
"Kurogane-san, um, where are we going?" Syaoran asked uncertainly, following his mentor down the long corridors of the palace.

"Look, Kid," the swordsman grumbled, "they told me if I do this then I get to eat whenever I want. It's worth it."

Syaoran continued to look bewildered, as that explanation really had no meaning for one not involved with Fai's most recent plotting. Nonetheless, Syaoran trusted that if Kurogane had wanted to kill him, then he would've done it a long, long time ago.

Finally, after a strenuous amount of time, Kurogane halted outside of a door. He seemed to be looking for something specifically on the door, but after a long, long moment he merely grunted and threw the door wide open, dragging Syaoran along with him, of course.

"Okay sit down and shut up!" he barked, tossing Syaoran, who had in fact not been talking, onto a chair. "Let's just get this over with so I can have dinner!"

"Um, okay Kurogane-san," Syaoran agreed readily enough. "What was it you wanted to do exactly?"

"You like the princess, right?" Kurogane asked, which seemed, to Syaoran, to have nothing to do with anything.

"Yes, Sir," he answered firmly, disregarding the general strangeness of the question.

"Okay, ugh," Kurogane started muttering to himself. "How the hell am I supposed to phrase this?"

"Uh, Kurogane-san?" Syaoran asked worriedly.

"Okay, look Kid, do you want her to have your children?" Kurogane finally spat out, causing both of the men to blush at the sudden exclamation.

Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the castle…

"So Sakura-chan, how are things with Syaoran-kun?" Fai asked, smiling brilliantly, completely ignoring the audience behind him. Sadly, Sakura did not have the mage's disposition.

"Uhm, it's hard to answer that with so many people here," she mumbled, covering her face as best as she could while Mokona and Touya gawked at her.

"Yeah, what about that brat?" Touya snipped.

"I bet Syaoran would make a good princely consort," Mokona giggled. Fai looked back at the group commenting behind him. Sakura might have a point. Maybe.

"Okay!" the magician exclaimed. "Everyone out!" He started pushing everyone else out of the room, catching Sakura as she tried to sneak out. After he forced Touya and Mokona out, he sat back down, allowing Sakura to reclaim her seat first.

"Now then, what about Syaoran-kun?" he asked, pulling a cup of tea out of seemingly thin air—which was actually a possibility for him, in retrospect.

"I-I-I," Sakura stuttered, nervously twisting the hem of her dress. "H-he's very sweet."

"Oh is that so-o?" Fai asked, leaning forward with a mischievous smirk. "Now just between us girls…"

"Uhm, Fai-san, you're not a—," Sakura started to correct, but he interrupted her.

"Now don't make me play hardball, Sakura-chan!" he squealed in delight. "Tell me how super-yummy Syaoran-kun is!"

"How… what?" she asked, totally baffled.

"Okay, okay," Fai said, waving his hands in front of him. "You dragged it out of me. I know all about you and Syaoran-kun!"

Sakura's face lit up, her stuttering increased tenfold. "Sy-Syaoran and I are just friends!"

"No need to hide it anymore, Sakura-chan," Fai whispered. "I'm here to answer all of your questions!"

"My questions?"

"About Syaoran-kun!"

"You can tell me anything about Syaoran?" she asked, suddenly interested.

"All you need to know, Sakura-chan," he answered. "All you need to know."

Back with Kurogane and Syaoran…

"So you see, you should always use protection, because you don't want anything weird happening down there," Kurogane was explaining, sock puppets on hand. Syaoran had gone numb a while ago, and now he could only stare open-mouthed at Kurogane.

Continuing, Kurogane said, "And remember, you don't want to just go at it in broad daylight! Just because it's natural doesn't mean you can and do it on the throne!"

"Throne?" Syaoran squeaked.

"Yeah, I mean it would be cool to do once, but you know what they say: men don't want other men's sauce on their sh-Mokona."

Syaoran went back to looking dumbfounded.

"Don't get me wrong, trying new things is good," Kurogane explained. "But if you keep f-Mokona-ing in the King's room, then he's going to get seriously pissed. Are you getting what I'm saying? Explore, be creative, just know when enough is enough."

