Chapter 6


So close. I was so close to kissing her again. So close to feeling her soft lips undermine again. And then, stupid Dylan has to get in the way, again. I don't understand why she even let me get that close, considering how she's dating Dylan, or… that's what she thinks.

I sigh as she closes the door behind her, and lay down on the couch. I hear the bed squeaking. Come on, Dylan! I swear, he's just wants his ass kicked. It's a small apartment, I'm trying to get some sleep, and you're getting it on with my girlfriend! "Dylan, stop." I hear Max say, muffled by the door, I'm surprised at how well I can hear. "DYLAN, STOP!" she yells.

I'm about to get up and put Dylan in his place… (out the fourth story window, and on the cement) when Max storms out of the bedroom, and slams the door, pulling at her shorts to make them longer, and pulling up her shirt. "MAX?" I hear Dylan call.

"Don't talk to me." She response. My eyes are half closed, so I can see her standing in the living room, debating on what to use as a bed. There's only one couch. I open my eyes fully as she's placing spare pillows on the ground.

"Max, sleep on the couch." I say getting up. She stares at me for a minute, maybe about to argue, but I'm already on the ground, laying on the pillows.

"Thanks." She says weakly. She curls up on the couch, hiding under a blanket, and falls asleep.


The next day, I don't talk to either of them. I'm pissed for a few reasons. One: I have amnesia. Dylan knows that, but he still thinks it's okay with me, to try and shove his tongue down my throat. Two: He was trying to take my shirt off, where he'd see Fang's name in my skin… and that's just awkward. Three: Fang didn't kiss me.

After dinner, after a day of complete silence, Dylan asks me if I'm coming to bed, at about eleven. I just look at him like he's crazy. He rolls his eyes and goes to bed by himself, leaving the door open incase I change my mind.

As Fang's settling himself on the rug again, I decide to take matters in my hands and say, "You don't have to sleep on the floor Fang."

"You aren't sleeping on the floor, Max." he tells me.

"Well, neither are you. Just sleep on the couch, it's big enough." The couch is really small. He just stares at me. "As long as you behave yourself is all." I shrug.

He blinks, "You sure?"

"Just… be good." I say as he gets up, he climbs around me awkwardly, cramming himself between me and the couch. I see his arms, awkwardly looking for somewhere to be, and smile to myself and roll my eyes. He's more of a gentleman then Dylan will ever be.

I take his hand and pull it around my waist. He might've been a bit surprised but… I don't care. I think he though I was asleep when he kissed my forehead, and pulled me in a little bit closer. That whole night, I dreamt of Fang, all those mystery people I keep seeing. But it was mostly just Fang.

We were sitting on the ground, on sand, maybe four miles from a brightly lit house. We were talking. I was talking, even though I didn't know what I was saying, myself. "She needs to except who she is. She has wings! Cutting them off won't change that she's different. And, if she wants to leave us… well… I don't know."

"You can't force someone to be with you." Fang says in a soothing voice. "They have to choose you." My heart quickened as he leaned over playfully and whispered to me like a little kid would do, "I choose you, Maximum." Then, we were kissing. A lot. For a long time. And I wished this dream wouldn't ever end.

He kissed me, and I'd kiss him back, until we heard glass breaking, and screams. We got up and… flew… to the house with our fifteen foot wings and found lots, and lots of these half dog, half human mutants.

The boy with blonde hair, the one Fang had been wrestling, was held by two of them, with a knife held to his neck. I wondered how that happened. "Anybody moves? He dies." The mutant says holding a dangerously sharp knife.

Everyone was perfectly still until all the mutants had grabbed everyone, except Fang and I, who were debating over what to do. One of them laughed, and then, they all died at the same time. That's when I woke up.

My eyes flickered open with fear. And just that woke Fang. The room was quiet, I could've heard a pin drop, but instead, all you could hear was my breathing, unsteady, and panicked. I was facing Fang now, my head had been nuzzled in his shoulder, his face had been buried in my hair, and our hands were locked tight, fingers twined, and everything.

"What's wrong Max?" he whispered, his hand rubbing over the spot on my waist, where his name was carved. It didn't hurt though. It felt better, even though my tank top was on top of it.

"Nothing." I say shaking my head weakly. "Just a… nightmare… Fang?"

"Yeah." He whispers back to me.

"Are you lying to me?" I ask.

He's suddenly very silent. Finally though, he confesses, "Yes." He tells me.

"I knew it." I say satisfied. But I leave the subject alone for now. It's three o'clock in the morning.

His hand brushes over the name again, and I just feels so good when he does. It's like… he's healing it. "Fang?"

"Yeah." He says quietly to me.

"Don't look at my waist." I say pulling at the side of my shirt until it's just my bare skin in that one section, where the name is. "Promise?"

"Sure." He says chuckling. "Why, though?"

"I have secrets too, you know." I say smiling. But he doesn't understand, and I don't expect him to. I take his hand, and place it on top of the name gently. He feels it for a minute, but his eyes don't leave mine. "Don't look."

"I won't…" he promises. It literally feels like… like everything that's happened to me the last few days doesn't matter. Like, when I wake up in the morning, Dylan won't be mad at me for sleeping with Fang.

I remember the good parts of my dream. The kiss. I choose you, Maximum.

I choose Fang, too.