This is the final chapter of the story. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have. Sorry it took me so long to get it to you, but I hope it is worth the wait.

Edit: AFF seems to have cut off the end of my chapter, so this it reposted. Hope it works this time. If not, I might break it and post this as two chapters. Sorry about that guys. Thanks for letting me know about this. Grr.

WARNINGS: Yaoi, citrus, anal, oral, bondage, biting.

Shortly after parting with Yusuke, Hiei found himself surrounded by familiar trees. Much of his parole time was spent in the canopy of this forest surrounding Genkai's temple.

He was fairly certain now that his visions were false, but there would remain a niggling uncertainty until he saw that Yukina was safe. That uncertainty was worming its way into fear, which Hiei ruthlessly tamped down as he approached his sister's chosen sanctuary.

The sun was slightly above the horizon by the time he arrived and from his perch in the nearby tree, the hi-youkai caught sight of the teal-haired apparition he sought. She sat quietly chatting with some small birds as she spread seed on the ground. He paid no attention to her words, but let the sound soothe a distant part of his heart.

He sat there in the tree, hiding his presence, until Yukina gathered the bowl she had used to hold the seed and wandered back inside the temple. Then, without further hesitation, he leapt from treetop to treetop toward a safe haven he had made for himself among the trees.

He had created this haven during his time in the human realm after the gang had rescued Yukina. As he kidnapping had shown, the jagan wasn't enough protection for his sister. He believed, at the time, that the only way to keep her safe was to remain near her. However, no one knew that this hideout existed because he was well aware that his mere proximity could also bring Yukina harm. For that reason, he kept his ki hidden whenever he stayed here.

So, keeping himself hidden from all senses, Hiei set the wards around his hideout that would keep him hidden and others away. Then he tucked himself away and let his exhaustion take over.

Velvety darkness surrounded Hiei. It took a while for it to register that the darkness had life. It breathed around him, holding him close. There was sound too, but it was so far away and he was so tired. He would just rest his eyes.

Time passed, but he couldn't be sure how much time. The darkness was still everywhere, but the sound was closer, louder. Voices, he realized. He remained still and quiet in the hope of hearing the voices.

"How can we trust him?" One voice asked. "Did you see his performance at the Demon Tournament?"

"Well what choice do we have? Mukuro signed everything over to him." Another voice answered.

"Yeah, but look. He abandons his post, first chance he gets and leaves us in the care of a former human." The first voice intoned. "He is just another human lover. First chance we get, I say we revolt and make this territory ours."

"I don't know. The dragon is still impressive."

"Oh that's nothing. I hear that a demon held him for days, helpless as a babe. It's all a matter catching him unaware."

"Hmm…you may be right."

The voices faded out and light became apparent in the distance. Hiei moved toward the light without second thought.

Slowly, as he approached the light, objects became clear. First there were trees. He was racing through a forest. It seemed familiar, and the red sky indicated that he was somewhere in the Makai. Quickly, he scanned the area and found several demons gathered in concentration ahead. He silently continued on his path, masking his youki as he ran.

Finally something new appeared on the horizon. It was Alaric, but it was a mess. There were holes blasted in its armored sides and wreckage scattered around its base. Bodies littered the ground, some groaning from horrific injuries, others lying still in death.

Layered over the moans of the dying were the clangs of battle. Racing forward, Hiei tried to discern what was going on. He saw men he had trained and worked with fighting men, who had been loyal to Mukuro. His men were losing badly, not for lack of skill but lack of numbers.

Finding one of his soldiers lying injured on the ground but still conscious, he stopped and asked, "What is going on here?"

"Re-rebellion, my Lord," the soldier gritted through pain.


"You didn't stop them." With a sigh, the soldier died.

Hiei woke with a start. His heart raced as he tried to grab hold of the dregs of his dream. There was something there that he should remember, but the harder he tried, the thicker the mental fog seemed to become. He ran a hand down his face and got up. Sleep seemed impossible at the moment, so he decided to work out a little and try again later.

Time was passing slowly. It had been a week since the diminutive demon left, but it felt like several months to Yusuke. He trudged through each day, just going through the motions. Kurama had stayed for a few days, but even he had a life away from Yusuke.

"I half miss pacifier breath and his hokey assignments," the toushin grumbled. "Least then I had a distraction."

Everyday he took care of the essentials for the two territories and then did physical training until exhaustion took him. He barely ate and whenever he slept, it was fitful at best. His link to Hiei was there again, but as the days progressed, it became weaker – almost distant – as if the black-clad demon were trying to hide from his mate. Well, to a certain extent, he was hiding, but this was different. Yusuke could feel his mate's mental retreat from their bond. The hi-youkai did that only when something was bothering him.

"Gah!" Yusuke spat in disgust. He pushed away the papers he had been working on for an hour without accomplishing anything. Running a hand through his hair, he stood from his desk and dismissed the paperwork and other work matters and decided to kick ass – read train. "He better figure this out quickly," the Mazoku muttered as he left his office for the day.

Weeks passed and still the dreams were haunting the jaganshi. As time progressed, more and more of the anxiety from the dreams remained well after the adrenaline chased him into the waking world. He still couldn't remember all of the dreams, but the themes were the same. Failure. Or more precisely his fear of failure.