"Yes… Kurogane-san," Syaoran replied, still unable to quite keep his jaw snapped shut.

Meanwhile, Sakura was finally opening up to Fai.

"And he was going to kiss me, but then—actually—every time something's going to happen someone shows up," she explained, tears in her eyes. "I don't think we'll ever get a moment alone."

"Poor Sakura-chan," Fai sniffled. "Poor Syaoran-kun. That's it! Let's go find them right now! Daddy should be done talking!" Without waiting for a response Fai leapt up, grabbed Sakura, and took off towards the room he had designated "Daddy and Son's."

A minute later—for Fai ran fast when required—they burst in on Kurogane and Syaoran at a rather prime moment. Kurogane had pulled out his sword and was now pelvic-thrusting with it towards Syaoran.

"Oh my, Kuro-chi," Fai giggled, hand covering his face. "I didn't know Kuro-daddy swung that way."

"Sh-shut up!" Kurogane howled, quickly putting away his sword. "I thought you weren't supposed to come until I gave the all-clear!"

"Well Sakura informed me that she and Syaoran continuously get interrupted, and that's why there aren't any mini-Syaorans and Sakuras running around yet!" Fai explained in one long breath, dropping off Sakura and grabbing Kurogane in the process.

"Is that true, Kid?" the angry ninja demanded, turning back on his pupil.

"Well, yes, I tried to tell you, but you seemed rather determined," Syaoran explained in embarrassment. "My father told me all about that stuff a long time ago."

Kurogane passed out.

"Well, Daddy needs his nap!" Fair proclaimed merrily. "Come Mokona, let's give our love birds some time alone!" Mokona bounded up onto Fai's shoulder, smirking all the while.

"Good luck you two," they both cheered, slamming the door behind them. Sakura and Syaoran glanced at each other once before collapsing on their own chairs. For a while they couldn't even think to be embarrassed by all that had happened. Then it dawned on both of them at once.

"So, uh, what did Fai talk to you about?" Syaoran asked nervously.

"Well, uhm, you," Sakura answered, blushing deeply and looking away from him. Syaoran smiled a bit, standing up and walking over to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him.

"Syao—?" she started to ask, looking up at him, but was cut off as the young man rushed forward and pressed his lips against hers.

Breaking away, he smiled again at her. "I love you Sakura."

Blushing worse than ever she replied in-kind, "I love you, too, Syaoran!"

He reached down and pulled her off her seat, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "And I'll never let you go," he vowed.

Suddenly the door was blown off its hinges. They both spun around in shock to see Touya panting and looking rather… angry.

"Bastard!" he howled, lunging for Syaoran, who immediately pushed Sakura away and dodged her enraged older brother. "How dare you touch my sister!" he howled, lunging for Syaoran again, but this time Syaoran was cornered. He braced himself for the impact—but it never came.

He opened his eyes to see Kurogane standing over an unconscious Touya with Fai and Mokona peeking out from behind him.

"You hit him super hard, Kuro-rin!" Mokona declared.

"Quite a mean left hook, Kuro-tan!" Fai agreed cheerfully.

"Kurogane? Fai? Mokona?" Syaoran asked, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Giving you peace of mind," Kurogane grunted, dragging Touya out of the room with Fai and Mokona close behind. The door slammed shut behind them and Syaoran and Sakura turned to look at each other silently for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"They're crazy," Syaoran chuckled.

"But they're good friends," Sakura conceded, giggling.

Syaoran made his way across the room and took his princess's hand. "Now then, where were we?"

Sakura smiled up at him and took his proffered hand, resting against his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Somewhere between kissing and an heir," she answered, an unexpectedly gentle smile on her lips. Syaoran blushed a bit at that. Were they all actually serious about that?

He shook the thoughts from his mind though, responding instead, "Yes, Princess," as he closed the gap between their lips once more.

A/N: And that's all folks! Yes, the word 'Mokona' was used as a censor in this chapter and the last. I'm planning on two big Sakura x Syaoran stories in the future, one for TRC and one for Cardcaptor Sakura. Until then, write on!