Hi there! Sorry this took so long. At least it's finally complete :) I hope you enjoyed the ride.



Tears filled the blonde's eyes as he watched bullets riddle the gamer's body. His white vest, Mello's favorite, stained with blood.

Mello blinked the wetness away and tried to ignore the memories that plagued his mind.

"Goodbye, Matt," Mello whispered as he snuck out of the window in their room at Wammy's.

The brunette boy never moved, unable to hear his best friend's words in his deep slumber.

"I promise I'll come back for you."


"Matt? What are you doing here?" Mello asked, surprised to see his old roommate after such a long time.

Matt's sad green eyes looked back at him. "You were all I had, Mello. How could you just leave me there?"

"I..." Mello paused, realizing he had forgotten to keep his promise. "I'm sorry. I was going to find you, really. I've just been so busy and-"

"I don't care," Matt interjected, wrapping his arms around the other boy.

Mello hugged him back, tightly. They stayed like that, trying to recapture the lost time, until Mello felt something wet on his shoulder.

"Matt? Is something wrong?"

The brunette sniffled and buried his face in the older boy's neck. "Just promise you'll never leave me again, ok?"

Mello smiled softly. "Of course." He ran his hand through the younger boy's hair and kissed his head tenderly.

"I promise."

Mello's heart constricted painfully in his chest at the sight of his lover's body collapsing, lifeless, in the street.

He had forgotten to keep his promise. And this was the result.

Could he do nothing right?

Mello gripped the steering wheel so hard he thought he might pull it away from its casing and nearly choked on his sobs.