A few days after the first dreams, Hiei tried to check on Yusuke using the jagan, but the images were fuzzed. It was like trying to see through milky glass. Figuring he needed to rest the eye more, he waited another week before trying again. However the result was the same. What was more frustrating was that the dream anxiety made him need the clarity that much more.

Hiei closed his eyes. Fear was not something that would rule his actions. Taking a deep breath, he hi-youkai lay down once more for sleep, which quickly claimed him.

Blackness enveloped Hiei's body, but quickly turned to fog. He was sitting with his back against a rock and there was water nearby. He could hear it rushing against a cliff face. All eyes but the jagan were closed.

The mate bond had been distressing him. There was something wrong with Yusuke, but he needed to see what. Centering himself, he focused on his lover, but everything in the vision was hazy.

There was a room and a bed and Yusuke laying on it. Yusuke's arms and legs were spread wide leaving him vulnerable and open. Something unseen rippled across his nude body making him writhe and moan. His engorged manhood seeped pre-cum onto his stomach.

The unseen moved slowly over his torso pausing to pinch the pert little nipples, causing the mazoku to arch and groan. It moved down, over hard abdominals to hips and thighs, completely avoiding the one spot Yusuke wanted to be touched the most. The man panted and pushed into the touch trying to get relief.

On and on the stroking continued until Yusuke, whimpering with need, cried out, "Please, Hiei, I need you!"

Hiei reached out finding empty air. He opened his eyes and saw nothing but fog. Panting, he dropped his empty hand. He focused on his connection to Yusuke and still found the connection tenuous but agitated. The diminutive demon let go of his connection and closed his eyes again, allowing the sounds of rushing water wash his thoughts away.

It was then that he heard dark chuckling. He opened his eyes seeking the source of the laughter, but the fog caused muffling that made it sound like it came form everywhere at once. Using his other senses, the hi-youkai searched the enshrouded area. Nothing appeared and no ki registered with his senses, but the laughter continued.

Hiei stood quickly and donned a defensive posture. Resting his hand on the hilt of his sword, he called out, "Show yourself."

The fog swirled around the jaganshi in a dizzying pattern. Slowly, the mist formed a shadowy figure that approached the black-clad demon. As the figure coalesced, it said in a vaguely familiar voice, "So you noticed me?"

The image never cleared completely, but the sound was crystal. "Can you see me yet, I wonder." It pondered out loud. "No matter." It approached Hiei and disappeared just before reaching the jaganshi. "There is nothing you can do."

Hiei awoke with a start. The last words from the dream chasing the dream images of Yusuke's wanton display through his head. Echoing behind the taunt was Yusuke's strangled plea. With a muffled groan, Hiei got up and left his sanctuary.

Jaw clenched and hands fisted, Yusuke paced his compound. He couldn't sit still anymore. "Two months," he growled. "Two months and no word." He started another circuit of the compound. "Fuck it," he announced though no one was around to hear him.

The toushin stalked to his main advisors. He found them behind their desks hard at work. They had been very diligent with their office work recently, in the hopes of not being Yusuke's punching bags. "Hakushin," Yusuke started, ignoring the man's cringing. "I'm gonna go to ningenkai for a while." He paused and waited for indication that the man was listening. "Don't know how long I'll be," he continued, "but you can send an imp if you need me." He turned and walked to the door. Looking back over his shoulder he added, "Don't need me."

Kurama opened the door. "Hello, Yusuke, it's been a while."

The mazoku nodded and tilted his head asking for admittance to the fox's home. What he'd come here for, he didn't particularly wish to share with the street.

"Come in." The redhead gestured toward the living room. Waiting for his guest to situate himself on the couch, Kurama asked if he wanted anything to drink, before retrieving two sodas and joining the man in the living room.

"Thanks, man," Yusuke replied when he got his drink. He remained silent while he opened his drink and took a few sips, stealing himself for the discussion to come.

"Yusuke," Kurama started. "How is Hiei?" The fox figured that the hybrid was the subject on his companion's mind judging by his stiff demeanor.

The toushin ground his teeth and put his drink on the coffee table to keep from crushing it in his hands. He gusted out a sigh before he answered quietly, "How should I know?" Brown eyes met green. "He hasn't gotten back yet, and he has me blocked."

"Blocked?" This surprised Kurama, knowing the difficulty separation of any kind could cause a mate.

"Yeah, he blocks our bond when he is trying to figure something out." Another sigh followed. "But its different this time," he admitted, then paused trying to determine just how much of this he wanted to share.

"Different how, Yusuke?" Kurama prompted, when the pause didn't break.

Fuck it, he thought. Out loud he responded, "The time, the dreams, the frustration…everything really."

"Woah, back up. I take it, you mean the length of time for this separation is longer than usual, which makes it different." The brunette nodded. "OK. What do you mean, 'dreams'?"

Yusuke bit his lip and blushed slightly. "Alright." He took a deep breath and took the plunge. "I've been having these dreams recently that involve sex—"

"That is understandable, given the circumstances," Kurama interjected.

"But I don't think Hiei is involved," the former human finished. Kurama cocked an eyebrow. "I don't know who it is, but it doesn't feel like Hiei." Yusuke defended.

"How so?" The kitsune was intrigued.

