Lily POV

"Oh my god," I heard Rachel say behind me.

"It's pretty," I told my sister.

"If you like things that are old and falling apart I guess you might think that."

"It's our house now. We'll fix it up. In a few months you won't recognize the place," I told her happily.

"I sure hope so." She shuddered.

It had only been a month since our mom passed away and when we were sorting out her will we found this old place she'd left to us. It had been passed down to her when our grandfather Jesse had died, but she'd never told us about it. Now it belonged to us. After her funeral we had decided getting out of Colorado for a while would be nice. Seeing as we had nowhere better to go it seemed an old house in Bon Temps, Louisiana was as good a place as any.

And the lack of vampire in Bon Temps is a plus too. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against vampires and I'll even vote for vampire rights. I'm not one of those crazy religious people that would rather all vampires be wiped off the face of the planet. But, if they want to stay out of my life, well that's fine by me.

My twin sister Rachel loves vampires. Not that she's ever met one, but she loves the idea of living forever, seeing the world and being powerful, which is weird because she was never into fantasy books growing up. She used to tell me that they were all fake and nothing like that could ever exist. Obviously, she was wrong. I used to love reading things like that and I always wished things like fairies, witches, werewolves and vampires actually were real. And now that they are I'm scared to death of them, while my sister who never believed in them is the exact opposite.

"Nothing happens in Bon Temps, you know that right?" Rachel told me as she lugged in another box.

"So?" I asked as I looked around.

"You are so lame." She sighed, "You know I could really use some help with these boxes."

"Be there in a second," I told her.

I looked outside, we had already been here longer than I thought, the sun had just set and it was getting really dark out. Then I heard a creak. "Rachel?" No answer. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Another noise and then a man walked around out of our kitchen and into the foyer to face me.

"Hello," he said calmly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"I live here."

"No, we live here. This is our house."

"What's your name?" He asked.



"Compton," I said cautiously.

"Compton," I couldn't read his expression which was unusual. What was even more unusual was when I finally let my guard down to peer inside his mind I got a brick wall. Rachel and I were both telepaths, she was also a little clairvoyant. Telepathy wasn't an exact science but I'd never met someone I couldn't even get a flicker from. And then suddenly, like magic, I could hear him thinking about going to see a girl, and how he was worried about her. It was cloudy, a little like listening to the radio in between stations, but it was something.

"Who are you?" I asked finally.


I gasped. Just then I heard Rachel on the steps. "What is it? Is it a spider? A rat? Oh my gosh if this house has rats…" She walked in. "Who are you? Lily, who is he?"

"He's a vampire," I said. She gasped. "And he's a Compton."

Rachel stood there gawking at him. "Really?" She asked. "Like what is he? How many greats back is that?"

"You used to own this house?" I asked.

"Yes. I built it," He said.

"At least four," I told Rachel.


"I'm sorry I didn't realize Jesse had any heirs. I was told he was the end of his line."

"Jesse Compton was our grandfather. Our mom left us his house when she died."

"Ow!" I heard someone yell. "Fuck. Bill, can I come out now?"

"Yes, Jessica."

A girl that looked a little younger than us came around the corner. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I couldn't help it. That's so cool that you guys are related! I'm Jessica by the way."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"I love your hair," Rachel told her.

"Thanks! Whoa, you two are twins!"

"Yeah." Rachel laughed. "I'm Rachel and that stick in the mud is Lily."

"Thanks Rach for that wonderful introduction," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, do you want to go do something fun?" Jessica asked Rachel.

"There's fun to be had around here? Hell yes."

"I know this awesome vampire bar. It's pretty cool." Jessica stopped and turned to Bill, "Can I take her? Please? I'll introduce her to Pam and Eric."

"I think that's really up to her," Bill said.

"I'd love to go," Rachel said.

"Well what are we waiting for? I don't have all day," Jessica said. Rachel dug through a box and found something to wear then ran upstairs and changed. When she came back down she was wear a little black dress with silver fringe hanging from the neckline. Somehow she managed to pull anything off.

"Bye!" They waved on the way out the door.

Once they were gone everything was quiet and peaceful. I almost forgot Bill was there. When he spoke I jumped about a foot in the air. "You and your sister posses abilities don't you?" I hesitated. "Don't worry. No one is going to hurt you."

"Yes. We can both read minds and Rachel can occasionally see the future."

"My girlfriend, Sookie, is a telepath as well."

"Really? Besides Rachel I've never met another telepath," I had to admit I was a little excited.

"She works at a bar called Merlotte's, would you like to meet her?"

"Yes, of course."

"Are you ready to go now?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure!"

We were getting ready to leave. "Lily, I know you were able to read my mind."

I stopped moving. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't even know what you were yet."

