decision. She has to let him go.

It is better for him to go after all instead of rotting in a place like this with abilities like what he has. It won't do at all.

She gave him her decision. He looked sad by her abrupt answer but he decided to just go with Bookman.

He left, she felt lonely but kept it to herself. She shouldn't be affected by it.

Wilde noticed though and observed for awhile to see what he should let her do.

Johari still does fine with work but she slowly neglects herself. She's less cheerful and too serious. She's still just a child and yet so serious about work like that instead of acting her age. Johari is like a daughter or younger sister to him despite denial and he didn't like what's happening to her.

He knew that the elders would scold him badly and punish him for his actions but that didn't matter. He told Johari that she can go. She didn't want to though and said that she would continue with her job as his apprentice.

"Please don't make me go. This is the only thing I have left."

He let her go on with her decision.

A few years passed. Johari is still the same with work, serious and rarely cheerful. She acted mature for her age. Wilde is worried as usual but let her with what she wants.

One day though, Bookman went to the clan unexpected and gave his scrolls to be placed in the archive. He came back with his apprentice while proving that his decision was right. Lavi was better than expected.

Johari was happy hearing that he is well and that he is doing really great as an apprentice to Bookman. She caught sight of him inside the clan but he never really saw her.

She could have approached him but she didn't. There is no need to reminisce and then not see each other again after how many years. It would only be more painful.

Bookman and Lavi left not even staying for a week as expected. They continued on with their job to record history.

Wilde heard of Bookman's arrival. He saw that his apprentice did not go see her childhood friend. They left without the two speaking with each other even if just a word.

"Johari, you knew that he was here. Why didn't you go see your friend?"

"Wilde, stop that. You know we can't really call each other friends after not having contact with each other for years. It's not really allowed in the clan to actually even establish relationships."


"It's Eliska, Dyke. Stop calling me that," she said while leaving.

Days passed since that day. Johari may be focused on work but she is too focused. She slowly started neglecting sleep and her health. She ate less and slept later than the usual to finish work. She didn't give herself much break.

"Johari, this has gone too far. I'm not letting you do any work for awhile until you tell what's you really want."


"Rest and think things first."

"Fine," she replied reluctantly.

"So would you tell me now, Johari?"

"Tell you what exactly?"

"Something has been bothering. You miss him don't you?"


"Stop denying it. I won't deny you anything. I understand that you were really close friends and that you want to see him again. I was fond of him as well."

"It's just... What you say is true. I do miss the times in the past when we were just children. I want to see him again and have fun times like before. I don't like this place anymore as I used to. I feel like a caged bird here. I never once set foot outside upon our return here last time, a few years ago."

"Would you like to leave this place?"

"Why utter nonsense? You know I can't even if I wanted to. The only way for that to happen is when we are needed to."

"There is another way."

The girl stared at her mentor in shock.

"That is just foolish! We'd get into trouble."

"You are like a sister or daughter to me, Johari before an apprentice. I don't want you to rot in this place. You aren't really suited here to be locked up. You want to, don't you? I'll let you. I have a way. Don't bother with the consequences. I'll be in charge of that."

"But Wilde-"

"Just do as I say."

He helped her sneak out even when he shouldn't have done that. He was scolded by the elders and was given punishment.

She left town after town hearing news from other people to try and search for him. She took different names and personas with each place she visited and worked part time with different types of jobs to sustain her expenses. She too met different types of people while avoiding other people from the clan.

It took a year before she was able to get hold of information as to where they are. She heard that he and Boookman were now at the Black Order. She decided to find a way to get there and by chance she encountered exorcists.

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(^.^) Kylie : I hope you like this chapter.