"Well, uh," the former detective hedged slightly. He didn't mind discussing sex, but he had not discussed sexual matters with anyone but Hiei since they became mated. Finally, he got over himself enough to respond completely. "The touch is everywhere at once. Not that I mind or anything, but Hiei's reach isn't enough for that." The man was comforted to see the nod indicating Kurama needed no further explanation.

"All right, Yusuke, what did you mean by 'frustration'? Do you mean annoyance or something else?"

Yusuke smirked. "Something else," he replied just as vaguely with a hint of sarcasm.

The redhead chuckled. "Well, I could help you with that if you like."

The inviting smile that accompanied that offer had Yusuke suppressing a whimper. It had been so long. "Would that I could, fox, but I am mated to Hiei."

"To demons, mating and promiscuity are not mutually exclusive." Mistaking Yusuke's look of consternation for one of confusion, he clarified, "just because you are mated to Hiei does not mean you cannot seek relief from someone else when your partner is not around."

"If only, fox, but it won't work." Again Kurama quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "I need his ki to obtain release. Without it, I'm shit out of luck."

"You submitted to him?" Emerald eyes watched as brown eyes slowly closed and the brunette head bowed. "Well, I knew it was a one way bond, but I didn't realize you had given him that much power over you." Shaking his head sharply to clear those thoughts, he added, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure, but I'll start with finding him."

Not needing clarification on that, Kurama promised, "If I see him before you do, I will let you know where to find him."

"Thanks, man, for everything." The mazoku rose with a self-deprecating smile and left to look for his mate.

A low growl escaped Hiei's throat. Once again the dream of Yusuke begging for release haunted his sleep and once again, he was chased from sleep by the taunting laughter of that eerily familiar voice.

No more, he thought.

As he got him and prepared for the day, he heard the dream voice clearly respond, "More than you think."

"What?" Hiei growled.

"You heard me."

"Who are you?" The diminutive demon drew his katana, ready to face any enemy.

"Oh come now, have you forgotten me already? My corporeal brother set you into my tender care." Even though Hiei couldn't see the barer of the voice, he had the feeling that the man was licking his lips as if satisfied by a delectable feast. "So much repressed fear." There was the impression of a smile. "Honestly, Phobos let you go too quickly. There is still so much left to take from you."

"Diemos," the jaganshi spat.

Laughter was his response.

Hiei glared at nothing in particular and aimed his next comment at the disembodied voice. "Leave me alone."

"Okay," the voice readily complied. Only silence followed.

The hi-youkai gathered his cloak, sheathed his sword, and flitted from the cave toward the city. The fox was older than he; maybe he'd come across something like this before. He didn't trust the voice's word that it would leave him be.

Within moments, he reached his quarry's home in the city. He jumped up to a branch of the tree by the redhead's bedroom window and entered the house through the perpetually unlocked portal.

Reaching out, he felt Kurama's ki in the garden behind the house. The man was alone with his roses. As soon as he entered the verdant sanctuary, the plant manipulator addressed him, "Welcome, Hiei. It has been a while."


Kurama smiled at the demon's trademark response. "I was wondering when you would show up here." He pruned the bush before him, still not looking at his visitor, so he missed the raised eyebrow. "He misses you; you know." Finally, he turned to look his guest in the eye.

"I can't yet, fox."

"You look tired."

"More than you know."

The kitsune cocked his head in question. "What do you know of Phobos and Diemos?" Hiei asked.

"The brothers of fear? Phobos was the one who held you captive; wasn't he?"

Hiei nodded. "Fear, huh? What else?"

"Well, they were once worshiped as gods by the Greeks. They were supposedly the sons of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Ares, the God of war. They would accompany Ares to war and people going into battle would make sacrifices to the people entering the battle to incite fear in their enemies. Phobos is the personification of fear and Diemos, dread. It is also said that because they are the sons of Aphrodite, their forms of fear are derived from love, because without love there can be no loss thus nothing to fear."

There was a pregnant pause. Finally, "What about dreams?"

"What about them?" Kurama was suddenly very cautious.

"Do either of them have the power to manipulate dreams?"

"Not that I have heard, but my knowledge of them comes from human mythology, not personal experience." Kurama paused before asking the tricky question. "Have you been having dreams about them?"

Hiei shook his head, "Not them." With a weary sigh that oddly mimicked his mate's from earlier, he elaborated, "I've been dreaming of Yusuke."

"And this surprises you," Kurama interrupted dryly.

Hiei glared at him and the fox held his hands up in surrender. "The dreams are sexual," he paused to see if the redhead would interrupt again, then continued when he didn't. "But I'm not in them."

Kurama's brow furrowed, but he didn't comment.

"When the dreams end, I hear Diemos' taunting in my head."

"You are sure it was him?" Not waiting for a response, figuring the demon wouldn't have named him if he weren't sure. "Hm. Is this why you are tired?"

Hiei inclined his head slightly.

"Give me a moment," Kurama requested and went off to the kitchen.

Hiei waited in the living room, contemplating the information that Kurama had given him. The fear parts fit, but what about the dreams?

Soon, Kurama returned with a cup of oddly smelling tea. "Drink this, and it should block them from your dreams. You can sleep in one of the spare rooms upstairs." Hiei hedged. "You need sleep to figure this out, and I can protect you here."

"Hn." Hiei took the tea and drank it like medicine then followed the fox up the stairs to the spare room. It was a measure of his exhaustion that he didn't notice the gleam in Kurama's eyes or the sneaky grin cross his lips. The hybrid just lay down on the bed and let sleep take him.