"It's ok, but other vampires won't think so. I'll try to protect you from them."

"Thank you."

"Now, shall we go?"

Rachel POV

Jessica pulled up out front of a bar called Fangtasia. "Ready to go?" She asked.

"How do I look?" I asked. She leaned over fixed a smudge on my lipstick.

"Perfect. Now come on!" We walked in and through the main area to the back room. Jess knocked twice.

"Who is it?" A lady asked sounding very bored.

"It's Jessica and a friend."

There was a dramatic sigh. "Come on back." The door opened revealing a vampire.

"Rachel this is Pam. Pam this is Rachel Compton. She's related to Bill."

Pam raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. Eric will want to meet her." She led us back into an office, where a blonde vampire was sitting at a desk. "Eric, this is Rachel Compton. She's related to Bill," Pam said. She turned back to look at me "This is Eric Northman, sheriff of area 5."

He looked up and our eyes met and I was instantly drawn to him. He stood up and walked towards me. He was quite a bit taller than me and I had to look up to see him. He brushed one of my jet black curls behind my ear. He looked behind us at Pam and Jessica. "Leave us," he said. I heard the door open and close and then he was looking back at me again. "There's something special about you," Eric said. "You glow. It's…wonderful."

He leaned towards me and I rose up on my toes. I put one of my hands on his shoulder. When I looked into his eyes again, his expression was intense, almost threatening. For a moment, I thought he maybe he was angry, but before I could say anything he covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. I responded immediately, surprising myself, it wasn't every day I kissed someone I'd just met. A picture flashed through my mine and I pulled back quickly. "Someone's about to walk through that door," I told him.

"What?" He asked.

Just then Pam walked in. "You have a call."

"Tell whoever it is, it can wait till tomorrow," He said.

"It's the queen, but I'll go tell her."

"The queen?" I asked.

"We'll finish this later," Eric told me, suddenly distracted.

"Tomorrow?" I suggested.

"I'll pick you up."

He and Pam left. I walked out to the main room and found Jessica who was dancing. "Hey!" She said. I walked over. "What just happened in there?" She asked.

"I have no idea. But I think I'm going on a date with Eric Northman."


Bill and I walked into Merlotte's and got a table from a sour looking redhead whose name tag read Arlene. "I'll go get Sookie."

"That would be nice, thank you," Bill said.

A blonde walked over. "Hi, Bill. Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Lily Compton; she's one of my descendants. She also has a twin sister Rachel who Jessica has dragged off to Shreveport for the night. Lily, this is Sookie."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

I'm a telepath like you. I said letting my guard down so she could read my thoughts. She jumped.

Oh my goodness! I've only ever met one other person like me…is your sister?

Yes and Rachel can tell the future sometimes too. Besides each other we've never met any other telepath's either. I told her.

This is just wonderful!

Bill cleared his throat. "Sorry," Sookie and I said in unison.

"That's quite alright but we don't want people to wonder. Sookie if you don't mind I'd like a Tru Blood O neg please."

"Coming right up. Anything for you Lily?"

I scanned the menu quickly. "I'll take a cheeseburger and a coke."

"Ok. It'll be out as soon as possible." She walked off towards the kitchen.

"She seems nice," I told Bill.

"I'm glad you like her."

She brought my burger out and our drinks. "Hey, Sookie, I was wondering, are there any open waitressing spots? My sister and I could use a job."

"If you stay after closing I'll introducing to the guy who owns the place, Sam. I'm sure he can work something out."



An hour or so later everyone had finally gone left. I had just finished up my piece of peanut butter pie and was chatting with Bill and vampire politics. I found it weird that vampires had kings and queens but it made sense I guess. They were all so organized and official; at least the ones on TV seemed to be.

"Lily, you ready?" Sookie asked. I nodded and got up.

"I'll wait here," Bill said.

I followed Sookie towards Sam's office. "Hey Sam, this was the girl I was telling you about. The one that's looking for a job."

"Oh nice to meet you, I'm Sam Merlotte," he said. He shook my hand. Sookie ducked back out to the dining room.

"I'm Lily Compton."

"You aren't related to Bill are you?"

"Actually, yes."

"Well that's something. Are you living at the old Compton place?" He asked.

"Yep, Rachel and I."

"Well, Sookie tells me you're looking for a job. I think we could probably start you two tomorrow at the lunch shift."

"That'd be great," I said happily.

"Sookie will be working then so she can show you the ropes. I'll work out a schedule for you by then."

"Alright. See you tomorrow."

"Take care."

I went back out to where Sookie and Bill were talking. "Rachel and I start tomorrow at Lunch."

"That's great. I can stop by and pick you two up if you want," Sookie suggested.

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"It's no problem. I'll give you a call before I come by."

"Sounds perfect. See you then."