A/N: My first fic in a long time! I'm newly addicted to this and Suits my two guilty pleasures! So read and I hope you enjoy! Any mistakes are my own.

This is just a little drabble from the Teen Wolf Kink Meme.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or its characters in any way, this is purely fictional and for fun.

Derek made a low whining noise in the back of his throat as he looked at Scott curled up on the couch. The fight had been horrible with his uncle taking out the most important people in Scott's life, all but the exception of Stiles. He wasn't sure why his uncle had left him alive, but he knew the other teen was safe in his hospital room, hooked up to the many different monitoring machines.

Peter, he refused to call him uncle anymore, had thrown Stiles into a tree breaking a leg and an arm so severely surgery was required. The doctors had worked on Stiles for hours before releasing him into intensive care unit, putting him in a medicated coma for the time being. Scott had been devastated at the news and seemed to drift away. The hardest blow however was the death of his mother. Scott had gone crazy with rage when he saw the mutilated body of his mother. The howl he released was so filled with grief; Derek had felt his heart break into pieces, knowing exactly what the young were-teen was going through.

Now Scott just looked like another lost and confused teenager, yet all Derek wanted to do was pull him into his arms and hold him. Grabbing two glasses of water he set both down on the table in front of the couch Scott was sitting on, and sat next to the teen. For a few minutes all was quiet in the living room, yet Derek couldn't resist the other boy and pulled him into his arms.

Latching onto Derek, Scott buried his face into Derek's neck inhaling his scent and letting his tears flow. The tears were warm against Derek's skin and he could smell salt in the air. Soon little gasps followed as Scott's body began to shake from the force of his crying. As the wet patch on Derek's shirt began to grow, he pulled Scott as close as he could and began rocking the teen while trying to soothe him.

Falling into his instincts, Derek nuzzled Scott's neck and made soothing noises. It was a few minutes before Scott began to relax and his tears began to subside. Pulling away from Derek's neck, he gazed up into the dark eyes with gratefulness and thanks. Leaning in, he placed a light kiss on Derek's lips before jerking back in shock at his own actions. Squeezing his eyes closed tightly, Scott awaited the blow he was sure to come.

What Scott didn't expect was the arms wrapping around him, pulling him closer, and into a heartfelt kiss. Shocked, he opened his eyes and stared into Derek's green eyes. Staring back at him was passion, love, and a promise. No words needed to be said about the promise, as Scott knew that since Derek had come this far protecting him, he wasn't going to stop now or ever.

Pulling apart from the kiss, the two leaned in together resting foreheads against one another, panting just a bit. Giving a small smile, Derek pulled Scott close to him again and curled up on the couch draping the younger man's body with his own.

"It'll be rough and you'll never forget, but the pain does go away. Not soon, but it will. We're pack now and I will always be here when you need me. "