Kurama searched the city for Yusuke's ki signature. Finding it near Keiko's noodle shop, he called the girl.

"Hello Keiko. Is Yusuke there with you?" Already knowing the answer.

"Eating like a pig as we speak." She replied blithely.

The half-human chuckled. "May I speak with him please? Tell him I have found what he was looking for."

"If you want to talk to the mope, more power to you." She handed the phone to Yusuke without explanation. "It's for you."

Puzzled, he took the phone. "Hello?"

"He is sleeping in my spare room. He'll be out for a couple hours."

A feral grin broke across the mazoku's face. He jumped up from the table and bolted.

"Hey! You still owe for the noodles!" Keiko called after him.

"I'll get you later," Yusuke called back.

"Heh, some things never change." The woman returned to work.

Yusuke arrived, breathless, shortly after the call. "Where is he?" He anxiously queried as soon as the door opened.

Kurama laughed quietly and motioned for the brunette to follow him. "I gave him a sedative tea to help him sleep." He stopped outside a closed door, "He has been sleep deprived, so let him rest. I'm going to go stay with my mother. Call me when you are…able." He smiled. "We have things to take care of after."

"Wait," Yusuke grabbed Kurama's tunic sleeve. "Why was he sleep deprived?"

"That's part of what we need to discuss." The smile slipped. "Let's just say, he has been having your dreams, and you were right. It wasn't him with you in them."


Kurama placed his hand over Yusuke's mouth. "Later. Let him sleep as long as he can then claim him, as you should have before." A pained look crossed Yusuke's face. "It is what he needs more than anything else right now."

Yusuke nodded his acceptance. Kurama left.

Hiei slowly became aware of his surroundings. The fox was right; there had been no dreams this time. Slowly, it dawned on him that he was cooler than he should be and his hands were numb. What did you do, fox?

Suddenly, there was a voice from beside his head. "No use pretending to sleep Hiei, I know you better than that."

Hiei tensed at the unexpected noise until the voice registered with his overtaxed brain. "Yusuke," he whispered as he attempted to move one of those circulation-challenged appendages toward the detective.

Something tugged on his wrist, making a creaking sound. What the hell? The hybrid's eyes flew open, and he tugged futilely at his arms. Glancing up he saw that his arms were secured to the metal bedposts by leather restraints. A growl escaped his lips as he noticed that his legs were also bound to the bed with leather straps. He was trapped. He struggled, pulling against the restraints. His breathing ragged, he bucked against the bed trying to break free.

"Shh, Hiei. You're okay. Please, stop fighting. I don't want you hurt, and I really don't think Kurama would appreciate you breaking his bed." Yusuke babble, trying to make a joke with the last comment. He licked his lips nervously and placed his right hand on his mate's stomach.

Finally, Yusuke's inane chatter broke through Hiei's instincts to break free. He wasn't back in Phobo's dungeon. His mate was here. Everything was still a bit confusing to he demonic senses (like why his submissive mate had him tied up), but he knew, at least intellectually, that the mazoku wouldn't hurt him.

"Untie me, detective." The order explicit in his tone.

Yusuke automatically reached to release the restraints, but stopped short of their goal. He clenched his teeth against the compulsion, and his hand shook as it fought against his will to follow the command. Finally, out of breath, Yusuke managed to whisper, "No."

Hiei's eye's narrowed in challenge, and the brunette closed his eyes and pleaded quietly, "Don't fight, Hiei. I need this."

Crimson eyes bore into the toushin's lowered head for several moments. Something he saw there satisfied him, so Hiei replied, "Hn."

The detective let out a sigh of relief and finally looked at his mate again. Thank you, he whispered in his head to whatever deity was listening.

Yusuke grazed his palm up from where it still rested on his mate's stomach, over his chest, feeling Hiei's pebbled nipples pass under callused fingertips. He trailed the hand up until it glided over his prone lover's shoulder and cupped the side of his neck. Pulling on the column gently, the mazoku met the hybrid's lips with his own. He devoured his lover's lips in a scorching kiss that elicited a moan from each of them.

Yusuke quickly licked across Hiei's lips seeking entrance. The barrier instantly parted, allowing access to the seeking appendage inside, eager to please.

Yusuke groaned as the hi-youkai's tongue massaged his own. Not wanting to give the demon too much control, he pushed Hiei's head to the side and trailed nipping kisses along the tied man's jaw to his ear. He tongued and sucked the man's lobe until Hiei was panting. He then moved down the hybrid's neck and shoulder, licking a few times over the juncture between the two.

The mazoku continued his ministrations down the hi-youkai's body, pausing at the nipples. Grazing his teeth over the tiny nubs, he relished the hiss he elicited before he soothed it with his lips and tongue. He attended each equally while fondling the other with his fingertips.

With one last lick to Hiei's nipples, Yusuke trailed his hands down the sides of the other's ribcage, dragging his nails along the skin to get his partner's attention. He waited patiently for Hiei to focus on his face, while he blew warm air softly across the man's skin, making it hypersensitive.

Finally, Yusuke had Hiei's attention. "Mine," he growled, just before taking the jaganshi's shaft into his mouth. He swallowed all the way until his nose was buried in the course hair on Hiei's body.

