Hey guys~

So here is another chapter. I legitimately wrote this while I was working on slow Sunday :P Just to clarify, this chapter starts after Derek heads for the woods and gives a little more detail on exactly what went on that night. It's a chapter that I needed to write to lead into the future events. So sadly...no Sterek this chap :( There will be some next chapter, promise!

Alright, here you go!

Derek ran through the woods, senses sharp as he tried to keep his uncle's scent. Peter had just been here; he was sure of it.

He came to a quick stop after he heard rustling coming from behind him. He had a trailer, someone following him. Before he could turn around and investigate, he was plowed into by heavy body.

Letting out a snarl, Derek pushed the boy off of him, standing up and dusting his clothes. "What the hell is your problem, Scott?"

Scott had the decency of at least looking sheepish – even though the look seemed funny with his shifted form- as he rose from the ground himself. "I was going too fast. I was distracted and I didn't see you." He wouldn't admit as to why he had been distracted. He didn't want to admit he was going to meet Peter. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Stiles?"

"Stiles is at home; I heard my uncle. I came chasing him, I was hoping to find him but you…you just scattered his scent." It was clear Derek was angry as he paced back and forth from Scott to the nearest tree. "Why are you avoiding Stiles again? And the Argent girl?"

There was a look that crossed Scott's face that Derek couldn't quite well place. It looked almost like shame. "That's none of your concern. It's what's best for Stiles." Scott told him, avoiding eye contact. He was about to speak up again when a howl tore through the cool night air. Both betas turned their heads in the direction before glancing at each other and taking off, fully shifted.

Stilinski sighed as he sank deep into the old reclining chair in the living room. He had a tumbler in his right hand, filled half way with ice and dark amber whiskey. It had been a week since Hale had taken his son from home.

The selfish part of him hated that he left because he wanted his son home even though he knew it wasn't good for Stiles. John wasn't stupid; he knew what he did to the boy in his drunken stupors. At the time of the attacks, he didn't know what he was doing and he couldn't control what he did either but afterwards….. Oh, afterwards, John knew exactly what he did. He knew the punches he threw, the kicks he dealt and the hateful words he spewed. It wasn't intentional. Not at all. He loved his son and even though it didn't seem like it, he truly did.

He hated himself for what he put Stiles through. It was awful; it was cruel but he couldn't stop himself. He drank because it hurt. It hurt to lose his wife, the one woman he loved irrevocably. He drank because he was an awful father who hurt his son. He drank because he was a waste of space.

Taking a sip, he let himself slouch in deeper to the recliner. There was one thing he couldn't get out of him head, however. It was Derek Hale's eye.

Now, he knew that he had not been sober but he had not been drunk enough to imagine that. The color of his eyes had changed from a soft hazel to a bright icy blue. Maybe if it had been just that, he would have waved it off but the fact that the eye color change was accompanied by an almost animalistic growl.

It was surreal, really. He had spent the rest of that day doubting his sanity but he had known what he had seen. Derek Hale was not human. And with that, John was up and out of the chair, placing his drink on the table and forgetting all about as he walked out of the house.

Later that night, John was parked in front of the apartment Derek Hale had apparently rented out for his son. He was parked across the street, eyes trained on the apartment he had researched was his son's.

It had been uneventful and excluding the stupid lacrosse practice he had to observe, and Stilinski was ready to call it a night when the front door of the apartment building opened. He sat up straighter, propping the camera that was normally used to catch pictures of criminals and aimed at Hale. He hadn't been expecting anything to happen but as soon as he saw Derek…change, he snapped as many photographs as he could. He needed proof; proof that he wasn't completely insane.

The pictures should have been enough….but they weren't. He needed to know more.

So against his better judgment, John followed him into the wood, not giving a second though to his abandoned car. However, nothing could prepare him for what he saw. It was one thing to know that Derek Hale was not human….it was something entirely different to know that a boy he had known his entire life and was his son's best friend was also a monster.

Slumping against a nearby tree, he let the men ran away when a howl ripped through the air, not bothering to follow them anymore. He had seen enough. God….did his son know about this? He might an awful drunk and bad father, but he did still care when he was sober.

Sighing, he knew something needed to be done but what in the world could he possibly do? No one would believe him. Hell, he didn't believe himself right now. There had to be someone. Who did Scott hang out with beside Stiles? He knew he had been seeing Argent's daughter but…..

The sheriff paused, something clicking. The Argents. They had to know. They had been suspects of the Hale Fire. Kate's connection to younger Derek had flagged something in the sheriff so many years ago. And it seemed like it was happening again, only this time Allison was the one dating a monster.

They had to know. It was a stretch…a really long one. But it was something. They would probably think he was crazy but he had to try something. Leaving the woods behind him, he jumped to his car and drove away.

"Allison….you're losing focus!" Chris chastised his daughter, watching her miss a punch she could have very well landed on the hunter she was training with. Allison huffed and turned to face him, face red from exertion, eyes angry.

"I'm damn well focused!" She retorted, huffing angrily. She was so sick of this. Ever since she found out about her family's business, she'd been angry. Angry at everything. Things had become strained between her and Scott because she was putting distance between them. She didn't want to believe he could be a werewolf but her parents seemed convinced and she didn't want to help the man she loved be killed by her family.

Everything about this was sick.

Chris sighed, being able to see the conflict in his daughter's eyes. He knew it had been hard on her, learning all of this. It was the main reason he had been so hesitant to tell her but his wife had been right….she needed to know because soon, they would rely on her to lead the family. "No, you're not. You're fighting blindly with anger. You haven't hit him once. He's human, Allison, if this was a wolf, and you'd be dead." He stressed, placing his hands on his hips.

Allison huffed before turning to the hunter that was being her punching bag for the day. She saw his arm ready to swing at her and she quickly moved to doge the blow, ducking under his fist and moving quick to kick his legs from under him. The hunter, Max, fell hard with a grunt and before he could react, Allison had clambered over him, yanking on his hair and pulling his hair back before she pressed her knife to his throat.

Her pants came out heavy, and she didn't move for a moment before letting Max go. Finally releasing him, she stood up and faced her father. Chris looked on amused. "Better?" she asked, and Chris nodded before motioning for them to get a move on.

The car ride hadn't been long, but the tension between them was enough to make it seem like an eternity.

As Chris pulled his red SUV up the Argent driveway, ignoring the fact the Allison didn't even seem to want to speak to him, he sighed heavily at the silence that drowned the car. He hated the rift between them – she had always been a daddy's girl – but he also knew that Allison would accept this situation in time.

They all did. They all had to.

Exiting the car, Chris did have one thing to be thankful of. She had been distancing herself from her boyfriend. Not only was that a good thing because he was a boy and Chris didn't like boys near his daughter, but hunters had rumored that they had seen the boy spending time with Derek Hale.

To him, that was a major red flag and they had been keeping tabs on the boy. Not that Allison needed to know that.

Allison glanced over at her father while she opened the door to the house and raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you okay, dad?" She asked, stepping into their house.

Chris gave her a look that was meant to say it was nothing but before he could open his mouth, Kate stepped out from the living room. She crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk on her face.

The look worried both father and daughter but it was Chris who spoke up first. "What is it?"

Kate's smirk just grew, turning into a predator- like smile. She crooked her finger, beckoning the other hunters to follow her. She led them to the living room where upon entering, Allison and Chris saw Sheriff Stilinski sitting on their couch.

"Guys…" Kate started, placing one arm on each of their shoulders, "We just found the second beta."

As always, thanks for reading guys! Review please!