"Ah," Hiei grunted, finally making some noise. Yusuke smiled around the thickness in his mouth. Finally, that control was breaking.

Yusuke hummed, sending vibrations straight to Hiei's core. His hips bucked, and Yusuke heard the leather wrist restraints strain against the demon's pull. Yusuke chuckled causing a different kind of vibration to make his mate groan in need.

The mazoku pulled his mouth up so he could suck on the tip only. He flicked his tongue back and forth over the slit that was dripping pre-cum.

The jaganshi's breathing sped up as he planted his feet on the bed and pushed his hips up trying to get more of his dick into that hot cavern. He heard the toushin chuckle again at his efforts, to which he growled in response. That is, until Yusuke slipped three fingers into his mouth. Convenient gag those made.

Taking the hind, Hiei licked and sucked the digits in his mouth until Yusuke pulled them out with an audible pop. Shortly following that, he felt one of those digits at his hole. Squirming a little to get comfortable, he relaxed to let in the first finger.

Fuck that's tight Yusuke thought. Having never been on the giving end, he was suddenly afraid of hurting the smaller man. He wiggled his finger in the tight heat, and relaxed when he felt Hiei push onto his finger more.

Slowly, Yusuke added the second finger and scissored them, trying to expand the hole. He pushed them in and twisted while scissoring until he heard Hiei whimper. So out of form was that sound for the hybrid that the detective stopped cold and looked up at Hiei's face in concern.

The look he found there – jaw slack, eyes rolled back, row furrowed – combine with the desperate jacking of Hiei's hips to reassure him. He twisted his fingers again, suddenly sure that he know the cause of those sounds now. He was soon rewarded with another whine and his partner trying to fuck himself on Yusuke's fingers.

The mazoku was enjoying the view of Hiei in a wanton frenzy, but soon the hole loosened enough to allow the third finger. As he slipped it inside, he took Hiei's entire shaft into his mouth again and swallowed him to the hilt.

The lazy circles he traced with his tongue on the vein pulsing along the underside of Hiei's shaft and the amazing suction of that mouth totally distracted the bound demon from the sting of the increased invasion. He had no coherent thoughts anymore. He was pure feeling, bound to this earth by a hot mouth and three fingers. His whole body was shaking in an effort to stave off ending this sweet torture, but the assault was too much for his sex-deprived body. He came screaming Yusuke's name.

Yusuke continued to suck and lick until Hiei was clean. He then got up, removing his fingers gently from his mate's stretched hole. Hiei's whimper at the loss caused him to smile as he disrobed and grabbed the tube of lube on the bedside table.

He slicked himself up, undid the leg restraints and pressed Hiei's legs upward until his knees rested on his chest. Yusuke lined up the thick head of his prick with the tight, puckered entrance and pushed forward, seating himself in Hiei's ass completely in one stroke. His mate's hiss of pain made him stop cold again.

Panicking he asked, "You okay?" Concern laced his voice as he started pulling out.

"You pull out now, and I'll gut you, detective," Hiei snarled.

Yusuke shivered as the command tone registered with his subjugated instincts. He nodded once, acknowledging the order and did not move again until Hiei rocked his hips against Yusuke, forcing a groan from the toushin's lips.

The brunette pulled out slowly and just as slowly pushed back in. "Fuck, you're tight."

"Shut it and fuck me," the jaganshi ordered.

Again a shiver passed through Yusuke right before he complied. He pulled almost completely out and slammed back into his lover's body, forcing air out of Hiei's lungs with the impact. With each new stroke, he minutely adjusted his angle until Hiei cried out. Seeing his over cross-eyed had the mazoku grinning. He pounded into his mate, slamming into his prostate with every stroke.

Hiei heard screaming, but he couldn't register where it was coming from. He tried to pull his hands down, but they still wouldn't cooperate. The pleasure was bordering on pain and he wasn't sure what he would do with is hands if they were freed, whether he would try to stop the torment or pull his tormentor closer. He whipped his head side to side trying to free himself, while his legs slipped from Yusuke's shoulders and wrapped around the toushin's back.

When a hand closed tightly around his hard, dripping cock and began tugging, the screaming stopped. The voice that had been screaming – Hiei could only guess it was his – started incoherently begging.

"Please…" the whine reached Yusuke's ears when he started pumping Hiei's shaft. The mazoku wanted his own release. When he heard the begging start, a baser instinct took over.

He pressed closer to his lover, still pounding away at the stretched hole. Long hair fell across Hiei's features as the toushin rested his head by his mate's ear. "Mine!" he growled again just before his elongated teeth sunk into the crook between shoulder and neck.

Hiei let out a silent scream as pain flooded him instantly replaced by even greater pleasure than before as a familiar ki entwined with his. He came so hard, the world disappeared in a field of white.

Yusuke grunted as Hiei's ass clenched hard around his dick. He came crying out his mate's name with the hi-youkai's blood staining his lips. He somehow managed not to fall on top of the diminutive demon, who was oblivious to his surroundings. The mazoku pulled out and lay next to his mate gently licking his mark to stop the bleeding.

Hiei languidly opened his eyes but had trouble focusing for a few moments. He felt Yusuke's breath on his cheek, just before the man whispered, "I will not be denied again."

"Hn." Hiei turned his head to look at the man who'd just fucked him unconscious. The sight of his lover with all his mazoku markings present on his face greeted him. He instantly knew that the man would only submit now by choice. So instead of making the next and order, he requested, "Can I have my hands back, now?"

"Oh shit, I forgot." Blushing slightly, Yusuke unbound the jaganshi's wrists. "Sorry about that."

Ignoring the apology, Hiei sat up and rubbed his wrists, returning circulation to the numbed appendages. He grabbed his clothes from a chair where someone had placed them after he'd passed out. He was going to have a word with Kurama about this.

"What are you doing, Hiei?" Yusuke tried for casual as he asked, but wasn't sure he succeeded.

"I still have to take care of a few things. You should return to Tourin. I'll be there when I'm done."

"Fuck that, Hiei!" Yusuke's patience burst. "You left me two months ago, needing to fix things. From what I've seen, you haven't succeeded."

Hiei narrowed his eyes at the outburst.

"Don't glare at me," the brunette sneered. "You need help, and you're gonna get it even if I have to tie you up again to make you stay with me."

Having decided to seek Kurama's assistance earlier, Hiei figured he couldn't argue with that logic. Although, "if you think you're going to tie me up again, I suggest you think again," he warned.

Yusuke's jaw clenched along with his fists as Hiei continued getting dressed. He was seething by the time Hiei reached the door and turned toward him. "You coming like that?" Hiei asked with a brow raised.

The comment took him so by surprise that he could only blink and stare for a moment. Finally he regained enough composure to answer, "I'm coming." He grabbed his clothes and started pulling them on while following Hiei to the living room.

Hiei paused looking around the place. "Where's the fox?"

"Heh, at his mother's." Yusuke answered. "He didn't want to listen unless he could play too."

The jaganshi shook his head and headed for the door.

"Where are you going now?" Yusuke shot out.

"To Shiori's house. We have to talk to Kurama about the next step."

Yusuke held up a cordless phone from the kitchen. "I doubt Kurama wants his mom involved in demon matters. Besides, he told me to call when we were ready to talk." Yusuke dialed the number written on the back of the phone.

It rang twice before a man's voice that he didn't recognize answered, "Hello?"

"Uh, is K-Shuuichi Minamino there?"

"May I ask who is calling?"

"Oh right, sorry. Yusuke." Yusuke rubbed a hand over the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. Manners had never been his strong suit when he was human, being a demon hadn't helped any.

"One moment, please." There was some muffled noise and then a distant voice calling for Shuuichi.

A minute later, Kurama's voice sailed over the line. "That was quicker than I expected," he said with a smile in his voice.

"Hush you." Yusuke retorted. "Could you come home? Hiei is ready to leave."

Concern colored his voice, "I didn't think you would be that bad, Yusuke."

"Ha, ha, very funny. Now please." He hung up before the kitsune could make any more degrading comments on his sexual prowess. Just because the fox was a sex god, didn't mean others couldn't get the job done.

The two demons sat on the sofa to wait for their host to arrive. They remained silent until they heard a key turn in the front door and footsteps signaling the redhead's arrival.

Kurama went straight to the kitchen and the other two followed. As he set about making tea, the plans started.

"Who are we after?" Yusuke asked cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

Kurama glanced at Hiei. When the jaganshi nodded, Kurama answered. "Phobos and Diemos."

"Wait. You mean the dick, who captured Hiei in the first place? That Phobos?" Anger had his voice dropping to a growl. When Kurama nodded, Yusuke snarled, "You wouldn't let me kill him before. What's changed?"

"I still don't think we should kill them," the redhead's voice remained calm.


"Let him speak, detective."

Yusuke clenched his fists and brought them to his forehead, shaking in the effort to reign in his temper. He closed his eyes and counted to ten. "You're right," he breathed.

The mates looked to Kurama as one and waited for his plan. He poured the tea, stalling for a moment. "First, so we are all on the same page, what have you two discussed on this subject?"

"Nothing," Yusuke answered.

Tongue in cheek, Kurama contemplated a starting point for a moment as he passed out the tea. Noting Hiei's skeptical expression toward the tea, he laughed. "It's just green tea," he assured the demon. He understood the demon's misgivings since the last time he drank tea, he'd awoken naked and tied spread-eagle to a bed. Hiei sniffed it suspiciously before sipping it.

"The two of you seem to be sharing the same dreams," Kurama finally started. "You've both been having dreams where Yusuke is in a sexual situation that Hiei is not participating in." The men nodded, both a little surprised that the other was sharing his misery.

"Yusuke, Hiei told me that Diemos, Phobos' brother, is the phantom lover in your dreams. Diemos has talked to him after the dreams, taunting him with losing you.

"Now, as I told Hiei before, Phobos plays on fear and Diemos on dread."

"What's the difference?" Yusuke interrupted.

Kurama took a deep breath trying to determine the best way to describe it. "They are, or were, worshiped as gods of fear by the ancient Greeks. Phobos brings about present fear, like the panic felt when something is going terribly wrong right now. Diemos, on the other hand, brings about a kind of fear that grows over time because its cause hasn't happened yet, like what those dreams were doing to Hiei." Said demon looked ready to protest when Kurama held up a hand to forestall him. "That's why you kept waking up.

"Anyway, there is no history that indicates they have any control over dreams. I checked my mythology books while I was at my mother's house. The best I can guess is that Diemos entered your dreams the same way Phobos did when you were his prisoner."

"Diemos mentioned that Phobos introduced him to my dreams, but I when I mistook Phobos for Diemos when I was released, he seemed just as confused as I was."

Kurama thought about that for a moment. "Maybe Phobos made you face your fears and while he did, Diemos attached himself to your psyche and stayed with you until now. His brand of fear is longer lived than his brother's. And since the initial panic inducer was a vision, it follows that the current ones would take on the same qualities."

"But how did he effect my dreams?" Yusuke questioned. "I mean, I was never under either demon's influence."

Kurama pointed at the ward wrapped around Hiei's forehead. "I think that was an unintentional side effect to being Hiei's mate. Remember how you felt what he felt when he was captured?" Yusuke nodded. "I think this was the same. Every time you were both asleep, you shared the same dream. Most mated pairs don't share feelings like that, but because of the jagan, Hiei subconsciously projected all that to you and he can sense the same from you.

"Okay, so what do we do now?" The detective queried.

"We talk to Phobos and find out how he affected the original visions. Then we see if there is a way to stop them from continuing."

Kurama and Yusuke turned toward the door at the sound of someone clearing his throat. Hiei leaned against the doorframe sliding his katana sheath into his belts. Yusuke smirked and went to his mate's side with the fox following.

Two days later, the three companions arrived outside Phobos' compound having traveled the same path Kurama and Yusuke took to rescue Hiei. A small shudder passed over Hiei at the thought of returning here so soon after swearing to himself not to return. However, he didn't stop as they approached the entrance.

They entered without preamble, walking straight down the deserted corridors that led to Phobos' inner sanctum. The door to his office was open, but the dungeon door was blessedly closed. Hiei had no desire to see the torment Mukuro was facing in there.

"To what do I owe the displeasure?" A raspy voice sounded from the shadows beside an open window. Fiery eyes glowed from the artificial darkness created by the gathered curtains.

"It was supposed to be over, you bastard," the toushin spat.

"Am I supposed to know about what you are referring?" The voice asked dryly.

"The dreams, you pompous ass." Yusuke voiced the rage that boiled inside.

Kurama placed a restraining hand on Yusuke's chest at the same time Hiei warned, "Detective, calm yourself." With a sneer, Phobos stepped from the shadows. "You should listen to your friends. I don't know anything about dreams. They are not of my domain. If you have problems with your dreams, perhaps you should talk to the Oneroi, if you can find them. Although from your insolence, I gather these dreams are not all fluffy bunnies and rainbows, so perhaps a Skotos is more what you seek."

"Stop fucking with us," Yusuke growled.

"Yusuke, stop or leave." Hiei ordered. Yusuke raised his hands in surrender. He really wasn't who was needed for finding information. His methods usually ran more toward beating the shit out of someone and asking questions if he survived.

Hiei turned back to Phobos. "How did you create my visions?"

"Trade secret." The jaganshi drew his katana and had it at Phobos' throat before the fear god could blink.

"Way to keep your cool, Hiei." Yusuke taunted with a snide look on his face.

"Was there a point to this meeting or am I to be subject to your lovers' quarrel?" Phobos asked sarcastically. Hiei's response was to growl and press the blade into the demon-god's throat. A small trickle of blood trailed along the blade.

Phobo's looked to the only remaining "guest" who had yet to threaten, insult, or injure him. "What about you?"

"We want information to stop your brother."

"Which brother? I have so many."

"Your twin," Kurama answered, unperturbed by the man's smart remarks. "He is invading my friends' dreams and they are a bit cranky without sleep. As you can tell."

The former god shrugged. "As I told him," indicating Yusuke. "I have no control over dreams and neither do my siblings."

Kurama shook his head. "Maybe 'dream' is the wrong word for it. They mimic the visions you visited upon Hiei while he was your captive."

Phobos tried to nod, but was stopped by the sharp, pointy object pressing on his trachea. He looked at the diminutive demon as much as he could without moving his head and wryly commented, "Since you need my help, I don't see you killing me right this moment. And unless you plan to kill me, there is no need for you to keep that sword at my throat. So if you don't mind…"

Hiei lowered his weapon, but kept it ready.

Phobos walked over and sat behind his desk. He pulled a handkerchief from a desk drawer and dabbed at the cut on his throat.

"Will you tell us how you created the visions?"

"No. It is a secret that only my brother and I know."

"Will you at least stop what has been started?" Kurama was hoping not to have to fight this man and his mysterious brother. Not only could they be useful allies, but also were likely more powerful than the three of them combined.

Phobos closed his eyes and breathed deeply. When he opened his eyes, he evaluated the men before him. The redhead was called Kurama, if he remembered correctly. He was the intellectual of the group, but he wasn't connected to the other two they way they connected with each other. He was cold and detached, but polite and articulate. There was no panic in him; nothing that could be rattled at the moment.

The brunette, the others had named Yusuke. He was fiery and fierce. There was rage in him, but not all his own. He raged for his mate, who was unlikely to show anger outwardly, if he was capable of the feat at all. This Yusuke had almost no fear in him whatsoever. So much courage that it bordered on stupidity, but he wasn't stupid – impulsive but not stupid.

Then came his former toy, the brunette's mate. Cold, calculating eyes – he wanted revenge, but was willing to forgo it to protect. Protect what though?

He thought back to the visions he had been able to see when this man was his prisoner. He had feared not being able to save the redhead, then some carrot-top human and an aqua-haired girl. After that the visions were blocked – presumably by Diemos.

When he finished his judgment, he spoke, "Why do you protect them?"

Hiei cocked his head to the side, not understanding whom the fear god meant, or why he was addressing Hiei at all.

"In the visions, your pain came from not protecting. Why?" Phobos clarified. He rose from his chair and approached the hi-youkai. "Answer that question truthfully, and I will stop Diemos for you and leave you be, if that is your wish."

"Why?" Hiei asked. "Why would you promise that?"

"You really shouldn't answer a question with a question," Phobos admonished. However, he sighed and answered anyway. "Because my mother's compassion is as much a part of me as my father's brutality. Because I am not totally heartless." He paused for a moment. "And because I understand loyalty. The whole of my existence has been responding to the prayers of those who would rather people fear something baseless than to face their own fears to solve problems. You and your friends are different. You are here facing me, when you have every reason to hate me, to fear me, so that you can have your life back. He," pointing to Yusuke, "would willingly sacrifice his life for you or someone you chose, purely because he trusts you to get it right. And this man," indicating Kurama, "is here to back you and your mate in your fight against me, even though he does not share your connection. That kind of loyalty is once in a lifetime quality, and the sight alone is worth the price I offer. This should never have happened to you."

Hiei thought about the question. Why did he protect these people? He understood Yusuke. The man was his mate and his responsibility, but there was more that that, which he could admit, at least to himself.

His sister was another obvious choice to protect. She was his only family still living. She didn't see him as an abomination even though she had no idea who he really was. Not to mention, she was rather defenseless and too kind for her own good.

Kurama was his first real friend. The first person to win his trust, and the only person to regain his trust after betraying him. Looking back, the fox's actions then weren't really a betrayal at all, just a parting of minds that led to his working with Yusuke.

The moronic, carrot-top that Phobos mentioned, well, he made Yukina happy. So long as he did, Hiei would fight to protect him for her. And maybe, he wasn't such a bad guy, when push came to shove, but the jaganshi had no intention of ever admitting that aloud.

Overall these people, who he lost during those fateful visions, were the only people who ever mattered to him. They were his friends, but to the forbidden orphan, they were also family.

Hiei looked up at Phobos. Crimson orbs met flame and he whispered just loud enough for Phobos to hear, "They are all I have."

The fear god nodded. "Now you understand." He removed the ward covering the jagan and stared into it for a moment, but instead of him falling under its power, Hiei fell to his knees, crying out. His crimson eyes screwed tightly closed, while the jagan glowed a brilliant violet.

Yusuke took one step toward his fallen lover, when the pain reached him through the bond, sending him to join his lover on the floor. Kurama caught him before he landed. Tears leaked from Yusuke's eyes, which were also closed tightly.

After a moment, the pain ceased and Hiei opened his eyes. He nodded toward his former captor, while trying to relearn how to breathe. Finally he managed, "I understand." When he had a little control of himself, he replaced the ward over his third eye and crawled to Yusuke, who was still wiping tears from his face. "Let's go." They helped each other stand.

The three left together. Phobos watched them go before turning to the other dark corner of his office. "It's done now."

"Aw, he was so much fun though." Diemos stepped from the shadows.

Phobos wore a kind of sad smile. "I know." He turned to his dungeon door. "But there are others." He walked in to where Mukuro was strapped to the stone slab as her successor had once been. "Some who are so much more deserving of our attentions." His smile turned cruel.

"So true," Diemos responded.

Mukuro screamed.

The group returned to Tourin and spent the night recovering. In the morning Kurama was awaiting the lovers before breakfast. "You all right now?"

Yusuke grinned, "More than."

Kurama chuckled at the innuendo. He turned to Hiei. "So you understand, now?"

Hiei nodded. Yusuke looked between them confused. Misinterpreting whom Kurama meant, he asked, "Why wouldn't he understand me?"

"Not you, Yusuke. Phobos."

Yusuke growled at the reminder of the previous day. He still wasn't thrilled with the idea that the man still lived.

Hiei placed a restraining hand on his mate. "He wasn't being malicious," he tried to explain. "He was teaching me."

"About what?"

"Loss," the jaganshi answered.


Kurama picked up the torch. "Even though his whole life has revolved around loss, Hiei has never understood loss because he never understood love. Am I right?"

"Hn." Not comfortable with the mushy direction this discussion was taking, he hoped his non-committal answer would end it quickly.

"What is Yukina then? What am I?" A little hurt that Hiei didn't recognize love.

Again the fox answered saving the jaganshi the trouble. "Just because he couldn't identify it didn't mean he didn't feel it. Phobos just showed him what he was feeling. He gave him a way to identify it by making him face losing it all."

"That's pretty twisted. There are easier ways to make someone understand." Yusuke was even more annoyed at Phobos now.

Hiei looked up at his mate and sighed. "That last vision he gave me, the one yesterday that finished it all, came with a message: 'Without love, there can be no loss.' Phobos reinforced the image with loss, because the fear of loss is the only emotion he can make others see. It is all he knows. I would have done similarly, if I had been in his place.

"Okay then," Yusuke said skeptically, "whatever you say." He suddenly grinned, "You guys hungry?" Without waiting for a response, he led the others to the kitchens for breakfast.